Why Won't Trump Call Out Radical White Terrorism?


Gold Member
Jun 25, 2016
Trolling/No Content

On November 15, 2015, as the world grappled with the horrors of a multipronged ISIS attack in Paris, Donald Trump, who was then an improbable but officially declared candidate for the presidency, tweeted, “When will President Obama issue the words RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM? He can’t say it, and unless he will, the problem will not be solved!”

I raise the subject of this tweet, and the sentiment that motivated it, in light of President Trump’s remarkable reaction to the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, this weekend. “We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides,” he said. Trump, when presented with the chance to denounce, in plain, direct language, individuals who could fairly be described as “white supremacist terrorists,” or with some other equivalent formulation, instead resorted to euphemism and moral equivalence.

Trump’s position on the matter of President Obama’s anti-terrorism rhetoric did not place him outside the Republican mainstream. Obama’s critics argued throughout his presidency that his unwillingness to embrace the incantatory rhetoric of civilizational struggle—his reluctance to cast such groups as al-Qaeda and ISIS as vanguards of an all-encompassing ideological and theological challenge to the West—meant that, at the very least, he misunderstood the nature of the threat, or, more malignantly, that he understood the nature of the threat but was, through omission, declaring a kind of neutrality in the conflict between the United States and its principal adversary.

It is true that Obama calibrated his rhetoric on the subject of terrorism to a degree even his closest advisers sometimes found frustrating. They hoped that, on occasion, he would at least acknowledge the legitimacy of Americans’ fears about Islamist terrorism before proceeding to explain those fears away. But Obama had a plausible rationale for avoiding the sort of language his eventual successor demanded that he deploy. He believed that any sort of rhetorical overreaction to the threat of Islamist terrorism by an American president would create panic, and would also spark a xenophobic response that would do damage to America’s image, and to Americans Muslims themselves.


But the issue here is substantially larger than mere hypocrisy. Obama carefully measured his rhetoric in the war against Islamist terrorism because he hoped to avoid inserting the U.S. into the middle of an internecine struggle consuming another civilization. But the struggle in Charlottesville is a struggle within our own civilization, within Trump’s own civilization. It is precisely at moments like this that an American president should speak up directly on behalf of the American creed, on behalf of Americans who reject tribalism and seek pluralism, on behalf of the idea that blood-and-soil nationalism is antithetical to the American idea itself. Trump’s refusal to call out radical white terrorism for what it is, at precisely the moment America needs its leadership to take a unified stand against hatred, marks what might be the lowest moment of his presidency to date.

Whole article here: Why Won't Trump Call Out Radical White Terrorism?


Because if he does, he alienates at least 50% of his supporters.
I am trying to think of a way to express an equivalence. Let's say there is a Jewish march in Manhattan and anti-Jewish people show up. The anti-Jewish folks block the streets and assault the Jewish folks. Then some crazy Jew drives a car through the street with no regard to the illegal anti-Jews. Would that be a good or bad thing?

Say OP, considering the majority of acts that took place yesterday, which meet the definition of terrorism, were in fact committed by the left, shouldn't you be asking why he didn't call the counter-protesters terrorists?
The Confederate flag was always cool, but these new flag designs are also very refreshing.

Who would have thought Oakland was relatively safe back in the 70's. Giant Confederate flag as back drop. Now not so safe.

Trump handled it perfectly. No news here.

"Perfectly" huh.
Then was he fucking up when he got specific about "when Mexico 'sends' its people"? And when he called for "a complete and total (not an incomplete and total mind you) shutdown of Muslims" --- which cost him an EO? And when he whined that a judge was "Mexican" --- even though he was from Indiana?

Finally he got it right by stopping that specific finger-pointing. Huh.
Say OP, considering the majority of acts that took place yesterday, which meet the definition of terrorism, were in fact committed by the left, shouldn't you be asking why he didn't call the counter-protesters terrorists?

Say, considering that you're posting the same ipse dixit over and over in multiple threads hoping it will stick to the wall on the Big Lie theory, aren't you a damn liar?
I'm thinking there's more than one side to this reality ... But ..Why did Obama/Democrats kiss Black Lives Matters ass including in the White House after domestic terrorists chants like this?

Chanting... "What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want them? Now!"

Say OP, considering the majority of acts that took place yesterday, which meet the definition of terrorism, were in fact committed by the left, shouldn't you be asking why he didn't call the counter-protesters terrorists?

Indeed. But the OP is merely highlighting the usual dysfunctional lack of reason the left wingers suffer from; drugs have long term effects, and when one already has a low IQ to begin with, they hit full mental retardation pretty early, usually by the mid-20's.
I'm thinking there's more than one side to this reality ... But ..Why did Obama/Democrats kiss Black Lives Matters ass including in the White House after domestic terrorists chants like this?

Chanting... "What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want them? Now!"

Nobody is taking their fake outrage seriously. They're just engaging in group sex. They have no history of caring about human life.
I'm thinking there's more than one side to this reality ... But ..Why did Obama/Democrats kiss Black Lives Matters ass including in the White House after domestic terrorists chants like this?

Chanting... "What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want them? Now!"

Pretty desperate to change the subject doncha think Lumps?
But ..Why did Obama/Democrats kiss Black Lives Matters ass including in the White House after domestic terrorists chants like this? Chanting... "What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want them? Now!"

Indeed these savages are actually celebrated by the Obama/Democrat/MSM Swamp. In fact, check out a t-shirt worn by an afro american at Crooked Hillary's associate and governor of Virginia's press conference. Menace to White People is the basic translation and folks are getting sick of retarded mutants threatening them and harassing them. It is really very simple. "Change" can be a good thing or a bad thing. If low IQ mutants demand change, guess which it is. :p
Trump handled it perfectly. No news here.

"Perfectly" huh.
Then was he fucking up when he got specific about "when Mexico 'sends' its people"? And when he called for "a complete and total (not an incomplete and total mind you) shutdown of Muslims" --- which cost him an EO? And when he whined that a judge was "Mexican" --- even though he was from Indiana?

Finally he got it right by stopping that specific finger-pointing. Huh.

Still upset and severely depressed over the 4th of July celebrations, I see; does this rant mean something?
Say OP, considering the majority of acts that took place yesterday, which meet the definition of terrorism, were in fact committed by the left, shouldn't you be asking why he didn't call the counter-protesters terrorists?

Say, considering that you're posting the same ipse dixit over and over in multiple threads hoping it will stick to the wall on the Big Lie theory, aren't you a damn liar?

Say, which part is a lie pumpkin face? Perhaps you're not prepared to come out from under your indoctrination?
I'm thinking there's more than one side to this reality ... But ..Why did Obama/Democrats kiss Black Lives Matters ass including in the White House after domestic terrorists chants like this?

Chanting... "What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want them? Now!"

Pretty desperate to change the subject doncha think Lumps?

Nope, we all know that the KKK, Antifa, Black lives matter and other domestic terrorist groups were/are founded, funded and sponsored by the Democratic Party, just pointing out the potential gross hypocrisy here...
I'm thinking there's more than one side to this reality ... But ..Why did Obama/Democrats kiss Black Lives Matters ass including in the White House after domestic terrorists chants like this?

Chanting... "What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want them? Now!"

Pretty desperate to change the subject doncha think Lumps?

Nope, we all know that the KKK, Antifa, Black lives matter and other domestic terrorist groups were/are founded, funded and sponsored by the Democratic Party, just pointing out the potential gross hypocrisy here...

Whelp --- no I'm afraid we don't know that at all, in fact we know better and you already know we know better.

So the question stands -- not only did you try to change the subject.......... you just did it again.
Trump will not call out the domestic terrorist because he needs their support as a major part of his base. The racist supporters have let him know that he was elected with their help and trump knows without their support now his approval rating will drop into the twenty and even teen percentage points.
Trump does not have the courage to stand up to the racists who are a major factor in his base of support.
I am trying to think of a way to express an equivalence. Let's say there is a Jewish march in Manhattan and anti-Jewish people show up. The anti-Jewish folks block the streets and assault the Jewish folks. Then some crazy Jew drives a car through the street with no regard to the illegal anti-Jews. Would that be a good or bad thing?

You're equating the views of the average Jewish American with the views of the average neo-Nazi in America?

Goddam, I have to admit, that comes as no surprise to me, coming from you.
Trump's initial message that placed blame on BOTH sides was clearly designed to mitigate the blame on the neo-Nazi side.
He made a statement to mitigate divisiveness. I know...it's a change from the last eight years.

Violence is violence, regardless of who does it during a protest.

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