Why won't the media call Trump a Racist?

Anyone ever see rw tweet about Robert KKK Bird.
Anyone ever see rw tweet about the knock out game.
Anyone ever see rw complain about made up statistics about global warming.

why no, no you can't.
This fails as a red herring fallacy, and a failed attempt to deflect – the topic is Trump.

Pointing out that the OP is hypocritical is not a Red Herring.

No, its an ad hominem tu quoque fallacy:

Description of Ad Hominem Tu Quoque
This fallacy is committed when it is concluded that a person's claim is false because 1) it is inconsistent with something else a person has said or 2) what a person says is inconsistent with her actions. This type of "argument" has the following form:

  1. Person A makes claim X.
  2. Person B asserts that A's actions or past claims are inconsistent with the truth of claim X.
  3. Therefore X is false.
The fact that a person makes inconsistent claims does not make any particular claim he makes false (although of any pair of inconsistent claims only one can be true - but both can be false). Also, the fact that a person's claims are not consistent with his actions might indicate that the person is a hypocrite but this does not prove his claims are false.

Fallacy: Ad Hominem Tu Quoque

From your cut and paste.

"the fact that a person's claims are not consistent with his actions might indicate that the person is a hypocrite "

Which was my point.

Thank you for playing.

Read that New York Times Article yet?
Donald Trump is not willing to go along with that consensus. So he has adopted a retro racism, telling primary voters in no uncertain terms that if you're looking for the candidate who will indulge and validate your ugliest impulses, Trump is your man. And nearly as shamefully, his opponents tiptoe around the issue, unwilling to criticize him too severely.

Being against Third World Immigration is not racist.
Actually it is racist, and bigotry – to seek to disallow immigrants from coming to the United States predicated on who they are, their race, or national origin – where fleeing poverty for a better economic opportunity has always been a legitimate and appropriate reason to come to America.
I have a question for our conservative posters...
Why would you defend Trump?

I'm sure there are many on this board who are Trump supporters, but why would the rest of you defend Trump?

Look at his record, look at his quotes before 2011. He was a liberal. He was pro-choice, he supported universal healthcare. He only switched because he saw a better chance to run as a Republican

Trump is using your party. He is making your party a laughing stock not only here, but abroad.

Why do you defend him?
11th Commandment.
This is hilarious, the left demands the media declare Trump a racist but when it's brought up Obungles is a racist they get the vapors and scream off topic!!! Deflection!!!! LOL Freaking loons
The answer is simple. The media has been so bullied by Conservatives about being "unfair" to the right that they are afraid to criticize even the most offensive behavior. Trump is well aware of the castration of the media when it comes to criticizing his newfound party and is taking full advantage of it

Why the media is duty-bound to call Donald Trump a racist

But for some reason, when covering the people vying for the most powerful office in the land, the media is hesitant to apply the "R" word, no matter how apt it may be. And that hesitation could have extraordinarily serious consequences for the country.
But just denying the refugees fleeing terrorism and repression wasn't enough. The anti-terrorism furor has grown into an anti-Muslim furor. Trump has called for shutting down mosques and refused to rule out a national registry for Muslims. Marco Rubio is trying to out-Trump Trump by calling not just for shutting down mosques, but
even cafes or websites where Muslims gather.
But look at where we are today. Leading candidates for presidents are flirting with requiring adherents of a single religion to be registered. To carry identification cards. To be subject to additional surveillance. To be refused entry to the nation even if they're escaping horrific repression. To have their houses of worship closed down.
Those are racist, fascist policies. To avoid the comparison with early Nazi repression against Jews is to avoid telling the full story. And that's just what the media is doing by refusing to call these proposals racist.
If Trump were running in Greece he would be a member of the Nazi party.

Neo-fascist Greek party takes third place in wave of voter fury

Same things Trump says, Golden Dawn says about foreigners.
This is hilarious, the left demands the media declare Trump a racist but when it's brought up Obungles is a racist they get the vapors and scream off topic!!! Deflection!!!! LOL Freaking loons
I thought the media itself was liberal? Why would the left have to demand they declare Trump a racist? Wouldn't the media just do that automatically without being asked?
Donald Trump is not willing to go along with that consensus. So he has adopted a retro racism, telling primary voters in no uncertain terms that if you're looking for the candidate who will indulge and validate your ugliest impulses, Trump is your man. And nearly as shamefully, his opponents tiptoe around the issue, unwilling to criticize him too severely.

Being against Third World Immigration is not racist.
Actually it is racist, and bigotry – to seek to disallow immigrants from coming to the United States predicated on who they are, their race, or national origin – where fleeing poverty for a better economic opportunity has always been a legitimate and appropriate reason to come to America.

If I was claiming that Mexicans for example were genetically inferior and should be barred that would be racist.

By my complaints are not genetic but economical, cultural and political.

A random Mexican has just as much human potential as a random American.

But has NOT been raised in a First World educational system nor in an First World Culture with all that entails.
This is hilarious, the left demands the media declare Trump a racist but when it's brought up Obungles is a racist they get the vapors and scream off topic!!! Deflection!!!! LOL Freaking loons
there are rules in debating Sugar Shorts . "yabut" statements are admissions of defeat. You're welcome
Anyone calling anyone else a "racist" is essentially irrelevant at this point.

The PC Police have so over-used and diluted the word that it's closer to a punchline than a credible description.

Sad, since racism does still exist. It's an important word, but the PC Police have wrecked it in their cynical quest for political advantage.

There are no 'PC police,' the fact that Trump is expressing his racism with impunity is proof that 'PC' is a myth.
This is hilarious, the left demands the media declare Trump a racist but when it's brought up Obungles is a racist they get the vapors and scream off topic!!! Deflection!!!! LOL Freaking loons
I thought the media itself was liberal? Why would the left have to demand they declare Trump a racist? Wouldn't the media just do that automatically without being asked?

Good point.

I really should have challenged the OP instead of assuming it was correct.

Here is the New York TiMES.


"Mr. Trump has distinguished himself as fastest to dive to the bottom. If it’s a lie too vile to utter aloud, count on Mr. Trump to say it, often. It wins him airtime, and retweets through the roof.

This phenomenon is in fact nothing new. Politicians targeting minorities, foreigners or women have always existed in the culture. And every generation or so, at least one demagogue surfaces to fan those flames."

It goes on to compare him to MacCarthy and Wallace.

Just the type of hit piece that RW was complaining isn't happening.
Anyone calling anyone else a "racist" is essentially irrelevant at this point.

The PC Police have so over-used and diluted the word that it's closer to a punchline than a credible description.

Sad, since racism does still exist. It's an important word, but the PC Police have wrecked it in their cynical quest for political advantage.

So there's no such thing as a racist anymore. whoa, that's retarded.
Purveyors of the 'PC' myth have an unwarranted fear that bigots and racists won't be allowed to freely express their ignorance and hate, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth – the concern purveyors of the 'PC' myth have for bigots and racists is indeed heartwarming.

And don't call them 'racists,' that's not being 'PC,' call them 'diversity challenged.'
Liberals always tell me that someone is NOT a criminal - whether it be an ILLEGAL Immigrant or a murderer or a rapist - until they have been CONVICTED....

....but they want to be judge, jury, and executioners when it comes to Conservatives. No charges, no arrests, no convictions necessary.

This thread reminds me of how Liberals call anyone who threatens them, who disagrees with any Obama policy / strategy / lie / whatever for example a 'racist' .... and declare it to be so because THEY say so.

In this thread alone Liberals want to brand Trump a 'racist' because he has an extremely valid concern for our national security and for the lives of American citizens. He wants to protect both.

his ideas may not be the best in the world, but they are not ground in racism but instead concern.

In the last week Obama has declared:

'The 'refugees' are 'screened thoroughly'.
- Turns out that's not true.

'Americans are afraid of 'widows and orphans'
- That's definitely not true, Obama's just being an ass.

'These refugees are as safe as the TOURISTS who come to the US ever year'
- That's not true.

'There have been no terrorists among the refugees who have come here'
- That's definitely not true. R-Al Jeff sessions released the name of 12 'refugee's who immediately began to engage in terrorist activities right after they got here, beginning in Jan 2015!

And when concerned Americans bring up the 'refugee program' it is the Liberals who respond by claiming that our VISA program is far worse ,that potential threats overstay their welcome and disappear, never to be seen again.
- While not very 'PC', Trump's idea of a 'Registry' would answer that problem. ANYONE applying for a Visa could be / should be fingerprinted and all their information taken. Visa recipients should be told they have to report in as directed (annually, sooner for shorter visas) and if they fail to do so they will be put on a list to be collected and removed from the country, NEVER to be allowed into the U.S. again!

This would resolve a legitimate national security concern and visa program weakness, but Liberals and the media claim this makes him a racist. Sorry, but B$!

Liberals need a 9/11/01 or a 'Paris' - American deaths - before they are willing to take action. Even then, sometimes, they seek to cover them up or excuse them away (Benghazi, Fort hood...).

Wanting to protect this country better than Obama has is not Racist...may not be 'PC', but it isn't 'racist' either.
This is hilarious, the left demands the media declare Trump a racist but when it's brought up Obungles is a racist they get the vapors and scream off topic!!! Deflection!!!! LOL Freaking loons
there are rules in debating Sugar Shorts . "yabut" statements are admissions of defeat. You're welcome

Pointing out that libs are hypocrites is not admitting anything about Trump.

We just want you to admit the obvious truth, ie that you don't really care about racism that you are just trying to spin up something that will stick and maybe tear down your scary enemy.

Then we can move on to destroying your claims.

So, admit it and we move on.
They will not stop. Accept them at your peril. Or exterminate them...as we would have done before the rise of Libtards faggots.


I'm Adolph Hitler, and I approve this message.
Always knew you were a pussy, g0000

Exterminate? If only you rednecks could see how closely you resemble brownshirts.

So you're a muzzie sympathizer..aka libtard?

If it were up to me I'd kick every Muslim out of America and I sure as hell wouldn't let any more in.

We are watching the Nazification of America in real time.

Oh fuck off.. no we're not. Being cautious about who we let into our country is called self preservation, not Nazification.... now, go off to your Klan rally and stop being a douche-bag.
The answer is simple. The media has been so bullied by Conservatives about being "unfair" to the right that they are afraid to criticize even the most offensive behavior. Trump is well aware of the castration of the media when it comes to criticizing his newfound party and is taking full advantage of it

Why the media is duty-bound to call Donald Trump a racist

But for some reason, when covering the people vying for the most powerful office in the land, the media is hesitant to apply the "R" word, no matter how apt it may be. And that hesitation could have extraordinarily serious consequences for the country.
But just denying the refugees fleeing terrorism and repression wasn't enough. The anti-terrorism furor has grown into an anti-Muslim furor. Trump has called for shutting down mosques and refused to rule out a national registry for Muslims. Marco Rubio is trying to out-Trump Trump by calling not just for shutting down mosques, but
even cafes or websites where Muslims gather.
But look at where we are today. Leading candidates for presidents are flirting with requiring adherents of a single religion to be registered. To carry identification cards. To be subject to additional surveillance. To be refused entry to the nation even if they're escaping horrific repression. To have their houses of worship closed down.
Those are racist, fascist policies. To avoid the comparison with early Nazi repression against Jews is to avoid telling the full story. And that's just what the media is doing by refusing to call these proposals racist.

Isn't racism or bigotry to not like people you perceive as a threat to your personal safety. Might be in error, but the error doesn't make the view racist. Especially if there's some truth to it.
There isn't any truth to it, that's the point.

Being Muslim doesn't make one a 'terrorist,' nor a 'terrorist sympathizer,' nor 'prone to terrorism.'

Consequently, the notion of 'registering' American citizens who are Muslim, or 'investigating' mosques in the United States, manifests as racism and bigotry – it's ignorant, unwarranted, and devoid of merit.

There are some who have even said certain segments of our population should wear some sort of identification. Amazingly, they either fail to see the connection between that the nazi's forcing Jews to wear ID, or, more likely, they're in favor of it.


Whether the media uses the racist word is mostly irrelevant. They need to stop letting Trump off the hook so easily. He needs to be held accountable for his rhetoric.
Trump doubling down on his hateful rhetoric should not go unchallenged

Why was Obama not held accountable for his twenty years as a member of REv. Wright's Church?

That bullshit did not work in 2008 and does not work today
Anyone calling anyone else a "racist" is essentially irrelevant at this point.

The PC Police have so over-used and diluted the word that it's closer to a punchline than a credible description.

Sad, since racism does still exist. It's an important word, but the PC Police have wrecked it in their cynical quest for political advantage.

So there's no such thing as a racist anymore. whoa, that's retarded.
Purveyors of the 'PC' myth have an unwarranted fear that bigots and racists won't be allowed to freely express their ignorance and hate, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth – the concern purveyors of the 'PC' myth have for bigots and racists is indeed heartwarming.

And don't call them 'racists,' that's not being 'PC,' call them 'diversity challenged.'

YOu want to see something funny?

Controversies about the word "niggardly" - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"On January 15, 1999, David Howard, an aide to Anthony A. Williams, the mayor of Washington, D.C., used "niggardly" in reference to a budget.[3] This apparently upset one of his black colleagues (Howard is white), identified by Howard as Marshall Brown, who misinterpreted it as a racial slur and lodged a complaint. As a result, on January 25 Howard tendered his resignation, and Williams accepted it.[4] However, after public pressure from LGBT individuals, an internal review into the matter was brought about, and the mayor offered Howard the chance to return to his position as Office of the Public Advocate on February 4. Howard refused but accepted another position with the mayor instead, insisting that he did not feel victimized by the incident. On the contrary, Howard felt that he had learned from the situation. "I used to think it would be great if we could all be colorblind; that's naïve, especially for a white person, because a white person can't afford to be colorblind. They don't have to think about race every day. An African American does.""
Anyone ever see rw tweet about Robert KKK Bird.
Anyone ever see rw tweet about the knock out game.
Anyone ever see rw complain about made up statistics about global warming.

why no, no you can't.
This fails as a red herring fallacy, and a failed attempt to deflect – the topic is Trump.
...and of course if I said something that was spot on you'd be right in there saying great post tyrone, I agree.

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