Why we all must die? Ukraine war moves 'Doomsday Clock' to 90 seconds to midnight


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
It's a crime now, to be against the war in Ukraine.
No field for negotiations, no discussions about the causes of the war.
Anyone who dares to challenge the official western narrative is an antisemit, a NAZI, a friend of Putin, an Idiot, a Russian Troll, a right-winger etc. etc. etc.
It's clear Russia will destroy all western tanks and NATO must thereafter officially entry the war, fist of all stupid Germans and bold Pollacks of course.
A moron can believe, Russia will not use nukes to stop communist idiots from Berlin and would-be world-power-dreamers from Warsaw.
Even if Russia destroys only European countries the world will have the nuclear winter and we all gonna starve to death
A nice perspective, to die for a corrupted failed dictatorial regime like Ukraine with its billionaire ( costs $200bn ) clown 'president'

WASHINGTON — With Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the specter of nuclear weapon use, Earth crept its closest to Armageddon, a science-oriented advocacy group said, moving its famous “Doomsday Clock” up to just 90 seconds before midnight.
“We are really closer to that doomsday,” former Mongolian president Elbegdorj Tsakhia said Tuesday at the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists annual announcement rating how close humanity is from doing itself in. He and former Ireland President Mary Robinson joined scientists to underscore what they consider a gathering of several existential threats, with Russian leader Vladimir Putin’s actions and words chief among them.
“People and scientists are warning us and we have to wake up now,” he said.

You've been preaching doomsday forever, and no doomsday comes. Why? Probably because Russia understands that if they push one button, the whole world will push all of their buttons. May as well change your profile pic to something more suitable, like a crying baby. Quit being a pussy, we got this.
Keep up the warnings Baron but I think it's pointless.
It's pretty clear the mass formation psychosis has hit the point on Ukraine that most won't even question the narrative till the missiles are flying.

For some reason, if we don't stop the Russians from taking over one of the most corrupt countries in the world, it means the end of everything.
Even though we have ZERO over riding interest in this other than the CIA & NWO elites wanting to keep their playground where they can do what they want.

When the war drums start to beat, the sheeple begin to bleat
You've been preaching doomsday forever, and no doomsday comes. Why? Probably because Russia understands that if they push one button, the whole world will push all of their buttons. May as well change your profile pic to something more suitable, like a crying baby. Quit being a pussy, we got this.
Putin's impatience is what is at play here.
He couldn't wait for America to finish it's self destruction.
America has never been this weak. We have no leader, no direction and all the powers that be don't really care about America one way or another... they would just take their $$$ and go elsewhere.
You will have great difficulty finding who exactly is responsible for a fresh timing .
Why ?

Because it is a WEF ploy for maintaining Project Chaos which panics Gullibles and uninformed Sheeple generally .

It is utter drivel.
Putin's impatience is what is at play here.
He couldn't wait for America to finish it's self destruction.
America has never been this weak. We have no leader, no direction and all the powers that be don't really care about America one way or another... they would just take their $$$ and go elsewhere.
Don't worry McCarthy will straighten out the US and pardon Trump so he can be supreme leader again. :auiqs.jpg:
Putin's impatience is what is at play here.
He couldn't wait for America to finish it's self destruction.
America has never been this weak. We have no leader, no direction and all the powers that be don't really care about America one way or another... they would just take their $$$ and go elsewhere.

All western countries are weak because allowed a satanist illiterate poor educated lying corrupted trash to run them
You will have great difficulty finding who exactly is responsible for a fresh timing .
Why ?

Because it is a WEF ploy for maintaining Project Chaos which panics Gullibles and uninformed Sheeple generally .

It is utter drivel.

Timing is right now, probably through the Purim Feast because both Putin and Zelensky belong to the Chabad satanist sect

Amusing to see Russian deportee Titloose , aka Torso, completely misunderstand your post because this Russian's English is so poor .

English is my fifth language and the worst one
How many languages do you know fluently?

Why we all must die?

- just leave with your hordes Ukraine


first of all your Chabad satanist horde must leave Russia, Putin is your guy.
Thereafter Ukrainians will kick your sect out from Ukraine and make peace with Russia
The Chabad sect is behind Putin and Zelensky who butcher together Russian people in Ukraine
What Eastern nation do you live in?

I have the US citizenship and some real estate in NYC, but I work mostly outside of USA
I worked in Sowjet Russia a little bit before Perestroika, but I'm not an East European
I'm somebody who wants to prevent nuclear Armageddon, that's all
I have the US citizenship and some real estate in NYC, but I work mostly outside of USA
I worked in Sowjet Russia a little bit before Perestroika, but I'm not an East European
I'm somebody who wants to prevent nuclear Armageddon, that's all
Where were you in 1945?

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