Why was FBI so wrong in Trump-Russia wiretap warrant?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Byron York: Why was FBI so wrong in Trump-Russia wiretap warrant?

Byron York: Why was FBI so wrong in Trump-Russia wiretap warrant?
May 13, 2019 ~ By Byron York
A huge controversy erupted last year when President Trump declassified parts of the FBI's secret request to wiretap former Trump campaign volunteer foreign policy adviser Carter Page. Defenders and critics of the president argued over whether the October 2016 warrant application to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act court relied extensively on the so-called Steele dossier, which was a collection of anti-Trump allegations compiled by the former British spy Christopher Steele on behalf of the Hillary Clinton campaign.... Now, however, we have new evidence, in the form of the Mueller report, to evaluate the Page FISA application. We can ask: Was the information the FBI relied on true? Were the FBI's representations to the court accurate? The answers do not bode well for the bureau.
In the end, Baker might be right. It might have been entirely lawful to submit so much wrong information to the court and as a result be granted a warrant to wiretap a former Trump adviser in pursuit of a crime that had not actually occurred. And, given the extensive redactions, there is still much about the warrant that the public does not know.... that cannot create much confidence in the rest of the bureau's long and wide-ranging investigation of the president's 2016 campaign.

Byron York has produced an excellent opinion piece that covers the Trump-Russia wiretap warrant. It appears that between the fiction written in the Steele Dossier, the lack of investiaging the DNC so called hacking breach and reliance on the FISA application based upon the Dossier, there's a lot of wrong decisions along the way both in the FBI and further still in the Mueller report where there was dependence upon the incompetent results stemming from the FBI.
AS those within Judicial Watch have repeated stated, "It time to investigate the Investigators."

See also: Mueller report proves that it's time to investigate the investigators
Nothing will ever come from all this made-up hogwash and all the Trumpbots will blame it on the mythical "deep state", you people are so easy to lead.
Carter Page - Wikipedia

"When the Mueller Report was released in April 2019, it described Page's testimony about his role in the 2016 Trump campaign and connections to individuals in Russia as contradictory and confusing, and his contacts with Russians before and during the campaign as tangential and eccentric.[69]

"He was not charged with any crimes, though the report indicated there were unanswered questions about his actions and motives: 'The investigation did not establish that Page coordinated with the Russian government in its efforts to interfere with the 2016 presidential election'.

"However, with incomplete 'evidence or testimony about who Page may have met or communicated with in Moscow', 'Page's activities in Russia – as described in his emails with the [Trump campaign] – were not fully explained.'"

Page's FISA warrant was renewed on three separate occasions by three different FISA court judges. Since each renewal required showing the fruits of previous surveillance, maybe Carter should have his day answering questions before Congress?

Revisiting Carter Page - Just Security
They were working for the Obama/Clinton swamp...they need to be prosecuted...
There's a couple of important steps between unfounded allegations and prosecution. Maybe you are wishing for a more Russian kind of justice system? I know your emperor does.
They weren't wrong....They were subverting the laws that they were charged with upholding.
I know, you’re right they were celebrating the lawlessness. But I don’t think they’ll let Trump get away with it any longer. We are on to him now.
They weren't wrong....They were subverting the laws that they were charged with upholding.
I know, you’re right they were celebrating the lawlessness. But I don’t think they’ll let Trump get away with it any longer. We are on to him now.
^^Watches Liz read the Mueller report every night before bedtime listening meticulously to every word for some hidden clue the FBI overlooked.:26:
Matters naught.... when it comes to the Mueller investigation.... or the Russian interference.

If an I was not dotted or a t not crossed, Carter is due money for every day he was illegally under surveillance if that is ever determined... And the justice prosecutor or fbi that did something wrong, if they did, gets punished with a Civil offense slap on the hand or removed, after they have their due process....
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For eight years Republicans cried that Obama was lawless. They said he lied because he said you could keep your doctor.

But look at Trump. A true mafia type criminal. He ran a criminal organization called the Trump foundation and I suspect that we will find out the trump business will be the biggest criminal organization in the United States.

And Trump has over 10,000 documented lies and his base is fine with that. They see nothing wrong with that.


There’s nothing Trump has touched that doesn’t reek of criminality.
The question is, what does this say about the rest of the republican party?
Byron York: Why was FBI so wrong in Trump-Russia wiretap warrant?

Byron York: Why was FBI so wrong in Trump-Russia wiretap warrant?
May 13, 2019 ~ By Byron York
A huge controversy erupted last year when President Trump declassified parts of the FBI's secret request to wiretap former Trump campaign volunteer foreign policy adviser Carter Page. Defenders and critics of the president argued over whether the October 2016 warrant application to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act court relied extensively on the so-called Steele dossier, which was a collection of anti-Trump allegations compiled by the former British spy Christopher Steele on behalf of the Hillary Clinton campaign.... Now, however, we have new evidence, in the form of the Mueller report, to evaluate the Page FISA application. We can ask: Was the information the FBI relied on true? Were the FBI's representations to the court accurate? The answers do not bode well for the bureau.
In the end, Baker might be right. It might have been entirely lawful to submit so much wrong information to the court and as a result be granted a warrant to wiretap a former Trump adviser in pursuit of a crime that had not actually occurred. And, given the extensive redactions, there is still much about the warrant that the public does not know.... that cannot create much confidence in the rest of the bureau's long and wide-ranging investigation of the president's 2016 campaign.

Byron York has produced an excellent opinion piece that covers the Trump-Russia wiretap warrant. It appears that between the fiction written in the Steele Dossier, the lack of investiaging the DNC so called hacking breach and reliance on the FISA application based upon the Dossier, there's a lot of wrong decisions along the way both in the FBI and further still in the Mueller report where there was dependence upon the incompetent results stemming from the FBI.
AS those within Judicial Watch have repeated stated, "It time to investigate the Investigators."

See also: Mueller report proves that it's time to investigate the investigators
Why ask the Russians, specifically for help with the "missing emails"?

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