Why Trump Won’t Win

The entire world hopes you are right. It depends on whether Trump can fool his disciples again. Nothing can stop them. Anything bad about Trump will just make them fiercer. Trump will use it to mobilize them. They are certainly right on some issues but Trump doesn´t care.

Argument : Trump didn´t act in his first tenure.
Answer: Democrats blocked him.

Argument: Trump is a cheater, has never been honest on anything.
Answer: Deep state spreads this lies.

So any ad, any attack can backfire and the Trump train keeps rolling even faster. And there are no achievements the Democrats can offer. Trump might win. We must prepare.
Trump has never got the most votes and he won't next year.
Trump made the rich richer.

Everyone that paid federal income taxes got a tax cut. I hear the rich also pay federal income taxes so yes.

The tax cut did not add one single job.

Well, we did have covid. But then I'm sure that was Trump's fault.

He promised to reduce debt,

Then we had covid.

The tax cut for the middle class was temporary, he silenced them this way.

And here's how the liberal does it. Say the rich got richer with lower taxes and for God's sake don't mention that everyone who pays federal income taxes got richer. Then when the tax cuts expire for everyone only mention that the middle class is gonna get cut.

Lies of omission.

You're not very good at his, eh?
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Everyone that paid federal income taxes got a tax cut. I hear the rich also pay federal income taxes so yes.

Well, we did have covid. But then I'm sure that was Trump's fault.

And here's how the liberal does it. Say the rich got richer with lower taxes and for God's sake don't mention that everyone who pays federal income taxes got richer. Then when the tax cuts expire for everyone only mention that the middle class is gonna get cut.

Lies of omission.

You're not very good at his, eh?
I believe the middle class cuts end next year. But cutting taxes is not the most important thing.
Republicans here keep talking about aa Trump victory and the first primary has not been held. You guys seem to think that when the campaign starts the mindless tweets from trump cult members are going to be the only informattion. Trump is about to get crushed by organizations who will run ads blasting his presidency, and all the stuff has has talked in his rallies is going to be played as well. We will be reminded of 1-6, and then there will be videos about the trials.

The game his not started yet and Trump supporters are declaring victory. But:

Why Trump Won’t Win​

Over the past few weeks, warnings about the threat posed by Donald Trump’s potential reelection have grown louder, including in a series of articles in The Atlantic. This alarm-raising is justified and appropriate, given the looming danger of authoritarianism in American politics. But amid all of the worrying, we might be losing sight of the most important fact: Trump’s chances of winning are slim.

Some look at Trump’s long list of flaws and understandably see reasons to worry about him winning. I see reasons to think he almost certainly won’t.

Trump’s flaws look far worse today than they did eight years ago. To take one example that should concern conservative voters: his behavior toward and views of service members.

Similarly, in 2016, Trump’s campaign was briefly rocked by the Access Hollywood videotape in which he boasted about grabbing women by the genitalia. He survived, in large part because many voters chose to accept his comments as “locker room” bluster. Several women accused him of sexual misconduct, but Trump fended off their allegations too. Now he has been held civilly liable by a New York jury for sexually abusing the advice columnist E. Jean Carroll in 1996. A federal judge has said that the jury concluded that what Trump did to Carroll was rape in the common sense of the term. Some Americans will shrug that off, but many won’t be able to.
We used to call this sort of shit a "smear campaign" and if it succeeds the US may never recover from its downward slide into Fascism. It has (for a very long time already) lost its status as a "full Democratic" nation. Some Americans are unaware of this and then there are many (who are aware of it) who denounce Democracy openly. History offers us knowledge that we often ignore and so the fact that Fascism (in Italy, Spain, and Nazi Germany) was applauded by a large percentage of the population seems to have been forgotten. Clear signs of it in the US are Bush Junior and Biden. Puppets, they are, just as much as Batista, the Shah, Diem, Peron, and Zoolinsky.
Everyone that paid federal income taxes got a tax cut. I hear the rich also pay federal income taxes so yes.

Well, we did have covid. But then I'm sure that was Trump's fault.

Then we had covid.

And here's how the liberal does it. Say the rich got richer with lower taxes and for God's sake don't mention that everyone who pays federal income taxes got richer. Then when the tax cuts expire for everyone only mention that the middle class is gonna get cut.

Lies of omission.

You're not very good at his, eh?
Trump was POTUS before Covid, too.

Republicans here keep talking about aa Trump victory and the first primary has not been held.


Right outta the gate, EPIC FAIL.

First off: It's the Democrats panicking about Trump. Not us. We only post the massive, literally thousands of articles that the Left Wing diaspora has produced in the past few months spelling doom and gloom for the Commander In Thief and his Cackling Queef of a VeePee.

Second: Trump WILL win the Primary. Only a drooling, imbecilic idiot would even entertain any other hypothetical.


Wow man.

You're so BLACK, you take your queues from White Woke Karens.

You blacka than black dawg!

We all know you're some 65 year old wine Grandma.



Give it up. ;)
I did. Use the link.

Your link is pre-covid figures? Holy $h!t there's not even posts between our posts. I ask for pre-covid figures and you show me 2023? What the fu(k kinda retard are you? Lemme type real slow sos you understand. Go find $h!t like the GDP for the last decade. That is the leading economic indicator, not how many of your boy friends toes you can stick in your mouth. Do the same for unemployment or if you want the real figure on working the job participation rate. Inflation, the consumer price index, trade balances, interest rates, how much did you over pay for a muffler? Again. Fu(k this site is full of ignorant knuckle draggers.
Did you pay federal income taxes when Trump got elected? And didn't I just beat you up? I know, pretend that didn't happen and try a different issue.
You didn't beat anything. Tax cuts were irrelevant during the pandemic. And trump cut taxes during economic growth, then proceeded to spend money like a rich girl in a mall, which created a record deficit. His trade war fail with China started prices rising, and border crossings were at 40 year lows when trump took office. By the time he left, we had a border crisis. Those like you need to stop imagining a presidency that was not so..
Republicans here keep talking about aa Trump victory and the first primary has not been held. You guys seem to think that when the campaign starts the mindless tweets from trump cult members are going to be the only informattion. Trump is about to get crushed by organizations who will run ads blasting his presidency, and all the stuff has has talked in his rallies is going to be played as well. We will be reminded of 1-6, and then there will be videos about the trials.

The game his not started yet and Trump supporters are declaring victory. But:

Why Trump Won’t Win​

Over the past few weeks, warnings about the threat posed by Donald Trump’s potential reelection have grown louder, including in a series of articles in The Atlantic. This alarm-raising is justified and appropriate, given the looming danger of authoritarianism in American politics. But amid all of the worrying, we might be losing sight of the most important fact: Trump’s chances of winning are slim.

Some look at Trump’s long list of flaws and understandably see reasons to worry about him winning. I see reasons to think he almost certainly won’t.

Trump’s flaws look far worse today than they did eight years ago. To take one example that should concern conservative voters: his behavior toward and views of service members.

Similarly, in 2016, Trump’s campaign was briefly rocked by the Access Hollywood videotape in which he boasted about grabbing women by the genitalia. He survived, in large part because many voters chose to accept his comments as “locker room” bluster. Several women accused him of sexual misconduct, but Trump fended off their allegations too. Now he has been held civilly liable by a New York jury for sexually abusing the advice columnist E. Jean Carroll in 1996. A federal judge has said that the jury concluded that what Trump did to Carroll was rape in the common sense of the term. Some Americans will shrug that off, but many won’t be able to.

Well said. I agree with a lot of what you said.
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You didn't beat anything. Tax cuts were irrelevant during the pandemic. And trump cut taxes during economic growth, then proceeded to spend money like a rich girl in a mall, which created a record deficit. His trade war fail with China started prices rising, and border crossings were at 40 year lows when trump took office. By the time he left, we had a border crisis. Those like you need to stop imagining a presidency that was not so..

Respond to post 214, KAREN.

Right outta the gate, EPIC FAIL.

First off: It's the Democrats panicking about Trump. Not us. We only post the massive, literally thousands of articles that the Left Wing diaspora has produced in the past few months spelling doom and gloom for the Commander In Thief and his Cackling Queef of a VeePee.

Second: Trump WILL win the Primary. Only a drooling, imbecilic idiot would even entertain any other hypothetical.


Wow man.

You're so BLACK, you take your queues from White Woke Karens.

You blacka than black dawg!

We all know you're some 65 year old wine Grandma.



Give it up. ;)
Look at the avatar punk. It's me looking at you.

You post crap from mostly right wing garbage.

I know no white Karens and blacks are apparently smart enough not to be fooled by Orange Bozo the Clown. The campaign has not started yet.

So shut up and watch trump loose.

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