Why The Screwed Generation Is Turning To Paul Ryan

It's funny to see how viral this article has gone.

I wonder if Kristen's masters are pissed at her ?
Don't forget that Kristen is a regular contributor on Fox News Channel, where she breaks ranks occasionally. One issue she broke with her lib comrades on was Sarah Palin on lots of points (seems she is, like Palin, an Alaskan); also she broke on Biden's chains slam.

(really dig that young lady! she's filling in nicely)
"Ryan's up-by-your-bootstraps personality"

He's a fifth generation multimillionnaire, chump.

Making up more stuff to argue against ?

Who cares.

At least he knows the numbers and he won't be the embarrassment Biden is.

Obama is a one termer.
:lol:Ryan's up-by-your-bootstraps personality:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Please don't post while drunk.

They're screwed because of this Pub depression, and by voodoo- see sig pp1. If you want them to lose Medicare/SS, keep voting for the greedy rich a-holes, dupes.

Just want you to lose it.

Franco is melting with 76 days to go!

Imagine the rancid puddle he will be on Nov. 7th!


If Romney gets elected, maybe he will finally move to Cuba and take Chris with him. They can have their gay rights in Cuba and we will be rid of their sorry asses.

Hopefully Schillian will go with them.

But if you want to see a meltdown, look at the "articles" on the web (I suggest RealClear). The left is in open desperation. They see that Obama is down to 1.5 and slipping. Bob Schrum (sp?), the liar who makes Ted Kennedy look honest, is talking about Romney's lies. Bob Schrum ????? Reality is almost to weird. Salon is hard at it to. I'd love to spit on Joan Walsh in person.
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Ryan's up-by-your-bootstraps personality:lol :

Obama up by 1.5 (he was at over 4 a week ago)

Na na na na ..... Na na na na.....Hey Hey Hey....Good-Bye.
"Ryan's pull yourself up by your bootstraps attitude"" LOL How duped can you get? Fifth generation multimillionnaire....D'OH!!

From the web, asshole.

And in my home state of Wisconsin two recent polls have Obama stuck at 47 and Romney ahead by one.

Over the past few weeks in the Real Clear Politics poll of polls, Romney has caught up to or passed Obama in Ohio, Colorado, Virginia, Florida, and Iowa.

The trend is the thing and the trend is all moving Romney's way.

It might just be that the American people know when a cynical, dishonest, failed president and his media minions are conning them with shiny distractions as the economy shrinks and the unemployment rate increases.

It might just be that Romney refusing to cave to the fact checker's lies about welfare reform is allowing Obama's gutting of that law to penetrate.

It might just be that New Media is also penetrating with our counter-narratives and our focus on real issues as opposed to abortion, same-sex marriage, tax returns, and whatever other nonsense Obama's pathetic MSM Palace Guards can dream up.

And it might just be that choosing a serious, ethical, brilliant reformer like Paul Ryan told voters that Romney takes them and the problems of this nation seriously.

My guess is that it's a little bit of all that.

Since choosing Ryan last Saturday morning, Team Romney not only broke a six-week losing streak but have run a near-flawless campaign. Voters are seeing a competent nominee with a competent team and a potential president whose first hiring choice (Ryan) was the work of a confident leader.


Kiss your government goodies good-bye.

Move to Cuba and STFU.
The "Ryan Difference"?! - Carol Platt Liebau

Two encouraging facts: Romney has cut Obama's New Hampshire lead in half (with half the poll sample taken before the Ryan pick; half after), and a weekend Zogby poll (which sounds like it was taken post-Ryan) shows that, for the first time, Romney's support among young people has risen to 40% in this crucial, formerly-overwhelmingly-pro-Obama demographic.
Obama up by 1.4. Still losing ground.

RC calls Florida a tie.

This thing is more spring loaded than we can imagine. One or the other is going to win big.