Why The Screwed Generation Is Turning To Paul Ryan

Its not about rep or democrat party. Its about who can help us get out of this mess obama has done for the past 4 yrs. I am an independent and i am voting for romney and ryan. It is crucial that we get this bunch in dc outta there. Its time we get new management because this one continues to fail us all. Ii don't care what party you belong too, your not obligated to the party. Vote for the person, not because you are one party or the other.
Why The Screwed Generation Is Turning To Paul Ryan

Cuz they are whiney crybaby bitch ass punks?

The "screwed generation" is soft. They are pussies....and gay.

True story.

Why do you always throw the homosexuality thing out there? I don't get that.

Huggy is a closet homo.... Ask GayBikerHiSailor...

They invented the homo cage for their own personal use...

His tested IQ is also one of lowest of current posters here...

True story...
One lie, listening. Still waiting. Pants on fire Romney for the dupes...

Obama has added 10 years to Medicare, going on infinity. Romney would destroy it.

Already showed you dozens.

I can't help that you are struggling to get your head out of your ass so you can sound like a reasonable human being.
You're a brainwashed idiot, Listening. Luckily, you lose. Read something.


You calling someone brainwashed is hysterical. When you can learn to post and debate, I'll be very interested in what you have to say.

Until then, you are still one of the three board morons.

I lose ?

I lost in 2008.

In 2010, I got hope when we got the house back.

In 2012, we will get the senate.

And the WH very well could flip.


Can't help that you have your fingers in your ears.

Of course, the most prominent is his promise to change the tenor of his politics. He's being branded as one of the worst negative (personal attack) campaigners ever. How's that working out for you. Change the channel, asshole.

What is even more fun is to see the Obama mob all in a panic over Paul Ryan. Polls are already showing it working for him. He comes from a DEMOCRATIC district. Did you hear that you asshole ? Where is your brainwashing now. Some democrats like him ! Wow, bet you are looking for a diaper change already.

He has the base going and young people are going to get some hope.

All the while Obama is going to get a one way ticket to Chicago in late January.

I noticed you avoided how I am not losing anything.....you simply are a lemming who never taught a day of school in your life.

So long dickweed !!!
See, the GOP is now seen around the world as a lying, greedy, joke. Only dupes don't get the memo. Rush, Beck, Savage, Hannity are seen as bought off charlatans. People get DUMBER and less informed watching Fox.

I know, let's cut taxes on the bloated rich, destroy Medicare/Aid, SS, and health reform, raise taxes and fees on the nonrich, let corporate cheats run wild, cut aid to states and localities, raise military spending to more than the rest of the world combined, and worry about the debt in 2035. Absolute idiocy, dupes.
See, the GOP is now seen around the world as a lying, greedy, joke. Only dupes don't get the memo. Rush, Beck, Savage, Hannity are seen as bought off charlatans. People get DUMBER and less informed watching Fox.

I know, let's cut taxes on the bloated rich, destroy Medicare/Aid, SS, and health reform, raise taxes and fees on the nonrich, let corporate cheats run wild, cut aid to states and localities, raise military spending to more than the rest of the world combined, and worry about the debt in 2035. Absolute idiocy, dupes.

You sir...Exemplify....

See, the GOP is now seen around the world as a lying, greedy, joke. Only dupes don't get the memo. Rush, Beck, Savage, Hannity are seen as bought off charlatans. People get DUMBER and less informed watching Fox.

I know, let's cut taxes on the bloated rich, destroy Medicare/Aid, SS, and health reform, raise taxes and fees on the nonrich, let corporate cheats run wild, cut aid to states and localities, raise military spending to more than the rest of the world combined, and worry about the debt in 2035. Absolute idiocy, dupes.


I don't watch Hannity or listen to Beck, Limbaugh or Savage.

I probably watch more Maddow than anything.

You didn't address anything I said. Your post is just one off your list of spam replies.

Besides being a lemming, you are a first class hypocrite.
See, the GOP is now seen around the world as a lying, greedy, joke. Only dupes don't get the memo. Rush, Beck, Savage, Hannity are seen as bought off charlatans. People get DUMBER and less informed watching Fox.

I know, let's cut taxes on the bloated rich, destroy Medicare/Aid, SS, and health reform, raise taxes and fees on the nonrich, let corporate cheats run wild, cut aid to states and localities, raise military spending to more than the rest of the world combined, and worry about the debt in 2035. Absolute idiocy, dupes.

You sir...Exemplify....


If there is a more true statements somewhere, I have not seen it.

From the article:

Enter Ryan. While Democrats attack his Medicare plan as “radical” and portray him as pushing granny off the cliff, young people don’t seem to be buying this caricature. Or maybe “radical” is what they want.

A Zogby/JZ Analytics poll Tuesday showed increased support among voters 18-29 for the Romney ticket, which pollster John Zogby attributed to the Ryan pick. President Obama received just 49 percent of the youth vote, versus Romney’s 41 percent. (Obama took home 66 percent of the youth vote against McCain in 2008.)

For those who think those numbers are an anomaly, take a look at Pew’s 2011 polling that found that among 18-29 year olds, 46 percent supported Ryan’s proposed Medicare changes with only 28 percent opposing (the rest had no opinion). Among 30-49 year olds it was 38 percent approving and 36 percent opposed. The strongest opposition to Ryan’s plan comes from those over 65, who ironically won’t even be affected by his plan since it would only apply to those 55 and under. Pew found that age, not party identification was the biggest predictor of how a person would feel about his plan.

Jon Cowan, the CEO of the centrist think tank Third Way told me, “Ryan is doing the country a huge service by putting this on the table.” Cowan is the former founder of Lead or Leave, a Gen X group that gained prominence in the 1990s as it rang the alarm bells for reducing the deficit and dealing with entitlements. He doesn’t believe Ryan’s plan is the best way to reform Medicare, though he concedes that it is a serious plan. He cautions that Democrats may find themselves in political peril in the next 10 years if they don’t come up with a substantive alternative plan. He says, “There are a lot of younger voters who say of the Ryan plan, ‘at least I get something… at least there is a plan’. If you don’t get in there and offer a plan you give up the high ground on policy.”



The liberals want to preserve social security. Thus, by their defintion (which they love to sling around), they are actually conservatives.

Ryan is "radical". That would make him not a conservative (as per the morons who keep whining about conservatives and the status quo).

You bastards on the left might regret not working more on reform instead of bleating all the time. You just might see enough momentum for reform that I would not even want.

And you will only have yourselves to blame.
The 'screwed generation' vote is the key to Romney victory.

Paul Ryan was an enormous shot in the arm.

Now we need a highly targeted message and about a half billion of advertising - all which is on the way.

Not hardly. When Romney want's to cut the tax rate for the wealthy, by 20%, resulting in raising the taxes on the middle class, he's screwed.
From Kristen Powers....a left leaning centrist who worked for Clinton.

Why The Screwed Generation Is Turning To Paul Ryan - The Daily Beast

GOP Congressman Paul Ryan—the tireless, wonky, 42-year-old workout freak—has made history by becoming the first member of our generation to join a presidential ticket. It should come as a surprise to no one that his calling card is reforming entitlements.

We hear incessantly about how members of today’s screwed generation face the prospect of less prosperous lives than those lived by their parents. But the maiden generation to stare down that gloomy prognosis was Generation X, the tiny slice of America born between about 1965 and 1980. (Ryan was born in 1970.) We were the first generation to be told we would never get Social Security or Medicare even though we would be forced to pay into these programs.

When many X-ers graduated from college, stocking shelves at the Gap was considered a career choice, as jobs were few and far between amidst a major economic downturn. I won’t bore you with the horror show of the low-paying and miserable jobs I had for the first three years after college.

Unfortunately, the future looks as bleak for today’s young people. No amount of coddling by their well-provided-for Boomer parents can save Generation Y and the Millennials from the dire economic conditions they face, including criminal levels of educational debt. Pensions have gone the way of the horse and buggy. You want to retire with health-care benefits, as both my professor parents did? Good luck. As the 1994 movie turned Gen-X mantra has it: Reality Bites.


I would highly suggest the entire article.

The left is always whining about people voting their interests and I have wondered for a long time when the young were going to wake up and tell the previous generation "we are not going to pay for your wanting to have your cake and eat it too".

Well, maybe it is about to happen.

When FDR first proposed Social Security, one if its advocates was confronted with a long term prognosis of major difficulties (several decades down the road). The response was "We'll be dead by then". Both predictions came true.

Time to right the ship.

Paul Ryan is the man. Better give granny a parachute.

They (the younger generation which won't get theirs) are increasingly waking up and large numbers that were before in Obama's camp won't be come the next election though they may not be outspoken about it to pollsters. That old warning that "it wont be there when you get to retirement" is true and plain as the nose on your face.

It's already not believable, and today's elderly (those of the boomer generation) are showing themselves incapable of considering those who will come after, their children and grandchldren. Those who do care inhabit the T-Party.

Paul Ryan will be to many of them, what Obama has proven not to be.
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The 'screwed generation' vote is the key to Romney victory.

Paul Ryan was an enormous shot in the arm.

Now we need a highly targeted message and about a half billion of advertising - all which is on the way.

Not hardly. When Romney want's to cut the tax rate for the wealthy, by 20%, resulting in raising the taxes on the middle class, he's screwed.

Swing states are coming back to Rommey.

Keep dreaming, Suck.

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