CDZ Why Socialism/Communism/Authority Driven regimes succeed so well at first.

Persistence Of Memory

Diamond Member
Oct 1, 2019
1-This is going to be long but here I start.

In a free society you will always have a group of radicals so hell bent on changing that society, that they spread nothing about, or greatly exaggerate the ills of that society.

Over the years they spread as far and wide as they can. They don't work a job, just to spread the gospel of Marx. Their only goal is to sow hatred and mistrust of the general population. This will go on for yrs and yrs. They are training the foot soldiers from Nursery School to Graduate School. By this time, they have society fighting each other. A false sense of class hatred and mistrust.

Slow cracks in society erode to where it implodes. Riots, substance abuse and hatred...etc.

Whew. I typed a months worth

Next we will deal with a cataclysmic event that hits every century or so.........Great Famine.......Economic Crashes....World Wars.....Disease............Regime Changes, and large scale death A big CRISIS these people have been waiting all their lives to happen

And they cannot let a huge crisis go to waste.
1-This is going to be long but here I start.

In a free society you will always have a group of radicals so hell bent on changing that society, that they spread nothing about, or greatly exaggerate the ills of that society.

Over the years they spread as far and wide as they can. They don't work a job, just to spread the gospel of Marx. Their only goal is to sow hatred and mistrust of the general population. This will go on for yrs and yrs. They are training the foot soldiers from Nursery School to Graduate School. By this time, they have society fighting each other. A false sense of class hatred and mistrust.

Slow cracks in society erode to where it implodes. Riots, substance abuse and hatred...etc.

Whew. I typed a months worth

Next we will deal with a cataclysmic event that hits every century or so.........Great Famine.......Economic Crashes....World Wars.....Disease............Regime Changes, and large scale death A big CRISIS these people have been waiting all their lives to happen

And they cannot let a huge crisis go to waste.

Sounds to me like your bunch is in more of a crisis than anyone else is. You not only lost but your Orange Deity is facing some pretty stiff charges upon leaving office. And many of his Criminals in Charge are going to be rounded up as well on some real serious charges. You should note that Barr is very, very quiet right now. Ever wonder why?
1-This is going to be long but here I start.

In a free society you will always have a group of radicals so hell bent on changing that society, that they spread nothing about, or greatly exaggerate the ills of that society.

Over the years they spread as far and wide as they can. They don't work a job, just to spread the gospel of Marx. Their only goal is to sow hatred and mistrust of the general population. This will go on for yrs and yrs. They are training the foot soldiers from Nursery School to Graduate School. By this time, they have society fighting each other. A false sense of class hatred and mistrust.

Slow cracks in society erode to where it implodes. Riots, substance abuse and hatred...etc.

Whew. I typed a months worth

Next we will deal with a cataclysmic event that hits every century or so.........Great Famine.......Economic Crashes....World Wars.....Disease............Regime Changes, and large scale death A big CRISIS these people have been waiting all their lives to happen

And they cannot let a huge crisis go to waste.

Sounds to me like your bunch is in more of a crisis than anyone else is. You not only lost but your Orange Deity is facing some pretty stiff charges upon leaving office. And many of his Criminals in Charge are going to be rounded up as well on some real serious charges. You should note that Barr is very, very quiet right now. Ever wonder why?
This has nothing to do with anything today. Let's say this was Russia in 1915.

Hey how about Cuba.......Yeah Cuba. My cousins wife is from Cuba. Her uncle disappeared in the middle of the night never to be seen or heard from again around 61. Her father fled by the skin of his teeth.

You are way off topic on this one friend.
1-This is going to be long but here I start.

In a free society you will always have a group of radicals so hell bent on changing that society, that they spread nothing about, or greatly exaggerate the ills of that society.

Over the years they spread as far and wide as they can. They don't work a job, just to spread the gospel of Marx. Their only goal is to sow hatred and mistrust of the general population. This will go on for yrs and yrs. They are training the foot soldiers from Nursery School to Graduate School. By this time, they have society fighting each other. A false sense of class hatred and mistrust.

Slow cracks in society erode to where it implodes. Riots, substance abuse and hatred...etc.

Whew. I typed a months worth

Next we will deal with a cataclysmic event that hits every century or so.........Great Famine.......Economic Crashes....World Wars.....Disease............Regime Changes, and large scale death A big CRISIS these people have been waiting all their lives to happen

And they cannot let a huge crisis go to waste.
Too bad there are not enough morals to go around to merely and faithfully execute our own laws.
1-This is going to be long but here I start.

In a free society you will always have a group of radicals so hell bent on changing that society, that they spread nothing about, or greatly exaggerate the ills of that society.

Over the years they spread as far and wide as they can. They don't work a job, just to spread the gospel of Marx. Their only goal is to sow hatred and mistrust of the general population. This will go on for yrs and yrs. They are training the foot soldiers from Nursery School to Graduate School. By this time, they have society fighting each other. A false sense of class hatred and mistrust.

Slow cracks in society erode to where it implodes. Riots, substance abuse and hatred...etc.

Whew. I typed a months worth

Next we will deal with a cataclysmic event that hits every century or so.........Great Famine.......Economic Crashes....World Wars.....Disease............Regime Changes, and large scale death A big CRISIS these people have been waiting all their lives to happen

And they cannot let a huge crisis go to waste.

Sounds to me like your bunch is in more of a crisis than anyone else is. You not only lost but your Orange Deity is facing some pretty stiff charges upon leaving office. And many of his Criminals in Charge are going to be rounded up as well on some real serious charges. You should note that Barr is very, very quiet right now. Ever wonder why?
This has nothing to do with anything today. Let's say this was Russia in 1915.

Hey how about Cuba.......Yeah Cuba. My cousins wife is from Cuba. Her uncle disappeared in the middle of the night never to be seen or heard from again around 61. Her father fled by the skin of his teeth.

You are way off topic on this one friend.
Right wingers are worse; they levied war on the Union for the sake of slavery.
Everything is hyped up, both major political party's have made & will make mistakes. its not between commies & Nazi's. Its about them working for self & party instead of country. Money rules.
1-This is going to be long but here I start.

In a free society you will always have a group of radicals so hell bent on changing that society, that they spread nothing about, or greatly exaggerate the ills of that society.

Over the years they spread as far and wide as they can. They don't work a job, just to spread the gospel of Marx. Their only goal is to sow hatred and mistrust of the general population. This will go on for yrs and yrs. They are training the foot soldiers from Nursery School to Graduate School. By this time, they have society fighting each other. A false sense of class hatred and mistrust.

Slow cracks in society erode to where it implodes. Riots, substance abuse and hatred...etc.

Whew. I typed a months worth

Next we will deal with a cataclysmic event that hits every century or so.........Great Famine.......Economic Crashes....World Wars.....Disease............Regime Changes, and large scale death A big CRISIS these people have been waiting all their lives to happen

And they cannot let a huge crisis go to waste.
Throughout history, most men have either been slaves or part of an army of a despot.

This is the human condition.

Marx just so happens to provide despots a valuable tool. They play on the vice of coveting, one of the seven deadly sins, and use it to their advantage by getting the populace to buy into the notion that government will take from the rich and give to the poor. Hitler even did it as he heavily taxed the top 4% and took the gold and possessions of the affluent Jewish population. The Germans just loved it. And this was what the French Revolution was all about as well. They simply took from the rich and sent them to the guillotine. Then the despot Napoleon took charge.

But the ideology of Marx also lends itself to the notion that government must be involved in every transaction, and then later redistribute from that transaction as they see fit. This sort of control is especially of interest to despots as they then have tentacles into every financial transaction that takes place. This means they have full control over everything and everyone.

Of late, the environment has been used to convince people that the government needs such control to "save" the planet. This is but another powerful tool to control people to believe and support an all powerful, all knowing, government.

So how does one fight these three powerful motivators for Leftism throughout the world? The state has a supply of endless propaganda that others cannot compete with, and as we have seen, if they try, they are simply censored away.

In effect, Marxism is a cult. Is is akin to Jim Jones, who not ironically was a Marxist, took his followers into a jungle and drank cool aid laced with poison where they all laid down and died together. Case in point is Venezuela. They turned to such a Marxist despot and are now eating out of garbage cans, but I dare say if you took a poll they would all still be convinced that Marxism was the answer. These people are in a cult and to rework the brainwashing that has gone on I think is very difficult.
1-This is going to be long but here I start.

In a free society you will always have a group of radicals so hell bent on changing that society, that they spread nothing about, or greatly exaggerate the ills of that society.

Over the years they spread as far and wide as they can. They don't work a job, just to spread the gospel of Marx. Their only goal is to sow hatred and mistrust of the general population. This will go on for yrs and yrs. They are training the foot soldiers from Nursery School to Graduate School. By this time, they have society fighting each other. A false sense of class hatred and mistrust.

Slow cracks in society erode to where it implodes. Riots, substance abuse and hatred...etc.

Whew. I typed a months worth

Next we will deal with a cataclysmic event that hits every century or so.........Great Famine.......Economic Crashes....World Wars.....Disease............Regime Changes, and large scale death A big CRISIS these people have been waiting all their lives to happen

And they cannot let a huge crisis go to waste.
I don't know where you learned your history but my reading is that free societies eventually come under the sway of a strong leader who promises them an end to their troubles. Ancient Greece and Rome, Germany after WWI, etc. One promise they make is to protect the people from their internal enemies: White Russians, capitalists/bourgeoisie, Jews, Antifa, BLM, etc.
Marx just so happens to provide despots a valuable tool. They play on the vice of coveting, one of the seven deadly sins, and use it to their advantage by getting the populace to buy into the notion that government will take from the rich and give to the poor.
It may seem like that to some; however, some on the left understand that it is about equality and equal protection of the laws not the vice of coveting.
1-This is going to be long but here I start.

In a free society you will always have a group of radicals so hell bent on changing that society, that they spread nothing about, or greatly exaggerate the ills of that society.

Over the years they spread as far and wide as they can. They don't work a job, just to spread the gospel of Marx. Their only goal is to sow hatred and mistrust of the general population. This will go on for yrs and yrs. They are training the foot soldiers from Nursery School to Graduate School. By this time, they have society fighting each other. A false sense of class hatred and mistrust.

Slow cracks in society erode to where it implodes. Riots, substance abuse and hatred...etc.

Whew. I typed a months worth

Next we will deal with a cataclysmic event that hits every century or so.........Great Famine.......Economic Crashes....World Wars.....Disease............Regime Changes, and large scale death A big CRISIS these people have been waiting all their lives to happen

And they cannot let a huge crisis go to waste.
I don't know where you learned your history but my reading is that free societies eventually come under the sway of a strong leader who promises them an end to their troubles. Ancient Greece and Rome, Germany after WWI, etc. One promise they make is to protect the people from their internal enemies: White Russians, capitalists/bourgeoisie, Jews, Antifa, BLM, etc.
This is what we are supposed to be doing with our form of Government:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
1-This is going to be long but here I start.

In a free society you will always have a group of radicals so hell bent on changing that society, that they spread nothing about, or greatly exaggerate the ills of that society.

Over the years they spread as far and wide as they can. They don't work a job, just to spread the gospel of Marx. Their only goal is to sow hatred and mistrust of the general population. This will go on for yrs and yrs. They are training the foot soldiers from Nursery School to Graduate School. By this time, they have society fighting each other. A false sense of class hatred and mistrust.

Slow cracks in society erode to where it implodes. Riots, substance abuse and hatred...etc.

Whew. I typed a months worth

Next we will deal with a cataclysmic event that hits every century or so.........Great Famine.......Economic Crashes....World Wars.....Disease............Regime Changes, and large scale death A big CRISIS these people have been waiting all their lives to happen

And they cannot let a huge crisis go to waste.
I don't know where you learned your history but my reading is that free societies eventually come under the sway of a strong leader who promises them an end to their troubles. Ancient Greece and Rome, Germany after WWI, etc. One promise they make is to protect the people from their internal enemies: White Russians, capitalists/bourgeoisie, Jews, Antifa, BLM, etc.
This is what we are supposed to be doing with our form of Government:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Benjamin Franklin
1-This is going to be long but here I start.

In a free society you will always have a group of radicals so hell bent on changing that society, that they spread nothing about, or greatly exaggerate the ills of that society.

Over the years they spread as far and wide as they can. They don't work a job, just to spread the gospel of Marx. Their only goal is to sow hatred and mistrust of the general population. This will go on for yrs and yrs. They are training the foot soldiers from Nursery School to Graduate School. By this time, they have society fighting each other. A false sense of class hatred and mistrust.

Slow cracks in society erode to where it implodes. Riots, substance abuse and hatred...etc.

Whew. I typed a months worth

Next we will deal with a cataclysmic event that hits every century or so.........Great Famine.......Economic Crashes....World Wars.....Disease............Regime Changes, and large scale death A big CRISIS these people have been waiting all their lives to happen

And they cannot let a huge crisis go to waste.
I don't know where you learned your history but my reading is that free societies eventually come under the sway of a strong leader who promises them an end to their troubles. Ancient Greece and Rome, Germany after WWI, etc. One promise they make is to protect the people from their internal enemies: White Russians, capitalists/bourgeoisie, Jews, Antifa, BLM, etc.
This is what we are supposed to be doing with our form of Government:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Benjamin Franklin
Tell it to the right wing. It is their alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror.
1-This is going to be long but here I start.

In a free society you will always have a group of radicals so hell bent on changing that society, that they spread nothing about, or greatly exaggerate the ills of that society.

Over the years they spread as far and wide as they can. They don't work a job, just to spread the gospel of Marx. Their only goal is to sow hatred and mistrust of the general population. This will go on for yrs and yrs. They are training the foot soldiers from Nursery School to Graduate School. By this time, they have society fighting each other. A false sense of class hatred and mistrust.

Slow cracks in society erode to where it implodes. Riots, substance abuse and hatred...etc.

Whew. I typed a months worth

Next we will deal with a cataclysmic event that hits every century or so.........Great Famine.......Economic Crashes....World Wars.....Disease............Regime Changes, and large scale death A big CRISIS these people have been waiting all their lives to happen

And they cannot let a huge crisis go to waste.
2- Now that a social catastrophe is happening, the authoritarians unleash their preplanned and premediated plans of disinformation and violence to scare a society. Their lust for control is all they know and want.

They manipulate and gain power slowly over the years and finally hook the working class in thinking the rich are evil and should be eliminated. All religious worship is frowned upon at first.

They indoctrinate schools and universities slowly over the decades until 2 generations are taught their country is evil and must be changed. Anyone who does not follow must be pointed out and destroyed for THE GREATER GOOD!!!!!

They manipulate one group against the other for yrs as the hatreds and lies boil over.

Then they try and overthrow authority and control, and breaking its resolve to mob violence.

Next. Turning a society against its past and try to destroy the evidence in writing and artifact. All for THE GREATER GOOD!!!
1-This is going to be long but here I start.

In a free society you will always have a group of radicals so hell bent on changing that society, that they spread nothing about, or greatly exaggerate the ills of that society.

Over the years they spread as far and wide as they can. They don't work a job, just to spread the gospel of Marx. Their only goal is to sow hatred and mistrust of the general population. This will go on for yrs and yrs. They are training the foot soldiers from Nursery School to Graduate School. By this time, they have society fighting each other. A false sense of class hatred and mistrust.

Slow cracks in society erode to where it implodes. Riots, substance abuse and hatred...etc.

Whew. I typed a months worth

Next we will deal with a cataclysmic event that hits every century or so.........Great Famine.......Economic Crashes....World Wars.....Disease............Regime Changes, and large scale death A big CRISIS these people have been waiting all their lives to happen

And they cannot let a huge crisis go to waste.
I don't know where you learned your history but my reading is that free societies eventually come under the sway of a strong leader who promises them an end to their troubles. Ancient Greece and Rome, Germany after WWI, etc. One promise they make is to protect the people from their internal enemies: White Russians, capitalists/bourgeoisie, Jews, Antifa, BLM, etc.
I don't know where you learned your history.........................I learned from schools who taught it the right way.

My test for knowing history....................Recite the first 10 presidents backwards. Those that can I listen to.
1-This is going to be long but here I start.

In a free society you will always have a group of radicals so hell bent on changing that society, that they spread nothing about, or greatly exaggerate the ills of that society.

Over the years they spread as far and wide as they can. They don't work a job, just to spread the gospel of Marx. Their only goal is to sow hatred and mistrust of the general population. This will go on for yrs and yrs. They are training the foot soldiers from Nursery School to Graduate School. By this time, they have society fighting each other. A false sense of class hatred and mistrust.

Slow cracks in society erode to where it implodes. Riots, substance abuse and hatred...etc.

Whew. I typed a months worth

Next we will deal with a cataclysmic event that hits every century or so.........Great Famine.......Economic Crashes....World Wars.....Disease............Regime Changes, and large scale death A big CRISIS these people have been waiting all their lives to happen

And they cannot let a huge crisis go to waste.

Sounds to me like your bunch is in more of a crisis than anyone else is. You not only lost but your Orange Deity is facing some pretty stiff charges upon leaving office. And many of his Criminals in Charge are going to be rounded up as well on some real serious charges. You should note that Barr is very, very quiet right now. Ever wonder why?
This has nothing to do with anything today. Let's say this was Russia in 1915.

Hey how about Cuba.......Yeah Cuba. My cousins wife is from Cuba. Her uncle disappeared in the middle of the night never to be seen or heard from again around 61. Her father fled by the skin of his teeth.

You are way off topic on this one friend.
Right wingers are worse; they levied war on the Union for the sake of slavery.

It was the DEMOCRATS who fought to preserve slavery, why do you lie so blatantly?
1-This is going to be long but here I start.

In a free society you will always have a group of radicals so hell bent on changing that society, that they spread nothing about, or greatly exaggerate the ills of that society.

Over the years they spread as far and wide as they can. They don't work a job, just to spread the gospel of Marx. Their only goal is to sow hatred and mistrust of the general population. This will go on for yrs and yrs. They are training the foot soldiers from Nursery School to Graduate School. By this time, they have society fighting each other. A false sense of class hatred and mistrust.

Slow cracks in society erode to where it implodes. Riots, substance abuse and hatred...etc.

Whew. I typed a months worth

Next we will deal with a cataclysmic event that hits every century or so.........Great Famine.......Economic Crashes....World Wars.....Disease............Regime Changes, and large scale death A big CRISIS these people have been waiting all their lives to happen

And they cannot let a huge crisis go to waste.
I don't know where you learned your history but my reading is that free societies eventually come under the sway of a strong leader who promises them an end to their troubles. Ancient Greece and Rome, Germany after WWI, etc. One promise they make is to protect the people from their internal enemies: White Russians, capitalists/bourgeoisie, Jews, Antifa, BLM, etc.
I don't know where you learned your history.........................I learned from schools who taught it the right way.

My test for knowing history....................Recite the first 10 presidents backwards. Those that can I listen to.
Confirmation bias and rote memorization. I'm sure you've gained a deep understanding of history from that education.
1-This is going to be long but here I start.

In a free society you will always have a group of radicals so hell bent on changing that society, that they spread nothing about, or greatly exaggerate the ills of that society.

Over the years they spread as far and wide as they can. They don't work a job, just to spread the gospel of Marx. Their only goal is to sow hatred and mistrust of the general population. This will go on for yrs and yrs. They are training the foot soldiers from Nursery School to Graduate School. By this time, they have society fighting each other. A false sense of class hatred and mistrust.

Slow cracks in society erode to where it implodes. Riots, substance abuse and hatred...etc.

Whew. I typed a months worth

Next we will deal with a cataclysmic event that hits every century or so.........Great Famine.......Economic Crashes....World Wars.....Disease............Regime Changes, and large scale death A big CRISIS these people have been waiting all their lives to happen

And they cannot let a huge crisis go to waste.

Sounds to me like your bunch is in more of a crisis than anyone else is. You not only lost but your Orange Deity is facing some pretty stiff charges upon leaving office. And many of his Criminals in Charge are going to be rounded up as well on some real serious charges. You should note that Barr is very, very quiet right now. Ever wonder why?
This has nothing to do with anything today. Let's say this was Russia in 1915.

Hey how about Cuba.......Yeah Cuba. My cousins wife is from Cuba. Her uncle disappeared in the middle of the night never to be seen or heard from again around 61. Her father fled by the skin of his teeth.

You are way off topic on this one friend.
Right wingers are worse; they levied war on the Union for the sake of slavery.

It was the DEMOCRATS who fought to preserve slavery, why do you lie so blatantly?
Who, at the time, were rightwingers. At that time frame, the Republicans were Progressives and more liberal. Today, Lincoln would be a moderate Democrat as would Teddy R and Eisenhower.
My two cents:

Well in any system, there are those who benefit and those who don't. A system is stable, when there is a balance, the number of those who benefit is large enough and those who don't aren't too numerous and/or not screwed too badly.

When a system fails to find this balance, those who are at the losing end of that system will rise up sooner or later. Depending on the situation, one ideology or the other will give them a narrative for their discontentment and a purpose to overthrow the system. Like communists or fascists.

A free system, a republic like in the US, has the benefit that it gives much leeway for peaceful transition of power, so you can change the government without throwing the entire system out with the bathwater. That's a good thing, I'd say, because revolutions are usually bloody.

However, republics can fail to create such a balance, too. In that case, it gets dangerous.

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