Why Russia will win

Why Russia will win​

I would have said because this is Vladimir's chief opponent:

Spoken like a devoted little ignorant Trump communists sympathiser.
American patriots are proud if you. A war on the other side of the world, blind loyalty to a ratbag and you throw out all slivers of decency, democracy and patriotism purely to defeat Biden. Youre a very poor example of an American.
Well this post was an intellect killer
The MiG-29's that Poland is offering and everyone keeps bring up.
Are an old school late 1970's jet that Russia's modern air force would easily shoot down in a dog fight.
Why dog fight?

use the mig-29s as ground attack aircraft

which the ukraines are already doing with existing aircraft
Actually Putin has been semi-humane in NOT going full bore in his offensive so far.
Even the U.N. body counts are relatively low for Ukrainian civilians and children when juxtaposed against the high drama western media coverage.
Because it just prolongs the war and Russia's impending victory.
Meaning even more civilians will unnecessary lose their lives.

Putin gave Ukrainians plenty of time to flee even when Ukrainians stayed put until the last minute before the invasion began!
Only because he is Slavic and he knows Slavic's are stubborn blockheads.
He has only just started using his best weapons. Were he to unleash his Hyper Sonic Missiles it would be game over very quickly.
Already has, and it was specifically a message to the Pentagon, (as [italics]) the Pentagon was sending their puppet Austin to Sofia for a phioto-op:

2022 marta 19 Moscow Times
'The Kinzhal aviation missile system with hypersonic aeroballistic missiles destroyed a large underground warehouse containing missiles and aviation ammunition in the village of Deliatyn in the Ivano-Frankivsk region....Russian President Vladimir Putin has teermed Kinzhal(Dagger) missile, "an ideal weapon" that flies at 10 times the speed of sound and can overcome air-defense systems.'

The reason that the Pentagon is now clued up is because Ivano-Frankivsk wikipage shows "Twin Towns - Sister Cities" Arlington County, USA.'

Arlington County is the location of the Pentagon.
The reason it links to Bulgaria is because the Bulgarian journalist helped to uncover the biolabs. Bulgaria expels Russian diplomats, the next day marionette Lloyd Austin shows up for photo-ops with the Prime Minister. On another thread, we have already posted the photo of the bird flu laboratory at Kharkiv, which links the chron to Kennedy's book, The Real Anthony Fauci.

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