Why Russia doesn't need western 'democracy', Putin and Navalny?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
How 'democracy' practically works we can see now when all western countries become Corona prison run by a tiny roup of international criminals, psychopaths and murders.
So-called 'democracy' shall be renamed of PATHOCRACY - the Tyranny of small insane corrupted minority.
Also, Russia doesn't need this trash!
Both Putin and Navalny are servants of the same system which fools the world by Covid-1984 scamdemic.
Obviously Putin is ill and his bosses prepare for him a 'successor'.
No one Hollywood star received ever so much publicity by all western MSM presstitutes like Mr Navalny, a guy good for nothing except babbling.
Supposedly Putin and his gang will be 'scared' by toddlers protests in Russian cities and resign, giving all power to Lenin number 2 Navalny.
Why a comparison with Lenin?
Because Lenin and his murder gang were send in 1917 from Germany to destabilize Russia, like today Navalny.
Only idiot could sent Navalny to prison after his arriving, Putin did it and transformed him to a martyr.
Russian patriots shall be prepared to new maidans, resignation of Putin and transformation of power to Navalny who scrapes all nukes,
divides Russia in twenty small areas and sells the rest of which still be not sold by Putin.
Russian patriots shall stop both Putin and Navalny and know if Navalny wins Russia will die.

Paid by NWO baby protests in Russia will 'scary' Putin and he resigns.



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