Why our troops have so little confidence in their Commander-in-Chief...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
In a new Military Times survey of nearly 2,300 active-duty service members,
only 15% approve of Obama's performance, way down from an already low rating of 35% in 2009.
Military gives Obama low approval marks

Obama once said..
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Which by the way Obama had it totally wrong!
Japanese foreign affairs ministerMamoru Shigemitsu signs the Japanese Instrument of Surrender on boardUSS Missouri as General Richard K. Sutherland watches, September 2, 1945
Hirohito was NOT attending nor would he ... but once again Obama conflates his stories!!!

And this attitude has pervaded ALL aspects of Obama's C-I-C actions!
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rules of engagement Start Thinking Right
Obama is a joke, and so are the people that voted for him.
Obama voters are also known in Jonathan Gruber's characterization as "Stupidity of American Voter"!!!
Gruber included you also Mathew....
Who's "Matthew"? But Gruber was pointing out that it was those stupid people that voted for Obama that ALSO believed Obama's gross exaggerations,i.e.
$50,000 paid to family physician to cut off a diabetic patient leg , 46 million uninsured and AFTER he lied about that he now reduced to 36 million because he "failed" to account that 10 million not legally able to get insurance! He also exaggerated that nearly 155 million Americans couldn't get insurance because of ""Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition," And so ACA was passed by stupid voters who believed Obama's gross exaggerations!
Obama is a joke, and so are the people that voted for him.
Obama voters are also known in Jonathan Gruber's characterization as "Stupidity of American Voter"!!!
Gruber included you also Mathew....
Who's "Matthew"? But Gruber was pointing out that it was those stupid people that voted for Obama that ALSO believed Obama's gross exaggerations,i.e.
$50,000 paid to family physician to cut off a diabetic patient leg , 46 million uninsured and AFTER he lied about that he now reduced to 36 million because he "failed" to account that 10 million not legally able to get insurance! He also exaggerated that nearly 155 million Americans couldn't get insurance because of ""Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition," And so ACA was passed by stupid voters who believed Obama's gross exaggerations!
I don't even believe the VA when they say they can take care of me...and with my experiences with private medical insurance, I wasn't to impressed with their team either...
Obama is a joke, and so are the people that voted for him.
Obama voters are also known in Jonathan Gruber's characterization as "Stupidity of American Voter"!!!
Gruber included you also Mathew....
Who's "Matthew"? But Gruber was pointing out that it was those stupid people that voted for Obama that ALSO believed Obama's gross exaggerations,i.e.
$50,000 paid to family physician to cut off a diabetic patient leg , 46 million uninsured and AFTER he lied about that he now reduced to 36 million because he "failed" to account that 10 million not legally able to get insurance! He also exaggerated that nearly 155 million Americans couldn't get insurance because of ""Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition," And so ACA was passed by stupid voters who believed Obama's gross exaggerations!
I don't even believe the VA when they say they can take care of me...and with my experiences with private medical insurance, I wasn't to impressed with their team either...
What was your private medical insurance experience? I really would like to know.
I'm involved very deeply with health payment systems and have a fairly good understanding.
For example in your case if you would tell me what your anecdotal situation was let's see if it happens 95% of the time.
The reason I use 95% is because that is how many claims are paid the first time by all the health insurance companies.
They then do reviews of the 5% that are rejected IF the insured feels there is an issue.
But over all 95% of all claims are paid the first time they are submitted.
So what was your specific issue?
The red-headed stepson did two tours in Afghanistan (Bronze Star).
According to him, no one but NO ONE over there had the least bit of affection for the so-called "Commander in Chief".
If he frivolously wasted far more of their lives in pointless invasions of third world shit holes, would they like him better then?
If he frivolously wasted far more of their lives in pointless invasions of third world shit holes, would they like him better then?
Obama still has America bogged down by wars. The question is how many Presidents along do we have to wait to get one that doesn't have us at war with someone?
How long before the conservative war hawks and the MIC quit demanding we play world police?
If he frivolously wasted far more of their lives in pointless invasions of third world shit holes, would they like him better then?
Obama still has America bogged down by wars. The question is how many Presidents along do we have to wait to get one that doesn't have us at war with someone?
How long before the conservative war hawks and the MIC quit demanding we play world police?
When Ron Paul liking Republicans win over the rest of the party, or maybe Rand Paul. But right now the war wing holds the reigns.
If he frivolously wasted far more of their lives in pointless invasions of third world shit holes, would they like him better then?
Obama still has America bogged down by wars. The question is how many Presidents along do we have to wait to get one that doesn't have us at war with someone?
How long before the conservative war hawks and the MIC quit demanding we play world police?
When Ron Paul liking Republicans win over the rest of the party, or maybe Rand Paul. But right now the war wing holds the reigns.
Republicans love explosions and random body parts strewn across foreign landscapes too much to ever give up the "glory" of armed conflict, even the ones who claim to be against it are easy to scare into going along with it.
Obama is a joke, and so are the people that voted for him.
Obama voters are also known in Jonathan Gruber's characterization as "Stupidity of American Voter"!!!
Gruber included you also Mathew....
Who's "Matthew"? But Gruber was pointing out that it was those stupid people that voted for Obama that ALSO believed Obama's gross exaggerations,i.e.
$50,000 paid to family physician to cut off a diabetic patient leg , 46 million uninsured and AFTER he lied about that he now reduced to 36 million because he "failed" to account that 10 million not legally able to get insurance! He also exaggerated that nearly 155 million Americans couldn't get insurance because of ""Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition," And so ACA was passed by stupid voters who believed Obama's gross exaggerations!
I don't even believe the VA when they say they can take care of me...and with my experiences with private medical insurance, I wasn't to impressed with their team either...
I receive superlative care from VA.
If he frivolously wasted far more of their lives in pointless invasions of third world shit holes, would they like him better then?

NO you f..king idiot!
Soldiers are trained to do one thing. Defeat the enemy.

YOU CAN'T defeat the enemy if YOU continue to handicap the US soldier!
A laminated card with the following text was distributed to all U.S. Army and Marine personnel in Iraq.
Policies about limiting civilian casualties have soldiers complaining they can't effectively fight; one showed author Michael Hastings a card with regulations including "Patrol only in areas that you are reasonably certain that you will not have to defend yourselves with lethal force."
For a soldier who has traveled halfway around the world to fight, that’s like telling a cop he should only patrol in areas where he knows he won’t have to make arrests. “Does that make any f–king sense?” Pfc. Jared Pautsch.
In Afghanistan a New General -- But An Old Strategy - CBS News

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