Why Obama is back and going after Trump.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
These are strange times we live in and Americans are witnessing a phenomenon that starkly brings home the reality that there is vast difference between a classless society and a society with no class. The antics of Colin Kaepernick and Serena Williams notwithstanding, Americans know that it is almost unheard of for a former president to comment on or criticize a sitting president especially in the first term when the new administration is just getting underway.

The smooth transition of power has always been seen as necessary to ensure the stability of the nation after the voters have spoken. But Donald Trump’s election was such an unanticipated repudiation of elitist politics as usual that Barack Obama has broken with tradition and is accusing Trump of being a symptom of resentment and a threat to our way of life.

Trump is a threat but he is a threat to crooked career politicians on both sides of the aisle in US Congress. Consider Obama’s signature accomplishment, The Affordable Care Act. It was a disaster that would have destroyed health insurance in America and ushered Americans into a third world healthcare system.

The first thing Congress did was to go into back rooms with lawyers and craft a technicality to allow them to impose the ACA onto the people but escape the calamity themselves. They removed themselves from their own healthcare package and subjected themselves to the ACA in 2010 but only on paper. When the phase-in actually occurred in 2014 Suddenly Congress was a “small business” qualifying it for generous subsidies that average people can never get.

In the entire history of America Congress has never been thought of as a small business but it is now so crooked career politicians can foist catastrophic legislation onto the people while they protect themselves from the ruinous effects. By the way, how many republicans objected to the small business scam? If you get a number bigger than zero get another accountant.

Obama is out there casting aspersions on Trump because Trump exposes a rotten status quo which is why he was elected in the first place. It’s also why all these seditious investigations are going on. The corrupted status quo has to overthrow the election because it could be investigated itself by a “real” investigation.

They are hanging together because if Trump survives they are going to hang separately
Donald Trump has trashed every political tradition and custom in the book. And the Rube Herd cheered.

So the Fifth Avenue Republicans haven't a leg to stand on to whine about Obama criticizing Trump from his retirement.
Why is Obama back?

He's trying to build a NEW legacy.

(something happened to his old one)
"We must be the UNITED states of America. We must give President Trump a chance!"

Obama and Hillary stood up there in their purple regalia signifying unity of the parties knowing full well it was all a charade. They are reprehensible phonies and that proved it beyond all doubt.
Shitstain obama is reminding people of why they wanted to get rid of him in the first place.
Obama is a POS. He spent 8 years bashing the U.S. and pitting Americans against each other. Now the MF has the nerve to talk about being divisive??? Fuck that guy, he needs to stfu and disappear. He's done enough damage to this country already.
Donald Trump has trashed every political tradition and custom in the book. And the Rube Herd cheered.

So the Fifth Avenue Republicans haven't a leg to stand on to whine about Obama criticizing Trump from his retirement.

Trump was elected to trash all those norms. Obama’s little speech is nothing but a death rattle for everything that’s bad about politics. Don’t feel bad, plenty of Bernie’s will be elected to, it it will even out into a new normal. And it’s a good thing.
Nice try....

1. W
2. LBJ
3. George Tenet
5. Cheney
6. Rumsfeld
7. Andrew Johnson
8. J Edgar Hoover
9. Dianne Feinstein
10. Col Osman
We were talking about Ancient Rome this morning, and how it ended up going from a democratic Republic to an Empire ruled by an Emperor. Democracy takes work and it takes patience and it takes dedication to something larger than ourselves or we'd never tolerate the periodic defeats of our preferred agenda.

Let's not get to the point where one man (or woman) is trusted to rule us all. Trump has bashed every piece of our government's organization that keeps power in check. And people are CHEERING it, disbelieving the facts and disbelieving the informed people whose job it is to collect those facts, both in the government and in the media. We are at a very dangerous place, imo.

I think Obama is back on the trail because he was not ready to get out of politics. He had not had enough for total "burnout." He is still relatively young and very dedicated to the Democratic cause. But it were me, I would be out there talking because we ARE at a critical point in our history.
Nice try....

1. W
2. LBJ
3. George Tenet
5. Cheney
6. Rumsfeld
7. Andrew Johnson
8. J Edgar Hoover
9. Dianne Feinstein
10. Col Osman
Only an idiot would believe your list. You didn't even put FDR on it.

Or Trump.
We were talking about Ancient Rome this morning, and how it ended up going from a democratic Republic to an Empire ruled by an Emperor. Democracy takes work and it takes patience and it takes dedication to something larger than ourselves or we'd never tolerate the periodic defeats of our preferred agenda.

Let's not get to the point where one man (or woman) is trusted to rule us all. Trump has bashed every piece of our government's organization that keeps power in check. And people are CHEERING it, disbelieving the facts and disbelieving the informed people whose job it is to collect those facts, both in the government and in the media. We are at a very dangerous place, imo.

I think Obama is back on the trail because he was not ready to get out of politics. He had not had enough for total "burnout." He is still relatively young and very dedicated to the Democratic cause. But it were me, I would be out there talking because we ARE at a critical point in our history.
people are cheering it cause obama used ever piece of government he could to keep the opposition at bay or neutered. the steps he took i'm more than sure the left who support obama, would cry massive foul if trump took these same actions. i agree trump is a dumbass when he inserts his nose into current events and the media, but obama blazed that trail with a lot of reporter corpses behind and several of his own admin busted for spying on our own government.

lets not get to the point where we hate someone so much we make up shit about what they to in order to justify our hate. the critical point in our history is that we're trying to establish new ways to get rid of a president so the "establishment" can stay in power with a status quo. what needs to be fixed is a base respect for the constitution and the will of the people; not finding subversive ways to lie about leadership so we can get rid of them and set yet another constitution killing precedence of going around our lines and barriers of roles to get what we emotionally want.
Why is Obama back?

He's trying to build a NEW legacy.

(something happened to his old one)
Like any other black thief shitstain obama wants to steal Trump's.

So Obama wants to steal the orange thief shitstain's legacy?

He already did:

Only an idiot would believe your list. You didn't even put FDR on it.

Or Trump.


Zionist Treason doesn't exist according to G5000, a participant in covering up Zionist Treason right here...
We were talking about Ancient Rome this morning, and how it ended up going from a democratic Republic to an Empire ruled by an Emperor. Democracy takes work and it takes patience and it takes dedication to something larger than ourselves or we'd never tolerate the periodic defeats of our preferred agenda.

Let's not get to the point where one man (or woman) is trusted to rule us all. Trump has bashed every piece of our government's organization that keeps power in check. And people are CHEERING it, disbelieving the facts and disbelieving the informed people whose job it is to collect those facts, both in the government and in the media. We are at a very dangerous place, imo.

I think Obama is back on the trail because he was not ready to get out of politics. He had not had enough for total "burnout." He is still relatively young and very dedicated to the Democratic cause. But it were me, I would be out there talking because we ARE at a critical point in our history.
people are cheering it cause obama used ever piece of government he could to keep the opposition at bay or neutered. the steps he took i'm more than sure the left who support obama, would cry massive foul if trump took these same actions. i agree trump is a dumbass when he inserts his nose into current events and the media, but obama blazed that trail with a lot of reporter corpses behind and several of his own admin busted for spying on our own government.

lets not get to the point where we hate someone so much we make up shit about what they to in order to justify our hate.
This is not about Obama or Trump. But you guys NEVER seem to get it when I bring it up, so just forget it.

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