Why not all "pursuits of happiness" are created equal


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2019
I'd venture that it can be reasonably inferred, for example, that he higher pursuits of 'happiness', if one uses the American framers as an example, including their higher moral and intellectual sacrifices, are an inherently "superior" pursuit of happiness than lesser ones, such as immoral, unintellectual, unaesthetic, and so forth, and of course, by the volition or will be which lesser men and women pursue said agendas, nothing akin to "America" or any other higher ideal would have or could have come into existence.

So no, let's not give the pretense of the pursuit of happiness like that akin to a feral beast, is the same or on the same level as that akin to a man or a woman, nor give the false pretense that life and 'liberty' are 'absolute' to begin with.

(One for example, doesn't have the liberty or 'free will' to molest children, or rape women, and for good reason, and were they to deem that degeneracy their 'pursuit of happiness', society would naturally and rightfully revoke their 'rights' by gunpoint or the electric chair).

Much as how, of course, not everyone and everything one might have the theoretical 'freedom' to do, would be equally worth doing to a superior man or woman, from a moral, intellectual, or aesthetic perspective, for example, much as wants which some degenerate might wish to do, would not be intellectually, morally, or aesthetically conductive to the character traits which the recognition of such "freedoms" or "rights" is predicated upon to begin with, would be worth it.

If for instance, one denyed a man a "right" to stick his dick in a blender, then as asinine as it might be that someone would be bored enough to institute such a law to begin with, that doesn't mean any sane or superior man or woman would or should "want" to do it on the sole basis of that alone, no.

So yes, of course my pursuit of morality, truth, beauty, is inherently superior to that of lesser mortals who rather pursue badness, falsehoods, ugliness and beastiliness, and by very rightful virture of that, I naturally deserve more rights than those who appreciate not anything of the above, were our society, state, and government more naturally meritocratic enough to recognize such things, and defy such slanders to the contrariness.

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