Why no apology from FOX about Benghazi lies?

So what did Fox News lie about? Americans didn't die in Benghazi? The Obama administration didn't lie its ass off for weeks by claiming it was a video that caused the Muslim 'uproar', as if that is a viable excuse for terrorists anyway?

You limp-wristers can cry all day long about Fox News. Fox News didn't force the Hussein administration to lie to the public for weeks.

I agree. FOX has nothing to apologize for.

The administration lied and did so for weeks.

Hell. I watched it every day on TV.

The Adminstraion and Obama should apologize to the American people for the incompetence of the State Department and the should really apologize to the families of the slain men.
Why would the Hussein ever apologize for any of his lies?

He's got an army of followers that will deny any wrong doing on his part, even when the facts say otherwise. This board is full of them.
NF 10246779
NotfooledbyW said:
Susan Rice said and acknowledged on September 16, 2012 after being directly asked if al Qaeda had some part in the Benghazi attack?

SUSAN RICE: Well, we'll have to find out that out. I mean I think it's clear that there were extremist elements that joined in and escalated the violence. Whether they were al Qaeda affiliates, whether they were Libyan-based extremists or al Qaeda itself I think is one of the things we'll have to determine.

Face the Nation transcripts September 16 2012 Libyan Pres. Magariaf Amb. Rice and Sen. McCain - Page 2 - CBS News

For Oldstyle.[/QUOTE]
So what did Fox News lie about? Americans didn't die in Benghazi? The Obama administration didn't lie its ass off for weeks by claiming it was a video that caused the Muslim 'uproar',

Who do you think claimed that Americans did not die in Benghazi? You and reality are quite always apart.

And no it was not a lie that the video caused the Muslim uproar. Fox News has not denied that. The video did cause the attack on the US Embassy in Cairo and many other areas of the world. Where have you been for two years?
Clau 10365598
Hell. I watched it every day on TV.

Then you have no excuse for not seeing and hearing and comprehending this:

Was al Qaeda involved in the attacks:

SUSAN RICE: Well, we'll have to find out that out. I mean I think it's clear that there were extremist elements that joined in and escalated the violence. Whether they were al Qaeda affiliates, whether they were Libyan-based extremists or al Qaeda itself I think is one of the things we'll have to determine.
FOX absolutely SHOULD NOT apologize; they aren't a real news outlet.

  • Glenn Beck, the host of an eponymous afternoon commentary show, stated in 2009 that he believes President Obama is "a racist" and has "a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture."[111] These remarks drew criticism, and resulted in a boycott promulgated by Color of Change.[112] The boycott resulted in 80 advertisers requesting their ads be removed from his programming, to avoid associating their brands with content that could be considered offensive by potential customers. He later apologized for the remarks, telling Fox News Sunday anchor Chris Wallace that he has a "big fat mouth" and miscast as racism what is actually, as he theorizes, Obama's belief in black liberation theology.[112][113][114][115][116][117][118][119] Glenn Beck left Fox News in June 2011 after 29 months with the network.[120][121]
  • Neil Cavuto, who is also Fox News' vice president of business news and a current member of the network's executive committee, was described as a "Bush apologist" by critics[122] after conducting an allegedly deferential interview with President George W. Bush. Democratic strategists and politicians boycotted Cavuto's show in 2004 after he claimed, on air, that Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was rooting for Senator John Kerry.[123] Cavuto has also received criticism for gratuitous footage and photos of scantily clad supermodels and adult film stars on his show, Your World with Neil Cavuto.[124][125]
  • Alan Colmes is touted by Fox as "a hard-hitting liberal",[126] who was used to counter the conservative opinions of his co-host, conservative talk radio personalitySean Hannity on the political debate program Hannity & Colmes. However, while speaking to USA Today, he said: "I'm quite moderate." He has been characterized by several newspapers as being Sean Hannity's "sidekick."[127] Liberal commentator and future Minnesota Senator Al Franken lambasted Colmes in his book, Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them. Throughout the book, Colmes' name is printed in smaller type than all other words to emphasize Franken's belief that Colmes' role was to feebly defend liberal positions, allowing him to be bulldozed by Hannity. Franken accuses him of refusing to ask tough questions during debates and neglecting to challenge erroneous claims made by Hannity or his guests.[127]
  • John Gibson, the former host of an afternoon hour of news coverage called The Big Story, was cited as an example of Fox News blurring the lines between objective reporting and opinion/editorial programming. Gibson angered some people immediately after the 2000 presidential election controversy when, during the opinion segment of his show, Gibson said: "Is this a case where knowing the facts actually would be worse than not knowing? I mean, should we burn these ballots, preserve them in amber, or shred them?" and "George Bush is going to be president. And who needs to know that he's not a legitimate president?"[128]In an opinion piece on the Hutton Inquiry decision, Gibson said the BBC had "a frothing-at-the-mouth anti-Americanism that was obsessive, irrational and dishonest" and that the BBC reporter, Andrew Gilligan, "insisted on air that the Iraqi Army was heroically repulsing an incompetent American Military."[129] In reviewing viewer complaints, Ofcom (the United Kingdom's statutory broadcasting regulator) ruled that Fox News had breached the program code in three areas: "respect for truth", "opportunity to take part", and "personal opinions expressed (in an opinion slot) must not rest upon false evidence." Fox News admitted that Gilligan had not actually said the words that John Gibson appeared to attribute to him; Ofcom rejected the claim that it was intended to be a paraphrase. (See.[130]) Gibson has also called Joe Wilson a "liar", claimed that "the far left" is working for Al Qaeda[131] and stated that he wished that Paris had been host to the 2012 Olympic Games, because it would have subjected the city to the threat of terrorism instead of London.[132] Gibson ran a segment on the exchange between Ron Paul and Rudy Giuliani at the Republican primary debate on the motives of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The majority of the segment was centered around the 9/11 Truth movement; Gibson said that the movement has "infected" many people "including Ron Paul", though Ron Paul has never subscribed to 9/11 conspiracy theories, and believes that Al-Qaeda perpetrated the attacks. Gibson was also harshly criticized when, on his radio program, he repeatedly mocked Jon Stewart's reaction to 9/11 on The Daily Show. Some allege that this incident led to his dismissal at Fox.
  • Steven Milloy, the commentator for FoxNews.com, has been critical of the science behind global warming and secondhand smoke as a carcinogen. In a February 6, 2006, article in The New Republic, Paul D. Thacker revealed that ExxonMobil had donated $90,000 to two non-profit organizations run out of Milloy's house.[133] In addition, Milloy received almost $100,000 a year from Philip Morris during the time he was arguing that secondhand smoke was not carcinogenic.[134] Milloy's website, junkscience.com, was reviewed and revised by a public relations firm hired by RJR Tobacco.[135] In response to Thacker's disclosure of this conflict of interest, Paul Schur, director of media relations for Fox News, stated that "...Fox News was unaware of Milloy's connection with Philip Morris. Any affiliation he had should have been disclosed."[133]
  • E.D. Hill introduced an upcoming discussion before a commercial break about a fist bump between Barack and Michelle Obama after the final 2008 Presidential Democratic primaries by stating that the gesture was either "A fist bump? A pound? [or] A terrorist fist jab?," but never explained the term when the segment continued after the break.[136] The incident was considered controversial among bloggers and political commentators.[137][138][139][140] Hill apologized for her comments the next day.[141]
  • Dick Morris appeared several times on Fox News, including one appearance on Fox & Friends two days before the 2012 presidential election, predicting thatMitt Romney would win the election in a landslide.[142] Morris was the least accurate major pundit in predicting the 2012 presidential election.[143] After the election, Morris did not appear on Fox News for almost three months. Finally on February 5, 2013, Fox announced that it would not renew Morris' contract.[144]
  • Karl Rove protested Fox News' calling of the 2012 presidential election for Barack Obama on November 7, 2012. Megyn Kelly then brought a camera crew to ask the off-air analysts team if they stood by their decision. After Rove continued to refuse Fox's decision Kelly responded by asking him, "Is this just math that you do as a Republican to make yourself feel better? Or is this real?"[145][146][147]
  • Megyn Kelly drew controversy after making remarks in December 2013 reacting to a Slate article that postulated that "Santa Claus should not be a white man anymore". On her Fox News segment, the Kelly File, she quipped that "For all you kids watching at home, Santa just is white, but this person is just arguing that maybe we should also have a black Santa," adding, "But Santa is what he is, and just so you know, we’re just debating this because someone wrote about it." Kelly also stated that Jesus was white later in the segment.[148] Soon after, Jon Stewart,[149] Stephen Colbert,[150] Rachel Maddow,[151] and others satirized her remarks. A few days later, she made additional on-air statements and characterized her original comments as "tongue-in-cheek".[152][153][154][155][156]
Discredited military and counterterrorism editor[edit]
Other criticisms[edit]
Criticism of media coverage[edit]
  • Outfoxed, a documentary film on Fox News by liberal activist Robert Greenwald, makes assertions of bias in Fox News by interviewing a number of former employees who discuss the network's practices. For example, Frank O'Donnell, identified as a Fox News producer, says: "We were stunned, because up until that point, we were allowed to do legitimate news. Suddenly, we were ordered from the top to carry [...] Republican, right-wing propaganda", including being told what to say about Ronald Reagan. The network made an official response[158] and claimed that four of the individuals identified as employees of Fox News either were not employees (O'Donnell, e.g., worked for an affiliate over which Fox News claims to have no editorial authority) or had their titles inflated.[159]
  • CNN founder Ted Turner accused Fox News of being "dumbed down" and "propaganda" and equated the network's popularity to Adolf Hitler's rise to power in 1930's Germany, during a speech to the National Association of Television Program Executives.[160] In response, a Fox News spokesperson said "Ted is understandably bitter having lost his ratings, his network, and now his mind. We wish him well." The Anti-Defamation League, to whom Turner had apologized in the past for a similar comparison, said Turner is "a recidivist who hasn't learned from his past mistakes."[161]
  • Fox News, while covering a car chase, inadvertently broadcast a live suicide and quickly apologized as being a mistake.[162] Al Tompkins of the Poynter Institute, stipulated by e-mail; “There is simply no excuse for this. It is sensationalism to carry it in the first place."[162]
Criticism of individuals[edit]
  • Media Matters, which has since announced a campaign of "guerrilla warfare and sabotage" [163] against Fox, contends that Fox specializes in "political sabotage" by putting up moderate-to-conservative "Democrats" as token liberals against more staunchly conservative Republicans. It cites the following people as examples of this:
  • Another allegation of Fox's critics is that it sometimes ridicules protesters, especially ones for liberal causes. For example, during the 2004 Republican National Convention, Bill O'Reilly referred to some of the protesters as "terrorists" (though he added, "most protesters are peaceful").[168][169] Fox News online columnistMike Straka referred to anti-war protesters at the September 24, 2005, march in Washington, D.C. as "jobless, anti-American, clueless, smelly, stupid traitors" and "protesters from hell."[170][171]'

The Fox News report on Malmö was replayed on Swedish television, here onSVT1.
  • Iranian-Swedish newspaper commentator Behrang Kianzad wrote in the Expressen newspaper that "there are lies, damned lies and Fox News",[172] in response to a Fox News story about allegedly Muslim violence in the city of Malmö, Sweden. The report focused on the borough of Rosengård where two out of 1,000 school students were ethnic Swedes.[173] Kianzad wrote that rock throwing against police, firefighters and ambulance personnel happened "not just in Rosengård and not as a Muslim custom."[172]
  • In August 2006, two Jordanian-Arab freelancers who were working for Fox News as producers, resigned from the network, citing its coverage that month of the Israel's conflict with the militant group Hezbollah in Lebanon. Their resignation letter read in part: "We can no longer work with a news organization that claims to be fair and balanced when you are so far from that...Not only are you Fox News an instrument of the Bush White House, and Israeli propaganda, you are war mongers with no sense of decency, nor professionalism."[174]
  • On January 19, 2007, reports and commentary by Fox News personalities featured an anonymously sourced article in the conservative web magazine Insight that claimed that associates of Democratic Senator Hillary Clinton had discovered that Senator Barack Obama had attended a "Muslim seminary" as a child in Indonesia. The term "Muslim seminary" refers to a specifically religious form of madrassa (school). It was determined within days that Obama had instead, as he had said in his memoirs, attended first a Catholic and then a modern public elementary school. The latter was, as Obama had written, "predominantly Muslim" (as Indonesia is predominantly Muslim), and not a seminary of any kind.[175] On January 31, 2007, the Washington Post suggested that because of FNC's reporting of the Insight article, Obama had "frozen out" the network's reporters and producers while giving interviews to every other major network. After the incident John Moody, a vice president at Fox, wrote to staff: "For the record: seeing an item on a website does not mean it is right. Nor does it mean it is ready for air on FNC. The urgent queue is our way of communicating information that is air-worthy. Please adhere to this."[176]
  • In March 2007, the Democratic Party in Nevada pulled out of a planned debate to be hosted by Fox. Its spokesmen cited a joke by Fox News CEO Roger Ailes, which hinged on President George W. Bush confusing the names of Barack Obama and Osama bin Laden, as evidence that Fox News is biased against the party. Fox News chairman David Rhodes responded to the cancellation by saying that the Democratic Party is "owned by MoveOn.org" (which had created a petition against the debate).[177][177]
  • On May 25, 2008, Fox News political contributor Liz Trotta stated on the air, while talking about the presidential election, "And now we have what some are reading as a suggestion that somebody knock off Osama, uh Obama. Well, both, if we could."; she then laughed. She apologized for the remark on-air on Fox News the next day, saying, "I am so sorry about what happened yesterday and the lame attempt at humor."[178] Trotta and Fox News were criticized for the remark by The New York Times editorial board and others.[179]
  • In June 2007, when Louisiana Democratic Congressman William J. Jefferson was indicted on corruption, racketeering, and bribery charges, Fox News ran a video of Michigan Democratic Congressman John Conyers, also black. Conyers criticized the network for "a history of inappropriate on-air mistakes" and the network's "lackluster" apology (which did not name him),[180] and a second, more specific apology was issued.[181] In November 2006 Fox News had aired footage of then-Rep. Harold Ford Jr. (also black) while talking about Sen. Barack Obama.[182]
  • On September 5, 2011, Fox News criticized a speech by James P. Hoffa in Detroit calling for an "army of voters" to take the SOBs out and give America back to Americans. But Fox edited out the mention of voters to make the speech sound like a call for violence.
I'm so thankful for Fox News, fair and balanced! It would be sad and unfair without them. The fact that the libs cannot deny or ignore the truth in all markets is important.
I'm so thankful for Fox News, fair and balanced! It would be sad and unfair without them. The fact that the libs cannot deny or ignore the truth in all markets is important.

Its nice you are a loyal member of the Fox News loyal audience.

But you cannot refute what Susan Rice said on other networks and probably not reported on Fox since typical Fox Republicans have no idea what she actually said about al Qaeda's involvement in the attacks in Benghazi.
The Lie:
MITT ROMNEY: "it took the president 14 days before he called the attack in Benghazi an act of terror."

The truth:
PRESIDENT OBAMA: (day one - September 12, 2012) "No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for. Today we mourn four more Americans who represent the very best of the United States of America. We will not waver in our commitment to see that justice is done for this terrible act. And make no mistake, justice will be done."

The truth:
PRESIDENT OBAMA: (day two - September 13, 2012) So what I want all of you to know is that we are going to bring those who killed our fellow Americans to justice. I want people around the world to hear me: To all those who would do us harm, no act of terror will go unpunished.

Remarks by the President in Golden CO The White House

The truth:
PRESIDENT OBAMA: (day three - September 14, 2012) "As for the ones we lost last night: I want to assure you, we will bring their killers to justice. And we want to send a message all around the world -- anybody who would do us harm: No act of terror will dim the light of the values that we proudly shine on the rest of the world, and no act of violence will shake the resolve of the United States of America."

Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event -- Las Vegas NV The White House

The truth:
SUSAN RICE: (day five - September 16, 2012) "I mean I think it's clear that there were extremist elements that joined in and escalated the violence. Whether they were al Qaeda affiliates, whether they were Libyan-based extremists or al Qaeda itself I think is one of the things we'll have to determine."

The truth:
JAY CARNEY speaking for the President to reporters (day nine - September 20, 2012) "It is, I think, self-evident that what happened in Benghazi was a terrorist attack. Our embassy was attacked violently, and the result was four deaths of American officials."

We were led to believe by the right wing political media machine that Obama conspired to trick the voting public into believing four Anericans did not die in an act of terror in Benghazi when Obama went public saying it was an act of terror on day one, day two and day three himself.

Then Susan Rice said we were investigating whether the attackers were al Qaeda on day five.

But Jay Carney said it best on day nine:

"It is, I think, self-evident that what happened in Benghazi was a terrorist attack

Damn! How profound! What happened in Benghazi was a terrorist attack. A self-evident terrorist attack, but an allegedgely intelligent man like Mitt Romney demands the President tell him its an act of terror. But when the President speaks those three words publically three distinct and three separate times, Romney did not try to listen.

There are many here who still believe despite so much contrary reality that Romney was right. And some of the Romney believers here call those who see the truth on Benghazi - idiots.

What a farcical world they live in.
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So what did Fox News lie about? Americans didn't die in Benghazi? The Obama administration didn't lie its ass off for weeks by claiming it was a video that caused the Muslim 'uproar', as if that is a viable excuse for terrorists anyway?

You limp-wristers can cry all day long about Fox News. Fox News didn't force the Hussein administration to lie to the public for weeks.
So are you saying Republicans are now lying?
Hawk 10365512
Fox News didn't force the Hussein administration to lie to the public for weeks.

Your closing line is correct. Fox did not force the Obama Administration to tell the public the lies that Fox and Republicans like Romney have been telling for two years:

The Lie:
MITT ROMNEY: "it took the president 14 days before he called the attack in Benghazi an act of terror."

The truth:
PRESIDENT OBAMA: (day one - September 12, 2012) "No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for.Today we mourn four more Americans who represent the very best of the United States of America. We will not waver in our commitment to see that justice is done for this terrible act. And make no mistake, justice will be done."

The truth:
PRESIDENT OBAMA: (day two - September 13, 2012) So what I want all of you to know is that we are going to bring those who killed our fellow Americans to justice. I want people around the world to hear me: To all those who would do us harm, no act of terrorwill go unpunished.

Remarks by the President in Golden CO The White House

The truth:
PRESIDENT OBAMA: (day three - September 14, 2012) "As for the ones we lost last night: I want to assure you, we will bring their killers to justice. And we want to send a message all around the world -- anybody who would do us harm: No act of terror will dim the light of the values that we proudly shine on the rest of the world, and no act of violence will shake the resolve of the United States of America."

Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event -- Las Vegas NV The White House

The truth:
SUSAN RICE: (day five - September 16, 2012) "I mean I think it's clear that there were extremist elements that joined in and escalated the violence. Whether they were al Qaeda affiliates, whether they were Libyan-based extremists or al Qaeda itself I think is one of the things we'll have to determine."

The truth:
JAY CARNEY speaking for the President to reporters (day nine - September 20, 2012) "It is, I think, self-evident that what happened in Benghazi was a terrorist attack. Our embassy was attacked violently, and the result was four deaths of American officials."

We were led to believe by the right wing political media machine that Obama conspired to trick the voting public into believing four Anericans did not die in an act of terror in Benghazi when Obama went public saying it was an act of terror on day one, day two and day three himself.

Then Susan Rice said we were investigating whether the attackers were al Qaeda on day five.

But Jay Carney said it best on day nine:

"It is, I think, self-evident that what happened in Benghazi was a terrorist attack

Damn! How profound! What happened in Benghazi was a terrorist attack. A self-evident terrorist attack.

But why did Republicans lie so much that Obama did not say it was a terrorist attack until 14 days after the attack when he and his spokes-people clearly said that it was.
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From your link, there was no finding of evidence for the Claudette-Oldstyle tribal myth that there was an attempt to cover up (lie about) terrorist involvement in the Benghazi attack.

Senate Review: No Effort By Obama Administration To Cover-Up Or Alter Facts
Senate Select Committee On Intelligence: "There Were No Efforts By The White House Or Any Other Executive Branch Entities To 'Cover-Up' Facts Or Make Alterations For Political Purposes."

The problem we have is that Claudette and Oldstyle belong to a tribe that does not appreciate the need for evidence.
The OP of this thread dictates a totally false premise. Both the president and Hillary Clinton got in front of the cameras and produced one of the biggest lies ever perpetrated in the history of this country, about the protests being over a "Mohammad video". If it weren't for the leftist media, both of them would have been thrown out of office by now.
The OP of this thread dictates a totally false premise. Both the president and Hillary Clinton got in front of the cameras and produced one of the biggest lies ever perpetrated in the history of this country, about the protests being over a "Mohammad video". If it weren't for the leftist media, both of them would have been thrown out of office by now.

The protests actually were over a ""Mohammad video". Do you really think you know what you are talking about? Your declaration is bizarre. No credible observer of the protests in Cairo and dozens of other cities dispute s the role the video played in sparking the violent protests in so many parts of the world.
The OP of this thread dictates a totally false premise. Both the president and Hillary Clinton got in front of the cameras and produced one of the biggest lies ever perpetrated in the history of this country, about the protests being over a "Mohammad video". If it weren't for the leftist media, both of them would have been thrown out of office by now.

The protests actually were over a ""Mohammad video". Do you really think you know what you are talking about? Your declaration is bizarre. No credible observer of the protests in Cairo and dozens of other cities dispute s the role the video played in sparking the violent protests in so many parts of the world.

Bullshit. The Ben Ghazi attack had nothing to do with the Mohammad video. Even they admitted to it, eventually. The entire country saw the President and Secretary of State get in front of the camera and commit treason., and the media helped them get away with it.
Or from the clowns who bought their BS hook, line, and sinker? Perhaps because they`re so embarrassed?
What lies?
The lie that the president ordered a 'stand down.'

The lie that the president 'watched as they died.'

The lie that there was 'criminal wrongdoing' on the part of the administration.

And the lie that the president authorized a 'cover up.'

Those lies.
Bullshit. The Ben Ghazi attack had nothing to do with the Mohammad video.

Susan Rice and no one else claimed that the 'extremists that brought' heavy weapons attacked only because they were angered by the video. And that is not what your original claim was. Perhaps you were just careless. Specifically at Benghazi your accusations turned out to be false also because the ringleader of the attack who was captured and arrested last June turns out to have said he attacked over anger at the video. He was also not affiliated with al Qaeda.

So you are wrong on every count no matter how you look at it.

From your link, there was no finding of evidence for the Claudette-Oldstyle tribal myth that there was an attempt to cover up (lie about) terrorist involvement in the Benghazi attack.

Senate Review: No Effort By Obama Administration To Cover-Up Or Alter Facts
Senate Select Committee On Intelligence: "There Were No Efforts By The White House Or Any Other Executive Branch Entities To 'Cover-Up' Facts Or Make Alterations For Political Purposes."

The problem we have is that Claudette and Oldstyle belong to a tribe that does not appreciate the need for evidence.

A coverup? Who knows why the administration would want to cover up a terrorist attack in Benghazi. Of course the election might have something to do with someone thinking about a cover up.

Panetta informed the WH immediately that it was a terrorist attack.

You tell me why they had Susan Rice tell lies about demonstrations and a video. There were no demonstrations in Benghazi.

You also tell me why she was ordered to tell those lies for two weeks.

As far as evidence goes I listened to those lies for two weeks as did anyone with a TV.

Evidence enough for me. You can google just as well as I can and have.

Those terrorists had links to AQ. I googled that as well.

You don't seem to care about the lies. In fact you make excuses for them.

You probably don't care about the four dead men either but then I expect no less from an idiot like you.
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From your link, there was no finding of evidence for the Claudette-Oldstyle tribal myth that there was an attempt to cover up (lie about) terrorist involvement in the Benghazi attack.

Senate Review: No Effort By Obama Administration To Cover-Up Or Alter Facts
Senate Select Committee On Intelligence: "There Were No Efforts By The White House Or Any Other Executive Branch Entities To 'Cover-Up' Facts Or Make Alterations For Political Purposes."

The problem we have is that Claudette and Oldstyle belong to a tribe that does not appreciate the need for evidence.

A coverup? Who knows why the administration would want to cover up a terrorist attack in Benghazi. Of course the election might have something to do with someone thinking about a cover up.

Panetta informed the WH immediately that it was a terrorist attack.

You tell me why they had Susan Rice tell lies about demonstrations and a video. There were no demonstrations in Benghazi.

You also tell me why she was ordered to tell those lies for two weeks.

As far as evidence goes I listened to those lies for two weeks as did anyone with a TV.

Evidence enough for me. You can google just as well as I can and have.

Those terrorists had links to AQ. I googled that as well.

You don't seem to care about the lies. In fact you make excuses for them.

You probably don't care about the four dead men either but then I expect no less from an idiot like you.
This has been explained to you 50 times now, Dreamer. Clearly, you're too committed to your conspiracy theory to understand.

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