Radical Freedom
I Told You So And It Makes Me Sick
See, let’s not forget that it was the United States government that started this whole mess by playing footsies with these people in the first place. Why? Because they came up with this foolish idea that ousting Assad from the control of Syria would somehow manifest a democracy over there. To that end, they armed people without the decent background checks they insist on for American citizens that aren’t trying to topple a government. Now here goes the government saying we need more background checks on firearm purchases by American citizens over here. Excuse me, but where were the background checks when this same government was handing out TOW anti-tank missiles, anti-aircraft guns, and 12.7mm machine guns to these Syrian “moderates” that mutated into ISIS?
See, let’s not forget that it was the United States government that started this whole mess by playing footsies with these people in the first place. Why? Because they came up with this foolish idea that ousting Assad from the control of Syria would somehow manifest a democracy over there. To that end, they armed people without the decent background checks they insist on for American citizens that aren’t trying to topple a government. Now here goes the government saying we need more background checks on firearm purchases by American citizens over here. Excuse me, but where were the background checks when this same government was handing out TOW anti-tank missiles, anti-aircraft guns, and 12.7mm machine guns to these Syrian “moderates” that mutated into ISIS?