WHY must Americans undergo background checks but NOT the "Syrian Resistance"?


Radical Freedom
Aug 16, 2009
Adjuntas, PR , USA
I Told You So And It Makes Me Sick

See, let’s not forget that it was the United States government that started this whole mess by playing footsies with these people in the first place. Why? Because they came up with this foolish idea that ousting Assad from the control of Syria would somehow manifest a democracy over there. To that end,
they armed people without the decent background checks they insist on for American citizens that aren’t trying to topple a government. Now here goes the government saying we need more background checks on firearm purchases by American citizens over here. Excuse me, but where were the background checks when this same government was handing out TOW anti-tank missiles, anti-aircraft guns, and 12.7mm machine guns to these Syrian “moderates” that mutated into ISIS?
Stand with m.jpg
I Told You So And It Makes Me Sick

See, let’s not forget that it was the United States government that started this whole mess by playing footsies with these people in the first place. Why? Because they came up with this foolish idea that ousting Assad from the control of Syria would somehow manifest a democracy over there. To that end,
they armed people without the decent background checks they insist on for American citizens that aren’t trying to topple a government. Now here goes the government saying we need more background checks on firearm purchases by American citizens over here. Excuse me, but where were the background checks when this same government was handing out TOW anti-tank missiles, anti-aircraft guns, and 12.7mm machine guns to these Syrian “moderates” that mutated into ISIS?

while I do absolutely agree with you that the USA ----ARMING of this or that Islamic action group is IDIOTIC-----as IDIOTIC as our arming the Taliban during the 1980s for the "PURPOSE" of kicking the Russians out of Afghanistan-----I AM CONVINCED that the USA so engages out of NAIVETE----a lack of understanding of the nature of Islamic squabbles-----but not as part of some VAST EVIL CONSPIRACY
Conty's OP is a fallacy of false comparison. Absolutely silly!

yes---from a practical sense it is-----but---there is a GRAIN ---of truth----the US is not at all careful about into whose hands it places weapons
This just shows you what a joke our government is. They fear a US citizen more than the terrorists!
This just shows you what a joke our government is. They fear a US citizen more than the terrorists!

The United States exports MORE weapons than any other country on earth - except for Russia. You think that they do background checks on the Haji's that buy our weapons then - a year or two later, use them against us? The hypocrisy within the leadership of this country is staggering.....
This just shows you what a joke our government is. They fear a US citizen more than the terrorists!

The United States exports MORE weapons than any other country on earth - except for Russia. You think that they do background checks on the Haji's that buy our weapons then - a year or two later, use them against us? The hypocrisy within the leadership of this country is staggering.....

??? ok I is naïve-----the US allows PRIVATE SALES OF BIG TIME WEAPONS by "dealers" in the USA to-------jihadi nuts?
This just shows you what a joke our government is. They fear a US citizen more than the terrorists!

The United States exports MORE weapons than any other country on earth - except for Russia. You think that they do background checks on the Haji's that buy our weapons then - a year or two later, use them against us? The hypocrisy within the leadership of this country is staggering.....

??? ok I is naïve-----the US allows PRIVATE SALES OF BIG TIME WEAPONS by "dealers" in the USA to-------jihadi nuts?

Nope, not necessarily, they go through back channels and international gun dealers to sell weapons - from small arms to planes and tanks to foreign countries.

The U.S. Is Still No.1 at Selling Arms to the World

The US is Selling Weapons to Nearly Half the Countries in the World | VICE News
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I Told You So And It Makes Me Sick

See, let’s not forget that it was the United States government that started this whole mess by playing footsies with these people in the first place. Why? Because they came up with this foolish idea that ousting Assad from the control of Syria would somehow manifest a democracy over there. To that end,
they armed people without the decent background checks they insist on for American citizens that aren’t trying to topple a government. Now here goes the government saying we need more background checks on firearm purchases by American citizens over here. Excuse me, but where were the background checks when this same government was handing out TOW anti-tank missiles, anti-aircraft guns, and 12.7mm machine guns to these Syrian “moderates” that mutated into ISIS?

while I do absolutely agree with you that the USA ----ARMING of this or that Islamic action group is IDIOTIC-----as IDIOTIC as our arming the Taliban during the 1980s for the "PURPOSE" of kicking the Russians out of Afghanistan-----I AM CONVINCED that the USA so engages out of NAIVETE----a lack of understanding of the nature of Islamic squabbles-----but not as part of some VAST EVIL CONSPIRACY


Fedgov bureaucrats are idiots who act out of expediency and totally disregard the possibility of blowbacks.

The primary reason for destabilizing Syria is to make sure that Bibi keeps the Golan Heights and that Assad is remove thereby allowing Saudi Arabia to install a puppet as a prime minister.

Obama wanted to help BOTH allies without using ground troops. ISIS is doing the dirty and bloody work. But in the process ISIS has become a powerhouse. It is funny to hear Obama state that he is fighting ISIS while supplying them with monies and military hardware.

But he knows that Americans are stupid and will swallow any bullshit he dishes out. That's their PATRIOTIC duty.

And so it goes.
Hillary wants to take away your guns so she can sell them to her real interest group - the jihadi terrorists that have been contributing to her campaign.
It's a fair question. Our Government funds and arms heinous thugs all around the world. Yet many of those same people in Government wanna disarm American Citizens. Is Big Brother really lookin out for you? Ha, don't count on it.
It's a fair question. Our Government funds and arms heinous thugs all around the world. Yet many of those same people in Government wanna disarm American Citizens. Is Big Brother really lookin out for you? Ha, don't count on it.

Well, let's be honest here. It's sort of hard to control a people when they have the ability to rise up against tyranny, wouldn't you agree? :)

It's coming, slowly, but surely. One day - we will all be saying "Good morning, Comrade". Isn't that what the left dreams of nightly?
It's a fair question. Our Government funds and arms heinous thugs all around the world. Yet many of those same people in Government wanna disarm American Citizens. Is Big Brother really lookin out for you? Ha, don't count on it.

State Dept Officials Demand US Attack Assad Instead of ISIS in Syria

Formal Protest Document Slams Ongoing War Against ISIS

by Jason Ditz, June 16, 2016

Ongoing fighting between the CIA and the Pentagon over who the US is actually at war with in Syria appears to have dragged the US State Department in as well, with reports emerging that “dozens” of top State officials have signed a document “protesting” US policy in Syria for being focused on fighting ISIS

There you have , the right arm does not know what the left is doing.

Meanwhile WE THE PEOPLE are in harms way

I Told You So And It Makes Me Sick

See, let’s not forget that it was the United States government that started this whole mess by playing footsies with these people in the first place. Why? Because they came up with this foolish idea that ousting Assad from the control of Syria would somehow manifest a democracy over there. To that end,
they armed people without the decent background checks they insist on for American citizens that aren’t trying to topple a government. Now here goes the government saying we need more background checks on firearm purchases by American citizens over here. Excuse me, but where were the background checks when this same government was handing out TOW anti-tank missiles, anti-aircraft guns, and 12.7mm machine guns to these Syrian “moderates” that mutated into ISIS?

while I do absolutely agree with you that the USA ----ARMING of this or that Islamic action group is IDIOTIC-----as IDIOTIC as our arming the Taliban during the 1980s for the "PURPOSE" of kicking the Russians out of Afghanistan-----I AM CONVINCED that the USA so engages out of NAIVETE----a lack of understanding of the nature of Islamic squabbles-----but not as part of some VAST EVIL CONSPIRACY


Fedgov bureaucrats are idiots who act out of expediency and totally disregard the possibility of blowbacks.

The primary reason for destabilizing Syria is to make sure that Bibi keeps the Golan Heights and that Assad is remove thereby allowing Saudi Arabia to install a puppet as a prime minister.

try again----the US supported elements
anti assad----because assad is pro Russia
and Iran. Saudi arabia don't have no
puppets in the middle east---any upset of
ALAWITE power----would cause blood
in theat country-----remember SADDAM
was also a SUNNI---but no puppet of
Saudi arabia

Obama wanted to help BOTH allies without using ground troops. ISIS is doing the dirty and bloody work. But in the process ISIS has become a powerhouse. It is funny to hear Obama state that he is fighting ISIS while supplying them with monies and military hardware.

Not exactly-----the US is supplying anti
assad people which does not = ISIS
except in your sick mind

But he knows that Americans are stupid and will swallow any bullshit he dishes out. That's their PATRIOTIC duty.

thank you-----signed YANKEE DOODLE

And so it goes.
It's a fair question. Our Government funds and arms heinous thugs all around the world. Yet many of those same people in Government wanna disarm American Citizens. Is Big Brother really lookin out for you? Ha, don't count on it.

State Dept Officials Demand US Attack Assad Instead of ISIS in Syria

Formal Protest Document Slams Ongoing War Against ISIS

by Jason Ditz, June 16, 2016

Ongoing fighting between the CIA and the Pentagon over who the US is actually at war with in Syria appears to have dragged the US State Department in as well, with reports emerging that “dozens” of top State officials have signed a document “protesting” US policy in Syria for being focused on fighting ISIS

There you have , the right arm does not know what the left is doing.

Meanwhile WE THE PEOPLE are in harms way


Does this really surprise anyone? Obama has always had a hard on for destabilizing the Middle East....
It's a fair question. Our Government funds and arms heinous thugs all around the world. Yet many of those same people in Government wanna disarm American Citizens. Is Big Brother really lookin out for you? Ha, don't count on it.

State Dept Officials Demand US Attack Assad Instead of ISIS in Syria

Formal Protest Document Slams Ongoing War Against ISIS

by Jason Ditz, June 16, 2016

Ongoing fighting between the CIA and the Pentagon over who the US is actually at war with in Syria appears to have dragged the US State Department in as well, with reports emerging that “dozens” of top State officials have signed a document “protesting” US policy in Syria for being focused on fighting ISIS

There you have , the right arm does not know what the left is doing.

Meanwhile WE THE PEOPLE are in harms way


Yes, they're now fighting against and killing the folks they once funded and armed. ISIS is the 'Bad Guy' now. It's just another sad bloody mess over there. It's time to scrap the 'Regime Change' policy. And then we need to significantly scale back our presence in the Middle East. We've done enough damage there.
That is why the "terrorist" watch list is problematic. Is it "Islamic Terrorist Watch List" as it should be, or can zionist neocons in Washington arbitrarily place America citizens of White, European descent on the "watch list" just because they want to make America great again? Jewish supremist Cohen at the SPLC suggested the latter was just fine.

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