Why isn't Coronavirus spreading in China?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Does this seem strange to anyone else? Coincidence??? You decide.

Wuhan to Shanghai = 629 km
Wuhan to Beijing = 1052 km
Wuhan to Milan = 8700 km
Wuhan to New York = 12000 km
Wuhan to Etli = 8670 km
Wuhan to London = 8880 km
Wuhan to Paris = 8900 km
Wuhan to Spain = 9830 km
Wuhan to India = 3575 km
Wuhan to Iran = 6560 km

Corona virus has originated from the city of Wuhan in China and now it has reached every corner of the world, but this virus has not reached the capital of China: Beijing and the economic-capital: Shanghai near Wuhan, why ...?

Beijing is the city where all the leaders of China live, military-leaders live here, those who run the power of China live here, there is no lock-down in Beijing! It is open! Corona has no effect here, why ...?

Shanghai is the city that runs China's economy, it is the economic capital of China, here all the rich people of China live! Those who keep the industry running, there is no lock-down here, corona here has no effect…! * Why ...? *

Is corona a pandemic virus, which has been told that you have to create panic all over the world, but you will not come to Beijing and Shanghai, it is very important to ask China the question that when the biggest developed countries of the world Could not stop Corona! Corona created terror in big cities of the world, so why did this conflict NOT reach Beijing…? ; Why not reach Shanghai ...? * Why ...? *

Beijing and Shanghai are the areas adjacent to Wuhan! The virus from Wuhan reached every corner of the world, but this virus did not reach Beijing and Shanghai…! * Why ...? *

Today, the whole of India and 130 crore Indians may be locked-down! Our economy is coming to a standstill, but all major cities of China are open and now and from April 8, China is also opening Wuhan! The whole world is stricken with terror! Now new cases are not coming in China and China is open…! * Why ...? *

Another big thing is that the stock market around the world has fallen by almost half! Nifty has gone from 12 thousand to 7 thousand in India too! But China's share - market was at 3 thousand which is only at 2700! There is no effect of this virus on the Chinese market as well…! * Why ...? *
Does this seem strange to anyone else? Coincidence??? You decide.

Wuhan to Shanghai = 629 km
Wuhan to Beijing = 1052 km
Wuhan to Milan = 8700 km
Wuhan to New York = 12000 km
Wuhan to Etli = 8670 km
Wuhan to London = 8880 km
Wuhan to Paris = 8900 km
Wuhan to Spain = 9830 km
Wuhan to India = 3575 km
Wuhan to Iran = 6560 km

Corona virus has originated from the city of Wuhan in China and now it has reached every corner of the world, but this virus has not reached the capital of China: Beijing and the economic-capital: Shanghai near Wuhan, why ...?

Beijing is the city where all the leaders of China live, military-leaders live here, those who run the power of China live here, there is no lock-down in Beijing! It is open! Corona has no effect here, why ...?

Shanghai is the city that runs China's economy, it is the economic capital of China, here all the rich people of China live! Those who keep the industry running, there is no lock-down here, corona here has no effect…! * Why ...? *

Is corona a pandemic virus, which has been told that you have to create panic all over the world, but you will not come to Beijing and Shanghai, it is very important to ask China the question that when the biggest developed countries of the world Could not stop Corona! Corona created terror in big cities of the world, so why did this conflict NOT reach Beijing…? ; Why not reach Shanghai ...? * Why ...? *

Beijing and Shanghai are the areas adjacent to Wuhan! The virus from Wuhan reached every corner of the world, but this virus did not reach Beijing and Shanghai…! * Why ...? *

Today, the whole of India and 130 crore Indians may be locked-down! Our economy is coming to a standstill, but all major cities of China are open and now and from April 8, China is also opening Wuhan! The whole world is stricken with terror! Now new cases are not coming in China and China is open…! * Why ...? *

Another big thing is that the stock market around the world has fallen by almost half! Nifty has gone from 12 thousand to 7 thousand in India too! But China's share - market was at 3 thousand which is only at 2700! There is no effect of this virus on the Chinese market as well…! * Why ...? *

Cheeses, you ask the stoopidest questions. They say there's no such thing as a stupid question --- they're wrong.

China is where the virus STARTED, Dimbulb. That means it's had THE MOST TIME to deal with it. It also locked down tight to contain it and that lockdown has had months to produce the desired effect.


Considering all of this it would be cause for panic if China was NOT seeing a wane. Because it would mean there's no way out of it.
How do we know it's not China has not exactly been honest in the numbers they have been putting out. Maybe it's not spreading but there is really no way to know for sure.
Actually we do... Our surveillance satellites show several cities locked down so we know it is still spreading. They kicked journalists out so the extent could not be known.
Yea, we should really believe a country that puts up barbed wire barriers around apartment buildings....
China locked down Wuhan and Hubei province very hard. Look at New Zealand; they locked down early and massively and they are crushing the curve - approaching elimination. A virus needs new hosts to survive and social distance is the only way to starve it and snuff it out. That's what China's doing, also Singapore and South Korea. Testing is critical and we need to up our testing game here so we can get back to work - those who are recovered and immune.
Does this seem strange to anyone else? Coincidence??? You decide.

Wuhan to Shanghai = 629 km
Wuhan to Beijing = 1052 km
Wuhan to Milan = 8700 km
Wuhan to New York = 12000 km
Wuhan to Etli = 8670 km
Wuhan to London = 8880 km
Wuhan to Paris = 8900 km
Wuhan to Spain = 9830 km
Wuhan to India = 3575 km
Wuhan to Iran = 6560 km

Corona virus has originated from the city of Wuhan in China and now it has reached every corner of the world, but this virus has not reached the capital of China: Beijing and the economic-capital: Shanghai near Wuhan, why ...?

Beijing is the city where all the leaders of China live, military-leaders live here, those who run the power of China live here, there is no lock-down in Beijing! It is open! Corona has no effect here, why ...?

Shanghai is the city that runs China's economy, it is the economic capital of China, here all the rich people of China live! Those who keep the industry running, there is no lock-down here, corona here has no effect…! * Why ...? *

Is corona a pandemic virus, which has been told that you have to create panic all over the world, but you will not come to Beijing and Shanghai, it is very important to ask China the question that when the biggest developed countries of the world Could not stop Corona! Corona created terror in big cities of the world, so why did this conflict NOT reach Beijing…? ; Why not reach Shanghai ...? * Why ...? *

Beijing and Shanghai are the areas adjacent to Wuhan! The virus from Wuhan reached every corner of the world, but this virus did not reach Beijing and Shanghai…! * Why ...? *

Today, the whole of India and 130 crore Indians may be locked-down! Our economy is coming to a standstill, but all major cities of China are open and now and from April 8, China is also opening Wuhan! The whole world is stricken with terror! Now new cases are not coming in China and China is open…! * Why ...? *

Another big thing is that the stock market around the world has fallen by almost half! Nifty has gone from 12 thousand to 7 thousand in India too! But China's share - market was at 3 thousand which is only at 2700! There is no effect of this virus on the Chinese market as well…! * Why ...? *
USA Has 404,352 cases VS China 82,809
USA Deaths 13,829 VS China 3,337 deaths
USA Recovered: 22,775 VS China 77,567 recovered.

Again China is 4 TIMES the number of people... YET they had 0.0252% of their population get COVID-19 while USA had nearly 4 times the cases than China!

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