Why Is The GOP Against Reauthorizing The VAWA?

This is how it's done, Dick TuckedInHisMouth...

42% INCREASE in domestic violence

WomensLaw.org Reports On domestic violence, sexual assault and women's issues

THAT... is how you make a statement and post proof.

US: Soaring Rates of Rape and Violence Against Women | Human Rights Watch

Nowhere have you been able to refute Senator Murray's claim, and by bringing up stuff from the final two years of the Bush administration shows what a grasping for straws nitwit you are.

Refuting her claim is not the point, moron. YOU, posting some actual EVIDENCE of the accuracy of her claim IS the point.

You have utterly FAILED to do so. You REFUSE to do so.

You really do suck at this.

Wrong again, you pestilent peckerwood pustule. She stated it. She's a principal regarding this bill. None of those Senate Republicans have refuted it, and you've failed too.

It's all irrelevant, pissant. The bottom line remains the same. The males in the GOP are saying that they'll keep reauthorization of a bill to better protect women from domestic and sexual violence from getting an up or down vote. That's the salient fact.
Nowhere have you been able to refute Senator Murray's claim, and by bringing up stuff from the final two years of the Bush administration shows what a grasping for straws nitwit you are.

Refuting her claim is not the point, moron. YOU, posting some actual EVIDENCE of the accuracy of her claim IS the point.

You have utterly FAILED to do so. You REFUSE to do so.

You really do suck at this.

Wrong again, you pestilent peckerwood pustule. She stated it. She's a principal regarding this bill. None of those Senate Republicans have refuted it, and you've failed too.

It's all irrelevant, pissant. The bottom line remains the same. The males in the GOP are saying that they'll keep reauthorization of a bill to better protect women from domestic and sexual violence from getting an up or down vote. That's the salient fact.

Talk to us when the subject is violence against women worldwide...and ISLAM gets tagged by YOU as the largest perp and not American Republicans...

WE presented YOU with facts that go worldwide.

Republicans are challanging the premise...as false as it is...

Where IS the left on the issuse of the REAL 'War on Women'?

It just doesn't exist here in the magnatude as it does across the world...especially the world of Islam.

This is concocted bullsqueeze parroted by a moron as YOU to divert attention from Obama's failed record on things of more import like the economy...put a sock in it...seriously.

YOU are looking rather stupid. :eusa_hand:

It's like this moron. This is a bill in the United States Senate, not Saudi Arabia. Your red herring that I should change the subject to how women are treated on other countries, is just a cowardly cop out. I hate the way women's rights are violated in many parts of the world, but this is about whether the Republicans in the Senate will block a vote on whether we should reautherize the Violence Against Women Act. Are you really ought to try and keep up. Actions have consequences, and the phony excuses given by the male Republicans in the Senate ain't gonna hold water.

And where YOU fail. There is NO "war on women" in this nation.

It is the mysonginistic left that concocted this crap because the polls looked horrible for Obama with women in regards to the economy.

The women in this Republic will VOTE for thier economic condititons and how much Obama has screwed them up moving foward...and being reliant ON the government with welfare is NOT the way to do it.

Try again.:eusa_hand:

So why did Murkowski shit herself, and backpedal like Lance Armstrong, when she was confronted by her constituents after her vote for the Blunt Amendment?
It's like this moron. This is a bill in the United States Senate, not Saudi Arabia. Your red herring that I should change the subject to how women are treated on other countries, is just a cowardly cop out. I hate the way women's rights are violated in many parts of the world, but this is about whether the Republicans in the Senate will block a vote on whether we should reautherize the Violence Against Women Act. Are you really ought to try and keep up. Actions have consequences, and the phony excuses given by the male Republicans in the Senate ain't gonna hold water.

And where YOU fail. There is NO "war on women" in this nation.

It is the mysonginistic left that concocted this crap because the polls looked horrible for Obama with women in regards to the economy.

The women in this Republic will VOTE for thier economic condititons and how much Obama has screwed them up moving foward...and being reliant ON the government with welfare is NOT the way to do it.

Try again.:eusa_hand:

So why did Murkowski shit herself, and backpedal like Lance Armstrong, when she was confronted by her constituents after her vote for the Blunt Amendment?

Don't know...Don't CARE.
What the heck is the VAWA? Define the thing, then we can talk about it

I'll type it real slow for you. It's the Violence Against Women Act. First passed in 1994, and reauthorized in 2000 and 2005.

Hey dip. The dems poisoned the bill by adding illegal immigrants as way to stay in country.

It was intentionally to pick a fight.

So fuck off on your lie of reauthorization you POS
Nowhere have you been able to refute Senator Murray's claim, and by bringing up stuff from the final two years of the Bush administration shows what a grasping for straws nitwit you are.

Refuting her claim is not the point, moron. YOU, posting some actual EVIDENCE of the accuracy of her claim IS the point.

You have utterly FAILED to do so. You REFUSE to do so.

You really do suck at this.

Wrong again, you pestilent peckerwood pustule. She stated it. She's a principal regarding this bill. None of those Senate Republicans have refuted it, and you've failed too.

It's all irrelevant, pissant. The bottom line remains the same. The males in the GOP are saying that they'll keep reauthorization of a bill to better protect women from domestic and sexual violence from getting an up or down vote. That's the salient fact.

That's what you're hanging your hat on... moron... a number from a Democrat... that you REFUSE to provide proof is accurate.

You continually refuse to provide proof that the 53% figure is accurate, is because you cannot prove it is accurate.

It's not up to us to disprove something you claim... it's up to you to provide proof your claim is accurate.

I am beginning to think you have a serious mental deficiency which prevent you from understanding this basic concept.

Can you... or can you not... PROVE the 53% figure with some official statistic? Maybe a watchdog organization? Something OTHER than the simple statement of a Democratic member of Congress?

Yes.. or no???
Refuting her claim is not the point, moron. YOU, posting some actual EVIDENCE of the accuracy of her claim IS the point.

You have utterly FAILED to do so. You REFUSE to do so.

You really do suck at this.

Wrong again, you pestilent peckerwood pustule. She stated it. She's a principal regarding this bill. None of those Senate Republicans have refuted it, and you've failed too.

It's all irrelevant, pissant. The bottom line remains the same. The males in the GOP are saying that they'll keep reauthorization of a bill to better protect women from domestic and sexual violence from getting an up or down vote. That's the salient fact.

That's what you're hanging your hat on... moron... a number from a Democrat... that you REFUSE to provide proof is accurate.

You continually refuse to provide proof that the 53% figure is accurate, is because you cannot prove it is accurate.

It's not up to us to disprove something you claim... it's up to you to provide proof your claim is accurate.

I am beginning to think you have a serious mental deficiency which prevent you from understanding this basic concept.

Can you... or can you not... PROVE the 53% figure with some official statistic? Maybe a watchdog organization? Something OTHER than the simple statement of a Democratic member of Congress?

Yes.. or no???

The pinhead lied from the start of the thread.
Wrong again, you pestilent peckerwood pustule. She stated it. She's a principal regarding this bill. None of those Senate Republicans have refuted it, and you've failed too.

It's all irrelevant, pissant. The bottom line remains the same. The males in the GOP are saying that they'll keep reauthorization of a bill to better protect women from domestic and sexual violence from getting an up or down vote. That's the salient fact.

That's what you're hanging your hat on... moron... a number from a Democrat... that you REFUSE to provide proof is accurate.

You continually refuse to provide proof that the 53% figure is accurate, is because you cannot prove it is accurate.

It's not up to us to disprove something you claim... it's up to you to provide proof your claim is accurate.

I am beginning to think you have a serious mental deficiency which prevent you from understanding this basic concept.

Can you... or can you not... PROVE the 53% figure with some official statistic? Maybe a watchdog organization? Something OTHER than the simple statement of a Democratic member of Congress?

Yes.. or no???

The pinhead lied from the start of the thread.
There is NO "Republican War" against Women. never has been never was.
Wrong again, you pestilent peckerwood pustule. She stated it. She's a principal regarding this bill. None of those Senate Republicans have refuted it, and you've failed too.

It's all irrelevant, pissant. The bottom line remains the same. The males in the GOP are saying that they'll keep reauthorization of a bill to better protect women from domestic and sexual violence from getting an up or down vote. That's the salient fact.

That's what you're hanging your hat on... moron... a number from a Democrat... that you REFUSE to provide proof is accurate.

You continually refuse to provide proof that the 53% figure is accurate, is because you cannot prove it is accurate.

It's not up to us to disprove something you claim... it's up to you to provide proof your claim is accurate.

I am beginning to think you have a serious mental deficiency which prevent you from understanding this basic concept.

Can you... or can you not... PROVE the 53% figure with some official statistic? Maybe a watchdog organization? Something OTHER than the simple statement of a Democratic member of Congress?

Yes.. or no???

The pinhead lied from the start of the thread.

I really am beginning to think he is brain damaged or something.

How could one possibly not understand the difference between a FACT (proven with actual verifiable statistics), and a STATEMENT (made with nothing concrete to back it up.)

I mean, he HAS to be brain damaged... right?
Refuting her claim is not the point, moron. YOU, posting some actual EVIDENCE of the accuracy of her claim IS the point.

You have utterly FAILED to do so. You REFUSE to do so.

You really do suck at this.

Wrong again, you pestilent peckerwood pustule. She stated it. She's a principal regarding this bill. None of those Senate Republicans have refuted it, and you've failed too.

It's all irrelevant, pissant. The bottom line remains the same. The males in the GOP are saying that they'll keep reauthorization of a bill to better protect women from domestic and sexual violence from getting an up or down vote. That's the salient fact.

Talk to us when the subject is violence against women worldwide...and ISLAM gets tagged by YOU as the largest perp and not American Republicans...


Because it would be off topic. This thread is about the United States Senate Republican males trying to block an up or down vote on a reauthorization of a bill that would help protect women from domestic and sexual violence in the United States. Your jumping up and down, wanting to change the subject is a petty diversion, ass monkey.
Wrong again, you pestilent peckerwood pustule. She stated it. She's a principal regarding this bill. None of those Senate Republicans have refuted it, and you've failed too.

It's all irrelevant, pissant. The bottom line remains the same. The males in the GOP are saying that they'll keep reauthorization of a bill to better protect women from domestic and sexual violence from getting an up or down vote. That's the salient fact.

Talk to us when the subject is violence against women worldwide...and ISLAM gets tagged by YOU as the largest perp and not American Republicans...


Because it would be off topic. This thread is about the United States Senate Republican males trying to block an up or down vote on a reauthorization of a bill that would help protect women from domestic and sexual violence in the United States. Your jumping up and down, wanting to change the subject is a petty diversion, ass monkey.

Can you... or can you not... PROVE the 53% figure with some official statistic? Maybe a watchdog organization? Something OTHER than the simple statement of a Democratic member of Congress?

Yes.. or no???
Wrong again, you pestilent peckerwood pustule. She stated it. She's a principal regarding this bill. None of those Senate Republicans have refuted it, and you've failed too.

It's all irrelevant, pissant. The bottom line remains the same. The males in the GOP are saying that they'll keep reauthorization of a bill to better protect women from domestic and sexual violence from getting an up or down vote. That's the salient fact.

Talk to us when the subject is violence against women worldwide...and ISLAM gets tagged by YOU as the largest perp and not American Republicans...


Because it would be off topic. This thread is about the United States Senate Republican males trying to block an up or down vote on a reauthorization of a bill that would help protect women from domestic and sexual violence in the United States. Your jumping up and down, wanting to change the subject is a petty diversion, ass monkey.

Still lying about reauthorization. Give it up I know for fact you are full of shit.
That's what you're hanging your hat on... moron... a number from a Democrat... that you REFUSE to provide proof is accurate.

You continually refuse to provide proof that the 53% figure is accurate, is because you cannot prove it is accurate.

It's not up to us to disprove something you claim... it's up to you to provide proof your claim is accurate.

I am beginning to think you have a serious mental deficiency which prevent you from understanding this basic concept.

Can you... or can you not... PROVE the 53% figure with some official statistic? Maybe a watchdog organization? Something OTHER than the simple statement of a Democratic member of Congress?

Yes.. or no???

The pinhead lied from the start of the thread.

I really am beginning to think he is brain damaged or something.

How could one possibly not understand the difference between a FACT (proven with actual verifiable statistics), and a STATEMENT (made with nothing concrete to back it up.)

I mean, he HAS to be brain damaged... right?

The facts are clear. The reauthorizaion of the Violence Against Women Act passed the Senate Judiciary 10-8. All no votes came from middle-aged, white male, Republicans. Most white male Republicans in the Senate are now trying to stop a simple up or down vote. Those facts are indisputable, and what these Republicans are going to have answer to their constituents about.

Please try and keep up. You don't seem very bright.
Talk to us when the subject is violence against women worldwide...and ISLAM gets tagged by YOU as the largest perp and not American Republicans...


Because it would be off topic. This thread is about the United States Senate Republican males trying to block an up or down vote on a reauthorization of a bill that would help protect women from domestic and sexual violence in the United States. Your jumping up and down, wanting to change the subject is a petty diversion, ass monkey.

Still lying about reauthorization. Give it up I know for fact you are full of shit.

I doubt that battered women around this country would see it your way.
The pinhead lied from the start of the thread.

I really am beginning to think he is brain damaged or something.

How could one possibly not understand the difference between a FACT (proven with actual verifiable statistics), and a STATEMENT (made with nothing concrete to back it up.)

I mean, he HAS to be brain damaged... right?

The facts are clear. The reauthorizaion of the Violence Against Women Act passed the Senate Judiciary 10-8. All no votes came from middle-aged, white male, Republicans. Most white male Republicans in the Senate are now trying to stop a simple up or down vote. Those facts are indisputable, and what these Republicans are going to have answer to their constituents about.

Please try and keep up. You don't seem very bright.

Can you... or can you not... PROVE the 53% figure with some official statistic? Maybe a watchdog organization? Something OTHER than the simple statement of a Democratic member of Congress?

Yes.. or no???
Talk to us when the subject is violence against women worldwide...and ISLAM gets tagged by YOU as the largest perp and not American Republicans...


Because it would be off topic. This thread is about the United States Senate Republican males trying to block an up or down vote on a reauthorization of a bill that would help protect women from domestic and sexual violence in the United States. Your jumping up and down, wanting to change the subject is a petty diversion, ass monkey.

Can you... or can you not... PROVE the 53% figure with some official statistic? Maybe a watchdog organization? Something OTHER than the simple statement of a Democratic member of Congress?

Yes.. or no???

Can you, or can't you, refute Senator Murray's statement. If you'd like to know her sources, give her office a call and ask. The number is in the book. I'm not doing your homework for you.
Because it would be off topic. This thread is about the United States Senate Republican males trying to block an up or down vote on a reauthorization of a bill that would help protect women from domestic and sexual violence in the United States. Your jumping up and down, wanting to change the subject is a petty diversion, ass monkey.

Can you... or can you not... PROVE the 53% figure with some official statistic? Maybe a watchdog organization? Something OTHER than the simple statement of a Democratic member of Congress?

Yes.. or no???

Can you, or can't you, refute Senator Murray's statement. If you'd like to know her sources, give her office a call and ask. The number is in the book. I'm not doing your homework for you.

Not my homework, asshat... it's yours. YOU posted the link. YOU claim her statement is accurate.YOU refuse to provide PROOF it is accurate... because you can't.

You really do suck at this.
Can you... or can you not... PROVE the 53% figure with some official statistic? Maybe a watchdog organization? Something OTHER than the simple statement of a Democratic member of Congress?

Yes.. or no???

Can you, or can't you, refute Senator Murray's statement. If you'd like to know her sources, give her office a call and ask. The number is in the book. I'm not doing your homework for you.

Not my homework, asshat... it's yours. YOU posted the link. YOU claim her statement is accurate.YOU refuse to provide PROOF it is accurate... because you can't.

You really do suck at this.

Actually I could. I'd need full access to the Uniform Crime Statistics at DOJ, with some documentation of their coding technique. But you could too. I could call Murray's office to see how came up with that stat, and double check it.

The point is I won't. If you want to refute what a Senator and principal stated, do it. Unless you can't. Now get back to your pissant stalking game. I find it amusing.

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