why is prostitution illegal?

Prostitution is illegal because it always has been. There is no real reason other than personal and community morality. I personally think that people should be able to legally make money with their bodies. Provided that all the regulatory agencies are able to avoid the health risks. By taxing it, there would be more revenue for the state as well. But, from personal experience, make sure the health card is up to date and genuine.
Originally posted by alan1234567890
why is prostitution illegal. any body really know?
Prostitution is not illegal everywhere. Perhaps finding out why Nevada has legal prostitution will give you a clue.
I happen to think that selling the ultimate physical act of love is a despicable act, and I hope it stays illegal. However, with as little as sex has come to mean to people, it's surprising prostitution is still illegal here. As George Carlin put it, "Selling is legal. F***ing is legal. Why isn't selling f***ing legal?"
Originally posted by Hobbit
I happen to think that selling the ultimate physical act of love is a despicable act, and I hope it stays illegal.

People are selling themeselves to be crusified for countless sinners???

Not sure about every community, but here, no strip bars can be located within a certain distance to a school zone. CRAZY isn't it?
I voluntarily crusified myself just the other day to show people that I love them in the most "ultimate" way. Now I have a bunch of disciples who do whatever I say. It's pretty cool!

Prostitution is legal in most of the world and it always has been. Prostitution was not made illegal in the U.S. until moral protectionism rose in the early 20th century.
Originally posted by Quad
Prostitution is legal in most of the world and it always has been. Prostitution was not made illegal in the U.S. until moral protectionism rose in the early 20th century.

define MOST, because the last that I heard, prostitution was only legal in one state of the union and half the EU. Everywhere else its illegal but overlooked, i.e. mexico and most of the chzeck areas because of the poverty levels.
Southeast asia. Africa. South America. "Half the EU." I was counting the third world.
And it has very lax enforcement in most western countries (and to an extent even in ours). We target certain kinds of prostitutes.

a brief history of the progressive movement which our laws governing prostitution are a direct result of.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
define MOST, because the last that I heard, prostitution was only legal in one state of the union and half the EU. Everywhere else its illegal but overlooked, i.e. mexico and most of the chzeck areas because of the poverty levels.

He is right in one respect, prostitution although I don't know if it was legal or not, was certainly overlooked in almost every major city in the U.S. in the first half of the 20th century. Most of your famous mafia names from that period: Lucky Luciano, Johnny Torrio, Meyer Lansky, Al Capone, Arnold Rothstein, Frank Costello they all got rich off of prostitution. Every city had well known bordello areas which was basically left alone by the cops as long as they were paid off.

Secondly, Being a Californian part of your rite of passage was to make a little trip to the ol'Mustang Ranch in Reno with your buds. In Nevada that is the only type of prostitution that is legal, street walking and call girls are illegal but still happen.
I think the spread of VD is what started the serious crackdown of prostitution after world war two. Prostitution and going to prostitutes was culturally acceptable until after the second world war. One of my favorite propaganda posters after world war 1 is a picture of a doughboy standing triumphantly on german helmets and the poster reads "You defeated the kaiser, now help defeat vinereal disease!"
To restate my earlier position, replace "love" with "romance." It shouldn't be necessary, though, as sacrifice is an emotional act, whether the sacrifice is physical or not.
Originally posted by Hobbit
To restate my earlier position, replace "love" with "romance." It shouldn't be necessary, though, as sacrifice is an emotional act, whether the sacrifice is physical or not.

how 'romantic' a notion, however, sex is purely that. sex. its for procreation....it just happens to be enjoyable as well. you can certainly have sex without love, and for most of the married people out there, i'm sure they know you can have love without sex. :p:
Originally posted by Quad
Southeast asia. Africa. South America. "Half the EU." I was counting the third world.
And it has very lax enforcement in most western countries (and to an extent even in ours). We target certain kinds of prostitutes.

a brief history of the progressive movement which our laws governing prostitution are a direct result of.

I'm with you on this one quad. Guns SHOULD be legal and freely provided for all by the government as part of a citizen crime watch program. Good idea.
Prostitution should be legal. Legalize it, regulate it, and tax the hell out of it. Prostitution is going on anyway, why not make a few tax dollars out of it, and attempt to keep it at least somewhat safe?

Well see I tend to agree more with the successful market reform policies of the progressives then the unsuccessful social regulations (which by todays definition would be classified as liberal).
Originally posted by Quad
Well see I tend to agree more with the successful market reform policies of the progressives then the unsuccessful social regulations (which by todays definition would be classified as liberal).


so now you're going to break down the moral and legal ramifications of whether or not to legalize prostitution to a liberal or conservative issue?

what are you drinking over there and why aren't you sharing :alco:
Originally posted by Quad
Well see I tend to agree more with the successful market reform policies of the progressives then the unsuccessful social regulations (which by todays definition would be classified as liberal).

This is the second topic in which you've managed to erroneously include something about market forces that you can't really explain.
Originally posted by acludem
Prostitution should be legal. Legalize it, regulate it, and tax the hell out of it. Prostitution is going on anyway, why not make a few tax dollars out of it, and attempt to keep it at least somewhat safe?

If at some point in time you have a daughter, would you want her to be a prostitute?

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