Why is Obama so loved?

Probably because he doesn't look down his nose at people like Romney did.

You've got to be joking... Obama's the most arrogant, and narcissistic President America has had in our lifetime. As for why people love him so much... Free stuff that others have to work for.
Probably because he doesn't look down his nose at people like Romney did.

You've got to be joking... Obama's the most arrogant, and narcissistic President America has had in our lifetime. As for why people love him so much... Free stuff that others have to work for.

Just about everybody's getting free stuff in one way or other, which is why it didn't work too well for Paul Ryan. He also had received "free stuff".
Man, this is getting so tiring.

I bitched just as much about Bush.

Here is a pro-tip for you: instead of saying "it's okay to kill folks cuz Bush did it", why don't you question why you support anyone, regardless of the R or D next to their name, who kills innocent people?

I will say this though, Obama assassinated a US Citizen without due process, Bush never did that.

I have no problem targeting and killing traitors who are planning more attacks on Americans. Awlaki had taken a lead in planning and directing efforts to murder innocent Americans and was also directly responsible for the death of many Yemeni citizens.

That said, I do wish they would stop the blind drone strikes and secondary drone strikes aimed at first responders.

Says who? No court of law that is for sure. He has due process as a citizen and you should want that protected for everyone incase you need it someday. If you are fine with one man being able to decide who lives and who dies, well, fu lol

Ken Anderson, who teaches at American University's Washington College of Law and follows U.S. policy on drones, says the analysis starts with whether Awlaki amounted to a lawful target — U.S. citizen or not.

"The U.S has always seen somebody who is planning attacks against the United States as a lawful target," Anderson says.
Either because Awlaki presented an imminent threat to American citizens or because he had become an enemy fighting alongside al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, Anderson says, he could be seen as a lawful target.

Anderson says in the legal analysis, the place where a target is located matters too.

"[The government's] standard is we're not going to be targeting somebody in London or Paris or someplace that's got the effective rule of law," Anderson says.

But by hiding in Yemen, Awlaki couldn't be served with a subpoena or easily taken into custody, putting himself in a different category.

The Justice Department wouldn't talk about specific operations or individuals. Nor did it want to describe the process the government used to put Awlaki on a target list.

One administration official did agree to speak in general about targeting terrorists. "We're not commenting on any specific individual or operation," the official said. "As a general matter, it would be entirely lawful for the United States to target high-level leaders of enemy forces, regardless of their nationality, who are plotting to kill Americans both under the authority provided by Congress in its use of military force in the armed conflict with al-Qaida, the Taliban, and associated forces as well as established international law that recognizes our right of self-defense."

Experts say that while it might not be required under the law, it would make good political sense to share more information with Congress and the public. Awlaki's case might be the first case to present these difficult questions, but it won't be the last.

Debate Erupts Over Legality Of Awlaki's Killing : NPR
Like I said, you can just admit you're okay with one guy deciding who lives and dies. I enjoyed feudal times as well, well, enjoyed reading about them.
Like I said, you can just admit you're okay with one guy deciding who lives and dies. I enjoyed feudal times as well, well, enjoyed reading about them.

Nice punt. As if the President came to this decision lightly. Eh, this one lives, eh, dis one dies....

As long as he(the target) is an imminent threat to American citizens or because he had become an enemy fighting alongside al Queda........yeah I have no problem with that.

Next, I expect you to question how I know they are telling you the truth about his affiliations, right?

Him coming to it lightly doesn't change the fact that one man is deciding who lives and dies.

There is no way you're going to prove to me who is a threat and who isn't, please don't cite our intelligence agencies, the ones who saw WMDs in Iraq.

In a just society people are judged from crimes they commit, not crimes they might commit.
Probably because he doesn't look down his nose at people like Romney did.

You've got to be joking... Obama's the most arrogant, and narcissistic President America has had in our lifetime. As for why people love him so much... Free stuff that others have to work for.

Just about everybody's getting free stuff in one way or other, which is why it didn't work too well for Paul Ryan. He also had received "free stuff".

If only there was such a thing as free stuff... One way or another, someone else paid for that stuff. Why is that so hard for people to grasp? It just might have something to do with the record setting deficit we are currently enduring... Maybe.
He owes a lot of it to GWB. GWB got everyone so scared of terrorism that they think anything Obama does in the name of security is great! That and there are a lot more do nothings than doers who are getting to get more for free, what's not to like.

Just stop. For Christs sake dont you get tired of always saying it is Bushes fault? The man hasn't been in power to to do anything in over 4 years.

But he was in office for eight. And he fucked things up royally and left a big mess.

Think about how hard it is to turn a cruise ship around in a bathtub. Or put a tree back together after someone's sawed it up with a chainsaw. I know you can get the visual if you try:


And he didn't act alone. The damage Hank Paulson rendered contributed to about 30% of the debacle. He walked out of the White House with 2 sheets of typed paper announcing he was giving the big banks $750,000,000,000....no questions asked.


Give another 20% or so to these two assholes.

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Him coming to it lightly doesn't change the fact that one man is deciding who lives and dies.

There is no way you're going to prove to me who is a threat and who isn't, please don't cite our intelligence agencies, the ones who saw WMDs in Iraq.

In a just society people are judged from crimes they commit, not crimes they might commit.

Let's be clear, the intel the Bush administration used as proof of Iraqis WMD was a fellow named Curveball, whom the CIA never interviewed and of whom we were told by his German captors could not be trusted.

On Sept. 18, 2002, CIA director George Tenet briefed President Bush in the Oval Office on top-secret intelligence that Saddam Hussein did not have weapons of mass destruction, according to two former senior CIA officers.

Nor was the intelligence included in the National Intelligence Estimate of October 2002, which stated categorically that Iraq possessed WMD.

Bush knew Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction - Salon.com
I doubt he's loved by all.

Hell. I can't stand the guy.

I find him to be an arrogant elitiest. One who was no more qualified as POTUS than the man in the moon.

The LSM never vetted the guy. Hell. They sent 200 reporters to dig up dirt on Palin but can't be bothered to look into their hero in any depth.

Those 200 should have been looking at that fuck. They glossed over just about his whole life and never did any digging at all. They have a drooling love affair with the first half black POTUS.

His first four years have been anything but outstanding and I doubt his next four will be any better.

I just hope we can survive another four years of his ineptness.
This is something that has me puzzled...I mean I understand why the die hard fascist progressives love him but I dont see why the rank and file does. What has he done to be so liked by anyone not hard left wing fascist?

Obamacare? It is nothing but a tax on all of us. It doesn't even fix anything he said we needed it for.

ummmm What else has he done? Osama? Please it took his pussy ass 6 hours to give the go ahead. Also lets face it even a monkey could have made that command. It isnt like he personally got the info or was he one of the team that took Osama out....Hell if anything the president made then less safe cause the stupid fuck told the world which team did the action.

what else? Ending dont ask dont tell?????I guess making it easier for homosexuals to get ridiculed and beat up is a good thing to fascist progressives.

What else?

It's that whole blank slate thing. He lets people project onto him what they want to see in him. And people want to see something beautiful, something which reflects well on America.

Plus, his girls are awfully cute. That helps his image a LOT.
Him coming to it lightly doesn't change the fact that one man is deciding who lives and dies.

There is no way you're going to prove to me who is a threat and who isn't, please don't cite our intelligence agencies, the ones who saw WMDs in Iraq.

In a just society people are judged from crimes they commit, not crimes they might commit.

Yeah, ok - next time you find yourself in a foxhole with people shooting at you .... why not take a vote on whether or not you shoot back.......

By the time they "prove" their intent to kill you - you're dead. THEN you're gonna start shooting ????????

Your utopian dream just melts away in wakeful reality.
Him coming to it lightly doesn't change the fact that one man is deciding who lives and dies.

There is no way you're going to prove to me who is a threat and who isn't, please don't cite our intelligence agencies, the ones who saw WMDs in Iraq.

In a just society people are judged from crimes they commit, not crimes they might commit.

Yeah, ok - next time you find yourself in a foxhole with people shooting at you .... why not take a vote on whether or not you shoot back.......

By the time they "prove" their intent to kill you - you're dead. THEN you're gonna start shooting ????????

Your utopian dream just melts away in wakeful reality.

Uh, why would I be in a foxhole? What part of not attacking people didn't you understand? Please tell me who is going to invade the USA if we have our entire military in our country to protect it?
For better or worse President Obama in the least drives the right wing knuckle draggers to a full blow rage. I can appreciate that much.

Overall, Obama is a just good guy, a good father and a decent President. Whats not to like?

Bill O'Reilly stated that he believes Obama dislikes the GOP b/c the GOP are the purveyors of white privilege.

I find that to be accurate as everything that Obama has said or done reinforces that.

Bill O'Reilly drives the left wing knuckle draggers to a full blown rage. I can appreciate that.
For better or worse President Obama in the least drives the right wing knuckle draggers to a full blow rage. I can appreciate that much.

Overall, Obama is a just good guy, a good father and a decent President. Whats not to like?

Bill O'Reilly stated that he believes Obama dislikes the GOP b/c the GOP are the purveyors of white privilege.

I find that to be accurate as everything that Obama has said or done reinforces that.

Bill O'Reilly drives the left wing knuckle draggers to a full blown rage. I can appreciate that.

You are so smart. I gotta start watching that O'Reilly guy. I wanna be smart too.
For better or worse President Obama in the least drives the right wing knuckle draggers to a full blow rage. I can appreciate that much.

Overall, Obama is a just good guy, a good father and a decent President. Whats not to like?

Bill O'Reilly stated that he believes Obama dislikes the GOP b/c the GOP are the purveyors of white privilege.

I find that to be accurate as everything that Obama has said or done reinforces that.

Bill O'Reilly drives the left wing knuckle draggers to a full blown rage. I can appreciate that.

You are so smart. I gotta start watching that O'Reilly guy. I wanna be smart too.

even watching O'Reilly won't work for you.

Better stick to barney

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