Why is it that republicans don't see how over spending and tax cutting are equally bad?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Now, granted both Bush and Obama have over spent by a lot. However, republicans still seem to think cutting taxes is a viable solution for anything. If you actually broke down the debt under Obama, you would see the trillions that have accumulated under him are because of a surge in defense spending and extending Bush's tax cuts.

Why is it that republicans will bitch and whine about spending yet don't see the error in believing tax cuts contribute to our national debt just as much?

US Debt by President
Republicans = borrow and spend
Democrats = tax and spend

Been that way for decades.
Taxing and spending is the entire point. Over spending is what is the problem. Obama is the only democrat that Is guilty of that.

So yes, it is okay to admit republicans are the greater of two evils.
Now, granted both Bush and Obama have over spent by a lot. However, republicans still seem to think cutting taxes is a viable solution for anything. If you actually broke down the debt under Obama, you would see the trillions that have accumulated under him are because of a surge in defense spending and extending Bush's tax cuts.

Why is it that republicans will bitch and whine about spending yet don't see the error in believing tax cuts contribute to our national debt just as much?

US Debt by President
You must be paying attention. We have always said lower taxes and stop spending so damn much.

It is interesting though that you think one action is counter to the other. High tax rates don't deliver prosperity because the government can keep on spending. Spending more than you have doesn't promote prosperity either.

Where you go wrong in your comparison is most people would be willing to keep paying higher taxes for a short time to pay off the debt if, and that's a giant fucking if, the government would actually cut their spending to levels below what they are bringing in. Nobody believes that would actually happen though. Until it does happen though there is no tax rate high enough to keep supporting this level of spending.
Now, granted both Bush and Obama have over spent by a lot. However, republicans still seem to think cutting taxes is a viable solution for anything. If you actually broke down the debt under Obama, you would see the trillions that have accumulated under him are because of a surge in defense spending and extending Bush's tax cuts.

Why is it that republicans will bitch and whine about spending yet don't see the error in believing tax cuts contribute to our national debt just as much?

US Debt by President
You must be paying attention. We have always said lower taxes and stop spending so damn much.

It is interesting though that you think one action is counter to the other. High tax rates don't deliver prosperity because the government can keep on spending. Spending more than you have doesn't promote prosperity either.

Where you go wrong in your comparison is most people would be willing to keep paying higher taxes for a short time to pay off the debt if, and that's a giant fucking if, the government would actually cut their spending to levels below what they are bringing in. Nobody believes that would actually happen though. Until it does happen though there is no tax rate high enough to keep supporting this level of spending.
No you misunderstand. Paying taxes has always been important. Republicans have always been against it.
I don't see the difference between Obama and Bush, both overspent, Bush initiated tax cuts for the rich, Obama kept them going for years. They will both continue to be stupid.

Cut spending and then after it is cut, then we start cutting taxes, the taxes are a burden to the economy.
Moderate Republicans understand basic economics; that we have to cut spending and raise taxes. However, the Tea Party grasp of economics comes out of Alice and Wonderland, which means that they don't have a clue. Since the republicans are stuck with the tea party under their tent, we, as a nation, get nowhere on this issue.
The last time this nation was debt free was in 1835 under Andrew Jackson that lasted one whole year we have been running up debt ever since under Democrat and Republican controlled Congresses and under Democrat and Republican Presidents. Trying to claim one or the other is worse on this is partisan idiocy in the extreme of course it won't stop the hyper partisans from continuing to try.
Moderate Republicans understand basic economics; that we have to cut spending and raise taxes. However, the Tea Party grasp of economics comes out of Alice and Wonderland, which means that they don't have a clue. Since the republicans are stuck with the tea party under their tent, we, as a nation, get nowhere on this issue.
Yes thank you.
I think the misconception by republicans is that they believe that a tax cut will increase government revenue sufficiently to pay for itself. In fact, it doesn't. The CBO has found repeatedly and pretty conclusively that it doesn't. And even Bush officials who helped orchestrate the tax cut during his presidency didn't expect the tax cut to pay for itself. And acknowledge it didn't.

The math is pretty simple. If you have a deficit, you either increase revenue, decrease spending, or both. When we let some of the Bush tax cuts run out while cutting some of our spending we saw a stark reduction in the deficit. Republicans don't want increase revenue. Which is why I don't think they're serious about balancing the budget.
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Moderate Republicans understand basic economics; that we have to cut spending and raise taxes. However, the Tea Party grasp of economics comes out of Alice and Wonderland, which means that they don't have a clue. Since the republicans are stuck with the tea party under their tent, we, as a nation, get nowhere on this issue.

Bullshit. We need to cut spending and, at some point, change the way we tax. Taxing income is idiocy...if you want to tax something, tax consumption.

This notion that we need more tax revenues indicates that you think government needs to continue to grow and be all things to all people. I contend that it needs to shrink. Render to the federal government the things that are rightly theirs, and to the states, counties, communities and people the things that are rightly theirs. Big central governments can't help but to become oppressive.
No you misunderstand. Paying taxes has always been important. Republicans have always been against it.

Oh for chris' sake read a history book. This notion of directly taxing peoples income was taboo until ~100 years ago.
Now, granted both Bush and Obama have over spent by a lot. However, republicans still seem to think cutting taxes is a viable solution for anything. If you actually broke down the debt under Obama, you would see the trillions that have accumulated under him are because of a surge in defense spending and extending Bush's tax cuts.

Why is it that republicans will bitch and whine about spending yet don't see the error in believing tax cuts contribute to our national debt just as much?

US Debt by President
You must be paying attention. We have always said lower taxes and stop spending so damn much.

It is interesting though that you think one action is counter to the other. High tax rates don't deliver prosperity because the government can keep on spending. Spending more than you have doesn't promote prosperity either.

Where you go wrong in your comparison is most people would be willing to keep paying higher taxes for a short time to pay off the debt if, and that's a giant fucking if, the government would actually cut their spending to levels below what they are bringing in. Nobody believes that would actually happen though. Until it does happen though there is no tax rate high enough to keep supporting this level of spending.
No you misunderstand. Paying taxes has always been important. Republicans have always been against it.
Yes, they have because it's never been important or even necessary with a small government not trying to run your life. That is until 1913 with the 16th amendment. That was the proverbial camels nose under the tent which has resulted today into people spouting such absolute bullshit as paying taxes is important! Paying taxes is your duty!
Taxing income is idiocy...if you want to tax something, tax consumption.

Consumption taxes tend to be qutie regressive, shifting more of the tax burden to the poor and middle class and shifting more away from the rich. Its one of the reasons that the wealthy are such huge fans of them.
I think the misconception by republicans is that they believe that a tax cut will increase government revenue sufficiently to pay for itself. In fact, it doesn't. The CBO has found repeatedly and pretty conclusively that it doesn't. And even Bush officials who helped orchestrate the tax cut during his presidency didn't expect the tax cut to pay for itself. And acknowledge it didn't.

The math is pretty simple. If you have a deficit, you either increase revenue, decrease spending, or both. When we let some of the Bush tax cuts run out while cutting some of our spending we saw a stark reduction in the deficit. Republicans don't want increase revenue. Which is why I don't think they're serious about balancing the budget.
You are correct you have to have a combination of increased taxes and spending cuts to reduce the debt but as you feel Republicans won't increase revenue I feel the same way about Democrats not wanting to cut spending both sides might agree to minor tax increases and spending cuts but nothing substantial which is why neither is serious about balancing the budget. When it comes to reducing the debt and balancing the budget there is also another major problem us the American people people who say raise taxes are good with it as long as it's only on certain other people but not them and the cut spending ones are all in as long as you don't cut anything that they like or support.
Now, granted both Bush and Obama have over spent by a lot. However, republicans still seem to think cutting taxes is a viable solution for anything. If you actually broke down the debt under Obama, you would see the trillions that have accumulated under him are because of a surge in defense spending and extending Bush's tax cuts.

Why is it that republicans will bitch and whine about spending yet don't see the error in believing tax cuts contribute to our national debt just as much?

US Debt by President

I think the GOP has learned an important lesson from the Bush 43 Administration.

When you cut taxes YOU MUST also cut spending.

I have no problem admitting this.

Any Conservatives know something I haven't taken into account here?

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