Why is Impeachment driviing the market up?

That result strikes me as an oddity

Because anyone with a brain already knows Trump will not be impeached but reelected and that it's all but over for the democratic party and it's demodumbass followers.
I'm pretty sure this impeachment farce is gonna peter out on the house floor. If it doesn't the demodummies are even dumber than I thought.
It's not.


Dow Jones Industrial Average Index
Index: DJI · December 12, 11:13 AM EST
▲ 217.37 (0.78%)
I don't know what that means, and it doesn't demonstrate cause and effect. Not in the least.

I'm staying fully invested for myself and my clients because of the data, not because of the impeachment hearings.

You folks are so consumed by ideology and politics that you just make stuff up as you go.
It's not.


Dow Jones Industrial Average Index
Index: DJI · December 12, 11:13 AM EST
▲ 217.37 (0.78%)
I don't know what that means, and it doesn't demonstrate cause and effect. Not in the least.

I'm staying fully invested for myself and my clients because of the data, not because of the impeachment hearings.

You folks are so consumed by ideology and politics that you just make stuff up as you go.

How do you know the impeachment isn't driving up the market? Likewise, how do you know that the Democrat's impeachment isn't what's responsible for driving up President Trump's popularity?

His presidential approval is now higher than Obama's was, at the same point in time in his presidency...

"As of today (10 Dec 2019), Trump enjoys an average approval rating of 45 percent. On this same day during his (failed) presidency, Obama averaged just a 43.5 approval rating..."

Media Fail as Poll of Polls Proves Trump's More Popular than Obama

In the middle of an impeachment, no less. Wednesday's Emerson poll also shows Trump beating every other candidate in the 2020 election.

RealClearPolitics - 2020 - Latest 2020 General Election Polls
It's not.


Dow Jones Industrial Average Index
Index: DJI · December 12, 11:13 AM EST
▲ 217.37 (0.78%)
I don't know what that means, and it doesn't demonstrate cause and effect. Not in the least.

I'm staying fully invested for myself and my clients because of the data, not because of the impeachment hearings.

You folks are so consumed by ideology and politics that you just make stuff up as you go.

How do you know the impeachment isn't driving up the market? Likewise, how do you know that the Democrat's impeachment isn't what's responsible for driving up President Trump's popularity?

His presidential approval is now higher than Obama's was, at the same point in time in his presidency...

"As of today (10 Dec 2019), Trump enjoys an average approval rating of 45 percent. On this same day during his (failed) presidency, Obama averaged just a 43.5 approval rating..."

Media Fail as Poll of Polls Proves Trump's More Popular than Obama

In the middle of an impeachment, no less. Wednesday's Emerson poll also shows Trump beating every other candidate in the 2020 election.

RealClearPolitics - 2020 - Latest 2020 General Election Polls
Think whatever makes you happy. I have to deal with reality.
I think the Dems may be playing their impeachment game as a counter to what the GOP/DOJ comes up with, thereby characterizing both as partisan political efforts that "we need to move beyond." Wouldn't that be magnanimous of them?
It's not.


Dow Jones Industrial Average Index
Index: DJI · December 12, 11:13 AM EST
▲ 217.37 (0.78%)
I don't know what that means, and it doesn't demonstrate cause and effect. Not in the least.

I'm staying fully invested for myself and my clients because of the data, not because of the impeachment hearings.

You folks are so consumed by ideology and politics that you just make stuff up as you go.

Clients? Are you an escort?
It's not.


Dow Jones Industrial Average Index
Index: DJI · December 12, 11:13 AM EST
▲ 217.37 (0.78%)
I don't know what that means, and it doesn't demonstrate cause and effect. Not in the least.

I'm staying fully invested for myself and my clients because of the data, not because of the impeachment hearings.

You folks are so consumed by ideology and politics that you just make stuff up as you go.

Clients? Are you an escort?
I'm not a nutter. You wouldn't understand.
That result strikes me as an oddity
The stock market is not being driven by the impeachment.

The stock market rises and falls on the possibility and then the lost hope of a China trade deal.

Kind of like Charlie Brown and Lucy with the football.

The market dove 400 points last week when Dumbass Donald said he might put off a trade deal until after the election but he wasn't going to say that out loud.

The man is fucking retard.
Here's what caused a bounce in the Dow today:

The "big deal" is probably Trump caving on the pending tariff increases on the 15th.
I wonder if there are any leftists on this board with the brains and bronze to admit to any of the following?

A. The market shows faith in Trump. Matter of fact you could argue the populace does, and it's global. Global issues impact all markets to extent.

B.The market is great, and one reason why is the public knows the Democrats are going to lose this impeach-stint.

C. If Trump were to lose the election, which he won't, then the market would crash. It would likely be a historic decline, but I don't expect many leftists to understand why because it involves math. Regardless, we'll never see it.

For what it's worth, a bull market followed Trump's election, and it crashed following Obama's.
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IMHO, the only thing that the market cares about is that it does NOT want a President who resents the accumulation of wealth. It goes no deeper than that. The Market has seen that, with the publication of the Leftists' two Best Shots against Trump, the prospect of his removal from office is reduced to near zero.

Today's strong market is based on tangibles, not intangibles. Earnings report, progress on trade deals, the unemployment rate(s)...it's all basically sound, and the only ones "predicting" a recession are the partisans who hope that their predictions will diminish the goodwill Trump is accumulating as our 401k's continue to balloon.

But the bubble will burst if any of the crackpots on the D side is elected.
Impeachment is going to have the positive political effect of giving Republicans the majority in the house. That will result in a much stronger stock market. In other words, everyone wins, except the buffoonish Democrats who actually think their constituents are stupid enough to believe their BS.
I wonder if there are any leftists on this board with the brains and bronze to admit to any of the following?

A. The market shows faith in Trump. Matter of fact you could argue the populace does, and it's global. Global issues impact all markets to extent.

B.The market is great, and one reason why is the public knows the Democrats are going to lose this impeach-stint.

C. If Trump were to lose the election, which he won't, then the market would crash. It would likely be a historic decline, but I don't expect many leftists to understand why so, because it involves math. Regardless, we'll never see it.

For what it's worth, a bull market followed Trump's election, and it crashed following Obama's.

The market has been flat since Trump started his far left tariff war. They HATE his fucking stupid liberal protectionist bullshit.

It constantly amazes me to see retards defending the very people who steal from them.

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