Why Is Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Busing Unprocessed Migrants To Sanctuary Cities? Florida is Not a Border State.

From everything I've seen and read, DeSantis is being adamant that he will spend all 12 million dollars at his disposal to transport people on the U.S. side of the border who crossed without prior permission to U.S. sanctuary cities.

Is he doing this simply to help those border states with this problem or is there some other reason for his action? Anyone know?

He is doing it because he doesn't want the illegals milling around his states, American citizens don't want them either.

He didn't let them in so he is sending them to the people who created the problem.

At work if someone else makes a mess and walks away from it do you clean it up? Or do you make them clean up their own mess?

All the people who say they love the illegals and say we should welcome them should be responsible for them.

They let them in, they bused and flew them to states like Florida instead of taking them to their own states so it only makes sense he buses and flies them to the states that want them.

Liberals and Democrats let the illegals come in and tell them they are welcome, then dump then in their enemies states. They have no room to complain about him shipping them around when they shipped them to him.
Because he’s a hateful racist and bigot, like most on the right.

This is nothing but a political stunt, a childish tempter tantrum by DeSantis and Abbott pandering to their hateful, nativist base.
Stop with the bullshit racist card. It doesn’t apply; especially when the Liberal elite are freaking out that illegals by the masses are suddenly in their backyard.
Again...no whining.

The mayor is correct. The humane thing to do is take care of your fellow man; not exercise cruelty to score political points. There is something wrong with you.

The humane thing to do is take care of your fellow man;

Chicago and New York are more humane than Texas.

not exercise cruelty to score political points.

Sending illegal aliens to a more humane place isn't being cruel.

There is something wrong with you.

Nothing that moving out of Chicago won't fix.
Meanwhile back in reality...can you point to any grand discussion about immigration policy that is happening due to this publicity stunt?

Plenty of attention being focused on republican hate and inhumanity....because that is all you guys have to offer....hate and inhumanity. Go shoot something...it will make you feel better. Maybe.
Immigration Policy is in the hands of our corrupt Congress.
Link to me where I said they did.

Your moronic assertion that they were just rioting with no nefarious intent on bodily harm is simply...moronic.

Your memories are just as silly as your posts.

"they may have been feds"..... Don't you get tired of trying to justify violence?
An insurrection requires a plan ahead of time or all of your BLMers would be in jail for committing multiple insurrections.
Why do you continuously embarrass yourself?
Its a publicity gimmick that is sure to backfire.

Every time the GOP tries this it backfires.

Debt ceiling...backfires.
Budget CRs...backfires.
Government Shutdown...backfires.

The GOP is seen as cruel, mean, and unhinged. The reason they are seen that way is because they are cruel, mean, and unhinged. But it would be somewhat hilarious if, in a tit-for-tat move, the feds sent the 1/6 insurrectionists to GITMO so they would be in a place without knowing anyone (no visitors), thousands of miles from where they started, and completely without support. Afterall, the GOP screed of "they broke the law" certainly applies to the insurrectionists. Of course, Democrats are not cruel, mean, and unhinged so they won't do it.

Everything leftists do backfires

Kavanaugh hearings

Impeachment 1

Impeachment 2

Russian collusion

Troop withdrawal

Obama is one of the only Democrats playing this correctly. Well, almost correctly. The second best response, I'd say. His response is nothing.

He is being mocked and harshly criticized for not opening his large MV estate to illegals, but he will not comment. That would have been a better response than the other Democrats' hysterical lisping about how "inhumane" it is to send illegals to Martha's Vineyard. They mean inhumane to the wealthy elites of that island, not inhumane to the migrants who want to live there.

Maybe by the next planeload, the next, or the one after that, Dems will have a cogent response.
I don't get why Martha's Vineyard can just snap their fingers and have the migrants rounded up by the NG and transported off the Island.

Are those migrants not allowed to look for work and housing on Obama Island? How did they go from a sanctuary for migrants to a sanctuary FROM migrants?

Keep sending em and let's have a test case.
now i wonder how the residences of mathas vinyard would of responded if we had sent 50 very cute russian/ukranian ladies there. you think they would of been calling for the next tour boat to come take them away asap?
But to be fair, the Ukranian refugees didn't "break in" to the U.S. They were offered refuge unless I'm mistaken about the process?
And you don’t want them in your area?

We should share shouldn’t we?
That's not necessarily a true assumption.

I'd take them over some of the criminals and miscreants aka "criminal homeless" we see every evening on the news, any day of the week IF they have been processed, as in our government has at least photographed and fingerprinted them and entered them into the system.

But this also brings up the dilemma of why are we expending so many resources on people who are not Americans when we have so many "non-criminal" homeless here that need assistance. And I'm not talking about the homeless who don't want to accept help although for some of them I can't blame them for not wanting to go into some of the shelters due to certain fears they have.

I don't have answers other than to shut off the flow into our country at the border which we've been debating about for at least the last several decades.

There have been no consequences for entering unlawfully only benefits so why would they stop coming?
From everything I've seen and read, DeSantis is being adamant that he will spend all 12 million dollars at his disposal to transport people on the U.S. side of the border who crossed without prior permission to U.S. sanctuary cities.

Is he doing this simply to help those border states with this problem or is there some other reason for his action? Anyone know?

Because he's an asshole that lacks basic human empathy.
NPR? Really?

We (Florida) may not border on Mexico, but this is what President Biden is doing to us since we voted for a great leader, President Trump. Biden could be more vindictive, but I'm not sure how.


Is the source, NPR, inaccurate?

And no, I was not aware that Biden had been doing this which basically answers my question as to why DeSantis is doing what he's doing.

Thank you...
I'm jealous of Stupidity?!
Well that's the thing, your lizard brain reaction to me has always been irrational, so in order to make yourself feel better you have to attribute the reason that I have the ability to make you feel so uncomfortable to me being "stupid", just like children do.

I am many things that you may dislike, but stupid is not one of them.

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