Why is china still in pandemic when the rest of the world is recovering?


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2019
China is taking drastic action against its own people

hundreds of millions of chinese are locked out of their jobs

instead people are forced to remain at home without food and water

my guess is that communist chinese vaccine is no good and the dictatorship refuses to admit it
China is taking drastic action against its own people

hundreds of millions of chinese are locked out of their jobs

instead people are forced to remain at home without food and water

my guess is that communist chinese vaccine is no good and the dictatorship refuses to admit it
Honestly this is more related to population density than it is anything else. There is no vaccine as of yet for this bug. There has not been time to develop one. The shot apparently staves off the bug for a bit but does not permanently fix antibodies so in time when the doofus looking spike proteins thin out of the blood you need a re-charge. Problem is we don't yet know what the side effects will be over the life time of the recipient. Looks like we're starting to find out though. So...to continue...there was never any hope of actually containing this bug. Frankly what we have done to slow it down has only rescheduled its effect on global population not diminished it or eliminated it. I am sure some people are alive today who would otherwise be dead without the shot so there's that. But one way or another the ultimate conclusion here is that we are simply no match for this unstoppable force and it is becoming apparent that it will burn itself out whenever it burns itself out regardless of what we do to interfere.
Homo sapiens was stupid enough not to find the source, and still has a schizoid problem: lab or nature.
Homo sapiens was stupid enough not to find the source, and still has a schizoid problem: lab or nature.

This is starting to look like Florence of 1348. The year of the Buboes! It took them nearly ten years to figure out it was the rat flea. Europe had a population of about 150 million in 1348. By 1350 it was down to 75 million.
Homo sapiens was stupid enough not to find the source, and still has a schizoid problem: lab or nature.

The source is now mankind itself I'm afraid. We are in for a long, rough ride and this thing will not be stopped until it reaches the herd immunity status.
The Black Death had three major waves in the 1340's it wasn't until the end of the third wave about ten years after the start of the plague that it finally began to appear in less virulent forms and it continued to reappear right up to the 1800's. Damn thing is actually still out there somewhere too.
In the look back they have concluded that while the rat fleas played a part in the spread the new theory is that it too became a Human-to-Human contagion which is why it was so hard to stop...well they never did actually stop it. Like today .... It looks like Covid is just going to do it's thing.

China is taking drastic action against its own people

hundreds of millions of chinese are locked out of their jobs

instead people are forced to remain at home without food and water

my guess is that communist chinese vaccine is no good and the dictatorship refuses to admit it
Ironically....I think they said it best on MSDNC this morning....China did massive left wing lockdowns....so much of the population never got natural immunity to the virus, and thus continues to suffer.

Essentially, what MSDNC admitted this morning, was Trump policy, and FL policy was the correct way to handle the virus.
Ironically....I think they said it best on MSDNC this morning....China did massive left wing lockdowns....so much of the population never got natural immunity to the virus, and thus continues to suffer.

Essentially, what MSDNC admitted this morning, was Trump policy, and FL policy was the correct way to handle the virus.

Wow....yeah exactly. All they really did is to delay the inevitable and in doing so may actually have made it worse.

Honestly this is more related to population density than it is anything else. There is no vaccine as of yet for this bug. There has not been time to develop one. The shot apparently staves off the bug for a bit but does not permanently fix antibodies so in time when the doofus looking spike proteins thin out of the blood you need a re-charge. Problem is we don't yet know what the side effects will be over the life time of the recipient. Looks like we're starting to find out though. So...to continue...there was never any hope of actually containing this bug. Frankly what we have done to slow it down has only rescheduled its effect on global population not diminished it or eliminated it. I am sure some people are alive today who would otherwise be dead without the shot so there's that. But one way or another the ultimate conclusion here is that we are simply no match for this unstoppable force and it is becoming apparent that it will burn itself out whenever it burns itself out regardless of what we do to interfere.
I find your last comments rather over the top

considering something like 95% of people survive and the ones who don't were probably all going to die anyway...
China is taking drastic action against its own people

hundreds of millions of chinese are locked out of their jobs

instead people are forced to remain at home without food and water

my guess is that communist chinese vaccine is no good and the dictatorship refuses to admit it
Because fake news.
Honestly this is more related to population density than it is anything else. There is no vaccine as of yet for this bug. There has not been time to develop one. The shot apparently staves off the bug for a bit but does not permanently fix antibodies so in time when the doofus looking spike proteins thin out of the blood you need a re-charge. Problem is we don't yet know what the side effects will be over the life time of the recipient. Looks like we're starting to find out though. So...to continue...there was never any hope of actually containing this bug. Frankly what we have done to slow it down has only rescheduled its effect on global population not diminished it or eliminated it. I am sure some people are alive today who would otherwise be dead without the shot so there's that. But one way or another the ultimate conclusion here is that we are simply no match for this unstoppable force and it is becoming apparent that it will burn itself out whenever it burns itself out regardless of what we do to interfere.
A Carbon Footprint Stomps Out Pandemics

The basic DNA of these ancient viruses is no match for the modern atmosphere that "pollution" creates. The Shanghai Lockdown results in a comfortable atmosphere for these killer microbes.
The source is now mankind itself I'm afraid. We are in for a long, rough ride and this thing will not be stopped until it reaches the herd immunity status.
The Black Death had three major waves in the 1340's it wasn't until the end of the third wave about ten years after the start of the plague that it finally began to appear in less virulent forms and it continued to reappear right up to the 1800's. Damn thing is actually still out there somewhere too.
In the look back they have concluded that while the rat fleas played a part in the spread the new theory is that it too became a Human-to-Human contagion which is why it was so hard to stop...well they never did actually stop it. Like today .... It looks like Covid is just going to do it's thing.

Nature Is a Crime Against Humanity; Only the Unfit Worship It

As I've written before, the Spanish Influenza should have come back as often as the Black Death did, but it all went the way of the horse and buggy, literally. Its disappearance is an easily solved mystery that the Unabomber Cult doesn't dare to think is important. Using common sense rather than their deadly and irrational Commie Science, it is obvious that the continuing increase in auto emissions exterminated that virus for good.
Nature Is a Crime Against Humanity; Only the Unfit Worship It

As I've written before, the Spanish Influenza should have come back as often as the Black Death did, but it all went the way of the horse and buggy. That is an easily solved mystery which the Unabomber Cult doesn't dare to think is important. Listening to common sense rather than their deadly and irrational Commie Science, it is obvious that the continuing increase in auto emissions exterminated that virus for good.
This is a great point. For some unknown reason lefty thinks that Gaia is the only deity that deserves notice. What if....just think for one moment... what if our natural origins left us with only the hope of extinction and the only way that we can overcome it is to use Hydrocarbon fuels to power our survival
while we figure out what the next thing is that Gaia wants to toss at us to exterminate us?

Ironically....I think they said it best on MSDNC this morning....China did massive left wing lockdowns....so much of the population never got natural immunity to the virus, and thus continues to suffer.

Essentially, what MSDNC admitted this morning, was Trump policy, and FL policy was the correct way to handle the virus.
The progressive dictatorship is still wedded to the lockdown policy

they are treating their people worse than dogs
Fake news meaning what?

the lock-ins are fake news?

everything in china is A-OK?

I’m pretty sure its not ok
If it is fake news this time Fox News is also broadcasting it.
If it is fake news this time Fox News is also broadcasting it.
The world is documenting the fiasco taking place in china

so I have no doubt that china has big problems
From what I have seen the elderly there work their fingers to the bone....
They are an economic asset.

I dont think so

like old people everywhere chinese eventually cost more than they contribute

plus china has a serious shortage of childbearing age women

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