Why is Biden too old but Trump is not?

Trump may be in terrible shape physically , but he seems more with it mentally than Biden
I'm not upset. I am not a trump hater. But electing trump, or Biden for that matter is a step backwards.
We need someone that will lead us ahead, imho
Trump was leading US forward, Biden is leading US backwards.
Why is Biden too old but Trump is not? They are basically the same age - old. So why is there only concern over Biden being old.

Because trump can walk around on his own, doesn't fall down all the time, doesn't have a thousand yard stare, has fluid body movements, can speak clearly and concisely, can talk and remark off the cuff without cue cards and so on.

Basically Biden walks and talks at being an old man and trump does not. Age doesn't always have to do with a number.

My grandma is 94 and is sharper than biden.
Explain. Why in earth would you think being obese is being in “perfect shape”?

First of all I don't think that he's obese and second of all I was speaking mentally.

I'm not upset. I am not a trump hater. But electing trump, or Biden for that matter is a step backwards.
We need someone that will lead us ahead, imho

Again, that isnt my point, doesn't have anything to do with what I'm saying.

With all due respect, I don't think that you even know what you're saying.

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