Why is America so screwed up?

History has shown that socialism has been an absolute dismal failure throughout civilizations, 100% fail rate long term. For so called intellectuals to try the same thing over and over again... Insane stupidity.

Progressives are flat earthers no doubt...
Communism/socialism two sides of the same coin, both appeal to weak minded bleeding heart libs. Both forms of government are takers...
Your sympathy for the greedy idiot GOP elite is touching, dupe. So what if they ruin the lives of most of the country and the country itself? Including you, and the rest of the dupes. Communism appeals to no one I've ever heard of. Done and done.
Socialism/communism are the same thing, malignant cancer.

So, if you don't understand something, you just give it a negative label, compare it to all the other things you don't understand with negative labels, and call them the same thing.

Hmm, how intelligent.
Socialism is the bitch mother to dictators...
NEVER, stupid dupe. Socialism is democratic. End of story. But you can certainly see why no Dem even wants to talk about it. GOP violent brainwashed dementia...Call it democratic socialism then, blockhead cold war dinosaur/whatever.
Socialism always fails sooner or later and the poor sapsuckers that "believe" in the insanity end up in a dictatorship.
Socialism happens when a government gets the shits...
Seven Wonders of Socialism
1. Everybody is employed.
2. Although everybody is employed, nobody works
3. Although nobody works, everybody fulfills the plan.
4. Although everybody fulfills the plan, there are no goods.
5. Although there are no goods, everybody has everything.
6. Although everybody has everything, everybody steals.
7. Although everybody steals, nothing is ever missing.

It's hilarious

Firstly, the poverty statistic. It's a number, it's meaningless. It's not a comparison with what came before, it doesn't suggest anything about whether Obama is doing well or not, and besides, poverty statistics have what to do with a US president? Congress is the legislature.

If I were then to say that child poverty went up under Bush, you'd turn and blame Congress and the Democrats, if it's Obama in charge, you'll blame him. It's not difficult to blame whoever you wish.


Child poverty went down under Clinton and it went up under Bush.

NCCP | Child Poverty

Besides, the NCCP says "More than 16 million children in the United States – 22% of all children – live in families with incomes below the federal poverty level – $23,550 a year for a family of four."

Poverty rates are relative, $23,550 is a lot of money for a lot of families in the world. There will always be poverty and always be children in poverty, that doesn't mean that these kids are starving, they're just relatively worse off than others. The recession helped rich people get richer, and poor people get poorer, because they lost jobs, and this was, again, started by Bush. Cue the "you can't keep blaming Bush", as if people losing jobs in 2008/2009 will somehow stop being caused because of a recession which was massive because of two unwinnable and costly foreign interventions.

51 million on food stamps. What does this say? It says there was a recession and this happened under the last president. Obama has overseen an improvement in the economy in the last 7 years.


Did Obama make the laws making food stamps? No he did not. So.... somehow Bush causing the recession to be worse and some other people making food stamp programs, suddenly becomes Obama's fault.

Real unemployment is 10.3%. Firstly it doesn't matter. You haven't shown what "real unemployment" was like at any other period in time. If unemployment is 5% and real unemployment is 10%, does that mean when unemployment was 10% that real unemployment was 20%? What was real unemployment under Bush? You haven't said.

Secondly, when "real unemployment" includes people who CHOOSE NOT TO WORK, you know you're dealing with complete nonsense, statistics for the gullible.

Black youth unemployment rises to 30%. Okay, from what and from when? If it rose to 30% from 29.9%, what does that mean? Nothing, it means absolutely nothing. Again, statistics for the gullible.

Set the record for the highest above 7.5% unemployment. Yeah, because he started the recession. Oh, wait, no he didn't. The predictions for this recession in 2008, BEFORE he was in charge, were that this would be the second worst recession ever, behind the one in the 1930s where they didn't bother with these statistics.

The record he took of Reagan, and nobody on the right is saying how bad Reagan was, are they?

US debt is massive, could this have anything to do with Iraq and Afghanistan. I wonder who put the US in those places. Must have been Obama, right?

Okay, more people living in poverty now. That, again, would be due to a recession that Obama didn't start. Again, cue the calls of "you always blame Bush", yeah, well he went to those wars, and he made the debt, he made the problems.

Scandals. As if no president ends up having scandals.

Bush? Hurricane Katrina, Iraq etc. He got millions of people killed. But you'll ignore that, right? It's impossible to get through a presidency without scandals.
NOT COMMUNISM, you idiot.
Communism/socialism two sides of the same coin, both appeal to weak minded bleeding heart libs. Both forms of government are takers...
Your sympathy for the greedy idiot GOP elite is touching, dupe. So what if they ruin the lives of most of the country and the country itself? Including you, and the rest of the dupes. Communism appeals to no one I've ever heard of. Done and done.

It certainly must appeal to the Democrats. They have nearly the same platform as Communists.
The feq they do, dupe. Dems are just missing the little part about violent revolution, the end of democracy, taking over the means of production lol...The CPUSA has basically disbanded since they no longer are supported by USSR. Of course any remnants aren't for the thieving, lying, corrupt greedy idiot GOP. You have to be a total a-hole or dupe or racist to be... .But thanks for ruining our reputation and the world the last 30 years, esp the last 15. An ugly Amererican disgrace.

The last 15? You mean the last 15 with 7 of them under DumBama?

Is everything the Republicans fault no matter who is in charge?
You're right, not since 1/20/12009, when the world liked us again.

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