Why I'm a Democrat now


I voted for George H.W. Bush in 1988, Bob Dole in 1996, and George W Bush in 2000 - All Republicans. NO MORE! I'm a Democrat now. Conservatives used to care about paying down our national debt, supporting our troops, and our European allies against threats from Communism. Today the party of Trump cares little about any of these, instead focusing on abusing little children on our southern border, sucking up to dictators from Russia, North Korea, and Turkey, and dividing this country as deeply as the days of the civil war.

I didn't agree with everything President Obama did, but America didn't turn into a socialist hellhole, nor did the economy crash on his watch as so many on the right wing predicted. This is the last post I'll do here, claiming I'm an Independent.

Sorry Trump supporters: You lost me - Goodby! :bye1:
if you were an independent you would have problems with both parties..........
Yes independents do. But Republican's are in control of the Presidency, Senate, and even the supreme court. Their failures really stand out right now. Huge debt, failed pandemic response....
and so an indepent is supposed to think the democrats are going to do better?....
Yes. Things were clearly much better under Obama. Deficits have increased. Almost all trump policy has failed. Tariffs hurt manufacturing. Tax cuts didn't pay for themselves or lead to the promise 4-6% growth. Mexico isn't paying for the wall. Without the partisan blinders it's easy to see how failed trump has been.
yea you are an independent......lol.....
Yes. You can't deny all those failings. Independents don't follow failed policy.
independents have problems with both parties and would not look at biden, a guy who has been part of the reason they are independents as the guy to vote for....
Sadly we have but 2 choices. And trump has been a disaster so Biden gets the support. Again, you can't deny the failings. I'd go back to how things were 4 years ago any day. Country is a mess now and much deeper in debt.
why dont you just say you are democrat and end your charade,,,,
That's all you got? You can't debate the failings? If you can't debate the failings then voting Biden is quite clear.
im debating that you aint no indy...and you are wanting to debate trumps failings...lifelong politicians like joe biden is one of the reasons many people became independents.....for you to support him tells me one thing....you aint no independent....
Then you don't know independents. We pick the best candidate. Trump has clearly been a disaster and you can't seem to deny all his failings. I don't vote for failed policies.
brain you aint no independent your a fucking democrat......politicians like biden are the reason people become independents....and here you are supporting the fucker...
From my experience people become independents when their party is a big fake. I was a republican because they claimed to be small government conservatives. That clearly is not the case. They claimed to be fiscally responsible and have proved that to be false. I agreed when they said a president shouldn't rule by executive order. That went out the window as soon as they got the presidency. I am independent because no party fits me very well.
people become independents because both parties are bullshit .....you gave us why you dont like republicans any more but yet now that other shitty party suddenly fits you real nice....you are no independent....give us a break and quit calling yourself one....
If it fit me really nice I would be a democrat. The dems aren't a great fit, but in recent times they are better than the repubs. See that's being an independent. You partisans just don't get it.
the only partisan between me and you is you......i think both parties are destroying this country with their tit for tat bullshit while you think only one is....if you have problems with both parties you would not vote democrat or republican....being a real independent means telling both parties to stick their political bullshit were the sun dont shine.....lets see you say that to biden and his party....i bet you wont....because you cant.....
Had Kasich been the nominee against Hillary I would have likely voted for him. I think he would have lowered deficits and seems like a person of much greater character than trump or hillary.
Open BORDERS creates a deficits, millions on welfare.. health care. Public schools.. where do you democrats get a education? Burger King?
I don't see open borders. Did obama weaken our laws? Do share a link.
Seriously. Also please share all the benefits of our current policy. What exactly is better? Deficits are increasing hugely. Did trump open up the border?
Are you saying Obama stoped illegals from crossing? Lol
Sure did. Many. Are you claiming that trump is stopping more? If so why are deficits growing?
Let’s be totally honest…you were never an independent...if you were you wouldn’t lean towards lawlessness, hate law enforcement, free shit for wetbacks, blacks are amazing, hate whitey, higher taxes and Make America Mexico Again...haha
You can’t be serious?

Of course he is lying, when bed wetters are communicating, they're either lying or repeating a lie they read somewhere else.

The first lie in the post of course is in the assertion he has the capacity to think.

If there were any "thoughts" involved, and the conclusion was to become a democrook, then the individual was huffing paint and suffered brain damage.

Of course the bed wetter isn't an "independent" any more than that piece of shit Mac1958 is. They're both leftwing nanny state dipshits and can be counted on to defend and deflect from anything the democrooks are guilty of, and blame the republicrats for everything they accuse them of.

Trump off the bat : obliterate Isis ( Obama does zero ) then slaps the full sanction back on Iran and Is the first person to stand up to Maoist China

I voted for George H.W. Bush in 1988, Bob Dole in 1996, and George W Bush in 2000 - All Republicans. NO MORE! I'm a Democrat now. Conservatives used to care about paying down our national debt, supporting our troops, and our European allies against threats from Communism. Today the party of Trump cares little about any of these, instead focusing on abusing little children on our southern border, sucking up to dictators from Russia, North Korea, and Turkey, and dividing this country as deeply as the days of the civil war.

I didn't agree with everything President Obama did, but America didn't turn into a socialist hellhole, nor did the economy crash on his watch as so many on the right wing predicted. This is the last post I'll do here, claiming I'm an Independent.

Sorry Trump supporters: You lost me - Goodby! :bye1:

TDS thread 1,738

I voted for George H.W. Bush in 1988, Bob Dole in 1996, and George W Bush in 2000 - All Republicans. NO MORE! I'm a Democrat now. Conservatives used to care about paying down our national debt, supporting our troops, and our European allies against threats from Communism. Today the party of Trump cares little about any of these, instead focusing on abusing little children on our southern border, sucking up to dictators from Russia, North Korea, and Turkey, and dividing this country as deeply as the days of the civil war.

I didn't agree with everything President Obama did, but America didn't turn into a socialist hellhole, nor did the economy crash on his watch as so many on the right wing predicted. This is the last post I'll do here, claiming I'm an Independent.

Sorry Trump supporters: You lost me - Goodby! :bye1:
That's not too different from my story. I was once a Republican and now consider myself Independent. The republican's never delivered on their claims of being fiscally responsible. Now they just follow trumps failed policy. I expect many will see the increased debt, failed policy, riots, lack of leadership.... and move on too.
So you believe Democrats are fiscally responsible?

That's how we know you're a fraud.
No, but they are more responsible than trump. Trump has drastically increased deficits.
How much did Dems want to give away in the COVID-19 stimulus funds to illegals?
Trump fixes the VA mess then allows experimental drugs to be used to save lives .
Not to mention the best economy in history of mankind
He did the best who could ( as the only person and fighting alone ) against the illegal mass hordes
Conservatives used to care about paying down our national debt, supporting our troops, and our European allies against threats from Communism.
So you're joining the party that doesn't care about paying down the National Debt, doesn't support the troops and wants Communism here. Good thinking. You'll fit right in with the Democrats. You deserve them and they deserve you.
Trump is the guy who loves dictators. He's also greatly increased deficits. Oh and his tariffs are quite communist. The USSR controlled trade too.
Obammy was sucking dictators dicks and bowing over to take it up the ass. I have yet to see President Trump bow to anyone...
You didn't see the idiot sword dancing with the saudis?
Trumps biggest failures ??

Not going after the Silicon Mob Cartels who spread fake news and don’t pay taxes
Horrible environmental policy !!
Biggest deficit ever

j give him a B plus

I voted for George H.W. Bush in 1988, Bob Dole in 1996, and George W Bush in 2000 - All Republicans. NO MORE! I'm a Democrat now. Conservatives used to care about paying down our national debt, supporting our troops, and our European allies against threats from Communism. Today the party of Trump cares little about any of these, instead focusing on abusing little children on our southern border, sucking up to dictators from Russia, North Korea, and Turkey, and dividing this country as deeply as the days of the civil war.

I didn't agree with everything President Obama did, but America didn't turn into a socialist hellhole, nor did the economy crash on his watch as so many on the right wing predicted. This is the last post I'll do here, claiming I'm an Independent.

Sorry Trump supporters: You lost me - Goodby! :bye1:
That's not too different from my story. I was once a Republican and now consider myself Independent. The republican's never delivered on their claims of being fiscally responsible. Now they just follow trumps failed policy. I expect many will see the increased debt, failed policy, riots, lack of leadership.... and move on too.
So you believe Democrats are fiscally responsible?

That's how we know you're a fraud.
No, but they are more responsible than trump. Trump has drastically increased deficits.
How can they be responsible when they are deliberately trying to drive up the debt as high as possible?
Isn't that what trump is doing? This year is going to be quite the bill.
Didn't the Democrats in the House pass all of that spending, and wanted more?

That's why you are full of shit!
Jews in Israel consider him a near God
They named the new Golan village after him in the Golan Heights
They have a new plaza after him in Jerusalem

I voted for George H.W. Bush in 1988, Bob Dole in 1996, and George W Bush in 2000 - All Republicans. NO MORE! I'm a Democrat now. Conservatives used to care about paying down our national debt, supporting our troops, and our European allies against threats from Communism. Today the party of Trump cares little about any of these, instead focusing on abusing little children on our southern border, sucking up to dictators from Russia, North Korea, and Turkey, and dividing this country as deeply as the days of the civil war.

I didn't agree with everything President Obama did, but America didn't turn into a socialist hellhole, nor did the economy crash on his watch as so many on the right wing predicted. This is the last post I'll do here, claiming I'm an Independent.

Sorry Trump supporters: You lost me - Goodby! :bye1:
You claim to be worried about debt, so you are leaving the Republican Party for the party of The New Green Deal and their $120 TRILLION in deficit spending for that one program alone.

Sounds believable to me.
Trump has drastically increased deficits. He has made obama look fiscally responsible.
Blaming Trump for the COVID recession is that mark of a moron and a douchebag.
Trump was running trillion dollar deficits long before covid.
Not true. Why do you lie about something so easily disproved?
Trumps biggest failures ??

Not going after the Silicon Mob Cartels who spread fake news and don’t pay taxes
Horrible environmental policy !!
Biggest deficit ever

j give him a B plus

What about his environment policy? How many rivers did his EPA poison with runoff of an old mine?

I can’t defend his environmental policy
It’s bad !!
I am voting for T again and he will win
All the interest paid on the debt isn't waste? You don't think the military wastes lots of dollars?
Is that why wealthy Democrats buy tax-free municipal bonds instead of U.S. Treasury bonds, bills, and notes? At least the military has guns, and guns aren't a waste of money like all that laser-taser and pepper spray stuff and the spinning disco balls on top of the city police cars.
Don't underestimate military waste.

If you weren't such a commie, I'd probably agree with you on most things.

Too much military spending

War on drugs is fucking bullshit.

Government has too much power. If you agree with me on that, then there's no need to argue over shit. We should help each other. We should not be enemies.
It is funny how we agree on some things and are very different on others. I like to think I'm much more civilized. But yes the government does have too much power. There are a lot of things government is in that they shouldn't. This is why I'm an independent. I don't really agree with Dems on all that much, but I think in recent years they somehow have done less damage. I am certainly hating this year....
Then I'll agree to pick a third-party candidate. Will you?
Like I said, I'm hating this year. I want change. This is the first time I think I've ever cared so much about getting rid of a president. I'm voting for whoever is most likely to get rid of him. I don't think that will be a third party. Criminal how hard the two have made it for a third party isn't it?
Third parties are unpopular because they concentrate on fringe issues no one really cares about. Drugs, radical environmentalism, communism, etc.

I voted for George H.W. Bush in 1988, Bob Dole in 1996, and George W Bush in 2000 - All Republicans. NO MORE! I'm a Democrat now. Conservatives used to care about paying down our national debt, supporting our troops, and our European allies against threats from Communism. Today the party of Trump cares little about any of these, instead focusing on abusing little children on our southern border, sucking up to dictators from Russia, North Korea, and Turkey, and dividing this country as deeply as the days of the civil war.

I didn't agree with everything President Obama did, but America didn't turn into a socialist hellhole, nor did the economy crash on his watch as so many on the right wing predicted. This is the last post I'll do here, claiming I'm an Independent.

Sorry Trump supporters: You lost me - Goodby! :bye1:
Not buying it

I voted for George H.W. Bush in 1988, Bob Dole in 1996, and George W Bush in 2000 - All Republicans. NO MORE! I'm a Democrat now. Conservatives used to care about paying down our national debt, supporting our troops, and our European allies against threats from Communism. Today the party of Trump cares little about any of these, instead focusing on abusing little children on our southern border, sucking up to dictators from Russia, North Korea, and Turkey, and dividing this country as deeply as the days of the civil war.

I didn't agree with everything President Obama did, but America didn't turn into a socialist hellhole, nor did the economy crash on his watch as so many on the right wing predicted. This is the last post I'll do here, claiming I'm an Independent.

Sorry Trump supporters: You lost me - Goodby! :bye1:
if you were an independent you would have problems with both parties..........
Yes independents do. But Republican's are in control of the Presidency, Senate, and even the supreme court. Their failures really stand out right now. Huge debt, failed pandemic response....
and so an indepent is supposed to think the democrats are going to do better?....
Yes. Things were clearly much better under Obama. Deficits have increased. Almost all trump policy has failed. Tariffs hurt manufacturing. Tax cuts didn't pay for themselves or lead to the promise 4-6% growth. Mexico isn't paying for the wall. Without the partisan blinders it's easy to see how failed trump has been.
yea you are an independent......lol.....
Yes. You can't deny all those failings. Independents don't follow failed policy.
independents have problems with both parties and would not look at biden, a guy who has been part of the reason they are independents as the guy to vote for....
Sadly we have but 2 choices. And trump has been a disaster so Biden gets the support. Again, you can't deny the failings. I'd go back to how things were 4 years ago any day. Country is a mess now and much deeper in debt.
why dont you just say you are democrat and end your charade,,,,
That's all you got? You can't debate the failings? If you can't debate the failings then voting Biden is quite clear.
im debating that you aint no indy...and you are wanting to debate trumps failings...lifelong politicians like joe biden is one of the reasons many people became independents.....for you to support him tells me one thing....you aint no independent....
Then you don't know independents. We pick the best candidate. Trump has clearly been a disaster and you can't seem to deny all his failings. I don't vote for failed policies.
brain you aint no independent your a fucking democrat......politicians like biden are the reason people become independents....and here you are supporting the fucker...
From my experience people become independents when their party is a big fake. I was a republican because they claimed to be small government conservatives. That clearly is not the case. They claimed to be fiscally responsible and have proved that to be false. I agreed when they said a president shouldn't rule by executive order. That went out the window as soon as they got the presidency. I am independent because no party fits me very well.
people become independents because both parties are bullshit .....you gave us why you dont like republicans any more but yet now that other shitty party suddenly fits you real nice....you are no independent....give us a break and quit calling yourself one....
If it fit me really nice I would be a democrat. The dems aren't a great fit, but in recent times they are better than the repubs. See that's being an independent. You partisans just don't get it.
the only partisan between me and you is you......i think both parties are destroying this country with their tit for tat bullshit while you think only one is....if you have problems with both parties you would not vote democrat or republican....being a real independent means telling both parties to stick their political bullshit were the sun dont shine.....lets see you say that to biden and his party....i bet you wont....because you cant.....
Had Kasich been the nominee against Hillary I would have likely voted for him. I think he would have lowered deficits and seems like a person of much greater character than trump or hillary.
Open BORDERS creates a deficits, millions on welfare.. health care. Public schools.. where do you democrats get a education? Burger King?
I don't see open borders. Did obama weaken our laws? Do share a link.

When Obama was in office, our border were open. He weakened our laws. DACA is a perfect example.
Trumps biggest failures ??

Not going after the Silicon Mob Cartels who spread fake news and don’t pay taxes
Horrible environmental policy !!
Biggest deficit ever

j give him a B plus

What about his environment policy? How many rivers did his EPA poison with runoff of an old mine?

I can’t defend his environmental policy
It’s bad !!
I am voting for T again and he will win
What's "bad"? I am seriously asking because I know of no problems with his policies.

I voted for George H.W. Bush in 1988, Bob Dole in 1996, and George W Bush in 2000 - All Republicans. NO MORE! I'm a Democrat now. Conservatives used to care about paying down our national debt, supporting our troops, and our European allies against threats from Communism. Today the party of Trump cares little about any of these, instead focusing on abusing little children on our southern border, sucking up to dictators from Russia, North Korea, and Turkey, and dividing this country as deeply as the days of the civil war.

I didn't agree with everything President Obama did, but America didn't turn into a socialist hellhole, nor did the economy crash on his watch as so many on the right wing predicted. This is the last post I'll do here, claiming I'm an Independent.

Sorry Trump supporters: You lost me - Goodby! :bye1:
if you were an independent you would have problems with both parties..........
Yes independents do. But Republican's are in control of the Presidency, Senate, and even the supreme court. Their failures really stand out right now. Huge debt, failed pandemic response....
and so an indepent is supposed to think the democrats are going to do better?....
Yes. Things were clearly much better under Obama. Deficits have increased. Almost all trump policy has failed. Tariffs hurt manufacturing. Tax cuts didn't pay for themselves or lead to the promise 4-6% growth. Mexico isn't paying for the wall. Without the partisan blinders it's easy to see how failed trump has been.
yea you are an independent......lol.....
Yes. You can't deny all those failings. Independents don't follow failed policy.
independents have problems with both parties and would not look at biden, a guy who has been part of the reason they are independents as the guy to vote for....
Sadly we have but 2 choices. And trump has been a disaster so Biden gets the support. Again, you can't deny the failings. I'd go back to how things were 4 years ago any day. Country is a mess now and much deeper in debt.
Biden can't even remember his name you stupid ass.

I voted for George H.W. Bush in 1988, Bob Dole in 1996, and George W Bush in 2000 - All Republicans. NO MORE! I'm a Democrat now. Conservatives used to care about paying down our national debt, supporting our troops, and our European allies against threats from Communism. Today the party of Trump cares little about any of these, instead focusing on abusing little children on our southern border, sucking up to dictators from Russia, North Korea, and Turkey, and dividing this country as deeply as the days of the civil war.

I didn't agree with everything President Obama did, but America didn't turn into a socialist hellhole, nor did the economy crash on his watch as so many on the right wing predicted. This is the last post I'll do here, claiming I'm an Independent.

Sorry Trump supporters: You lost me - Goodby! :bye1:
if you were an independent you would have problems with both parties..........
Yes independents do. But Republican's are in control of the Presidency, Senate, and even the supreme court. Their failures really stand out right now. Huge debt, failed pandemic response....
and so an indepent is supposed to think the democrats are going to do better?....
Yes. Things were clearly much better under Obama. Deficits have increased. Almost all trump policy has failed. Tariffs hurt manufacturing. Tax cuts didn't pay for themselves or lead to the promise 4-6% growth. Mexico isn't paying for the wall. Without the partisan blinders it's easy to see how failed trump has been.
yea you are an independent......lol.....
Yes. You can't deny all those failings. Independents don't follow failed policy.
independents have problems with both parties and would not look at biden, a guy who has been part of the reason they are independents as the guy to vote for....
Sadly we have but 2 choices. And trump has been a disaster so Biden gets the support. Again, you can't deny the failings. I'd go back to how things were 4 years ago any day. Country is a mess now and much deeper in debt.
why dont you just say you are democrat and end your charade,,,,
That's all you got? You can't debate the failings? If you can't debate the failings then voting Biden is quite clear.
im debating that you aint no indy...and you are wanting to debate trumps failings...lifelong politicians like joe biden is one of the reasons many people became independents.....for you to support him tells me one thing....you aint no independent....
Then you don't know independents. We pick the best candidate. Trump has clearly been a disaster and you can't seem to deny all his failings. I don't vote for failed policies.
brain you aint no independent your a fucking democrat......politicians like biden are the reason people become independents....and here you are supporting the fucker...
From my experience people become independents when their party is a big fake. I was a republican because they claimed to be small government conservatives. That clearly is not the case. They claimed to be fiscally responsible and have proved that to be false. I agreed when they said a president shouldn't rule by executive order. That went out the window as soon as they got the presidency. I am independent because no party fits me very well.
people become independents because both parties are bullshit .....you gave us why you dont like republicans any more but yet now that other shitty party suddenly fits you real nice....you are no independent....give us a break and quit calling yourself one....
If it fit me really nice I would be a democrat. The dems aren't a great fit, but in recent times they are better than the repubs. See that's being an independent. You partisans just don't get it.
the only partisan between me and you is you......i think both parties are destroying this country with their tit for tat bullshit while you think only one is....if you have problems with both parties you would not vote democrat or republican....being a real independent means telling both parties to stick their political bullshit were the sun dont shine.....lets see you say that to biden and his party....i bet you wont....because you cant.....
Had Kasich been the nominee against Hillary I would have likely voted for him. I think he would have lowered deficits and seems like a person of much greater character than trump or hillary.
Open BORDERS creates a deficits, millions on welfare.. health care. Public schools.. where do you democrats get a education? Burger King?
I don't see open borders. Did obama weaken our laws? Do share a link.
Seriously. Also please share all the benefits of our current policy. What exactly is better? Deficits are increasing hugely. Did trump open up the border?
Are you saying Obama stoped illegals from crossing? Lol
Sure did. Many. Are you claiming that trump is stopping more? If so why are deficits growing?
There was no wall were you there counting? Lol

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