Why I will not now or ever advocate, argue for or endorse Trump

So I vote for Trump just hoping with his giving me no reason to believe so that he'll make better Supreme picks than Hillary? I need a little more than that

No....you don't really.......30 years of Supreme Court decisions.....Private Property Rights, Tax law....obamacare rulings....2nd Amendment rulings.......the justices hilary will pick will be hard core leftists......they will not hesitate to make law from the Bench, they will make decisions striking down individual rights for the next 30 years.

The Check on her power that may come from the Republicans holding one or both houses of congress will mean nothing compared to the almost eternal rulings made by that court. Remember....any conservative justices appointed afterward will adhere to the concept of "Precedent" and will not seek to overturn previous rulings....

The threat to the country of 3 Court Justices picked by hilary is just not negotiable...........

You're making the faulty conclusion that I have any reason to believe Trump will pick better justices than Hillary will
There is no doubt via Hillary. A common sense approach would be we'd be better off with someone else deciding instead of her.

I've repeatedly said I'd probably vote for Cruz or Rubio and likely Kasich, But Trump says he doesn't believe in free markets, that's a different thing
He is pushing for Fair Trade policies and I agree. I oppose you on this one. I also oppose submission to our laws to WTO courts. Again, it's not Free Trade anyway. To the damage.........the TPA fight verifies it will damage us. Because it's very reason for existing is to train displaced workers from modern industrial nations like the United States.

They know these deals will cost us jobs and that dog doesn't hunt with me. Jeff Sessions is opposing it and he's conservative as hell. He knows it will kill our jobs. He's right and I agree.
I agree with you I have never like nafta or andy of these deals that they have passed ...there has to be some way we can sell our goods to countries with out any tariff... there has to be some way we stop corporations from going over seas it seems to me nobody has come up with a great idea
No....you don't really.......30 years of Supreme Court decisions.....Private Property Rights, Tax law....obamacare rulings....2nd Amendment rulings.......the justices hilary will pick will be hard core leftists......they will not hesitate to make law from the Bench, they will make decisions striking down individual rights for the next 30 years.

The Check on her power that may come from the Republicans holding one or both houses of congress will mean nothing compared to the almost eternal rulings made by that court. Remember....any conservative justices appointed afterward will adhere to the concept of "Precedent" and will not seek to overturn previous rulings....

The threat to the country of 3 Court Justices picked by hilary is just not negotiable...........

You're making the faulty conclusion that I have any reason to believe Trump will pick better justices than Hillary will
There is no doubt via Hillary. A common sense approach would be we'd be better off with someone else deciding instead of her.

I've repeatedly said I'd probably vote for Cruz or Rubio and likely Kasich, But Trump says he doesn't believe in free markets, that's a different thing
He is pushing for Fair Trade policies and I agree. I oppose you on this one. I also oppose submission to our laws to WTO courts. Again, it's not Free Trade anyway. To the damage.........the TPA fight verifies it will damage us. Because it's very reason for existing is to train displaced workers from modern industrial nations like the United States.

They know these deals will cost us jobs and that dog doesn't hunt with me. Jeff Sessions is opposing it and he's conservative as hell. He knows it will kill our jobs. He's right and I agree.
I agree with you I have never like nafta or andy of these deals that they have passed ...there has to be some way we can sell our goods to countries with out any tariff... there has to be some way we stop corporations from going over seas it seems to me nobody has come up with a great idea

Lowering taxes and cutting stupid regulations would be a big help.
No....you don't really.......30 years of Supreme Court decisions.....Private Property Rights, Tax law....obamacare rulings....2nd Amendment rulings.......the justices hilary will pick will be hard core leftists......they will not hesitate to make law from the Bench, they will make decisions striking down individual rights for the next 30 years.

The Check on her power that may come from the Republicans holding one or both houses of congress will mean nothing compared to the almost eternal rulings made by that court. Remember....any conservative justices appointed afterward will adhere to the concept of "Precedent" and will not seek to overturn previous rulings....

The threat to the country of 3 Court Justices picked by hilary is just not negotiable...........

You're making the faulty conclusion that I have any reason to believe Trump will pick better justices than Hillary will
There is no doubt via Hillary. A common sense approach would be we'd be better off with someone else deciding instead of her.

I've repeatedly said I'd probably vote for Cruz or Rubio and likely Kasich, But Trump says he doesn't believe in free markets, that's a different thing
He is pushing for Fair Trade policies and I agree. I oppose you on this one. I also oppose submission to our laws to WTO courts. Again, it's not Free Trade anyway. To the damage.........the TPA fight verifies it will damage us. Because it's very reason for existing is to train displaced workers from modern industrial nations like the United States.

They know these deals will cost us jobs and that dog doesn't hunt with me. Jeff Sessions is opposing it and he's conservative as hell. He knows it will kill our jobs. He's right and I agree.
I agree with you I have never like nafta or andy of these deals that they have passed ...there has to be some way we can sell our goods to countries with out any tariff... there has to be some way we stop corporations from going over seas it seems to me nobody has come up with a great idea

We could also export union activists to all the 3rd World countries to get them to increase the cost of doing business in these other countries....and bribe their public officials to increase their stupid regulations to make business over there far more difficult than here....
We don't.......but the odds trump will pick hardcore, ideological, anti American justices is smaller than the chances hilary will....you know she will not only have an anti American, anti freedom litmus test for her judges...she will have extensive files on them and she will use them to keep the justices from going rogue, and they will take a blood oath to her before they are appointed........

That I hope Trump won't implement his anti-free market ideology in picking judges as being the one reason I vote for him isn't going to do it

So....knowing for sure that hilary will put anti free market judges on the court is better than voting for Trump who has stated he will pick judges like Scalia and Thomas......? You have a 50/50 chance with Trump to pick a good judge...you have a 100% chance that hilary will pick bad judges.......

Trump tells us he wants to control markets, I say that makes the odds less than 50/50. This is why we need someone like Cruz, not Trump. Not that it's a sure thing, but Cruz at least says he's on the right side
heres is what I think is going to happen .. trump won't go over the 50% delegates thats required neither will Cruse or rubio ... when that happens according to RNC rules is the delegates no longer have to support the person they voted for ... that they can vote for any of the candidates ... what I believe might happen they will vote for Cruz or rubio leaving Trump pissed as hell, I think they will go more for rubio then cruz many in the RNC said they don't like cruz at all any way this will drive Trump to runs as a third party ... from what you hear from the RNC they're not real happy with trump
Which is the only way Hillary can win. Ross Perot all over again.

yes you may be right cause the RNC isn't to happy with their choices.. if it were a republican who wins, I would like to see rubio over trump or cruz ... he's more of the middle of the road person to me... now we all know hillary is going to win ... its like the same feeling I had about obama ... I thought al gore would lose from the get go and I felt john Kerry would lose and they did ..
So I vote for Trump just hoping with his giving me no reason to believe so that he'll make better Supreme picks than Hillary? I need a little more than that

No....you don't really.......30 years of Supreme Court decisions.....Private Property Rights, Tax law....obamacare rulings....2nd Amendment rulings.......the justices hilary will pick will be hard core leftists......they will not hesitate to make law from the Bench, they will make decisions striking down individual rights for the next 30 years.

The Check on her power that may come from the Republicans holding one or both houses of congress will mean nothing compared to the almost eternal rulings made by that court. Remember....any conservative justices appointed afterward will adhere to the concept of "Precedent" and will not seek to overturn previous rulings....

The threat to the country of 3 Court Justices picked by hilary is just not negotiable...........

You're making the faulty conclusion that I have any reason to believe Trump will pick better justices than Hillary will

We don't.......but the odds trump will pick hardcore, ideological, anti American justices is smaller than the chances hilary will....you know she will not only have an anti American, anti freedom litmus test for her judges...she will have extensive files on them and she will use them to keep the justices from going rogue, and they will take a blood oath to her before they are appointed........

That I hope Trump won't implement his anti-free market ideology in picking judges as being the one reason I vote for him isn't going to do it
Tariffs were used for over 200 years. Tariffs are still being used under the current Free Trade Agreements. It still isn't Free Trade even under the deals.

true, but it doesn't change anything with Trump saying he wants to go the wrong way, and he wants more than tariffs

Allowing a foreign WTO court to order the United States to alter it's laws or receive retalitory Tariffs is an abomination of the Constitution. Under the TPP companies will be able to directly sue for damages Countries under the WTO court. That is idiotic.

I agree, but I don't know what it has to do with anything I said
So I vote for Trump just hoping with his giving me no reason to believe so that he'll make better Supreme picks than Hillary? I need a little more than that

No....you don't really.......30 years of Supreme Court decisions.....Private Property Rights, Tax law....obamacare rulings....2nd Amendment rulings.......the justices hilary will pick will be hard core leftists......they will not hesitate to make law from the Bench, they will make decisions striking down individual rights for the next 30 years.

The Check on her power that may come from the Republicans holding one or both houses of congress will mean nothing compared to the almost eternal rulings made by that court. Remember....any conservative justices appointed afterward will adhere to the concept of "Precedent" and will not seek to overturn previous rulings....

The threat to the country of 3 Court Justices picked by hilary is just not negotiable...........

You're making the faulty conclusion that I have any reason to believe Trump will pick better justices than Hillary will
There is no doubt via Hillary. A common sense approach would be we'd be better off with someone else deciding instead of her.

I've repeatedly said I'd probably vote for Cruz or Rubio and likely Kasich, But Trump says he doesn't believe in free markets, that's a different thing
He is pushing for Fair Trade policies and I agree. I oppose you on this one. I also oppose submission to our laws to WTO courts. Again, it's not Free Trade anyway. To the damage.........the TPA fight verifies it will damage us. Because it's very reason for existing is to train displaced workers from modern industrial nations like the United States.

They know these deals will cost us jobs and that dog doesn't hunt with me. Jeff Sessions is opposing it and he's conservative as hell. He knows it will kill our jobs. He's right and I agree.

Business, sit down and shut up, government will decide for you what's fair for you by limiting your freedom using force. We're going this for you.

Gee, thanks ...
So I vote for Trump just hoping with his giving me no reason to believe so that he'll make better Supreme picks than Hillary? I need a little more than that

No....you don't really.......30 years of Supreme Court decisions.....Private Property Rights, Tax law....obamacare rulings....2nd Amendment rulings.......the justices hilary will pick will be hard core leftists......they will not hesitate to make law from the Bench, they will make decisions striking down individual rights for the next 30 years.

The Check on her power that may come from the Republicans holding one or both houses of congress will mean nothing compared to the almost eternal rulings made by that court. Remember....any conservative justices appointed afterward will adhere to the concept of "Precedent" and will not seek to overturn previous rulings....

The threat to the country of 3 Court Justices picked by hilary is just not negotiable...........

You're making the faulty conclusion that I have any reason to believe Trump will pick better justices than Hillary will
There is no doubt via Hillary. A common sense approach would be we'd be better off with someone else deciding instead of her.

I've repeatedly said I'd probably vote for Cruz or Rubio and likely Kasich, But Trump says he doesn't believe in free markets, that's a different thing

Do you think hilary believes in free markets......?

Of course not. I have no idea why you're asking me that given anything I've said
No....you don't really.......30 years of Supreme Court decisions.....Private Property Rights, Tax law....obamacare rulings....2nd Amendment rulings.......the justices hilary will pick will be hard core leftists......they will not hesitate to make law from the Bench, they will make decisions striking down individual rights for the next 30 years.

The Check on her power that may come from the Republicans holding one or both houses of congress will mean nothing compared to the almost eternal rulings made by that court. Remember....any conservative justices appointed afterward will adhere to the concept of "Precedent" and will not seek to overturn previous rulings....

The threat to the country of 3 Court Justices picked by hilary is just not negotiable...........

You're making the faulty conclusion that I have any reason to believe Trump will pick better justices than Hillary will
There is no doubt via Hillary. A common sense approach would be we'd be better off with someone else deciding instead of her.

I've repeatedly said I'd probably vote for Cruz or Rubio and likely Kasich, But Trump says he doesn't believe in free markets, that's a different thing
He is pushing for Fair Trade policies and I agree. I oppose you on this one. I also oppose submission to our laws to WTO courts. Again, it's not Free Trade anyway. To the damage.........the TPA fight verifies it will damage us. Because it's very reason for existing is to train displaced workers from modern industrial nations like the United States.

They know these deals will cost us jobs and that dog doesn't hunt with me. Jeff Sessions is opposing it and he's conservative as hell. He knows it will kill our jobs. He's right and I agree.
I agree with you I have never like nafta or andy of these deals that they have passed ...there has to be some way we can sell our goods to countries with out any tariff... there has to be some way we stop corporations from going over seas it seems to me nobody has come up with a great idea

You see Eagle, this idea "fair trade" will lead to "free trade" is nonsense. Politicians use the power of guns to limit our freedom to only help themselves
You're making the faulty conclusion that I have any reason to believe Trump will pick better justices than Hillary will
There is no doubt via Hillary. A common sense approach would be we'd be better off with someone else deciding instead of her.

I've repeatedly said I'd probably vote for Cruz or Rubio and likely Kasich, But Trump says he doesn't believe in free markets, that's a different thing
He is pushing for Fair Trade policies and I agree. I oppose you on this one. I also oppose submission to our laws to WTO courts. Again, it's not Free Trade anyway. To the damage.........the TPA fight verifies it will damage us. Because it's very reason for existing is to train displaced workers from modern industrial nations like the United States.

They know these deals will cost us jobs and that dog doesn't hunt with me. Jeff Sessions is opposing it and he's conservative as hell. He knows it will kill our jobs. He's right and I agree.
I agree with you I have never like nafta or andy of these deals that they have passed ...there has to be some way we can sell our goods to countries with out any tariff... there has to be some way we stop corporations from going over seas it seems to me nobody has come up with a great idea

Lowering taxes and cutting stupid regulations would be a big help.
taxes on corporations ok, but regulations I would question the regulation that they want removed ... regulations on pollution, air water, and ground .. that i would like to see tuffer ... if lowering taxes would put a factory here permanent I'm for that ... having their head quarters here and using off shore banks, I'm against .. i'm against any tax right offs ... for any company ... if they're getting lower taxes then they have to pay their fare share ... its not a case they pay nothing ... if a company decides to move over seas after they get all these breaks then they will have huge tariffs on their product ... thats wishful thinking on my part
No....you don't really.......30 years of Supreme Court decisions.....Private Property Rights, Tax law....obamacare rulings....2nd Amendment rulings.......the justices hilary will pick will be hard core leftists......they will not hesitate to make law from the Bench, they will make decisions striking down individual rights for the next 30 years.

The Check on her power that may come from the Republicans holding one or both houses of congress will mean nothing compared to the almost eternal rulings made by that court. Remember....any conservative justices appointed afterward will adhere to the concept of "Precedent" and will not seek to overturn previous rulings....

The threat to the country of 3 Court Justices picked by hilary is just not negotiable...........

You're making the faulty conclusion that I have any reason to believe Trump will pick better justices than Hillary will
There is no doubt via Hillary. A common sense approach would be we'd be better off with someone else deciding instead of her.

I've repeatedly said I'd probably vote for Cruz or Rubio and likely Kasich, But Trump says he doesn't believe in free markets, that's a different thing

Do you think hilary believes in free markets......?

Of course not. I have no idea why you're asking me that given anything I've said

Because you have 2 candidates....one a business man who says some things about trade that may or may not be true....he is a negotiator and his current statements on trade may just be opening negotiating points for the future....

then you have a hard core anti-business hilary...

so they may be the same on free trade..or not....

If they are the same on free trade they cancel out that issue.

that leaves trump 50/50 on judges....hilary 100% on bad judges....

That still leaves trump ahead of hilary.......
You're making the faulty conclusion that I have any reason to believe Trump will pick better justices than Hillary will
There is no doubt via Hillary. A common sense approach would be we'd be better off with someone else deciding instead of her.

I've repeatedly said I'd probably vote for Cruz or Rubio and likely Kasich, But Trump says he doesn't believe in free markets, that's a different thing

Do you think hilary believes in free markets......?

Of course not. I have no idea why you're asking me that given anything I've said

Because you have 2 candidates....one a business man who says some things about trade that may or may not be true....he is a negotiator and his current statements on trade may just be opening negotiating points for the future....

then you have a hard core anti-business hilary...

so they may be the same on free trade..or not....

If they are the same on free trade they cancel out that issue.

that leaves trump 50/50 on judges....hilary 100% on bad judges....

That still leaves trump ahead of hilary.......

As I keep pointing out, giving Trump credit for being 50/50 on judges when his stated ideology is on the Hillary side of a lack of free trade is giving him too much credit.

You want a half court shot or no shot? Half court, but that isn't offering me enough to actually vote for someone who says they disagree with me
There is no doubt via Hillary. A common sense approach would be we'd be better off with someone else deciding instead of her.

I've repeatedly said I'd probably vote for Cruz or Rubio and likely Kasich, But Trump says he doesn't believe in free markets, that's a different thing

Do you think hilary believes in free markets......?

Of course not. I have no idea why you're asking me that given anything I've said

Because you have 2 candidates....one a business man who says some things about trade that may or may not be true....he is a negotiator and his current statements on trade may just be opening negotiating points for the future....

then you have a hard core anti-business hilary...

so they may be the same on free trade..or not....

If they are the same on free trade they cancel out that issue.

that leaves trump 50/50 on judges....hilary 100% on bad judges....

That still leaves trump ahead of hilary.......

As I keep pointing out, giving Trump credit for being 50/50 on judges when his stated ideology is on the Hillary side of a lack of free trade is giving him too much credit.

You want a half court shot or no shot? Half court, but that isn't offering me enough to actually vote for someone who says they disagree with me

except the other person is 100% guaranteed to give you 30 years of anti freedom rulings.......

For me....it is voting for the lesser of two evils...other wise the greater of two evils may win.

I am a Cruz supporter...but I will vote for a rock if it means hilary won't become President...she already has business deals with foreign countries lined up through her foundation.......on top of the bad judges....
I've repeatedly said I'd probably vote for Cruz or Rubio and likely Kasich, But Trump says he doesn't believe in free markets, that's a different thing

Do you think hilary believes in free markets......?

Of course not. I have no idea why you're asking me that given anything I've said

Because you have 2 candidates....one a business man who says some things about trade that may or may not be true....he is a negotiator and his current statements on trade may just be opening negotiating points for the future....

then you have a hard core anti-business hilary...

so they may be the same on free trade..or not....

If they are the same on free trade they cancel out that issue.

that leaves trump 50/50 on judges....hilary 100% on bad judges....

That still leaves trump ahead of hilary.......

As I keep pointing out, giving Trump credit for being 50/50 on judges when his stated ideology is on the Hillary side of a lack of free trade is giving him too much credit.

You want a half court shot or no shot? Half court, but that isn't offering me enough to actually vote for someone who says they disagree with me

except the other person is 100% guaranteed to give you 30 years of anti freedom rulings.......

For me....it is voting for the lesser of two evils...other wise the greater of two evils may win.

I am a Cruz supporter...but I will vote for a rock if it means hilary won't become President...she already has business deals with foreign countries lined up through her foundation.......on top of the bad judges....

Well, at least we agree Cruz seems to be the best choice among the ones we have left
You're making the faulty conclusion that I have any reason to believe Trump will pick better justices than Hillary will
There is no doubt via Hillary. A common sense approach would be we'd be better off with someone else deciding instead of her.

I've repeatedly said I'd probably vote for Cruz or Rubio and likely Kasich, But Trump says he doesn't believe in free markets, that's a different thing
He is pushing for Fair Trade policies and I agree. I oppose you on this one. I also oppose submission to our laws to WTO courts. Again, it's not Free Trade anyway. To the damage.........the TPA fight verifies it will damage us. Because it's very reason for existing is to train displaced workers from modern industrial nations like the United States.

They know these deals will cost us jobs and that dog doesn't hunt with me. Jeff Sessions is opposing it and he's conservative as hell. He knows it will kill our jobs. He's right and I agree.
I agree with you I have never like nafta or andy of these deals that they have passed ...there has to be some way we can sell our goods to countries with out any tariff... there has to be some way we stop corporations from going over seas it seems to me nobody has come up with a great idea

You see Eagle, this idea "fair trade" will lead to "free trade" is nonsense. Politicians use the power of guns to limit our freedom to only help themselves
Tariffs and quota's have always been a consumption tax. The duties and fees to do trade in countries have NEVER been free..........They still exist even though we call it Free Trade.

Our country, under the Constitution, gives the responsibility of Trade agreements and Commerce to the Senate and Executive. Not to a foreign courtroom.

Their duty is to protect and serve the people. They fail at that job when they send the jobs over seas or abjucate that power to a foreign court. Tariffs were the main source of revenue before 1913 as there wasn't even an income tax then.

You continue to taut FREE FREE FREE almost to the point of reverse of feeling the Bern. Shipping our jobs overseas is not in the best interest of this country. Allowing a foreign court to order us to change our laws is Not in the best interest of this country. We are destroying our jobs.......with this......taxation.......and regulations.....and a flood of illegal workers, and it needs to change
Staying at home is the same as voting for Hillary.................
My vote has to be EARNED.

When you vote for someone, you are telling them they are doing something right. So fuck you if you think I should vote for Trump if he is the GOP nominee just to stop Clinton. He has not earned my vote. He is not doing anything right.

If you want to be a cheap whore, go right ahead. Just don't expect me to lay down next to you and spread for Trump.

If Trump is the Republican nominee, the dipshits DESERVE Clinton as their President. They will have no one to blame but themselves, not me.

So we got you down for the hil?
Shipping our jobs overseas is not in the best interest of this country

Of course it is, when it's done by a private company with a free choice. That means it was economically more efficient. Which benefits our economy as a whole. And I continue to find it stunning how many conservatives believe it's a legitimate function of government to use force to make our choices for us. If I want to move the operations of my company offshore, it's none of your business to stop me. Set up your own company and keep your operations here.

I don't get what the rest of it has to do with what I'm arguing. I never said trade is totally free. But I want people who move us in the right direction, not the wrong one as Trump says he wants to do and make it less free
Shipping our jobs overseas is not in the best interest of this country

Of course it is, when it's done by a private company with a free choice. That means it was economically more efficient. Which benefits our economy as a whole. And I continue to find it stunning how many conservatives believe it's a legitimate function of government to use force to make our choices for us. If I want to move the operations of my company offshore, it's none of your business to stop me. Set up your own company and keep your operations here.

I don't get what the rest of it has to do with what I'm arguing. I never said trade is totally free. But I want people who move us in the right direction, not the wrong one as Trump says he wants to do and make it less free
Then the countries we do business with can up their standards to ours and then and only then get it free.

Losing jobs and lowering our workers wages doesn't help America, just as a trade war doesn't. Which is why we are supposed to negotiate them. Not just allow everyone haul ass. Part of that is we have the highest corp taxes in the world. Only 2 countries are above us. Which is why Inversion exists. Will the Hillary fix that...............No she will not. We need lower corporate taxes and less job killing regulations. Which could keep more money here to hire Americans and not Chinese slave laborers....................By saying that I'm called liberal all the time............I call it common sense.

We could continue our fight with opposing tax strategies again. You want some more of that............Maybe a VAT>
Losing jobs and lowering our workers wages doesn't help America

Offshoring work doesn't cost net jobs. You keep ignoring my points on that consumers save money and US companies remain more competitive as opposed to foreign competitors. Both good for the economy. The end of blacksmiths was economically efficient.

And again, my property is not yours to do with as you see fit

We could continue our fight with opposing tax strategies again. You want some more of that............Maybe a VAT>

No, I support the Fair Tax. I believe you know that. I totally oppose a VAT. The whole point of the Fair Tax is to not drive economic decisions. VATS directly and strongly drive economic decisions by making it artificially cheaper to maintain less efficient operations in house to avoid the VAT. The Fair Tax doesn't have that problem
I'm a free market capitalist. Right there, Trump is a non-starter

I will end up voting for him if he ends up the nominee. I still cannot believe how fellow conservatives on this forum are acting though.

I thought cults of personality and vacuous devotion to messianic bullshit artists was limited to bed wetting libturds.

That is clearly not the case. Ted Cruz has stood by his principles and has been unwavering, even while being excoriated by both sides. I have seen people I once had respect for vilify him and assert that he is on the side of Bill Ayers, Soros and the Bushes.

Trump has tapped danced on both sides of every issue. HE IS NOT A CONSERVATIVE!!! I will vote for him if he ends up winning, but I will have to get drunk and have a nice steak because I have to be wined and dined when I get fucked.

A long hot shower afterward as well.

I'm a free market capitalist. Right there, Trump is a non-starter

I will end up voting for him if he ends up the nominee. I still cannot believe how fellow conservatives on this forum are acting though.

I thought cults of personality and vacuous devotion to messianic bullshit artists was limited to bed wetting libturds.

That is clearly not the case. Ted Cruz has stood by his principles and has been unwavering, even while being excoriated by both sides. I have seen people I once had respect for vilify him and assert that he is on the side of Bill Ayers, Soros and the Bushes.

Trump has tapped danced on both sides of every issue. HE IS NOT A CONSERVATIVE!!! I will vote for him if he ends up winning, but I will have to get drunk and have a nice steak because I have to be wined and dined when I get fucked.

A long hot shower afterward as well.

I get the Republicans being sick of the crap the party keeps picking and liking a guy for standing up and saying what he thinks. I just don't get supporting a guy who does that while not thinking what they think. Positions matter

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