Drip Drip Drip Hillary

"Drip Drip Drip"

Anal seepage- indistinguishable from that hag Clinton speaking...crap from an orifice in either case...
Clinton's IT lacky is now a "devastating witness' against Hillary.
Source: Clinton IT specialist revealing server details to FBI, 'devastating witness' | Fox News
Debbie is burning up the phone lines to Biden and Pocahontas.
Pretty damning stuff. She won't get indicted under Obama's regime though, so for now, it doesn't really matter.
It's not relevant whether Obama's 'fisting buddy' Lynch charges Hillary or not. If the FBI recommend charges and Lynch tries to pull any bullshit the American voter will know. They will also get to read every fucking word from the 'leaked' FBI investigation.
FBI recommends charges against Hillary then Biden and Pocahontas come riding in.
The trouble is the FBI who HATE!!!!! the Clintons will wait until Oct. 1 to drop the fucking bomb on Hillary.
By then it's too late for the DEMs.
Clinton's IT lacky is now a "devastating witness' against Hillary.
Source: Clinton IT specialist revealing server details to FBI, 'devastating witness' | Fox News
Debbie is burning up the phone lines to Biden and Pocahontas.
Pretty damning stuff. She won't get indicted under Obama's regime though, so for now, it doesn't really matter.
It's not relevant whether Obama's 'fisting buddy' Lynch charges Hillary or not. If the FBI recommend charges and Lynch tries to pull any bullshit the American voter will know. They will also get to read every fucking word from the 'leaked' FBI investigation.
FBI recommends charges against Hillary then Biden and Pocahontas come riding in.
The trouble is the FBI who HATE!!!!! the Clintons will wait until Oct. 1 to drop the fucking bomb on Hillary.
By then it's too late for the DEMs.
I'd love to see her get indicted about a week before the election.
I think the e-mails and server will get her fat ass out of the race...but it is the sale of State Department favors for money to the Clinton Foundation which is going to get her the Orange Pants Suit, or at the least, an Ankle Bracelet.

Ted Cruz, or Trey Gowdy, or Chris Christie as Attorney General---any of them are the Clinton's worst nightmare.
Clinton's IT lacky is now a "devastating witness' against Hillary.
Source: Clinton IT specialist revealing server details to FBI, 'devastating witness' | Fox News
Debbie is burning up the phone lines to Biden and Pocahontas.
Pretty damning stuff. She won't get indicted under Obama's regime though, so for now, it doesn't really matter.
It's not relevant whether Obama's 'fisting buddy' Lynch charges Hillary or not. If the FBI recommend charges and Lynch tries to pull any bullshit the American voter will know. They will also get to read every fucking word from the 'leaked' FBI investigation.
FBI recommends charges against Hillary then Biden and Pocahontas come riding in.
The trouble is the FBI who HATE!!!!! the Clintons will wait until Oct. 1 to drop the fucking bomb on Hillary.
By then it's too late for the DEMs.
I'd love to see her get indicted about a week before the election.
Oh, the protests, the riots, the calls for lynchings. Maybe it should be a little earlier, we do want to keep what little peace we still have...don't we?
I think the e-mails and server will get her fat ass out of the race...but it is the sale of State Department favors for money to the Clinton Foundation which is going to get her the Orange Pants Suit, or at the least, an Ankle Bracelet.

Ted Cruz, or Trey Gowdy, or Chris Christie as Attorney General---any of them are the Clinton's worst nightmare.
No, they are but bad dreams. Being disgraced and irrelevant... now that would send shivers down her spine, er wait, does she have a spine?

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