"Why I parted ways with the right"

dems having balls is a total contradiction in terms

If you thought the richest country on earth was the United States, you are wrong. If you thought it was China, you may be right. The truth is, it is pretty damn difficult to determine which country is the richest one on earth. This is because answering that question implies answering a broader question: “What is to be rich”, but we can always try.

Whenever referring to the US economy, you will hear that it is the biggest economy in the world. That claim rests on the fact that the US has the largest GDP in the world. However, being the fattest cat in the alley does not mean you are the healthiest one, you could be bloated and malnourished. :eusa_whistle:

China is not the richest country on earth. The richest country on earth is the United States. The United States has the most wealth as measured in currency, no matter which currency, and therefore is the richest country on the planet.

how do you figure? 1/2 of every dollar the US spends is borrowed from China.
Tolerance is the religion of the liberal left.

Yet they have no tolerance for anyone who believes different than they do.

Of course we have tolerance for someone who believes differently than us.. But we don't impose our beliefs on others the way you do.. We fight for the good of the entire nation.. Not a select few.. The rich, the white, and the christian.. That is all the people you care about..

Since when? You sat around for the last eight years and bitched a blue streak. When did you suddenly become "for the nation"?
That, garyd, is a falsehood. Multigenerational poverty has been a salient factor in the South since the 95% of all whites who owned their own land in 1860 were reduced by more than half by 1900. That year 75% of black and 50% of whites in the South were share croppers. The Great Society reduced poverty levels from approximately 25% to 16%. It has crept up in the last two years to a bit over 18%. Look it up.
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That, garyd, is a falsehood. Multigenerational poverty has been a salient factor in the South since the 95% of all whites who owned their own land in 1860 were reduced by more than half by 1900. That year 75% of black and 50% of whites in the South were share croppers. The Great Society reduced poverty levels from approximately 25% to 16%. It has crept up in the last two years to a bit over 18%. Look it up.

wouldn't it have been just as easy to provide a link? :eusa_eh:
Thanks, willow, I was waiting for that comment. I will wait for garyd to provide his support, then I will counter it. He was the one walked out on the limb, and I will saw it off.
dems having balls is a total contradiction in terms

If you thought the richest country on earth was the United States, you are wrong. If you thought it was China, you may be right. The truth is, it is pretty damn difficult to determine which country is the richest one on earth. This is because answering that question implies answering a broader question: “What is to be rich”, but we can always try.

Whenever referring to the US economy, you will hear that it is the biggest economy in the world. That claim rests on the fact that the US has the largest GDP in the world. However, being the fattest cat in the alley does not mean you are the healthiest one, you could be bloated and malnourished. :eusa_whistle:

China is not the richest country on earth. The richest country on earth is the United States. The United States has the most wealth as measured in currency, no matter which currency, and therefore is the richest country on the planet.

how do you figure? 1/2 of every dollar the US spends is borrowed from China.

Well, actually, that's not true. Most of the money America borrows is not from China. The biggest holder of American debt is the American government itself. Second are American mutual funds. Next is China.

But that doesn't really matter, at least in this discussion. What matters is our net worth, which is our assets less our liabilities, which includes all the borrowings, including from China. In that, there is no nation on earth that comes close to America in terms of wealth. Its not even close.
Whether the right wingnuts admit it or not, these are the people they are attracting. This is becoming the unsightly underbelly of the Conservative movement. The scary part is that the lunatic element of the Conservative movement is becoming so powerful that the more moderate voices are afraid to confront them.
The standard tactic right now is to keep quiet as the lunatic fringe goes on their rants.

You want to go over the unsightly underbelly of the types that populate the DEM party and the far left?? You REALLY want to open that can of worms??? :rolleyes:

Please include me!!! I'd be so honored. :razz:

You quote bible verse as though Jesus wants all of the workers to take care of those who DO NOT WANT TO WORK. That is totally untrue. Jesus helps those who help themselves. Yes, you do for the people who CAN'T help themselves and those who have fallen on hard times, but no where is it written that God expects people who work everyday to support those that are too lazy to do the same. Liberals are very tight with their own time and money and here is just another example of it.

Will Media Report Biden's Miserly Charitable Donations? | NewsBusters.org
You want to go over the unsightly underbelly of the types that populate the DEM party and the far left?? You REALLY want to open that can of worms??? :rolleyes:

Please include me!!! I'd be so honored. :razz:

You quote bible verse as though Jesus wants all of the workers to take care of those who DO NOT WANT TO WORK. That is totally untrue. Jesus helps those who help themselves. Yes, you do for the people who CAN'T help themselves and those who have fallen on hard times, but no where is it written that God expects people who work everyday to support those that are too lazy to do the same. Liberals are very tight with their own time and money and here is just another example of it.

Will Media Report Biden's Miserly Charitable Donations? | NewsBusters.org

And that very evil Dick Cheney's contributions to the poor and underprivleged.:lol:
Dick Cheney Donates Millions to CharityAnd another the very evil George Bush vs Obama.


By Monte Kuligowski
A curious feature of the most outspoken proponents of government redistribution of taxpayer money is that, often they are the stingiest among us when it comes to donating their own wealth to charity.

In her new book and column of March 12, Ann Coulter compares the charitable donations of Presidents Obama and Bush and VPs Biden and Cheney.

As a tipoff on how the comparison goes, remember that Obama's youngest half-brother lives in wretched poverty in a 65-sqare-foot shack in Nairobi. Like many liberals, the president cares deeply for the poor; so long as the poor are helped with taxpayer money. Even without any trickle-down assistance from his older brother, George Obama nevertheless proudly adorns his dilapidated hovel with a front-page newspaper photo of his wealthy relative who resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue (but I digress).

BTW- Obama wanted to reduce the tax deduction on chairitable donations.

" The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money." Margaret Thatcher.
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The last I checked the South wasn't representative of the whole damn country. And the poverty line when the War On Poverty began was about four grand for a family of four, now you qualify the earned income tax credit if you make as much as 36k.
The last I checked the South wasn't representative of the whole damn country. And the poverty line when the War On Poverty began was about four grand for a family of four, now you qualify the earned income tax credit if you make as much as 36k.

All of which has nothing to do with your original silly claim. Stop deflecting.
You want to go over the unsightly underbelly of the types that populate the DEM party and the far left?? You REALLY want to open that can of worms??? :rolleyes:

Please include me!!! I'd be so honored. :razz:

You quote bible verse as though Jesus wants all of the workers to take care of those who DO NOT WANT TO WORK. That is totally untrue. Jesus helps those who help themselves. Yes, you do for the people who CAN'T help themselves and those who have fallen on hard times, but no where is it written that God expects people who work everyday to support those that are too lazy to do the same. Liberals are very tight with their own time and money and here is just another example of it.

Will Media Report Biden's Miserly Charitable Donations? | NewsBusters.org

Maple, at this particular time of the season, I suggest a visit with your pastor or rabbi or priest or whatever is appropriate for you. Discuss your concerns.
When one speaks of the entire country dummy there will always be exceptions to whatever general statement you make. Hence the fact that the south is not representative of the country as a whole is an acceptable defence whether you have brains enough to recognize it as such or not.
You said multigenerational poverty did not exist before the Great Society. I showed that you were wrong. I also suggest you consider the Irish and Italian ghettos in Boston and New York prior to the Great Society, as much as a 100 years prior, where multigenerational poverty existed. And, if you have lived in the intermountain West, multigenerational poverty has existed for more than 100 years. Garyd, you have ignored the good effects of the GS, also.
so explain to us why hard working people should work their asses off to provide for those who will not work,, notice I said will not as opposed to cannot.. I'm sure a good explanation will be forthcoming..

Isn't it conservatives that have isisted that our politicians should be Christian and follow the bible and the teadhings of Jesu?? When I asked most of why Republican friends why they voted for Bush they said it was because he is a good Christian.

But we cannot pick and choose what to follow in the bible. That's what the evangelical Christians always say. So I will answer your question by doing something i rarely do.

John 3:17 But if someone who is supposed to be a Christian has money enough to live well, and sees a brother in need, and won't help him--how can God's love be within him ?

Luke 3:11 "If you have two coats," he replied, "give one to the poor. If you have extra food, give it away to those who are hungry."

Psalm 41:1-2
Blessed is he who has regard for the weak; the LORD delivers him in times of trouble. The LORD will protect him and preserve his life; he will bless him in the land and not surrender him to the desire of his foes.

Proverbs 11:24-25
One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.

Don't leave our LDS Mormon friends out of this. They can read the 4th Chapter of Mosiah in the Book of Mormon. Man is not to judge the worthiness of the poor petitioner, for such will stand condemned before God.

Thank you!!
so explain to us why hard working people should work their asses off to provide for those who will not work,, notice I said will not as opposed to cannot.. I'm sure a good explanation will be forthcoming..

Isn't it conservatives that have insited that our politicians should be Christian and follow the bible and the teadhings of Jesus?? When I asked most of my Republican friends why they voted for Bush they said it was because he is a good Christian.

But we cannot pick and choose what to follow in the bible. That's what the evangelical Christians always say. So I will answer your question by doing something I rarely do.

John 3:17 But if someone who is supposed to be a Christian has money enough to live well, and sees a brother in need, and won't help him--how can God's love be within him ?

Luke 3:11 "If you have two coats," he replied, "give one to the poor. If you have extra food, give it away to those who are hungry."

Psalm 41:1-2
Blessed is he who has regard for the weak; the LORD delivers him in times of trouble. The LORD will protect him and preserve his life; he will bless him in the land and not surrender him to the desire of his foes.

Proverbs 11:24-25
One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.

You libs all talk a great deal about charity but when it comes to reaching in your own pockets it just isn't there.

King's Right Site: The Hypocrisy of Liberals & Charitable Donations

I'm going to be blunt here. You have no idea what you're talking about.
so explain to us why hard working people should work their asses off to provide for those who will not work,, notice I said will not as opposed to cannot.. I'm sure a good explanation will be forthcoming..

Isn't it conservatives that have insited that our politicians should be Christian and follow the bible and the teadhings of Jesus?? When I asked most of my Republican friends why they voted for Bush they said it was because he is a good Christian.

But we cannot pick and choose what to follow in the bible. That's what the evangelical Christians always say. So I will answer your question by doing something I rarely do.

John 3:17 But if someone who is supposed to be a Christian has money enough to live well, and sees a brother in need, and won't help him--how can God's love be within him ?

Luke 3:11 "If you have two coats," he replied, "give one to the poor. If you have extra food, give it away to those who are hungry."

Psalm 41:1-2
Blessed is he who has regard for the weak; the LORD delivers him in times of trouble. The LORD will protect him and preserve his life; he will bless him in the land and not surrender him to the desire of his foes.

Proverbs 11:24-25
One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.

do you honest to god want to sit there and tell me the bible tells you to work your ass off and give it to someone who refuses to work? Really?

No. I am saying that I don't see anything in the bible that says that you can pick and choose which poor people you decide to help. It doesn't appear that Jesus provided us with exceptions. How many times have you heard from the Republican conservatives that if something is in the bible, it's written in stone?? You know, like being gay is a terrible sin in God's eyes and that's that. So then we must also not eliminate certain people from receiving our charity. Because that's not what it says to do in the bible.

What I'm saying is very easy to comprehend. Either you are playing dumb or I stumped you.
You want to go over the unsightly underbelly of the types that populate the DEM party and the far left?? You REALLY want to open that can of worms??? :rolleyes:

Please include me!!! I'd be so honored. :razz:

You quote bible verse as though Jesus wants all of the workers to take care of those who DO NOT WANT TO WORK. That is totally untrue. Jesus helps those who help themselves. Yes, you do for the people who CAN'T help themselves and those who have fallen on hard times, but no where is it written that God expects people who work everyday to support those that are too lazy to do the same. Liberals are very tight with their own time and money and here is just another example of it.

Will Media Report Biden's Miserly Charitable Donations? | NewsBusters.org

What do you mean it is totally untrue?? What exceptions did Jesus make where we can ignore the poor and destitute for any reason??

Of course there are liberals that are tight with time and money. Who said otherwise??? No group of people are all going to be the same.
You want to go over the unsightly underbelly of the types that populate the DEM party and the far left?? You REALLY want to open that can of worms??? :rolleyes:

Please include me!!! I'd be so honored. :razz:

You quote bible verse as though Jesus wants all of the workers to take care of those who DO NOT WANT TO WORK. That is totally untrue. Jesus helps those who help themselves. Yes, you do for the people who CAN'T help themselves and those who have fallen on hard times, but no where is it written that God expects people who work everyday to support those that are too lazy to do the same. Liberals are very tight with their own time and money and here is just another example of it.

Will Media Report Biden's Miserly Charitable Donations? | NewsBusters.org

"If a man will not work, he shall not eat."

2 Thessalonians 3:10

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