Why I keep my assault rifles...


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
Its not pleasant business but if streets riot and the stores empty, gangs of formerly nice people will gather weapons and supplies along the way. They ARE for killing people. Sorry, I want the options, just as in 1776 my link is the NRA & #2

This is not Venezuela, or Hong Kong. We have had some riots, but they were localized, and we have never been in danger of the apocalypse that gun nuts cry about every day.
This is not Venezuela, or Hong Kong. We have had some riots, but they were localized, and we have never been in danger of the apocalypse that gun nuts cry about every day.

I never thought 19 men would hijack four commercial airliners and kamikaze them into buildings killing 3,000 people, yet here we are.
This is not Venezuela, or Hong Kong. We have had some riots, but they were localized, and we have never been in danger of the apocalypse that gun nuts cry about every day.

I never thought 19 men would hijack four commercial airliners and kamikaze them into buildings killing 3,000 people, yet here we are.
Paranoid and scared they are. The reality is that countries with strong gun control have homicide rates a fraction of ours. Guns everywhere guarantees more people shot.
The gun nuts are all scared of something... that will never happen.

Want to take a guess why it will never happen?

I'll give you a clue...

The gun nuts are all scared of something... that will never happen.

It would seem to me you are the one who is scared. After all, it is you who is trying to get them taken away. People who aren't afraid don't do that.
This is not Venezuela, or Hong Kong. We have had some riots, but they were localized, and we have never been in danger of the apocalypse that gun nuts cry about every day.

I never thought 19 men would hijack four commercial airliners and kamikaze them into buildings killing 3,000 people, yet here we are.
Paranoid and scared they are. The reality is that countries with strong gun control have homicide rates a fraction of ours. Guns everywhere guarantees more people shot.

Maybe we have more people in this country who are needing to be shot. Did you ever think of that?
This is not Venezuela, or Hong Kong. We have had some riots, but they were localized, and we have never been in danger of the apocalypse that gun nuts cry about every day.

I never thought 19 men would hijack four commercial airliners and kamikaze them into buildings killing 3,000 people, yet here we are.
Paranoid and scared they are. The reality is that countries with strong gun control have homicide rates a fraction of ours. Guns everywhere guarantees more people shot.

There is a difference between fear and being vigilant and prepared. It's ironic someone who calls himself Brain can't seem to muster the brain power to understand the difference. Your fear is clouding your rationality.
Its not pleasant business but if streets riot and the stores empty, gangs of formerly nice people will gather weapons and supplies along the way. They ARE for killing people. Sorry, I want the options, just as in 1776 my link is the NRA & #2

How much do you spend on hallucinogens?

The gun nuts are all scared of something... that will never happen.

That's how paranoia works though.
These are the kind of arguments that may cost you those weapons because it's stupid. Those who have appointed themselves the guardians of the 2nd amendment make arguments that are about as plausible as the Sharknado movies. Be honest. Just say you like them and get a lot of enjoyment out of shooting them.

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