Why I hate insurance...


Diamond Member
May 21, 2011
Just got back from the pharmacy. Stood in line for thirty minutes. Listened to every single one of the four people ahead of me in line, arguing, wrangling, and jumping through hoops for insurance bullshit. When my turn came, of course, my insurance card didn't go through. I said, 'Fuck it, insurance is a scam anyway, I'll just pay cash.' They didn't want to let me!! I had to practically throw a fit to get them accept my goddamn money and give me the (insanely overpriced) medicine.

If we'd all just accept the fact that we have to pay for the things we want (and need) and stop trying in vain to concoct scams to get other people to pay for it, things would go much better. As much as I'm opposed to overbearing government, I think I'd be ok with a nationwide ban on insurance. Maybe once we learned to deal with reality as it is, and gave up our hopeless quest to evade it, we could come back to a sensible usage of the insurance model. As it is, when it comes to insurance, we're miles and miles past 'sensible'.

Five people who got it wrong?

I also just had to pick up scrips. No problem. Paid the co-pay and went home.

I also just scheduled a surgery. I'm not looking forward to traveling to another city, staying in a hotel, then the surgery, the hospital, coming home and hoping the surgery "fixes" the problem. I've had to have several surgeries the past few years and I've been glad I have insurance for every one of them.

But yes, insurance is too damn expensive and so are the damn drugs.

Thankfully, ObamaCare addresses both those things.
Just got back from the pharmacy. Stood in line for thirty minutes. Listened to every single one of the four people ahead of me in line, arguing, wrangling, and jumping through hoops for insurance bullshit. When my turn came, of course, my insurance card didn't go through. I said, 'Fuck it, insurance is a scam anyway, I'll just pay cash.' They didn't want to let me!! I had to practically throw a fit to get them accept my goddamn money and give me the (insanely overpriced) medicine.

If we'd all just accept the fact that we have to pay for the things we want (and need) and stop trying in vain to concoct scams to get other people to pay for it, things would go much better. As much as I'm opposed to overbearing government, I think I'd be ok with a nationwide ban on insurance. Maybe once we learned to deal with reality as it is, and gave up our hopeless quest to evade it, we could come back to a sensible usage of the insurance model. As it is, when it comes to insurance, we're miles and miles past 'sensible'.

I didn’t have to wait in line, my insurance was approved right away, only paid $15!

And we have to accept the fact that there are those who can’t afford their medication through no fault of their own, people for whom insurance is vital to staying healthy and in many cases alive.
dblack - how about you call your insurance carrier and tell them there was a prob with the pharmacy accepting your card.

Or, does that make too much sense?
dblack - how about you call your insurance carrier and tell them there was a prob with the pharmacy accepting your card.

Or, does that make too much sense?

As far as I'm concerned, insurance premiums are wasted money. I might be able to recover some of it, if i feel like kissing enough bureaucrat ass. I usually don't. So it's primarily a loss.

What you want is to transform our entire health care system into bureaucratic ass-kissing. No thanks.
dblack - how about you call your insurance carrier and tell them there was a prob with the pharmacy accepting your card.

Or, does that make too much sense?

How about I call them and tell them to go get fucked for ramming the individual mandate down our throats instead?
Thankfully, ObamaCare addresses both those things.

Fuck you Luddly. It does exactly the opposite and you know it.

Oh c'mon, surely you know better.


You're wanting another one of your endless, round and round arguments, aren't you. I knew that the moment I read that FIVE PEOPLE had problems getting their scrips. LOL

Look it up ... the cost of scrips are going down along with the premiums.

Deal with it.
Thankfully, ObamaCare addresses both those things.

Fuck you Luddly. It does exactly the opposite and you know it.

Oh c'mon, surely you know better.


You're wanting another one of your endless, round and round arguments, aren't you. I knew that the moment I read that FIVE PEOPLE had problems getting their scrips. LOL

Look it up ... the cost of scrips are going down along with the premiums.

Deal with it.

I can't really decide if you're an insurance industry shill, or just an idiot. PPACA sells us out to these fuckers. And you're cheering for it. Suck a tailpipe.
If you pay them but then don't know how to access your benefits, probably yeah.

Low health insurance literacy is indeed a looming challenge.

Yes. This is the world you crave. Looks like we'll get it. Shill.

Not so! I crave a world in which adults know how to use an insurance card. Someday.

Of course you do. You crave a day when our lives or ruled by your insurance company masters. You are a wretched piece of shit.

Wait, that came out wrong. You are soulless lying motherfucker. Wait, that wasn't quite right either. Hmmm... it's sometimes a challenge putting thoughts into words.
Yes. This is the world you crave. Looks like we'll get it. Shill.

Not so! I crave a world in which adults know how to use an insurance card. Someday.

Of course you do. You crave a day when our lives or ruled by your insurance company masters. You are a wretched piece of shit.

Wait, that came out wrong. You are soulless lying motherfucker. Wait, that wasn't quite right either. Hmmm... it's sometimes a challenge putting thoughts into words.

Sounds like lots of everyday things are a challenge for you!
Not so! I crave a world in which adults know how to use an insurance card. Someday.

Of course you do. You crave a day when our lives or ruled by your insurance company masters. You are a wretched piece of shit.

Wait, that came out wrong. You are soulless lying motherfucker. Wait, that wasn't quite right either. Hmmm... it's sometimes a challenge putting thoughts into words.

Sounds like lots of everyday things are a challenge for you!

Heh... sometimes, indeed.
Not so! I crave a world in which adults know how to use an insurance card. Someday.

Of course you do. You crave a day when our lives or ruled by your insurance company masters. You are a wretched piece of shit.

Wait, that came out wrong. You are soulless lying motherfucker. Wait, that wasn't quite right either. Hmmm... it's sometimes a challenge putting thoughts into words.

Sounds like lots of everyday things are a challenge for you!

And the four people in line ahead of him to day.

I didn’t have to wait in line, my insurance was approved right away, only paid $15!

And we have to accept the fact that there are those who can’t afford their medication through no fault of their own, people for whom insurance is vital to staying healthy and in many cases alive.

Plus, you only paid $15!

That really betrays the entire conceit of the insurance shell game. Everybody's hoping to get something for nothing.

It's been said you can't con an honest man; that every con begins with provoking the mark's avarice and their eagerness to 'get away' with something. When it comes to insurance, especially health insurance, everybody thinks it's a bet they'll win. That they'll 'save' money by buying into an insurance 'plan'. (HINT: Insurance profit requires that we pay more for health care insurance than we would pay for just the health care itself.)

But we're being conned. Our desire to avoid responsibility tempts us into a deal with the devil, and the devil always wins. The insurance industry (or, rather the corporate cartel that lobbies to get itself into the 'exchanges') is now using ACA to force the rest of us into their pens. And the very people we'd most hope to oppose corporate, profit-driven policies are cheering for it.

I don't consider liberalism a bad word. But these days, liberals suck at being liberal.
Well, between what my employer pays and what Medicare pays, the co-pay is only $5 for me. And it is not a freebie. I worked for over 50 years, also have a dd214 that states Honorable. And my company values their employees enough to give them a premium health care plan.

Now, because of my age, I have looked carefully at what it would cost to insure my wife, who is a decade younger than I am. At present, that would take about 1/3 of my monthly retirement income, provided I could even get the insurance, pre-existing conditions make that doubtful. After the first of the year, under the ACA, that would cost only about $1700 annually. That is doable.
Well, between what my employer pays and what Medicare pays, the co-pay is only $5 for me. And it is not a freebie. I worked for over 50 years, also have a dd214 that states Honorable. And my company values their employees enough to give them a premium health care plan. What is forgotten or ignored is that they're called "entitlements" because we earned them and we're entitled to them.

Now, because of my age, I have looked carefully at what it would cost to insure my wife, who is a decade younger than I am. At present, that would take about 1/3 of my monthly retirement income, provided I could even get the insurance, pre-existing conditions make that doubtful. After the first of the year, under the ACA, that would cost only about $1700 annually. That is doable.

A lot of people are finding similar savings.

Except the rw's. Their costs have doubled. No, they've tripled. At least. Or whatever it is they're saying today. Next week, they'll be saying they've quadrupled and its all Obama's fault.

Seriously, people are making a conscious choice to either learn about it and how they can get better care for less money. OR, they've already decided they hate it and don't want to be confused with facts. These people are willing to give up higher quality care for themselves and their families in order to prove they're right.

This thread started with FIVE people in line and all getting confused and/or screwed? Why does this only seem to be happening to Obama haters?

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