Why Has Every Democrat Moved So Far Left?

If John F. Kennedy were alive today and held the political and ideology views/positions he did in @1959-1963; he'd be considered a RINO at worst. More likely a moderate Republican. No way would he have bought off on the Marxist/Leninist anti-Capitalism ~ 'Destroy the West' agenda we currently see from the extreme Leftist dominate "Democrat" Party'

The World has flipped about 180 degrees in the past 50-60 years.
If John F. Kennedy were alive today and held the political and ideology views/positions he did in @1959-1963; he'd be considered a RINO at worst. More likely a moderate Republican. No way would he have bought off on the Marxist/Leninist anti-Capitalism ~ 'Destroy the West' agenda we currently see from the extreme Leftist dominate "Democrat" Party'

The World has flipped about 180 degrees in the past 50-60 years.
You kidding?...JFK would be a far-right, white Christian-nationalist, xenophobe.
each generation of dems is getting crazier and dumber ...
What's so odd is that all the leading Democrat dinosaurs were preaching exactly 180 degree different message from what they preach today.

Any Republican who says today what Joe Biden, Bill Clinton or any other Democrat said 20 to 30 years ago, is "a threat to our democracy."

I can't believe the Democrat voter blindly accepts this complete makeover. They really have sold their souls
What's so odd is that all the leading Democrat dinosaurs were preaching exactly 180 degree different message from what they preach today.

Any Republican who says today what Joe Biden, Bill Clinton or any other Democrat said 20 to 30 years ago, is "a threat to our democracy."

I can't believe the Democrat voter blindly accepts this complete makeover. They really have sold their souls
its sad ...
It's an attack on our country!

First, the "color revolution"...they've done it in many countries as they overthrew them. It's not new.

Then control the energy, food supply, education, and the speech.

In a few weeks they will default on our debt and collapse the US dollar and the banking system. Let us suffer for months with no food, gasoline, or medications.

Then come to our "rescue" by instating the CBDC and have complete control over every penny we spend.

Read history...it's going off like clockwork.
It's an attack on our country!

First, the "color revolution"...they've done it in many countries as they overthrew them. It's not new.

Then control the energy, food supply, education, and the speech.

In a few weeks they will default on our debt and collapse the US dollar and the banking system. Let us suffer for months with no food, gasoline, or medications.

Then come to our "rescue" by instating the CBDC and have complete control over every penny we spend.

Read history...it's going off like clockwork.
Lots of people feel this is coming
Do you Democrats think it's the Republicans who moved?
Democrats are solidly in the center. They've been moving slightly right for years.

Republicans are hardline extreme right. They've been moving crazily right for years, so far that they've come back around on the left and now resemble hardcore communists.

Democrats are mainstream American.

Republicans are kook fringe jihadist fanatics.

Republican sore-losers, why don't you name some Democrat-endorsed policies that are "far left"?

The point of asking is to show that:

A. Those are polices that mainstream American supports.


B. You deliberately choose to lie about what Democratic policies are, because TheParty tells you to lie.

So, do you choose A or B?
If John F. Kennedy were alive today and held the political and ideology views/positions he did in @1959-1963; he'd be considered a RINO at worst. More likely a moderate Republican. No way would he have bought off on the Marxist/Leninist anti-Capitalism ~ 'Destroy the West' agenda we currently see from the extreme Leftist dominate "Democrat" Party'

The World has flipped about 180 degrees in the past 50-60 years.
If JFK the time capsule were here today he’d be called far right by media and the rest of the democrat party.
If JFK had lived through until today he’d had morphed into a commie the way his brother and his party did.
Do you Democrats think it's the Republicans who moved? The Democrat Party of yesteryear wouldn't even recognize you. You've gone insane and you don't even see it

How come every Republican is either a racist or a sexual deviant or both?

Eternal questions.
Do you Democrats think it's the Republicans who moved? The Democrat Party of yesteryear wouldn't even recognize you. You've gone insane and you don't even see it

I'm not sure but I'll take a stab @ it here. Because they are sliding downhill to the port(left) side???
Do you Democrats think it's the Republicans who moved? The Democrat Party of yesteryear wouldn't even recognize you. You've gone insane and you don't even see it

The reason is that those with moderate views in the 1960s through the 1990s are mostly now all Republicans or Libertarians or Independents. So those who run and are elected to public office are more and more radical, Marxist leftists and almost all professional politicians rather than public servants. They seem to have little interest in a legacy of leaving office with a world a better place for their efforts. Their goals seem to be their own fortune, power, and promoting an agenda that increases both. The appoint judges and staff and bureaucrats who will further their goals.

And the scary thing is that they most control not only the government, but the media, education, entertainment industry, scientific institutions, and most large corporations which gives them a great deal of control over the money supply. And just like it was in "The Matrix", the average citizen is unaware that the real world, the real situation is nothing like what they perceive it to be.

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