Why exactly is Obamacare all that bad?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
Let's assume that, since I'm on TriCare, I've paid basically no attention to the entire debate. In fact, let's say that I know almost nothing about it except that Obama spent his presidency trying to get it passed, the Republicans hate it, and Nancy Pelosi thought the only way she could find out what the bill said was to vote for it. This is your chance to sell someone more or less neutral on it and/or turn them against it.
it helped my daughter get insurance through me until this year. up to that point it was great. Now at 26 she had to sign up, $350 a month and a $7000 deductible. She has insurance and she makes about $25K a year. No discount for her. The poor are getting a free ride as usual and those trying to make it and start out get nothing. So put out effort and lose out on the freebees. typical Govt BS. Not to mention the Billions spent to make a website that links you to a providers page. More Government incompetence and waste. Again the best ideas end up a disaster when the government does anything outside the military
1. The government is taxing people and/or borrowing money and giving it to insurance companies. This creates a friendly game of tennis volley between politicians and an industry that supports their elections. I think that's why you'll see Republicans get on board in deed if not in word, if they haven't already. This was a Republican idea to begin with.

2. The Affordable Care Act does very little if anything to control the cost of medical procedures, drugs, hospital stays, etc..
A truly competitive free market system would reduce cost. A single payer system would reduce cost. A public option would compete against private insurance. The ACA is the worst of all worlds.

Opt out. Pay the fine, or not.

Wasn't it the Manchurian muslim that said you would be paying $2500 a year less?
Let's assume that, since I'm on TriCare, I've paid basically no attention to the entire debate. In fact, let's say that I know almost nothing about it except that Obama spent his presidency trying to get it passed, the Republicans hate it, and Nancy Pelosi thought the only way she could find out what the bill said was to vote for it. This is your chance to sell someone more or less neutral on it and/or turn them against it.
Why the hell do you want to be talked into or out of Obamacare?

Go read the bill, then apply some critical thought to the process. In addition, ask yourself serious questions on what you consider freedom and liberty. How important they are to you, and what you would be willing to trade them away for. Then ask yourself, or go out and read a little history, when has any government ever taken over a segment of any industry and kept the contract they had with the citizens?

Our government is not supposed to be all powerful. It is not supposed to give us things, nor is it to take things way from us. It exists simply to enforce the rights we naturally enjoy and to prevent others from trampling on those rights.

Governments are necessary. However, governments are never benign.
Forget about your Tricare for a little while.
Go to the exchange and start plugging in income numbers and see how screwed the middle class is. Not to mention the lower income people that don't want or need healthcare that are now forced to carry an additional monthly payment they never had to pay before.
Insured, but Not Covered [Obamacare supporter complains about Obamacare]

New York Times ^
WHEN Karen Pineman of Manhattan received notice that her longtime health insurance policy didn’t comply with the Affordable Care Act’s requirements, she gamely set about shopping for a new policy through the public marketplace. After all, she’d supported President Obama and the act as a matter of principle. Ms. Pineman, who is self-employed, accepted that she’d have to pay higher premiums for a plan with a narrower provider network and no out-of-network coverage. She accepted that she’d have to pay out of pocket to see her primary care physician, who didn’t participate. She even accepted having co-pays of nearly $1,800...
Bill Maher Turns On Obamacare? ‘It’s More Expensive, Too Confusing’

Daily Caller ^
Liberal comedian Bill Maher, a longtime champion of Obamacare, began to change his tune on President Obama’s signature legislation Friday night. “Obamacare: You know it’s the signature achievement of obviously this president and like many liberals I’ve been screaming how great it has been and ‘it’s working’ and ‘there’s no doubt,’” Maher said on his HBO show “Real Time.” “But The New York Times on Sunday did an article that basically said, you know, when Obama said if you like your plan nothing will change — well, everything has changed,” Maher said. “46 percent of people are having trouble paying...
1. The government is taxing people and/or borrowing money and giving it to insurance companies. This creates a friendly game of tennis volley between politicians and an industry that supports their elections. I think that's why you'll see Republicans get on board in deed if not in word, if they haven't already. This was a Republican idea to begin with.

2. The Affordable Care Act does very little if anything to control the cost of medical procedures, drugs, hospital stays, etc..
A truly competitive free market system would reduce cost. A single payer system would reduce cost. A public option would compete against private insurance. The ACA is the worst of all worlds.

Opt out. Pay the fine, or not.

I think that ANYONE who is forced to pay that fine, ought to be at least covered for limited hospitalization with a $3,000.00 deductible. I agree that it isn't very American to take money from Its citizens without giving them something back.
Did I hurt your feelings with THE TRUTH?... Does Hitler's reference to Obuma make sense... if you're a Progressive, you will have a problem with this!

Constant references to 'Hitler' are disrespectful to what that man did to his victims. It also helps to diminish his crimes and helps to desensitize the public to monsters like him.
Did I hurt your feelings with THE TRUTH?... Does Hitler's reference to Obuma make sense... if you're a Progressive, you will have a problem with this!

Constant references to 'Hitler' are disrespectful to what that man did to his victims. It also helps to diminish his crimes and helps to desensitize the public to monsters like him.

It DOES... seems to me it REMINDS people what little dictators do, as we currently have one in the White House that is going to take over the last bastion of our freedom, the internet!
1. The government is taxing people and/or borrowing money and giving it to insurance companies. This creates a friendly game of tennis volley between politicians and an industry that supports their elections. I think that's why you'll see Republicans get on board in deed if not in word, if they haven't already. This was a Republican idea to begin with.

2. The Affordable Care Act does very little if anything to control the cost of medical procedures, drugs, hospital stays, etc..
A truly competitive free market system would reduce cost. A single payer system would reduce cost. A public option would compete against private insurance. The ACA is the worst of all worlds.

Opt out. Pay the fine, or not.[/QUOTE

The Affordable Care Act does very little if anything to control the cost of medical procedures, drugs, hospital stays,

it does nothing to control costs

it does not even control the cost of insurance premiums
Forget about your Tricare for a little while.
Go to the exchange and start plugging in income numbers and see how screwed the middle class is. Not to mention the lower income people that don't want or need healthcare that are now forced to carry an additional monthly payment they never had to pay before.

the middle class is hit really hard by obamacare

but it hurts those who can least afford it as well

the working poor

which they end up with shitty polices with high deductibles

many of these folks obama pulled the rug out from underneath them

by promising one thing and delivering another

and left them holding the bag too poor for a policy

and ever increasing fines for failure to obtain insurance

what an asshole

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