Why don’t the illegals just file for work visas?

A big problem is simply politics.

A friend of mine, a Palestinian, came to the US on one of the programs they had. He got citizenship, owns a home, owns a business, hires employees.

However, his wife and two preteen daughters live in Jordan and are not even allowed to visit here. He has to go to Jordan to see his wife and kids.

I know there is some stupid political reason for that but...
Because liberals want illegals here not people who want to be loyal US citizens.. Why else are illegals invited but not legal...

Liberals want poor uneducated people for slave labor they can control with government handouts. Illegals look at the black neighborhoods in Chicago and Baltimore, that is your future on the Democratic party plantations.
I have a question:
If I would now move illegally to the USA, what free stuff can I expect in California that you have to pay for? Our ancestors sold their work for years to come to pay for the passage, I just hire on a luxury liner to get there.
/----/ Free stuff is strictly limited to food, housing, education, WIFI, Obama phones, transit cards and of course healthcare to name a few.
View attachment 172898
end the drug war to pay for it, right wingers.

or, is small government no longer a right wing platform.
I have a question:
If I would now move illegally to the USA, what free stuff can I expect in California that you have to pay for? Our ancestors sold their work for years to come to pay for the passage, I just hire on a luxury liner to get there.

Well, if you’re Syrian it’ll be a bit tougher on you to really start stock piling the free shit....if you change your name to Gustavo Martinez before getting here Mexifornia will roll the red carpet out for you, you’ll be considered royalty....they fucking love their Mexicans.
I am a German. My real father was a Spaniard, though. I know a few Spanish words and can easily pretend to be Mexican. If something goes wrong I simply draw out my German ID. Easy as can be.

If you can get yourself to smell like a mix of Modello and asshole they’ll definitely believe you’re Mexican..Haha...shit dude, come on over...free shit will rain down on you.
Free beer too? Great! I´ll be off here the next weeks but will be back soon.
Trump’s ICE just deported a doctor living in the U.S. for 40 years

Trump’s ICE just deported a doctor living in the U.S. for 40 years
Love misleading headlines. The article says he is in a holding cell, he has not been deported. He was a legal LPR. 40 years here and never applied for citizenship? LPR is not immune from removal, so who's fault is it really?

What does "LPR" stand for?

But on Tuesday morning, immigration authorities arrested Niec at his home, just after he had sent his 12-year-old stepdaughter off to school. Niec, a physician specializing in internal medicine at Bronson Healthcare Group in Kalamazoo, Mich., has been detained in a county jail ever since, awaiting a bond hearing and possible deportation.

“It’s shocking,” said his sister Iwona Niec Villaire, a corporate lawyer. “No one can really understand what happened here.”

According to his “notice to appear” from the Department of Homeland Security, Niec’s detention stems from two misdemeanor convictions from 26 years ago. In January 1992, Niec was convicted of malicious destruction of property under $100. In April of that year, he was convicted of receiving and concealing stolen property over $100 and a financial transaction device.

Because Niec was convicted of two crimes involving “moral turpitude,” stemming from two separate incidents, he is subject to removal, immigration authorities wrote in the notice to appear, citing the Immigration and Nationality Act.

Both of the offenses took place when he was a teenager. He associated himself “with some bad people” his sister said. The first of the incidents involved an altercation with a driver after a car crash, Niec’s sister said. He was one of multiple teenagers in the car at the time.

ICE detains a Polish doctor and green-card holder who has lived in the U.S. for nearly 40 years

Feel better now?
Trump’s ICE just deported a doctor living in the U.S. for 40 years

Trump’s ICE just deported a doctor living in the U.S. for 40 years
Love misleading headlines. The article says he is in a holding cell, he has not been deported. He was a legal LPR. 40 years here and never applied for citizenship? LPR is not immune from removal, so who's fault is it really?

What does "LPR" stand for?

But on Tuesday morning, immigration authorities arrested Niec at his home, just after he had sent his 12-year-old stepdaughter off to school. Niec, a physician specializing in internal medicine at Bronson Healthcare Group in Kalamazoo, Mich., has been detained in a county jail ever since, awaiting a bond hearing and possible deportation.

“It’s shocking,” said his sister Iwona Niec Villaire, a corporate lawyer. “No one can really understand what happened here.”

According to his “notice to appear” from the Department of Homeland Security, Niec’s detention stems from two misdemeanor convictions from 26 years ago. In January 1992, Niec was convicted of malicious destruction of property under $100. In April of that year, he was convicted of receiving and concealing stolen property over $100 and a financial transaction device.

Because Niec was convicted of two crimes involving “moral turpitude,” stemming from two separate incidents, he is subject to removal, immigration authorities wrote in the notice to appear, citing the Immigration and Nationality Act.

Both of the offenses took place when he was a teenager. He associated himself “with some bad people” his sister said. The first of the incidents involved an altercation with a driver after a car crash, Niec’s sister said. He was one of multiple teenagers in the car at the time.

ICE detains a Polish doctor and green-card holder who has lived in the U.S. for nearly 40 years

Feel better now?

Trump is doing his job that Obama refused to do..
Trump’s ICE just deported a doctor living in the U.S. for 40 years

Trump’s ICE just deported a doctor living in the U.S. for 40 years
Love misleading headlines. The article says he is in a holding cell, he has not been deported. He was a legal LPR. 40 years here and never applied for citizenship? LPR is not immune from removal, so who's fault is it really?

What does "LPR" stand for?

But on Tuesday morning, immigration authorities arrested Niec at his home, just after he had sent his 12-year-old stepdaughter off to school. Niec, a physician specializing in internal medicine at Bronson Healthcare Group in Kalamazoo, Mich., has been detained in a county jail ever since, awaiting a bond hearing and possible deportation.

“It’s shocking,” said his sister Iwona Niec Villaire, a corporate lawyer. “No one can really understand what happened here.”

According to his “notice to appear” from the Department of Homeland Security, Niec’s detention stems from two misdemeanor convictions from 26 years ago. In January 1992, Niec was convicted of malicious destruction of property under $100. In April of that year, he was convicted of receiving and concealing stolen property over $100 and a financial transaction device.

Because Niec was convicted of two crimes involving “moral turpitude,” stemming from two separate incidents, he is subject to removal, immigration authorities wrote in the notice to appear, citing the Immigration and Nationality Act.

Both of the offenses took place when he was a teenager. He associated himself “with some bad people” his sister said. The first of the incidents involved an altercation with a driver after a car crash, Niec’s sister said. He was one of multiple teenagers in the car at the time.

ICE detains a Polish doctor and green-card holder who has lived in the U.S. for nearly 40 years

Feel better now?

Trump is doing his job that Obama refused to do..

You notice this how the left praised Obama saying he kicked out illegals in record numbers?

Yet when Trump really does it the left is pissed..

Obama lied .
Are the trying to dodge paying taxes?
Are they just trying to hide?
Is it just too complex?

They’re probably too busy being valedictorians, serving in the military, being brain surgeons, etc. Hey, wait a minute, if all these DACA “kids” are in the military serving our country, aren’t they in that group that isn’t getting paid. Why do Democrats hate DACA kids?
Illegal are not in the military, DACA has around 800 persons who have filled out their military applications, yet they can not go to basic training due to their illegal status. If they are not legalized in some way within 2 years of signing those documents, they are then deemed null and void.

Which is a whole lot different than the song and dance liberals have been spewing for the past couple of months.
Trump’s ICE just deported a doctor living in the U.S. for 40 years

Trump’s ICE just deported a doctor living in the U.S. for 40 years
Love misleading headlines. The article says he is in a holding cell, he has not been deported. He was a legal LPR. 40 years here and never applied for citizenship? LPR is not immune from removal, so who's fault is it really?

What does "LPR" stand for?

But on Tuesday morning, immigration authorities arrested Niec at his home, just after he had sent his 12-year-old stepdaughter off to school. Niec, a physician specializing in internal medicine at Bronson Healthcare Group in Kalamazoo, Mich., has been detained in a county jail ever since, awaiting a bond hearing and possible deportation.

“It’s shocking,” said his sister Iwona Niec Villaire, a corporate lawyer. “No one can really understand what happened here.”

According to his “notice to appear” from the Department of Homeland Security, Niec’s detention stems from two misdemeanor convictions from 26 years ago. In January 1992, Niec was convicted of malicious destruction of property under $100. In April of that year, he was convicted of receiving and concealing stolen property over $100 and a financial transaction device.

Because Niec was convicted of two crimes involving “moral turpitude,” stemming from two separate incidents, he is subject to removal, immigration authorities wrote in the notice to appear, citing the Immigration and Nationality Act.

Both of the offenses took place when he was a teenager. He associated himself “with some bad people” his sister said. The first of the incidents involved an altercation with a driver after a car crash, Niec’s sister said. He was one of multiple teenagers in the car at the time.

ICE detains a Polish doctor and green-card holder who has lived in the U.S. for nearly 40 years

Feel better now?

Trump is doing his job that Obama refused to do..
cut his tax burden and increase the cost of government?
Trump’s ICE just deported a doctor living in the U.S. for 40 years

Trump’s ICE just deported a doctor living in the U.S. for 40 years
/----/ So Obama was lying when he said if you like your doctor you can keep him.
ROTFLMAO (1).gif
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Using socialism for this dilemma only costs money; using capitalism via our Commerce Clause can make us money. Only the right wing has a problem with it.
/----/ Socialism. What could possibly go wrong?
The cost of "socialism"

Current European tax rates:

United Kingdom

Income Tax: 50% VAT: 17.5% TOTAL: 67.5%


Income Tax: 45% VAT: 19% TOTAL: 64%


Income Tax: 40% VAT: 19.6% TOTAL: 59.6%


Income Tax: 40% VAT: 25% TOTAL: 65%


Income Tax: 45% VAT: 16% TOTAL: 61%


Income Tax: 42% VAT: 20% TOTAL: 62%


Income Tax: 55% VAT: 25% TOTAL: 80%


Income Tax: 54.3% VAT: 25% TOTAL: 79.3%


Income Tax: 52% VAT: 19% TOTAL: 71%


Income Tax: 58% VAT: 25% TOTAL: 83%


Income Tax: 53% VAT: 22% TOTAL: 75%
Last edited:
Using socialism for this dilemma only costs money; using capitalism via our Commerce Clause can make us money. Only the right wing has a problem with it.
/----/ Socialism. What could possibly go wrong?
The cost of "socialism"

Current European tax rates:

United Kingdom

Income Tax: 50% VAT: 17.5% TOTAL: 67.5%


Income Tax: 45% VAT: 19% TOTAL: 64%


Income Tax: 40% VAT: 19.6% TOTAL: 59.6%


Income Tax: 40% VAT: 25% TOTAL: 65%


Income Tax: 45% VAT: 16% TOTAL: 61%


Income Tax: 42% VAT: 20% TOTAL: 62%


Income Tax: 55% VAT: 25% TOTAL: 80%


Income Tax: 54.3% VAT: 25% TOTAL: 79.3%


Income Tax: 52% VAT: 19% TOTAL: 71%


Income Tax: 58% VAT: 25% TOTAL: 83%


Income Tax: 53% VAT: 22% TOTAL: 75%
financing tax cuts is simple income redistribution. one point five trillion dollars worth.
Trump’s ICE just deported a doctor living in the U.S. for 40 years

Trump’s ICE just deported a doctor living in the U.S. for 40 years
Love misleading headlines. The article says he is in a holding cell, he has not been deported. He was a legal LPR. 40 years here and never applied for citizenship? LPR is not immune from removal, so who's fault is it really?

What does "LPR" stand for?

But on Tuesday morning, immigration authorities arrested Niec at his home, just after he had sent his 12-year-old stepdaughter off to school. Niec, a physician specializing in internal medicine at Bronson Healthcare Group in Kalamazoo, Mich., has been detained in a county jail ever since, awaiting a bond hearing and possible deportation.

“It’s shocking,” said his sister Iwona Niec Villaire, a corporate lawyer. “No one can really understand what happened here.”

According to his “notice to appear” from the Department of Homeland Security, Niec’s detention stems from two misdemeanor convictions from 26 years ago. In January 1992, Niec was convicted of malicious destruction of property under $100. In April of that year, he was convicted of receiving and concealing stolen property over $100 and a financial transaction device.

Because Niec was convicted of two crimes involving “moral turpitude,” stemming from two separate incidents, he is subject to removal, immigration authorities wrote in the notice to appear, citing the Immigration and Nationality Act.

Both of the offenses took place when he was a teenager. He associated himself “with some bad people” his sister said. The first of the incidents involved an altercation with a driver after a car crash, Niec’s sister said. He was one of multiple teenagers in the car at the time.

ICE detains a Polish doctor and green-card holder who has lived in the U.S. for nearly 40 years

Feel better now?
LPR means Legal Permanent Resident.
Using socialism for this dilemma only costs money; using capitalism via our Commerce Clause can make us money. Only the right wing has a problem with it.
/----/ Socialism. What could possibly go wrong?
The cost of "socialism"

Current European tax rates:

United Kingdom

Income Tax: 50% VAT: 17.5% TOTAL: 67.5%


Income Tax: 45% VAT: 19% TOTAL: 64%


Income Tax: 40% VAT: 19.6% TOTAL: 59.6%


Income Tax: 40% VAT: 25% TOTAL: 65%


Income Tax: 45% VAT: 16% TOTAL: 61%


Income Tax: 42% VAT: 20% TOTAL: 62%


Income Tax: 55% VAT: 25% TOTAL: 80%


Income Tax: 54.3% VAT: 25% TOTAL: 79.3%


Income Tax: 52% VAT: 19% TOTAL: 71%


Income Tax: 58% VAT: 25% TOTAL: 83%


Income Tax: 53% VAT: 22% TOTAL: 75%
financing tax cuts is simple income redistribution. one point five trillion dollars worth.

Then hopefully you'll be sending an additional check to the IRS.

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