Why don’t Democrats really help Mexicans by teaching them to use contraception?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Please note, this is a serious thread and political in nature. Democrats are hell-bent on making sure Mexicans are comfortable and well taken care of.
Rather than keep throwing taxpayer cash over the top of the root issue why not teach them to embrace the idea of contraception. They can’t put two and two together and stop dropping litters of children in the laps of others. Why would anybody sane bring children into a life of danger, misery and struggle? Anybody applying logic knows this is the best way to help Mexico, Central and South American‘s.
The far left needs these people to suffer so they can use them as political cannon fodder.

Notice the far left has not tried to change the laws, just let people die for their own political gain.

The far left lied and people died!
Mexicans love having babies, and they use those babies to get welfare from American taxpayers. They come here, drop babies, and collect $600 a month for each one, plus food cards, plus free healthcare. They don't take care of them and most of them end up with criminal records. Hell, half of the parents are are criminals themselves.
Please note, this is a serious thread and political in nature. Democrats are hell-bent on making sure Mexicans are comfortable and well taken care of.
Rather than keep throwing taxpayer cash over the top of the root issue why not teach them to embrace the idea of contraception. They can’t put two and two together and stop dropping litters of children in the laps of others. Why would anybody sane bring children into a life of danger, misery and struggle? Anybody applying logic knows this is the best way to help Mexico, Central and South American‘s.
But then how will they replace all you cracka’s?

Oh you don’t want that anyway...trust me.
Think about who feeds all you pet humans.
Please note, this is a serious thread and political in nature. Democrats are hell-bent on making sure Mexicans are comfortable and well taken care of.
Rather than keep throwing taxpayer cash over the top of the root issue why not teach them to embrace the idea of contraception. They can’t put two and two together and stop dropping litters of children in the laps of others. Why would anybody sane bring children into a life of danger, misery and struggle? Anybody applying logic knows this is the best way to help Mexico, Central and South American‘s.
But then how will they replace all you cracka’s?

Oh you don’t want that anyway...trust me.
Think about who feeds all you pet humans.
Blue states feed the country. In fact, we literally pay you dumb cracka’s to not grow crops or to throw away what you have. Mexicans are much more Christian than white Americans, and I don’t want to infringe on their religious liberties. Let them have as many babies as they want :thup:
Please note, this is a serious thread and political in nature. Democrats are hell-bent on making sure Mexicans are comfortable and well taken care of.
Rather than keep throwing taxpayer cash over the top of the root issue why not teach them to embrace the idea of contraception. They can’t put two and two together and stop dropping litters of children in the laps of others. Why would anybody sane bring children into a life of danger, misery and struggle? Anybody applying logic knows this is the best way to help Mexico, Central and South American‘s.
Because the republicans defunded all of the birth control distribution and education funding.
We could always shove the kids back in a womans body and suck them out.
Would that make the left happy?
I just can’t make sense out of why Democrats don’t send groups of volunteers down south to educate the thirdworlders and teach them the basic shit that comes natural for decent, moral firstworld nations.
A cultural change is in order there Mexicrats....These people continue to reproduce at a rodents pace then complain about how the filthy brown south is no place for children. Who does that shit? Do good people always bring children into a hostile world?
Please note, this is a serious thread and political in nature. Democrats are hell-bent on making sure Mexicans are comfortable and well taken care of.
Rather than keep throwing taxpayer cash over the top of the root issue why not teach them to embrace the idea of contraception. They can’t put two and two together and stop dropping litters of children in the laps of others. Why would anybody sane bring children into a life of danger, misery and struggle? Anybody applying logic knows this is the best way to help Mexico, Central and South American‘s.
Catholic....you don't remember the Pope (before John Paul II) going to Mexico City and telling them to be fruitful and multiply?
Please note, this is a serious thread and political in nature. Democrats are hell-bent on making sure Mexicans are comfortable and well taken care of.
Rather than keep throwing taxpayer cash over the top of the root issue why not teach them to embrace the idea of contraception. They can’t put two and two together and stop dropping litters of children in the laps of others. Why would anybody sane bring children into a life of danger, misery and struggle? Anybody applying logic knows this is the best way to help Mexico, Central and South American‘s.
This is a serious reply, and not intended as a joke.

Republicans would have kittens if anyone tried to push the Ides of contraceptive use.
Please note, this is a serious thread and political in nature. Democrats are hell-bent on making sure Mexicans are comfortable and well taken care of.
Rather than keep throwing taxpayer cash over the top of the root issue why not teach them to embrace the idea of contraception. They can’t put two and two together and stop dropping litters of children in the laps of others. Why would anybody sane bring children into a life of danger, misery and struggle? Anybody applying logic knows this is the best way to help Mexico, Central and South American‘s.
Catholic....you don't remember the Pope (before John Paul II) going to Mexico City and telling them to be fruitful and multiply?

Did the Pope mention anything about the level of indecency and immorality in FORCING others to pay for ones money trees / anchor babies?
Please note, this is a serious thread and political in nature. Democrats are hell-bent on making sure Mexicans are comfortable and well taken care of.
Rather than keep throwing taxpayer cash over the top of the root issue why not teach them to embrace the idea of contraception. They can’t put two and two together and stop dropping litters of children in the laps of others. Why would anybody sane bring children into a life of danger, misery and struggle? Anybody applying logic knows this is the best way to help Mexico, Central and South American‘s.
This is a serious reply, and not intended as a joke.

Republicans would have kittens if anyone tried to push the Ides of contraceptive use.
Isn't it funny how they are suddenly against a christian faith's tenet against contraceptives.
It would be too much to ask me to teach anyone the practice of contraception. I'm not Melania you know. Not that she knows anythng about lol
Please note, this is a serious thread and political in nature. Democrats are hell-bent on making sure Mexicans are comfortable and well taken care of.
Rather than keep throwing taxpayer cash over the top of the root issue why not teach them to embrace the idea of contraception. They can’t put two and two together and stop dropping litters of children in the laps of others. Why would anybody sane bring children into a life of danger, misery and struggle? Anybody applying logic knows this is the best way to help Mexico, Central and South American‘s.
Catholic....you don't remember the Pope (before John Paul II) going to Mexico City and telling them to be fruitful and multiply?

Did the Pope say....”Fuck like rabbits and multiply like cockroaches...migrate to the U.S. where ignorant Liberal fools will force others to pay you to keep multiplying.”

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