Why Donald Trump's visit to a black church was really for white people


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
It was a show , but no one was fooled ,except his rubes

Donald Trump has somewhere close to 0 percent support among African-Americans. "So basically, Donald Trump's people told him he needed to reach out to the black community

Trump did go to a black church in Detroit on Saturday, and along with arrhythmically swaying to the music (not with the music, Noah insisted), Trump read a speech he said he wrote and claimed came from his heart. "For someone who claims he wrote the speech, he seems genuinely surprised at the information contained in his speech," he said, then turned to "Senior Campaign Correspondent" Ray Wood Jr.

"You should at least give credit to Trump for trying to appeal to black voters." Wood disagreed: "No, that's not why he's there. Trump is just trying to convince white voters that he's not racist so that they feel better voting for him."

The Daily Show explains why Donald Trump's visit to a black church was really for white people

What Black People Hear When Donald Trump Asks for Their Vote

What Black People Hear When Donald Trump Asks for Their Vote
Did anyone think he didn't do it for whiter people? Majority of people praising his speech about black people were white.

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