Why Donald Trump Is King of All Earned Media


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Why Donald Trump Is King of All Earned Media (Guest Column)

8:45 AM PDT 3/16/2016
by Andrew Tyndall


So far this year, the real estate mogul has attracted more airtime than all other presidential candidates combined.

“Earned” is the media-business nickname for publicity and promotion given to a political candidate that is not paid for. It mostly refers to journalism: the dissemination of campaign messages through news outlets rather than through paid advertising.

Needless to say, Donald Trump is the King of All Earned Media.

To take just one example, look at coverage of the Trump campaign on the old-school nightly newscasts of the three broadcast television networks (ABC, CBS and NBC combined), whose average audiences each evening total some 25 million viewers. So far this year, Trump has attracted more airtime (175 minutes) than all other candidates combined (Hillary Clinton, 60; Bernie Sanders, 44; Ted Cruz, 32; Marco Rubio, 14 and so on — data through the end of last week, March 11, weekdays only).

Because “earned” media is not bought and sold like advertising, such coverage is sometimes dubbed “free.” This is misleading since it implies that news outlets just give their airtime away. Of course they don’t. Trump gets coverage because he provides the raw ingredients for compelling television. As CBS president and CEO Leslie Moonves joked: Donald Trump is “damn good for CBS.” Trump has worked for his earned media. He's earned it fair and square. Let’s count the ways.


Why Donald Trump Is King of All Earned Media (Guest Column)
President Trump Should Dump the Media
Kick the press corps out of the White House.
January 24, 2017
Daniel Greenfield

Last week the media lost its mind over reports that press briefings might be moved from the White House back to the Eisenhower Office Building next door where President Eisenhower held the first ever televised press conference.

Media outlets issued panicked reports of being “evicted,” “kicked out” or “exiled” from the cramped theater that used to be the White House’s indoor swimming pool. There was outrage at the thought that they might have to take an equally short walk to the White House Conference Center where they had already worked while the Bush White House spent millions in taxpayer money renovating the room.

"The press went crazy, so I said, 'Let's not move it.'" President Trump finally reassured them.

He got as much gratitude for it as President Nixon did for ruining a perfectly good indoor pool and as President Bush did for spending a fortune renovating it. Instead the media began spreading the same conspiracy theories accusing Bush of plotting to permanently banish them from the White House.

And that’s exactly what President Trump should do.

“There’s no way the people are being served if they kick the people’s representatives out of the People’s House,” Ron Fournier absurdly postured.

The people elected President Donald J. Trump. Nobody elected Ron Fournier. The National Journal he works for, like most of the Atlantic media properties, specializes in inside baseball for insiders.

Trust ratings and approval levels for the media are so far down in the toilet that it would take a plumber to find them. If the media are the people’s representatives, then the people want to elect different ones. Those are some of the same representatives that the media is trying to ban from social media with a fake “Fake News Crusade” and by resisting any expansion of press briefings with threats and warnings.

“We’ll have to consider doing things other than protesting and whining,” Fournier threatened. “We’ll have to think about what we can do to bring some pain to make our point.”

Do what?

Run items accusing President Trump of being a traitor, a liar, a racist, a rapist and a Batman villain? The media has already done all of those. What else is it going to except shout more lies even louder?

Within a brief span of time, the media’s fake news operation claimed that Trump had banished the bust of MLK, lifted quotes from a Batman villain and had been cavorting with Russian prostitutes.

And that he was a compulsive liar.

That last accusation is notably hilarious considering the honesty and integrity of the media.

We have had to endure days of the media screaming about crowd sizes at the inauguration and the anti-Trump march they were promoting, of claiming that a sentiment as generic as returning power to the people was lifted from a Batman villain, and of dismissing the worst abuses of their colleagues, whether it was lying about the MLK bust, lying about Rick Perry’s job or peddling the lies of the Steele dossier as intelligence work, as mistakes while shouting that Sean Spicer was a liar. Enough is enough.

Margaret Sullivan, the Washington Post’s media columnist and former public editor of the New York Times, declared, “President Trump intends to make the American media his foremost enemy.”


President Trump has vowed to drain the swamp. A good place to start is the smarmy swamp of privilege over the White House indoor pool. The small club of the press corps is the embodiment of the old establishment and its corrupt gatekeepers that he has vowed to get rid of. Instead of sparring with them in briefings, it’s time to eliminate their special status and strip them of their privileges.

Trump doesn’t have to go to war with the press corps. All he has to do is make it irrelevant.

President Trump Should Dump the Media
It would be more efficient if he dumped all media and established just a single news source through which he could send out decrees and never have to answer for them
Don't forget fatwa & edicts so the islamic beasts can understand...
Yes you're right. Trump would love the chance to send out fatwas and edicts unchallenged.
News flash: America isn't crying over the plight of the White House press corps
11 / 24

The Hill

Joseph Borelli, opinion contributor 9 hrs ago

Donald Trump is no ordinary politician, and on Thursday we witnessed no ordinary press conference.

Trump's assault is sure to alter White House media relations for years to come; and it is safe to say no other president has dared to change this dynamic since the day when Teddy Roosevelt first used the term "muckrakers."

The president and his administration treat the media with an air of contempt. Yet, while we can't pinpoint which is the chicken or the egg, there is a clear and unabashed reciprocity on the part of most mainstream media outlets.

It's time for them to stop pretending there isn't.

In the hours following the event, and in the days leading up to it, there has been an open barrage from the members of the press corps and their news organizations about the way they are treated and outrage at the new standard, almost in some effort to gain public sympathy and support for their plight.

They have even gone as far as questioning the administration's authority to, of all things, call on smaller and less nationally known news outlets instead of the larger mainstream ones that have been entrenched in attack-mode since the inauguration.

Oh, how the public weeps.

One of the mistakes the press corps is making is that they are trying to insert themselves as a character in the play, rather than just a critic in the audience.


The attitude of the networks and newspapers plays out each day within the White House press corps. What may have been true before may no longer be the case. There is a false belief that they alone are the lens through which the public views the president. That's simply no longer accurate.

More and more Americans, whether on the right or the left, are coming to the realization that they no longer need to get their news from a small pool of likeminded journalists.


News flash: America isn't crying over the plight of the White House press corps
The media savants still haven’t figure out that their rule-book is obsolete.
May 17, 2017

Bruce Thornton

President Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey was like a speedball for the media addicted to Trump-hatred. The Dems came out with the usual hallucinatory hyperbole––“Watergate,” “Saturday night massacre,” “obstruction of justice,” “Constitutional crisis,” “coup,” “impeachable offense,” “treason,” “terrifying attack,” “despot,” and various other verbal convulsions. The NeverTrumpers joined the shooting-gallery, high on their seething resentment of the man who kicked to the curb these self-appointed arbitri elegantiae of conservative political discourse.


But in their toxic self-regard, the mainstream media have refused to acknowledge that they no longer enjoy the monopoly on information and opinion that had once empowered them. Talk-radio, cable news, social media, and the internet have created a wild-west marketplace of ideas to which the citizens have 24/7 access 365 days a year. Smart-phone cameras creating images in real time have made the television camera-crews slow-moving dinosaurs. National opinion-makers that once numbered maybe in the low hundreds now have to compete with hundreds of thousands of commentators churning out news and opinion nonstop nationwide.


The most infuriating insult, however, is that all these “gaffes” and violations of “decorum” didn’t keep Trump out of the White House, and in the end won’t be more important than what he accomplishes as president. That’s because Trump understands a simple fact about the new media: “news” and opinion have a shelf-life of a nanosecond. The squalls of outrage barely get going before they’re blown away and a new one arises. All Trump has to do is let loose a tweet, and while the media starts chasing it like a cat following a laser pointer, he is pursuing his policies and taking action. I don’t know if Trump is doing this on purpose, or from instincts honed by dealing with the New York media and starring on reality television. But its effect is like the magician’s misdirection or a point-guard’s head-fake. And the media just keep on falling for it.


Trump Throws Out the Media’s Rule-Book
July 7, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

Mommy, mommy. He pinched me. And it hurts!

CNN President Jeff Zucker on Wednesday said President Trump is trying to bully the news network, but added that he won't let Trump "intimidate" his employees.

"Bullying" is a common refrain by the media these days.


But the media bullies, like all bullies, hate it when their targets fight back. Their targets aren't supposed to be able to fight back. That's not fair. And so the media, like all bullies, shows its cowardice when it gets punched back.

The Media's "Bullying" Whine
August 9, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


The pearl-clutching press is up in arms over Trump TV. It's "Orwellian". It's "State-Run Television". Please. Spare us.

Under Obama, the entire media, every single news program, every cable news channel except FOX News, was Obama TV. Nearly every major paper and magazine were the Obama Press.

From the moment he came on the stage, we were treated to incessant sycophancy, glorification and boot-licking of a kind that had never been seen in this country before. Obama was brilliant, cool, a deep thinker, intelligent, messianic and everything that the country needed.

This went on for eight miserable years.

Photos of Obama surrounded by haloes. Descriptions of him as magical. Non-stop attacks on his critics. Constant lies about his policies. Obama was great. The economy was great. The only problem was that some racists didn't like him.

Since the left forgets its crimes every 5 minutes, here's a reminder of what Orwellian and State-Run propaganda looks like.


Trump TV? The Entire Media was Obama TV
I prefer emperor with bit of god mixed in, but if you insist, I suppose king will do.

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