Why does the debt matter so much to Repubs?

You know...I hear a lot about how Obama raised the debt and spent more than any other president...blah..blah.. What you NEVER hear is what the 13 trillion was spent on. So let's see if I got this straight. Everything was just fine until Obama got elected..THEN he up and spent a borrowed 13 trillion dollars. Right? What exactly did HE spend all that money on? The health care hasn't kicked in for any serious money yet. Where do you guys that want to pawn this debt off on Obama believe he did with thirteen TRILLION dollars? Did he start some huge war and keep it a secret? Did he spend it in the hood on crack? I suppose he could have let the financial sector completely go bust leaving all stocks worthless. I suppose he could have pulled all our forces out of Iraq and Afghanistan the minute he became president. I mean he wasn't responsible for the Wall Street collapse or getting us into either of those two wars. All that probably accounts for 3 o 4 trillion. What was the debt again when Bush left if Iraq and Afghanistan were on the books? So by far and away the majority of Obamas expenditures was cleaning up after Bush. Or have I missed something?

Oh ya OK..I get it...It is the guy that actually pays the bills that gets blamed for the reckless wars and the financial joy ride when the kids crash the car. I don't like Obama much..but I REALLY hate you lying sacks of shit that get us into unnecessary wars and allow financial ruin..then blame anyone and everyone but your own traitorous fuckwit selves for the consequences.
Okay D okay

In 2007 we where within 150 billion dollars of being even
In 2009 we where within 1.5 trillion dollars of being even

one less war

The wars are on the books, damn I am so tired of that lie

The Bush Deficit, the Clinton Surplus and TARP by Gregory Hilton | The DC World Affairs Blog

The above graph does include spending on Iraq and Afghanistan during the Bush years. While Bush did fund the wars through emergency supplementals (not the regular budget process), that spending did not simply vanish. It is of course included in the numbers above.

Tarp dealt with the financial crash, we got paid back by the way for the items W supported
You Libs really need to do your DD, your making a fool out of your selves

WOW so you are relying on a blog for your info. That explains a lot. Do you have a REAL source or do you usualy rely on websites that tell you exactly what you want to hear??
You know...I hear a lot about how Obama raised the debt and spent more than any other president...blah..blah.. What you NEVER hear is what the 13 trillion was spent on. So let's see if I got this straight. Everything was just fine until Obama got elected..THEN he up and spent a borrowed 13 trillion dollars. Right? What exactly did HE spend all that money on? The health care hasn't kicked in for any serious money yet. Where do you guys that want to pawn this debt off on Obama believe he did with thirteen TRILLION dollars? Did he start some huge war and keep it a secret? Did he spend it in the hood on crack? I suppose he could have let the financial sector completely go bust leaving all stocks worthless. I suppose he could have pulled all our forces out of Iraq and Afghanistan the minute he became president. I mean he wasn't responsible for the Wall Street collapse or getting us into either of those two wars. All that probably accounts for 3 o 4 trillion. What was the debt again when Bush left if Iraq and Afghanistan were on the books? So by far and away the majority of Obamas expenditures was cleaning up after Bush. Or have I missed something?

Oh ya OK..I get it...It is the guy that actually pays the bills that gets blamed for the reckless wars and the financial joy ride when the kids crash the car. I don't like Obama much..but I REALLY hate you lying sacks of shit that get us into unnecessary wars and allow financial ruin..then blame anyone and everyone but your own traitorous fuckwit selves for the consequences.
Okay D okay

In 2007 we where within 150 billion dollars of being even
In 2009 we where within 1.5 trillion dollars of being even

one less war

The wars are on the books, damn I am so tired of that lie

The Bush Deficit, the Clinton Surplus and TARP by Gregory Hilton | The DC World Affairs Blog

The above graph does include spending on Iraq and Afghanistan during the Bush years. While Bush did fund the wars through emergency supplementals (not the regular budget process), that spending did not simply vanish. It is of course included in the numbers above.

Tarp dealt with the financial crash, we got paid back by the way for the items W supported
You Libs really need to do your DD, your making a fool out of your selves

SOOOoo...Obama borrowed 13 trillion..for what exactly again?

You funny...you make me laugh long-time. :lol: :lol:
You people honestly think there was no one who wanted the debt reduced before the Tea Party?

Simply because the people are more organized now, doesn't mean they didn't have the same feelings before.
Republicans are against deficit spending NOW because they aren't in a position of sufficient power to spend on what THEY want.

Give them back the Senate and the presidency and all this pretense of fiscal hawkery will soar off into the sunset.
It only matters to Republicans when they're not in power. True story. :thup:


$300 billion under Bush, Left considers it cataclysmic

$1.5 trillion under Hussein the Left considers it the cost of doing business

And you say this? As pathetic as the Republicans are, they got nothing on you.

Pathetic lie indeed.

Don’t Blame Obama for Bush’s 2009 Deficit | Cato @ Liberty

Some critics are lambasting President Obama for record deficits. This is not a productive line of attack, largely because it puts the focus on the wrong variable. America’s fiscal problem is excessive government spending, and deficits are merely a symptom of that underlying disease. Moreover, if deficits are perceived as the problem, that means both spending restraint and higher taxes are solutions. The political class, needless to say, will choose the latter approach 99 percent of the time.

The 2009 fiscal year began October 1, 2008, nearly four months before Obama took office. The budget for the entire fiscal year was largely set in place while Bush was in the White House.
False, Obama signed the 2009 budget when the democratics in the congress refused to send one to bush because he vetoed their spending requests. Then on top of the 20% Obama added to it he threw in another trillion dollar stimulus.

Much like this congress had to do this years budget in April because democratics wetre to fucking incompetent to do one before the election
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You people honestly think there was no one who wanted the debt reduced before the Tea Party?

Simply because the people are more organized now, doesn't mean they didn't have the same feelings before.

We know that Obama drones never gave a damn about deficit spending. That was purely a ruse to justify raising taxes. The proof is the fact of their utter silence on the matter ever since Obama got elected.
Republicans are against deficit spending NOW because they aren't in a position of sufficient power to spend on what THEY want.

Give them back the Senate and the presidency and all this pretense of fiscal hawkery will soar off into the sunset.

I don't know about Republicans, but conservatives don't want the government to spend on anything that isn't absolutely necessary. RINO politicians may enjoy spending the taxpayers money, but that isn't why the taxpayers sent them to Washington.
It actually doesn't matter to the Republicans.

I didn't say Tea Party, the republicans. Why? Take a seat.

1. As you have seen in states, they cut spending and immediately give tax cuts. It doesn't do anything to the debt if you cut revenue and cut spending.

Let's say you have $10,000 in debt. You bring in $5,000. Your costs are $4,000. You spend $1,000 in reducing debt. If you decrease spending to $3,000 but then decrease your paycheck to $3,500. You just decrease the amount you can pay to pay down that debt.

The only way to fully cut down on debt is cut spending and either keep revenues the same or increase them. Thats it. Cutting revenue and cutting spending doesn't work and will never work.

2. Who pays for these debts?

Think about it, the republicans only care about millionaires and billionaires. Thats it. There is no debating that. It's a proven fact. How do millionaires and billionaires make money? Purchasing Municipal bonds. It's quite possibly the easiest money anyone can make. How do municipal bonds get created. DEBT!!! That's it. That is how the rich make their money. Other people's debt.

So why would the republicans sell out their true constituiency. They won't. Give rich people more money while screwing the American people. Thats their whole goal.
I guess I just don't get it. I suppose I see the importance in not being broke, but above all else?

Tell you what. Why don't YOU partake in a little experiment. Spend your household money just like government spends money. Then come back and tell us again why debt doesn't mater. Deal?
I guess I just don't get it. I suppose I see the importance in not being broke, but above all else?

Tell you what. Why don't YOU partake in a little experiment. Spend your household money just like government spends money. Then come back and tell us again why debt doesn't mater. Deal?

You are comparing your stupid check book balance with the financial workings of the U S government?

Apparently the situation is a tad too complex for you to grasp. No matter what Glenn Beck tells you...The USA is too big to fail. We cannot go bankrupt. No overdraft is too large if congress agrees to pay it. Too many financial institutions depend on the solvency of our country. There is no other "customer" that can take our place. We are in fact at the level we exist THE ONLY GAME IN TOWN. Get A grip.

There is only one country way above all others that the world will do ANYTHING to keep in this position. US. When it comes down to it we can write any terms we want. No other country can do that.

Don't think about it too hard...stick to trying to keep your checkbook balanced.
We are too big to fail?

That's the biggest lie I've read today. And I was on one of TMs threads an hour or so ago.
What part of "We did care" is difficult to understand?

Exactly.. ZonedOut just chooses to have selective memory... it's easier for him that way... hard to deal with the fact that many MANY conservatives spoke out against Bush's fiscal policies and budgets...

Yeah that speaking out started about halfway thru his second term.

Nope. It started right from the beginning when Bush declined to veto a single spending bill. It escalated with the prescription drug program for the greedy geezers.
People like you are the reason this county is in deep shit.

You are comparing your stupid check book balance with the financial workings of the U S government?

Apparently the situation is a tad too complex for you to grasp. No matter what Glenn Beck tells you...The USA is too big to fail. We cannot go bankrupt. No overdraft is too large if congress agrees to pay it. Too many financial institutions depend on the solvency of our country. There is no other "customer" that can take our place. We are in fact at the level we exist THE ONLY GAME IN TOWN. Get A grip.

There is only one country way above all others that the world will do ANYTHING to keep in this position. US. When it comes down to it we can write any terms we want. No other country can do that.

Don't think about it too hard...stick to trying to keep your checkbook balanced.
We are too big to fail?

That's the biggest lie I've read today. And I was on one of TMs threads an hour or so ago.

Envision a planet with a failed U S government..I mean bankrupt..cannot pay any debt. Do you have any idea what that would do to the rest of the world? All imports STOPPED! All financial institutions EVERYWHERE failed. The complete failure of the USA is unthinkable to the rest of the world. They would forgo all of their own individual countries concerns to keep us afloat.

What do you think would happen if we somehow were declared bankrupt? What? do you think the World bank is gonna come and take your house? The White House? Our military assets? Our natural resources? The Saudis or China are going to take our oil? Our Nukes? :lol: :lol: :lol:

You are crazy. Just who exactly is going to foreclose on the USA? You guys are funny! Stop peeing on yourself. It not only won't happen it can't happen. :lol: :lol: :lol: Like I told the other guy...Get a grip.

You might think you can put the fear of your God in some of these fuckwits...I ain't the one Sparky.
People like you are the reason this county is in deep shit.

You are comparing your stupid check book balance with the financial workings of the U S government?

Apparently the situation is a tad too complex for you to grasp. No matter what Glenn Beck tells you...The USA is too big to fail. We cannot go bankrupt. No overdraft is too large if congress agrees to pay it. Too many financial institutions depend on the solvency of our country. There is no other "customer" that can take our place. We are in fact at the level we exist THE ONLY GAME IN TOWN. Get A grip.

There is only one country way above all others that the world will do ANYTHING to keep in this position. US. When it comes down to it we can write any terms we want. No other country can do that.

Don't think about it too hard...stick to trying to keep your checkbook balanced.

People like you are the reason for the grade "F". and a sub 100 I Q.:lol: :lol:
Do you realize that the stock market was net DOWN for the 8 years of Bush? 8 years of NO gain.
Naah he obviously watches Fox.

The stockmarket collapsed because of the Democrat engineered sub-prime mortgage debacle, not because of Bush.

You really are just a fucking moron. I won't try and explain the whole rundown but it would have helped your knowledge on the subject if you had watched the three hour commission report on C-SPAN like I did. The failure you refer to was not the failed mortgages. That was predictable. The failure was that the risky mortgages were falsely rated triple A and shuffled in and bundled with good mortgages. Those packages were sliced up making their extraction impossible and they were all sold as AAA. In short they went out all over the world because of their false rating. They were considered safe and in fact the slices were contaminated with mortgages that should have been rated much lower. If they had been sold at their true value and risk they would not have been bought so widely. The mortgages were not fraudulent. The way they were packaged, rated and sold was a fraud.

If the bad mortgages had failed on their own value none of this would have happened. The risk would have been insured fairly and the insurance companies like AIG would have known how much they could safely cover. Oh my...I am droning on. Let's just go back to the fact that you are a fucking idiot and leave it there.
We are too big to fail?

That's the biggest lie I've read today. And I was on one of TMs threads an hour or so ago.

Envision a planet with a failed U S government..I mean bankrupt..cannot pay any debt. Do you have any idea what that would do to the rest of the world? All imports STOPPED! All financial institutions EVERYWHERE failed. The complete failure of the USA is unthinkable to the rest of the world. They would forgo all of their own individual countries concerns to keep us afloat.

What do you think would happen if we somehow were declared bankrupt? What? do you think the World bank is gonna come and take your house? The White House? Our military assets? Our natural resources? The Saudis or China are going to take our oil? Our Nukes? :lol: :lol: :lol:

You are crazy. Just who exactly is going to foreclose on the USA? You guys are funny! Stop peeing on yourself. It not only won't happen it can't happen. :lol: :lol: :lol: Like I told the other guy...Get a grip.

You might think you can put the fear of your God in some of these fuckwits...I ain't the one Sparky.

Pride comes before the fall.

And boy is there a large fall coming.

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