Why Does Joe Biden Seem So Dizzy and Confused?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2013
Southern California
I have a theory. Kamala is such an aggressive bitch and Joe is such a dummy. Maybe he is dizzy because they had an argument and she hit him on the head with something heavy.
Why is this is satire?
Biden does seem confused and most certainly doesn't seem to be calling the shots on anything involved with his campaign.
Just watch how Biden has to have people directing him where to go. TRUMP on the other hand leads, if he's walking to the plane and decides to take questions from the press there is no one standing near him trying to shoo the reporters away like there is with Joe. When TRUMP leaves an event he knows where the car, plane or whatever place he is suppose to go to without having to be escorted as Joe does.
It's just weird how Biden is lead around...TRUMP even when he was campaigning in 2016 didn't have people leading him around, there was no question that TRUMP was leading the direction of his campaign, and not the other way around.
I have a theory. Kamala is such an aggressive bitch and Joe is such a dummy. Maybe he is dizzy because they had an argument and she hit him on the head with something heavy.
Biden is not a healthy guy as some would have us believe. From his partial release of medical history we know that Joe has a history of two cerebral aneurysm's, the first of which almost killed him. We know he was and maybe still is taking blood thinners. He also has an irregular heart beat called atrial fibrillation, hyperlipidemia, gastric reflux, surgical history for enlarged prostate, colon polyps and much, much more. The history of cerebral aneurysm is most concerning, putting him at higher risk of stroke, neurological damage and even instant death. Without doubt Joe is suffering from some form of cognitive impairment, possibly related to his known history, unrevealed dementia or combination. Any way you look at it, he is not a healthy candidate for President
The onset of senility. Plus he was never very bright and has been a habitual lier and crook over his entire life in politics. It's difficult trying to keep all of those lies straight even if you aren't mentally challenged.

Plaque is cutting off the oxygen from his brain. Joe only has about a quarter of his brain left working.


I just saw Biden speak. It was word salad. Unconnected slogans and platitudes that convey nothing. Communist democrats have one issue they feel comfortable with. They have covid. That's all they have. The rest of the country has moved on. They see the hyped up nonsense it always was.
I have a theory. Kamala is such an aggressive bitch and Joe is such a dummy. Maybe he is dizzy because they had an argument and she hit him on the head with something heavy.

And Donald Trump is claiming the coronavirus is going away when it is spiking.

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