Why does any normal person against contraception?

Makes zero sense. Any insight?
Maybe you should axe that in the Religion section. As far as I know, that is only a teaching of the Catholic Church, and FROM THEIR PERSPECTIVE, it does make sense.

Maybe if you ask without being combative, you'll be able to learn something
Other than an abortifacient, hardly anybody is for banning birth control.
What's not normal is for women to want to murder their babies.
Unless you call evil normal that is
It goes back to White Replacement theory. These Fascist fucks see the white birthrate declining and can only think of two things to force white women to have more children. Ban abortion and contraception.
Maybe you should axe that in the Religion section. As far as I know, that is only a teaching of the Catholic Church, and FROM THEIR PERSPECTIVE, it does make sense.

Maybe if you ask without being combative, you'll be able to learn something
Really? I was raised as a Catholic. Sort of. My parents were not really into it and we never went to Church as a family. But they would insist that the kids ( 2 of us) go to Church on Sunday and they put us through all the ritualistic bullshit like release time religious training ( from public school) communion, confirmation, confession ,and all of it.

I never really believed any of the bullshit, never internalized it , and was terribly guilt ridden about that . I thought that there must be something wrong with me for not believing. I tried real hard to get into it but just could not. Then in my twenties, I had an epiphany: Being Catholic, or any other religion is not genetic! I have a choice.

But having said all of that, I have to ask: How the fuck does the Catholic church's stance on abortion, or anything else for that matter, make a lick of sense
If ya gonna fuck, use protection. Its that simple if you dont want a baby from it.
Really? I was raised as a Catholic. Sort of. My parents were not really into it and we never went to Church as a family. But they would insist that the kids ( 2 of us) go to Church on Sunday and they put us through all the ritualistic bullshit like release time religious training ( from public school) communion, confirmation, confession ,and all of it.

I never really believed any of the bullshit, never internalized it , and was terribly guilt ridden about that . I thought that there must be something wrong with me for not believing. I tried real hard to get into it but just could not. Then in my twenties, I had an epiphany: Being Catholic, or any other religion is not genetic! I have a choice.

But having said all of that, I have to ask: How the fuck does the Catholic church's stance on abortion, or anything else for that matter, make a lick of sense
:itsok: poor victim. Why are you a ING someone who isn't Catholic to explain their stance on this issue.

Of course you have no intention of listening anyway, but why do you believe they DONT have a right to their own beliefs? Do you have control issues? Would you like to forbid them from teaching their beliefs? What is wrong with butt sex worshippers? Why do they insist that everyone agree with them?
Makes zero sense. Any insight?

Someone else did a thread on this topic recently. Instead of re-writing my reply, I'm just going to do a copy / pasta:

I’m not against it, but I also don’t view it as the end all be all solution to the abortion debate.​
Why, because it can give people a false sense of security. I mean, it sometimes fails even in the best of circumstances, so of course it's going to fail when you throw it at people who are already immature and irresponsible.​
I think the problem is that when it comes to sex, many young people are either ignorant of cause-and-effect, or purposely conditioned to completely ignore cause-and-effect.​
The reason I say that is because many young singles who end up with an unwanted pregnancy are shocked and baffled, with an attitude of “how could this have happened???“ They act as if it’s like getting struck by lightning, like a fluke thing that is completely out of one’s control. They can’t believe that it actually happened to them. Well it’s called cause-and-effect. Whether one wants to get pregnant or not doesn’t change the reality that sex is an act that can bring a new human being (if one is within childbearing years of course.)​
Apart from the severely retarded, everyone should know this. And when one does know this, there is no longer an excuse. Because they should also know that birth control is not foolproof. The only thing that is foolproof is not having sex if you aren’t ready to accept the consequences of your actions.​
:itsok: poor victim. Why are you a ING someone who isn't Catholic to explain their stance on this issue.

Of course you have no intention of listening anyway, but why do you believe they DONT have a right to their own beliefs? Do you have control issues? Would you like to forbid them from teaching their beliefs? What is wrong with butt sex worshippers? Why do they insist that everyone agree with them?
What the fuck are you blathering about.? I did not say that they do not have a right to their beliefs. I said that they do not make sense to me, and to say that is my right.

You asked "Would you like to forbid them from teaching their beliefs? No that would go against the constitution. But I do think that parents should give children an opportunity and permission to explore different belief systems. Yes, I was victimized by being told what I must believe and I blame both my parents and the church for that.

Butt sex worshipers? How fucking stupid are you?

But having said all of that, I have to ask: How the fuck does the Catholic church's stance on abortion, or anything else for that matter, make a lick of sense
The reason the church's stance makes plenty of sense is the fact that it is based on teachings that have been handed down from one generation to the next for thousands of years. Those teachings have been shown over and over again that if the "advice" is followed, one can achieve a happier life, and if enough people follow the advice then civilization can be improved.

When enough people disagree with the advice given in the Catholic version of the bible (or any version), those people re-write the parts they disagree with and start their own sect. There are a number of sects in the Christian branch, some have survived and proven more beneficial than others.

I think kids should not be forced fed the teachings until they are ready to ask the questions on their own, otherwise it creates resentment. But at the same time, why are our public school systems not at least teaching that religion exists? Religion has played a HUGE roll in mankind's history in many ways, and it is blatant censorship that public schools are pretending religion doesn't exist.

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