Why do you like Bush ?

Originally posted by spillmind
:rotflmao: yeah, buddy, talking pretty bid from behind that keyboard. but it's nothing but banter. would be nice if you told us what the REAL truth was to the bush's being so closely tied with the saudis and that 15 of the hijakers were saudi.

tell the us the TRUTH about why we invaded iraq.

the us the TRUTH about the current state of afghanistan.

tell us the TRUTH about being 1.8 million jobs in the hole, and the largest deficit in US history.

tell us the TRUTH about the occupation, and how stable that region will be and when, and and HOW LONG OUR TROOPS WILL BE THERE.

tell is the TRUTH about your evil VP's claims about nuclear WMD in iraq, and the REALITY of none whatsoever..

tell us the TRUTH.... oh well, you get the freaking point.

you won't believe the truth when it is presented unless it fits your preconditioned view.
and you will tell us the TRUTH about Kerry I assume.
*yawn* you're beginning to bore me, HE'S NOT MY CANDIDATE, SO GIVE IT UP.

you won't even take my gracious offer to take you out to the movies, instead you assume and fire away. :poke:

you won't believe the truth when it is presented unless it fits your preconditioned view.
typical Bush/Cheney cop out.

you think my views fit your UNBAISED :laugh: view? that's WEAK.
So Spilly.........You have made it very clear as to why you hate Bush and Chritians so Id like for you to tell us what it is specifically that you will be voting for Kerry, that is what exactly do you expect him to do for this ocuntry?
Originally posted by spillmind
*yawn* you're beginning to bore me, HE'S NOT MY CANDIDATE, SO GIVE IT UP.

you won't even take my gracious offer to take you out to the movies, instead you assume and fire away. :poke:

typical Bush/Cheney cop out.

you think my views fit your UNBAISED :laugh: view? that's WEAK.

you know, actually, you are amusing. you believe the tripe you feed yourself and it is funny cuz you come across as being a complete nut case.

you have been presented with more than enough to debunk your twisted view but you ignore it as it does not support your beliefs. If you admit you are wrong, then that means you are ignorant and so you will never admit that. so you hold onto your idiotic beliefs and accuse others of being less than "knowledgeable" than you are. Again, quite amusing!
Originally posted by spillmind
unm, am i supposed to debate the author's words with you? :confused:

No, we've "debated" in the past and agreed to disagree on some points, and have agreed on others. I gave you that link so you could see another viewpoint on Moore and what he's all about. But you knew this already:)
you have been presented with more than enough to debunk your twisted view but you ignore it as it does not support your beliefs. If you admit you are wrong, then that means you are ignorant and so you will never admit that. so you hold onto your idiotic beliefs and accuse others of being less than "knowledgeable" than you are. Again, quite amusing!
all talk, no substance. i've posted links, talking points, and FACTS to back up my points. you just sit and go for character assassination. apparently you dont take our country very seriously, or you would be intensely questioning our leadership.

where did i say people were less knowledgeable than i, as you so quoted me? pick that out, or you're a liar, plain and simple and still full of it. in fact, i said a couple times i consider you all my peers and my equals and i respect that you even care enough to post here, unlike most comfortable, apathetic americans.

only thing is, if you don't have any points, and just ramble on about what kind of an idiot liberal i am, you just make yourself look like a fool. you haven't addressed one of my points, just copping out, as usual. truth my ass.

So Spilly.........You have made it very clear as to why you hate Bush and Chritians so Id like for you to tell us what it is specifically that you will be voting for Kerry, that is what exactly do you expect him to do for this ocuntry?
bonnie, sometimes i wonder where you are coming from.

i want you to quote where i said i HATE CHRISTIANS, or STOP LYING AND SPREADING MORE PROPAGANDA. are you even aware that you are convincing yourself of a lie? IT'S YOUR OWN FABRICATION THAT YOU WANT TO BELIEVE SO BADLY, you pathalogially covince yourself it's true.

and i never said i was voting kerry, now was i??? both parties are totally corrupt, but in our case, we've got a situation where the current leadership has been so piss poor in the last three years, the guy deserves to lose his job.

he's failed on proving the official premise for war.

he's failed doing the job of securing iraq, unlike his father/

he's failed us with his admin's poilicy on prisoner abuse, and he's failed the geneva convention.

he's broken treaties and contracts, and offered NO REPLACEMENTS.

i'm sick of making totally valid points/concerns for you people to just tighten your tin foil hats and block it all out. you want to ignore these things, fine. but don't blame me for HIS PROBLEMS.

at leaat freaking defend them!
No, we've "debated" in the past and agreed to disagree on some points, and have agreed on others. I gave you that link so you could see another viewpoint on Moore and what he's all about. But you knew this already

actually, jihad, i hadn't read this. thanks for linking this. i know MM leans pretty far to the left. and frankly, i don't have much use for the extremes of both sides. but there are some valid points.

what i'd really like to see, is some to debate anything in MM bibliography from the film, instead of try to nitpick little tiny points here and there, without even acknowledging the LARGER TRUTH.

i won't hold my breath :rolleyes:
Originally posted by spillmind
all talk, no substance. i've posted links, talking points, and FACTS to back up my points. you just sit and go for character assassination. apparently you dont take our country very seriously, or you would be intensely questioning our leadership.

where did i say people were less knowledgeable than i, as you so quoted me? pick that out, or you're a liar, plain and simple and still full of it. in fact, i said a couple times i consider you all my peers and my equals and i respect that you even care enough to post here, unlike most comfortable, apathetic americans.

only thing is, if you don't have any points, and just ramble on about what kind of an idiot liberal i am, you just make yourself look like a fool. you haven't addressed one of my points, just copping out, as usual. truth my ass.

bonnie, sometimes i wonder where you are coming from.

i want you to quote where i said i HATE CHRISTIANS, or STOP LYING AND SPREADING MORE PROPAGANDA. are you even aware that you are convincing yourself of a lie? IT'S YOUR OWN FABRICATION THAT YOU WANT TO BELIEVE SO BADLY, you pathalogially covince yourself it's true.

and i never said i was voting kerry, now was i??? both parties are totally corrupt, but in our case, we've got a situation where the current leadership has been so piss poor in the last three years, the guy deserves to lose his job.

he's failed on proving the official premise for war.

he's failed doing the job of securing iraq, unlike his father/

he's failed us with his admin's poilicy on prisoner abuse, and he's failed the geneva convention.

he's broken treaties and contracts, and offered NO REPLACEMENTS.

i'm sick of making totally valid points/concerns for you people to just tighten your tin foil hats and block it all out. you want to ignore these things, fine. but don't blame me for HIS PROBLEMS.

at leaat freaking defend them!

Okay so in your OPINION Bush is guilty of these things, some of us here don't share those opinions, especially me. I think we all know well how you feel about the current administration. OKay we've got that! Now you still haven't answered the question as to what Kerry would do specifically to solve all these so called horrible problems, or someone else you may be supporting, Nader perhaps, that would fix all of these things????

I will take it a step further and say maybe you dislike all the current candidates running ........ So.. If YOU were running for president, what specific steps would you take to fix all the problems you say we now face????:cof:
don't know how you can say i am lying

It's pretty simple actually.

Prove that he tried to 'overstate the threat', as you have claimed, in the face of the evidence I provided to the contrary. Evidence from a bi-partisan commission that states that there was absolutely no attempt by the Bush administration to influence the conclusions of the CIA.

If you can't, and you can't, then you're a liar. See how simple that was?
Well well welllll!

If it isn't Spilly with his old, tired bullshit that he's been cornered on before numerous times.

Spilly hasn't declared it was all about the OIIILLLLL yet, or Haliburton, but it's a comin'.

Originally posted by Zhukov

It's pretty simple actually.

Prove that he tried to 'overstate the threat', as you have claimed, in the face of the evidence I provided to the contrary. Evidence from a bi-partisan commission that states that there was absolutely no attempt by the Bush administration to influence the conclusions of the CIA.

If you can't, and you can't, then you're a liar. See how simple that was?

Go ahead, Spilly. Answer the man. Keep it simple, without your typical smokescreen to hide your retreat.
Originally posted by Sakiris
Then what about the train-bombs in Spain?

What about it? It's a tragedy Spanish authorities should have been ready for. After 9/11 every single free nation should be more concerned with their own domestic security. I don't see your point.

Freed Iraq? Occupied Iraq you should say.

Um...Iraq is a sovereign country again. I'm not sure if you saw that. It was in several of the papers, though many were quick to dimiss it because it didn't fit their agenda. I suppose you're in that crowd?

And I wonder why there are so many carbombs and attacks on coalition forces in Iraq? Is it maybe becuase they feel occupied and want the americans to leave cause they did what they came for? I think so

Well then you'd think wrong. The vast majority of victims have been Iraqis. So much for your 'minuteman' theory.

Over 1,400 people have been killed since August. Just over 200 were U.S. and other Coalition troops. A further 600 were Iraqi policemen, new army recruits and members of the newly created criminal investigation office.

The rest of the victims consist of Iraqi teachers, doctors, economists, engineers, civil servants, political cadres, judges, lawyers, religious figures, media people and business entrepreneurs.


This was in February and it comes out to about only 1 in 7 deaths from terrorists were Americans or other coalition forces. The rest, the vast majority, have been Iraqis. In the last few months some of the most extreme terrorists attacks have killed exclusively Iraqis.

35 dead Iraqis, 145 wounded

"Most of the casualties were Iraqi civilians."

These aren't freedom fighters. They're nothing but murderers.
Originally posted by Walker_68
Im just curious as to why you all like George Bush as our commander and chief. One thing I think we need as a leader for our country is just an obvious intelligent individual. I cant see how anyone thinks this man is intelligent. Lets say that the IRAQ war is actually justified (which it isnt) and lets say that the economy is doing wonderful. Just look at the way this guy comes off when speaking to people. The footage of our president that makes him look very uneducated is absolutely amazing. I have read books of the things George Bush has said over the years and it is just purely embarrasing to call this guy our leader.

Maybe people think he is a intelligent individual because he has an MBA from an Ivy League college. Maybe its because he can relate to the American people, he understands our hopes and dreams. Maybe its because he understands the threat against us while the "so called" self proclaimed intellectuals dont understand it at all.

What i cant stand about you is you think that because someone cant speak elequently, they are stupid. Stephen Hawkins is arguably the smartest man on earth, and he cant speak well at all. He has to use a computer to communicate.

And whats more, i dont think President Bush has that big a problem communicating. He talks from the heart. yeah so its not elequent, but id rather listen to someone who speaks from the heart, then someone who speaks elequently and has nothing worth saying.
Originally posted by BlueGin
Lets ignore the fact that what you said is beyond ridiculous first of all,but......

A civil war?? Are you serious? Do you really think the same wussy idiots who whine about Bush would actually fight and die for their cause?? That makes me laugh.:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Actually, i wouldnt be surprised if the left did start a civil war when President Bush is reelected. you better bet they will try something.
Originally posted by spillmind
sooo... what are these issues? are they along religious lines?

does it not matter to you that we put less troops on the ground than we needed? does it not matter that the president misled the country because his intel was completely off? i would even go so far as to say he HYPED up the threat, based on numerous sources, including clarke's testimony (who served under three republican presidents), AND the findings of the bush appointed 9/11 commission, proving there was no credible evidence to assess a threat to the US, or a link to al-qaeda? how are these things ok with you?

i've said it before. if a democrat was president and oversaw the intel failure on 9/11, he's losing his job next time around.

i don't know how badly someone can f*** up before you realise his incompetence, and in this case, his apathy (won't send his daughters to war), not to mention his profitable interests, AND DEEP DEEP ties to he main terrorists' homeland!!

simply amazing. i sure hope these 'issues' are tantamount in your world.

First, I think we have exactly the ammount of troops we needed. After all, we did win unless you have been hiding from the world for the past year and a half. Sorry that Bush hasnt initiated the draft like you would have liked so you can use it to rally against him but we dont need more troops or we would have them.

Second, If there was bad intelligence shouldnt we be more upset with those who have been slashing the intelligence community for the past decade rather then President Bush who made an educated decision based on the intelligent given him? How can you possibly say you are for good intelligence and vote for John Kerry after he has repeatedly slashed Intelligence and is the cause of any intelligence failures we might have?

Third, the 911 commission didnt have anything to do with Iraq. It had to do with one thing. September Eleventh. Yet even despite that they agree with the President in that there is a terrorist link to Iraq. They just said Saddam didnt have any direct link in 911. Which no one claimed he did. Not sure why you are still yelling about that and all.

I dont even want to waste my time ripping apart anything else.
Originally posted by spillmind
show up with a freaking point once in a while instead of name calling, and we'll call it good.

if bush wins, it will be a truly sad day for america.

Calling you spilly is name calling?

Bush already won once. and its alot better now than it was during the former administration.
Originally posted by Sakiris
So what Bush does around in the rest of the world doesn't concerne you at all as long as he can provide for YOUR needs as good as he can? If this is truly what you mean (not saying it is, but at least I'm not too far from the truth here) I can say I understand the growing "hate" against USA. I've never hated USA as a country, nor the people, but I have ALWAYS since WWII hated your foreign policy. And I don't give a **** that USA practically "saved" us during WWII... just because you helped us out once, doesn't mean we should go along with everything you feel like doing.

Translation: I hate that you did everything you did to win the cold war.
What should a President do do when terrorists attack the country?

Reagan, RIP, did nothing when 250 U.S. Marines were murdered in Lebanon.

When the U.S.S. Cole was attacked and the first time the World Trade Center was attacked, President Clinton essentially did nothing. He didn't reframe the argument the way Bush did.

Bush, on the other hand, was intelligent enough to recognize that there is a war on terror, and he declared it. Then he funded it. Then he made sure loopholes in existing laws wouldn't get in the way. He believes all terrorists should be dead and in a box.

Don't you tend to agree?

Imagine: What would Gore have done had he become President? Bawled them out? Written an article about it for a scholarly journal?

What would Kerry do? Talk about the economy?Create bogus gov't jobs for the cleanup?

Kinda scary, huh.
Originally posted by softwaremama
What should a President do do when terrorists attack the country?

Reagan, RIP, did nothing when 250 U.S. Marines were murdered in Lebanon.

When the U.S.S. Cole was attacked and the first time the World Trade Center was attacked, President Clinton essentially did nothing. He didn't reframe the argument the way Bush did.

Bush, on the other hand, was intelligent enough to recognize that there is a war on terror, and he declared it. Then he funded it. Then he made sure loopholes in existing laws wouldn't get in the way. He believes all terrorists should be dead and in a box.

Don't you tend to agree?

Imagine: What would Gore have done had he become President? Bawled them out? Written an article about it for a scholarly

What would Kerry do? Talk about the economy?Create bogus gov't jobs for the cleanup?

Kinda scary, huh.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

One of my best childhood friends was one of those 250 marines killed that horrible day. I remember getting the phone call like it was yesterday.
From Bonnie:
"One of my best childhood friends was one of those 250 marines killed that horrible day. I remember getting the phone call like it was yesterday."

So sorry for your loss. No emoticon for terrorism or I'd click on it.
As if...

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