Why do you hate Trump?

All I've seen is positive things he has done since he entered the WH.
Don't say he's a racist either because that's bullshit. List what he has done that is SO BAD you hate him enough to put a senile old man in his place.
He is a lying conman who only cares about himself.

Then why is he donating the salary and taking plunge on his position all around?

It's because he wants to serve the country to be better, more American... exactly what he has done.
His lies, subverting the truth.... Satan is the father of all lies and liars.... just can't get past his lying all the time, and people letting him get away with it, when no one else in society would accept this kind of daily lying, from anyone else.... having a bold, arrogant, chronic liar as President, makes our Nation weak, and unsafe. He's a Divider, his lies cause the division.....
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All I've seen is positive things he has done since he entered the WH.
Don't say he's a racist either because that's bullshit. List what he has done that is SO BAD you hate him enough to put a senile old man in his place.
You are obviously blind.
All I've seen is positive things he has done since he entered the WH.
Don't say he's a racist either because that's bullshit. List what he has done that is SO BAD you hate him enough to put a senile old man in his place.
He is a lying conman who only cares about himself.

Then why is he donating the salary and taking plunge on his position all around?

It's because he wants to serve the country to be better, more American... exactly what he has done.
The country has been a laughing stock with him at the helm. It is always up to the Democrats to restore dignity in the Presidency.
All I've seen is positive things he has done since he entered the WH.
Don't say he's a racist either because that's bullshit. List what he has done that is SO BAD you hate him enough to put a senile old man in his place.
You are obviously blind.
All I've seen is positive things he has done since he entered the WH.
Don't say he's a racist either because that's bullshit. List what he has done that is SO BAD you hate him enough to put a senile old man in his place.
He is a lying conman who only cares about himself.

Then why is he donating the salary and taking plunge on his position all around?

It's because he wants to serve the country to be better, more American... exactly what he has done.
The country has been a laughing stock with him at the helm. It is always up to the Democrats to restore dignity in the Presidency.
You ARE a real DIPSHIT. Congrats! :clap2:
His lies, subverting the truth.... Satan is the father of all lies and liars.... just can't get past his lying all the time, and people letting him get away with it, when no one else in society would accept this kind of daily lying, from anyone else.... having a bold, arrogant, chronic liar as President, makes our Nation weak, and unsafe. He's a Divider, his lies cause the division.....
Gee, ANOTHER DIPSHIT..............................................................:iyfyus.jpg:
All I've seen is positive things he has done since he entered the WH.
Don't say he's a racist either because that's bullshit. List what he has done that is SO BAD you hate him enough to put a senile old man in his place.
He is a lying conman who only cares about himself.
What did he lie about? Specifics, please.
All I've seen is positive things he has done since he entered the WH.
Don't say he's a racist either because that's bullshit. List what he has done that is SO BAD you hate him enough to put a senile old man in his place.
You are obviously blind.
Says THE obviously BLIND DUMBFUCK...................................................................:mm:
All I've seen is positive things he has done since he entered the WH.
Don't say he's a racist either because that's bullshit. List what he has done that is SO BAD you hate him enough to put a senile old man in his place.
He is a lying conman who only cares about himself.
What did he lie about? Specifics, please.
This ASSHOLE will have NO specifics, Gracie. He/she/it? just parrots what he/she/it? hears or reads from our hideously BIASED mainstream media.:(
His lies, subverting the truth.... Satan is the father of all lies and liars.... just can't get past his lying all the time, and people letting him get away with it, when no one else in society would accept this kind of daily lying, from anyone else.... having a bold, arrogant, chronic liar as President, makes our Nation weak, and unsafe. He's a Divider, his lies cause the division.....
Again...SPECIFICS....what has he lied about and most importantly, why is he not allowed to "lie' but ev ery other politician does the same. Even people not in power. What lies were/are SO BAD, they harmed someone physically or emotionally to where it affected their livelihood?

He is awful in many ways...but there are many here that are bold, arrogant but great at their jobs. Do you hate them too? And how, with these lies, has he made this nation weak and unsafe?
His lies, subverting the truth.... Satan is the father of all lies and liars.... just can't get past his lying all the time, and people letting him get away with it, when no one else in society would accept this kind of daily lying, from anyone else.... having a bold, arrogant, chronic liar as President, makes our Nation weak, and unsafe. He's a Divider, his lies cause the division.....
Again...SPECIFICS....what has he lied about and most importantly, why is he not allowed to "lie' but ev ery other politician does the same. Even people not in power. What lies were/are SO BAD, they harmed someone physically or emotionally to where it affected their livelihood?

He is awful in many ways...but there are many here that are bold, arrogant but great at their jobs. Do you hate them too? And how, with these lies, has he made this nation weak and unsafe?
I asked the question because my husband has TDS very bad. When I ask him over and over again, he says the same thing:He's a liar". So of course I ask what he has lied about. And the standard answer is "He's an asshole. Rude. Obnoxious. He lies". I ask again..WHAT LIES? then comes the "I don't want to talk about it". He doesn't want to talk about it because he KNOWS lies but doing a great job is not really that important in the grand scheme of things.

Ask the same question of others, and they claim: racist. Hes racist. Same response with no specifics.
If I bring up Clintons "I did not have sex with that woman" as an example of a lie..he stomps off.

Today..I was watching newsmax. They were doing a segment on Who Is Really Joe Biden. He told me to change the channel. I said fuck no...thats MY tv and this is MY room. LISTEN to the opposing side with a news channel that tells that opposing side and know what he said? He said "I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT". I asked him then, if he still wanted to be a juror some day and he said of course. So I said "HOW can you be a fair juror if you won't hear BOTH SIDES?"

He stomped off.
All I've seen is positive things he has done since he entered the WH.
Don't say he's a racist either because that's bullshit. List what he has done that is SO BAD you hate him enough to put a senile old man in his place.
So far nothing but replies about feelings, or lying.
I voted for Trump for results, not his character - finally !
If lying is the direct results from what Trump has done in the first four years, then I hope he continues lying.
The only thing Trump has done really bad is hurt the Dems feelings.
Most that voted for Biden did it for one reason. Theyhate Trump regardless of what a good job he has done as POTUS. Flat out, unreasonable HATE. And that hate comes from fear. Fear they have been wrong all this time and to save face, they respond with "he's a liar". But so is every other politician.
All I've seen is positive things he has done since he entered the WH.
Don't say he's a racist either because that's bullshit. List what he has done that is SO BAD you hate him enough to put a senile old man in his place.
So far nothing but replies about feelings, or lying.
I voted for Trump for results, not his character - finally !
If lying is the direct results from what Trump has done in the first four years, then I hope he continues lying.
The only thing Trump has done really bad is hurt the Dems feelings.
Thats what is so mind boggling. Great job as POTUS, but HATRED and emotional outburts he does in defending himself, or trolling on twitter, or Melania wearing a I Dont Care Do You coat, or his fake tan or his hair or his weight. Nothing about the good things he has done.

I ask here, because I can't talk about with my husband. I find that pretty damn sad. And yes..it IS affecting our marriage, this division.
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