Why Do We Have A Whole Entire Pride Month Anyways?

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
I'm SO glad that tomorrow is the last day, but why do we need a whole entire month dedicated to homosexuals? Why not veterans and God forbid we dedicate one to Jesus. Pride comes before the fall.
I celebrated pride month by not celebrating it. It has nothing to do with me…or you.

That's not what I asked. I don't care who celebrates it and who doesn't at the moment, I'm just wondering why it even exists in the first place.
I'm SO glad that tomorrow is the last day, but why do we need a whole entire month dedicated to homosexuals? Why not veterans and God forbid we dedicate one to Jesus. Pride comes before the fall.
366 Days a year are dedicated to Jesus in the US. Especially amongst the very religious.

Just look at Hallmark Channel's Christmas in July. Next month WILL be a month dedicated to Jesus, regardless of his alleged B-day being 12/25.
And as if that was not enough, Hallmark is adding the end of June with a Love Jesus Fest of Christmas movies.

Yeah, Jesus has more than enough days to glory him. June, July, all of December.
The only time that I celebrate anything during this month is on the final day because it is my birthday. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!!

Holly (age 41 tomorrow)

P.S. The only other thing that I acknowledge during the month of June is the day that one of my favorite deceased singers felt the bad enough need to eat what he still is to this day in my opinion, a lethal weapon. June 10th is the day that Steve Sanders of the Oak Ridge Boys shot himself and to this day, I still wish that he was still here. This past June 10th marked 25 years since that horrid day. :( :( :(
I'm SO glad that tomorrow is the last day, but why do we need a whole entire month dedicated to homosexuals? Why not veterans and God forbid we dedicate one to Jesus. Pride comes before the fall.

Because it takes some people a whole 30 days to convince themselves they have anything to be proud of?

I'm just guessing here.
The only time that I celebrate anything during this month is on the final day because it is my birthday. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!!

Holly (age 41 tomorrow)

P.S. The only other thing that I acknowledge during the month of June is the day that one of my favorite deceased singers felt the bad enough need to eat what he still is to this day in my opinion, a lethal weapon. June 10th is the day that Steve Sanders of the Oak Ridge Boys shot himself and to this day, I still wish that he was still here. This past June 10th marked 25 years since that horrid day. :( :( :(

Happy early birthday!!!🎂
I'm SO glad that tomorrow is the last day, but why do we need a whole entire month dedicated to homosexuals? Why not veterans and God forbid we dedicate one to Jesus. Pride comes before the fall.
Veterans should have a month and they might if conservatives cared at all about them.......But dedicate a month to Jesus? Are you shitting me!!!? Every month is Jesus month. You people complain that gays are “in your face” with their pride stuff. Well, Jesus in in my face at every turn. I can’t read or listen to the news without someone invoking Jesus in order to rationalize some draconian and cruel policy against some minority or the poor while ignoring that fact that Jesus would be drummed out of todays Republican party as a Communist. Yet not a week goes by when some right wing nut does not proclaim that this is a Christian nation!! The fucking hypocrisy!!

In addition, I can’t drive a mile without seeing a church...Jesus in my face. On Sunday I can’t drive anywhere because of Church traffic ...Jesus in my face. And on good Friday, roads are closed for the bizarre and morbid reenactment of Jesus carrying the cross to his execution. Jesus in my face

I can’t sneeze without someone saying “God bless you”...Jesus in my face. On Christian holidays I can’t leave the house without some asshole who does not know me saying “happy Easter” or Merry Christmas” assuming that I’m Christian....Jesus in my face. In addition stores are closed. Jesus in my face.

As a child I was groomed to be a Christian as though it was the only way to be. Yes groomed. Made to fee stupid and guilty if I did not believe the crap that I was being fed....never mind that the adult in my life had little interest in following the religion. Only the kids had to go to Church. Jesus in my face! In public school, I was further groomed to be a Christian by the humiliating practice of forcing the children who the adults identified as Christian to be pulled out of class for “religious indoctrination” on Wednesday afternoon. Jesus in my face! When conservatives decide to embrace the historical Jesus who believed in healing the sick, feeding the hungry, and welcoming minorities , I might support a Jesus month. Until then take your Jesus month on shove it . Get out of my face
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Veterans should have a month and they might if conservatives cared at all about them.......But dedicate a month to Jesus? Are you shitting me!!!? Every month is Jesus month. You people complain that gays are “in your face” with their pride stuff. Well, Jesus in in my face at every turn. I can’t read or listen to the news without someone invoking Jesus in order to rationalize some draconian and cruel policy against some minority or the poor while ignoring that fact that Jesus would be drummed out of todays Republican party as a Communist. Yet not a week goes by when some right wing nut does not proclaim that this is a Christian nation!! The fucking hypocrisy!!

In addition, I can’t drive a mile without seeing a church...Jesus in my face. On Sunday I can’t drive anywhere because of Church traffic ...Jesus in my face. And on good Friday, roads are closed for the bizarre and morbid reenactment of Jesus carrying the cross to his execution. Jesus in my face

I can’t sneeze without someone saying “God bless you”...Jesus in my face. On Christian holidays I can’t leave the house without some asshole who does not know me saying “happy Easter” or Merry Christmas” assuming that I’m Christian....Jesus in my face. In addition stores are closed. Jesus in my face.

As a child I was groomed to be a Christian as though it was the only way to be. Yes groomed. Made to fee stupid and guilty if I did not believe the crap that I was being fed....never mind that the adult in my life had little interest in following the religion. Only the kids had to go to Church. Jesus in my face! In public school, I was further groomed to be a Christian by the humiliating practice of forcing the children who the adults identified as Christian to be pulled out of class for “religious indoctrination” on Wednesday afternoon. Jesus in my face! When conservatives decide to embrace the historical Jesus who believed in healing the sick, feeding the hungry, and welcoming minorities , I might support a Jesus month. Until then take your Jesus month on shove it . Get out of my face

So why is your rant towards Christians allowed with you people and when we rant about the LGBT community we're all a bunch of bigots?
So why is your rant towards Christians allowed with you people and when we rant about the LGBT community we're all a bunch of bigots?
Because I am not ranting against Christianity. I said that I could support "hystorical Cristianity" I am ranting against conservative hypocrisy because of the way in which true Christianity has been perverted. I am also pointing out the stupidity of a "Jesus Month" when Chritianity is pervasisve is society and given free reign to express itself, while there is a conserted and systematic effort to surpress LGBT expression.
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I'm SO glad that tomorrow is the last day, but why do we need a whole entire month dedicated to homosexuals? Why not veterans and God forbid we dedicate one to Jesus. Pride comes before the fall.
Why is a Gay pride month necessary? I will tell you why. It is necessary because of people like you. People who seek to marginalize and dehumanize LGBT people,, and yes, rob them of their pride. For too long, LGBT people have been shamed and demeaned . Pride month is about reclaiming the dignity that they deserve. It is about asserting themselves and say that we are human beings and deserve to be treated as human beings
Pride is NOT about being LGBT in and of itself. That is not an achievement. It is just who they so don’t even try to use that inane attack line. The achievemt that they are and should be proud of is that they have survives and thrived in and environment of intense adversity and in fact have made enormous gains. Pride is about staking a claim to a rightful position in society. It is about insisting on the recognition for their contributions to society and the reality that they are part of the fabric of society and very much like everyone else. The face that you felt the need to even ask the question of “why” proves the need for it.
Why is a Gay pride month necessary? I will tell you why. It is necessary because of people like you. People who seek to marginalize and dehumanize LGBT people,, and yes, rob them of their pride. For too long, LGBT people have been shamed and demeaned . Pride month is about reclaiming the dignity that they deserve. It is about asserting themselves and say that we are human beings and deserve to be treated as human beings
Pride is NOT about being LGBT in and of itself. That is not an achievement. It is just who they so don’t even try to use that inane attack line. The achievemt that they are and should be proud of is that they have survives and thrived in and environment of intense adversity and in fact have made enormous gains. Pride is about staking a claim to a rightful position in society. It is about insisting on the recognition for their contributions to society and the reality that they are part of the fabric of society and very much like everyone else. The face that you felt the need to even ask the question of “why” proves the need for it.

Here's a newsflash. Nobody cared about LGBT people and thought that it was an issue until the left made it one.
Here's a newsflash. Nobody cared about LGBT people and thought that it was an issue until the left made it one.
It was the bigots who made it an issue when LGBT people started to assert themselves . The "left " responded. And the fact that "nobody cared" before it became an issue does not negate that fact that the LGBT people cared. They were tired of being treated as sub human. If you people would just let them live in peace not it would not longer be an issue

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