Why do Millenial guys shake hands so wimpy?

So the OP is saying that a hearty handclasp is a man's man way of being a man's man....Sounds ghey, but that may just be me....???
I said goodbye to a young guy leaving the company today. I shook his hand and it was like grabbing a warm fish. What is that about?
It's an epidemic. All the little pussy boys they're turning out in leftard America, never done a hard days work in their pathetic little pampered lives. Bunch of little fucking sissies... this board is full of them.

Weak hands, weak body? Millennials lose grips

It's right-wingers too though. We have an entire generation of super wussy boys.
Could be... I do know that I could beat the rat shit otta most little pot bellied millennials I know, and I'm 61. They walk around me when I walk up.

Oh yeah. Easily. Just look at pop culture. Who are the Heros? Arnold and Stallone? No, strong men standing up for what is right, has been replaced by.... Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe).... Neo (Keanu Reeves).

A bunch of skinny wimps.

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