Why do Millenial guys shake hands so wimpy?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
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The Southwestern Desert
I said goodbye to a young guy leaving the company today. I shook his hand and it was like grabbing a warm fish. What is that about?
I'm not messing up my manicure on your icky hands.
I said goodbye to a young guy leaving the company today. I shook his hand and it was like grabbing a warm fish. What is that about?

Well most of them are so hooked on pron and masturbating... they never grew up. Never had a real wife. Never had responsibilities.

For myself, I make sure to shake hands with some force, and I agree most people it's like bad pasta.

I keep thinking that was so wimpy and pathetic, maybe I need to wash my hands.
I said goodbye to a young guy leaving the company today. I shook his hand and it was like grabbing a warm fish. What is that about?
It's an epidemic. All the little pussy boys they're turning out in leftard America, never done a hard days work in their pathetic little pampered lives. Bunch of little fucking sissies... this board is full of them.

Weak hands, weak body? Millennials lose grips
Well most of them are so hooked on pron and masturbating

Damn. Pegged me there.

It's a fact dude. It rots your brain, causes your testosterone to drop, and can even cause moobs. Man boobs. Do read up the health journals.

We actually have men, that can't physically have sex with women anymore, because pron and mastering has left them impotent.

Are You Watching Too Much Porn?

In other words, the more porn you watch, the more – and harder and more graphic – porn you need in order to get it up. If the trend continues, men can find themselves physically unable to maintain an erection, much less enjoy sexual contact with another person.​

In other word, watching your videos of girls you'll never meet, makes you unable to satisfy any girl you do meet.

Brings a whole new meaning to "screw yourself". Literally.
I said goodbye to a young guy leaving the company today. I shook his hand and it was like grabbing a warm fish. What is that about?
It's an epidemic. All the little pussy boys they're turning out in leftard America, never done a hard days work in their pathetic little pampered lives. Bunch of little fucking sissies... this board is full of them.

Weak hands, weak body? Millennials lose grips

It's right-wingers too though. We have an entire generation of super wussy boys.
I said goodbye to a young guy leaving the company today. I shook his hand and it was like grabbing a warm fish. What is that about?
It's an epidemic. All the little pussy boys they're turning out in leftard America, never done a hard days work in their pathetic little pampered lives. Bunch of little fucking sissies... this board is full of them.

Weak hands, weak body? Millennials lose grips

It's right-wingers too though. We have an entire generation of super wussy boys.
Could be... I do know that I could beat the rat shit otta most little pot bellied millennials I know, and I'm 61. They walk around me when I walk up.
I do know that I could beat the rat shit otta most little pot bellied millennials I know, and I'm 61. They walk around me when I walk up.

Probably because you're sporting an erection.
I said goodbye to a young guy leaving the company today. I shook his hand and it was like grabbing a warm fish. What is that about?
You were trying to grab his pussy.
I don't shake hands, it spreads diseases and viruses, plus, most guys masturbate and scratch their nutz several times a day...
I've had limp handshakes from people of various ages. I never understood why.

But I won't blame an entire generation. I think it is about the individual. I remember weak handshakes from men when I was much younger. Some guys just don't have a firm handshake.
I said goodbye to a young guy leaving the company today. I shook his hand and it was like grabbing a warm fish. What is that about?
Why are you so insecure that this bothers you enough to start a thread on it? One guy does this and you blame a whole generation.
I said goodbye to a young guy leaving the company today. I shook his hand and it was like grabbing a warm fish. What is that about?
It's an epidemic. All the little pussy boys they're turning out in leftard America, never done a hard days work in their pathetic little pampered lives. Bunch of little fucking sissies... this board is full of them.

Weak hands, weak body? Millennials lose grips

It's right-wingers too though. We have an entire generation of super wussy boys.
Could be... I do know that I could beat the rat shit otta most little pot bellied millennials I know, and I'm 61. They walk around me when I walk up.
It could be your smell.
I said goodbye to a young guy leaving the company today. I shook his hand and it was like grabbing a warm fish. What is that about?
It's an epidemic. All the little pussy boys they're turning out in leftard America, never done a hard days work in their pathetic little pampered lives. Bunch of little fucking sissies... this board is full of them.

Weak hands, weak body? Millennials lose grips

It's right-wingers too though. We have an entire generation of super wussy boys.
Could be... I do know that I could beat the rat shit otta most little pot bellied millennials I know, and I'm 61. They walk around me when I walk up.
It could be your smell.

Or maybe they can see he is whackadoodle crazy.
Millennials make up about 95% of the workforce at two Starbucks I frequent and they are something to behold. Male or female most are overweight and a few down right obese. Lots of tats and piercings and of the latter the latest rage is nose things, not rings though. They're u-shaped with each end sticking down out of their nostrils and to make matters worse they're not silvery looking but instead colored, often black or brown, and I don't have to mention what they resemble dangling from their noses. Very gross looking IMO and every day I have to fight the urge to ask one of them if they ever look at themselves in the mirror and, if so, what the hell makes them think it's an attractive appearance?

Another common trait is their inability to get to work on time, especially morning shifts according to managers I've talked to, so their turnover rate is quite high. They get two warnings and then the boot, so it seems like there's always another one being trained on any given day.

What a worthless lot.
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