Why do liberals ignore the debt?

Because they have wants, needs, and "rights"..................

The "rich" can pay off the debt later in their ghetto imaginations
I think they want the country to collapse into socialism.

I'm fiscally conservative, which is why I won't be voting for Mitt Romney. This country can't afford more tax cuts and another war.

Obama's expensive, but he's not as expensive as the alternative.

Biden could sum it up in one word, "Raise taxes!"

Anybody who thinks we can reduce the deficit without both raising taxes and cutting spending is fooling themselves.

Biden could sum it up in one word, "Raise taxes!"

Anybody who thinks we can reduce the deficit without both raising taxes and cutting spending is fooling themselves.


You improve economic conditions for business so they can employ more people so that you can expand the tax base and increase revenues ....

And drastically reduce spending....
Hey Oldguy, you're screwing up all the threads by starting to type in the wrong place. People's quotes are being attributted to the wrong people. This is the 2nd thread you did it on.

Quote: Originally Posted by Sinjorri

Define liberal.

Sinjorri didn't say the above...you did. Type your reply AFTER the last quote

Huggy's post is the one I quoted and that's who i was talking to. I'll have to be more diligent to eliminate things like the sinjorri reference at the top, though that is not what enclosed in the quote.

This one looks good. Seems you nailed it. You can't post anything you like. I just like my words to be my words. I get myself into enough hot water here on my own.
What do republican conservatives ignore the source of most of the debt?

"This is when the Republican Party set its trap. Meeting in closed sessions at the beginning of the Obama regime, the party of tax cuts for the rich, unfunded wars, and the largest deficit in the history of the country redefined itself. It suddenly became the party of deficit reduction through lean government joined to supreme confidence in unregulated financial and corporate markets. It even opposed the bail out of General Motors and Chrysler, though these actions stopped unemployment from reaching a dangerous tipping point, allowed the two companies time to reconstruct themselves, and enabled them to pay back the loans within two years–-creating one of the most successful bailouts in the history of Euro-American economic life." William E. Connolly See The Contemporary Condition: The Republican Pincer Machine

"The economic growth that actually followed — indeed, the whole history of the last 20 years — offers one of the most serious challenges to modern conservatism. Bill Clinton and the elder George Bush both raised taxes in the early 1990s, and conservatives predicted disaster. Instead, the economy boomed, and incomes grew at their fastest pace since the 1960s. Then came the younger Mr. Bush, the tax cuts, the disappointing expansion and the worst downturn since the Depression." http://www.nytimes.com/2012/09/16/opinion/sunday/do-tax-cuts-lead-to-economic-growth.html

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I think they want the country to collapse into socialism.

Why do you think anyone is ignoring the debt?
I said I never here liberals talk about debt ressolutions. The republicans, and Libertarians
say stop the damn excess spending. The service charge on the debt could be used for a myriad of benificial things. You know there is a point of know return - we might be there now!
Obama said it was unpatriotic - all the liberals agreed. ( Of course they would agree with any, and every dumb ass thing he says - they treat him like he is some kind of fucking messiah ) He also said he would cut it in half by the end of his first term - of course he will say anything politically expedient. Is it not unpatriotic now - what the fuck has changed, and why don't liberals take issue with it?
Stop the damn spending! It's better to bleed now than to die latter :mad:
I think they want the country to collapse into socialism.

Why do you think anyone is ignoring the debt?
I said I never here liberals talk about debt ressolutions. The republicans, and Libertarians
say stop the damn excess spending. The service charge on the debt could be used for a myriad of benificial things. You know there is a point of know return - we might be there now!
Obama said it was unpatriotic - all the liberals agreed. ( Of course they would agree with any, and every dumb ass thing he says - they treat him like he is some kind of fucking messiah ) He also said he would cut it in half by the end of his first term - of course he will say anything politically expedient. Is it not unpatriotic now - what the fuck has changed, and why don't liberals take issue with it?
Stop the damn spending! It's better to bleed now than to die latter :mad:

Tell ya what. Produce a post from anywhere where you complained about the Medicare donut hole or the two wars Bush got us into. All by the way he kept out of the budget. Most of what you are whining about was Obama including Bush's spending on the books and in the budget. I don't believe you are anything but a newGOPer stooge. If you didn't go ballistic over Bush spending like a drunken sailor then shut your fucking pie hole.
We should borrow, print and spend more on hiring cops, teachers, firemen and social workers so that they can contribute to economic recovery...................LOL


You improve economic conditions for business so they can employ more people so that you can expand the tax base and increase revenues ....

And drastically reduce spending....

Why would a business employ more people if they can't sell any more of their product? And, if they CAN sell more of their product, why aren't they doing it?

Giving a tax break to a business already meeting the demand for whatever it is they sell will only result in more money in their pockets for things like executive bonuses, new Gulfstreams and yachts.

Biden could sum it up in one word, "Raise taxes!"

Anybody who thinks we can reduce the deficit without both raising taxes and cutting spending is fooling themselves.


You improve economic conditions for business so they can employ more people so that you can expand the tax base and increase revenues ....

And drastically reduce spending....

Absurdity....you improve economic conditions for business...YET AGAIN..... and they'll deftly pocket the proceeds and ask for more.


You improve economic conditions for business so they can employ more people so that you can expand the tax base and increase revenues ....

And drastically reduce spending....

Why would a business employ more people if they can't sell any more of their product? And, if they CAN sell more of their product, why aren't they doing it?

Giving a tax break to a business already meeting the demand for whatever it is they sell will only result in more money in their pockets for things like executive bonuses, new Gulfstreams and yachts.

Exactly....the only reasonable way to get out of debt and deficit situations is for MORE people to rise into the middle class......and no, it's NOT Socialism..... it's called a fair day's pay for a fair day's work. If people who are working full time can barely afford to survive.....then it's not a fair day's pay.

More people making more money.means a much larger tax base. It also means that they have disposable income to buy shit....when they buy...it's good for business and the economy. Trickle down doesn't work....no matter what the right wing propaganda machine tells you.
Economic activity will increase when median income increases among the "bottom 99%". Middle class incomes have been effectively decreasing since Reagan (except for a few years in the 1990's). 2/3 of the economy is based upon consumer spending--and when consumers have no spending money, the economy tanks.

Yes, it really IS that simple. Increase wages, and the economy will benefit.


You improve economic conditions for business so they can employ more people so that you can expand the tax base and increase revenues ....

And drastically reduce spending....

Why would a business employ more people if they can't sell any more of their product? And, if they CAN sell more of their product, why aren't they doing it?

Giving a tax break to a business already meeting the demand for whatever it is they sell will only result in more money in their pockets for things like executive bonuses, new Gulfstreams and yachts.

Exactly....the only reasonable way to get out of debt and deficit situations is for MORE people to rise into the middle class......and no, it's NOT Socialism..... it's called a fair day's pay for a fair day's work. If people who are working full time can barely afford to survive.....then it's not a fair day's pay.

More people making more money.means a much larger tax base. It also means that they have disposable income to buy shit....when they buy...it's good for business and the economy. Trickle down doesn't work....no matter what the right wing propaganda machine tells you.

No.. what is absurd is the notion that you tax higher as a way to prosperity... and that you spend your way out of debt

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