Why do Fleeing Arabs Not Migrate to Other Arab Countries?

That's an excellent question. why are they invading other countries like they have been? some countries are already finding out. Of course we have our own invaders and look what's happening to us
What in the flying fuck does an article in the fucking Guardian have to do with ME, Pot head?

I don't write for the fucking Guardian. For that matter what the fuck does that article have to do with "JOOOZZZZ"?

Now where's that link, dumb shit? I'm waiting.
Or are you pulling another Rachel Carson here?

Learn to read Huffer.

Saudi Arabia is an Apartheid state that treats foreign workers like shit.

You demanded a link.

You got one.

Want another link shitferbrains?

Rachel Carson's Deadly Fantasies

Your fantasy that you came out on top in the Rachel Carson exchange is delusional.

You tanked big time on Rachel Carson. Tell us again how she wiped out the population of India, Brainiac.

And no you did NOT give me a link ----

BUT you're too busy hating JOOOZZZZ to notice, Huffer...

-- because you pulled it out of your ass. Just like you did with Rachel Carson wiping out India.

Fucking coward. :fu:
Why aren't they fleeing to other arabs countries?

Because they're tired of being Muslim.

Are they all converting?
Perhaps we should only accept those that do?
Man, I saw a bunch of Syrian refugees on TV the other day. The women had no head covering, and were wearing tighter pants and and more expensive shoes than my daughters wear. :D
was looking at this. these aren't Migrations/immigration anymore. they are Invasions

UNREAL: Interactive Map Shows Massive Scale of Refugees Flooding Into Europe

Aleister Oct 29th, 2015 10:39 am


There are new reports every day about refugees streaming into Europe from countries in Africa and the Middle East but it’s difficult to grasp the size and scope of what’s really happening.

This report from Takepart includes an interactive map that puts things into mind blowing perspective:

This Map Shows How Large Europe’s Refugee Crisis Really Is

It’s been called the largest humanitarian crisis in Europe since World War II. But while the stories of people who are fleeing violence and oppression have shocked the world, grasping the scale of the number of migrants seeking asylum on the continent can be difficult.


Click here and then scroll down to see the map.

Hat tip to Instapundit.

ALL of the article and the rest at:
UNREAL: Interactive Map Shows Massive Scale of Refugees Flooding Into Europe - The Gateway Pundit
Saw this one the other day. and there are many more like this.

FILMED FROM ABOVE=> Muslim Migrants March Through Slovenia Like Invading Soldiers (VIDEO)

Jim Hoft Oct 26th, 2015 8:31 am

Muslim Migrants March Through Slovenia Like Invading Soldiers–

A massive column of migrants passed through Rigonce, Slovenia this weekend, after being held at the Croatian border for several days.

Since Hungary erected a fence and closed its border thousands of migrants turned to Slovenia on their way to Western Europe.

Slovenia’s Prime Minister warned this week the EU will collapse if leaders cannot agree on how to deal with crisis.

Like Victors of War–

all of it with video at:
FILMED FROM ABOVE=> Muslim Migrants March Through Slovenia Like Invading Soldiers (VIDEO) - The Gateway Pundit
Saw this one the other day. and there are many more like this.

FILMED FROM ABOVE=> Muslim Migrants March Through Slovenia Like Invading Soldiers (VIDEO)

Jim Hoft Oct 26th, 2015 8:31 am

Muslim Migrants March Through Slovenia Like Invading Soldiers–

A massive column of migrants passed through Rigonce, Slovenia this weekend, after being held at the Croatian border for several days.

Since Hungary erected a fence and closed its border thousands of migrants turned to Slovenia on their way to Western Europe.

Slovenia’s Prime Minister warned this week the EU will collapse if leaders cannot agree on how to deal with crisis.

Like Victors of War–

all of it with video at:
FILMED FROM ABOVE=> Muslim Migrants March Through Slovenia Like Invading Soldiers (VIDEO) - The Gateway Pundit

Damn!!! That looks like the line at the KFC after the million man march!!
They aren't just walking into our country. they are riding a train they nicknamed the, Obama Express

BUT, if the LEGAL citizens in our country speaks up on trying to stem the flow of Illegal Immigrants they get beat down with name callings like this, Unchristian like, xenophobia, etc
Why aren't they fleeing to other arabs countries?

Because they're tired of being Muslim.

Are they all converting?
Perhaps we should only accept those that do?
Man, I saw a bunch of Syrian refugees on TV the other day. The women had no head covering, and were wearing tighter pants and and more expensive shoes than my daughters wear. :D

And the other 99% were military age men.
And? That means something to you?
Why aren't they fleeing to other arabs countries?

Because they're tired of being Muslim.

Are they all converting?
Perhaps we should only accept those that do?
Man, I saw a bunch of Syrian refugees on TV the other day. The women had no head covering, and were wearing tighter pants and and more expensive shoes than my daughters wear. :D

And the other 99% were military age men.
And? That means something to you?

Yes. Military age men "fleeing a war zone" while leaving the women and children behind is a bit suspicious.
And most of the "refugees" aren't even Syrian.
Send them all back to Syria. They can get home on their own.
Why aren't they fleeing to other arabs countries?

Because they're tired of being Muslim.

Are they all converting?
Perhaps we should only accept those that do?
Man, I saw a bunch of Syrian refugees on TV the other day. The women had no head covering, and were wearing tighter pants and and more expensive shoes than my daughters wear. :D

And the other 99% were military age men.
And? That means something to you?

Yes. Military age men "fleeing a war zone" while leaving the women and children behind is a bit suspicious.
And most of the "refugees" aren't even Syrian.
Send them all back to Syria. They can get home on their own.
It's like when draft dodgers went to Canada. They didn't usually bring their families along, and not right away anyways, as a lot were too young to have a family. Canada didn't send them back, but then again Canada is cooler than the US.
Are they all converting?
Perhaps we should only accept those that do?
Man, I saw a bunch of Syrian refugees on TV the other day. The women had no head covering, and were wearing tighter pants and and more expensive shoes than my daughters wear. :D

And the other 99% were military age men.
And? That means something to you?

Yes. Military age men "fleeing a war zone" while leaving the women and children behind is a bit suspicious.
And most of the "refugees" aren't even Syrian.
Send them all back to Syria. They can get home on their own.
It's like when draft dodgers went to Canada. They didn't usually bring their families along, and not right away anyways, as a lot were too young to have a family. Canada didn't send them back, but then again Canada is cooler than the US.

Plus our draft dodgers were smelly hippies, not primitives who want to burn our churches and rape our women.
Man, I saw a bunch of Syrian refugees on TV the other day. The women had no head covering, and were wearing tighter pants and and more expensive shoes than my daughters wear. :D

And the other 99% were military age men.
And? That means something to you?

Yes. Military age men "fleeing a war zone" while leaving the women and children behind is a bit suspicious.
And most of the "refugees" aren't even Syrian.
Send them all back to Syria. They can get home on their own.
It's like when draft dodgers went to Canada. They didn't usually bring their families along, and not right away anyways, as a lot were too young to have a family. Canada didn't send them back, but then again Canada is cooler than the US.

Plus our draft dodgers were smelly hippies, not primitives who want to burn our churches and rape our women.
Don't worry so much, you'll be able to pacify them with strip bars, booze, dope and hookers.
And the other 99% were military age men.
And? That means something to you?

Yes. Military age men "fleeing a war zone" while leaving the women and children behind is a bit suspicious.
And most of the "refugees" aren't even Syrian.
Send them all back to Syria. They can get home on their own.
It's like when draft dodgers went to Canada. They didn't usually bring their families along, and not right away anyways, as a lot were too young to have a family. Canada didn't send them back, but then again Canada is cooler than the US.

Plus our draft dodgers were smelly hippies, not primitives who want to burn our churches and rape our women.
Don't worry so much, you'll be able to pacify them with strip bars, booze, dope and hookers.

I'm thinking more like .357
It will be interesting to see if these migrants new host country has to go to war in the future. Will the new citizens in these countries join the fight or run like now?
And? That means something to you?

Yes. Military age men "fleeing a war zone" while leaving the women and children behind is a bit suspicious.
And most of the "refugees" aren't even Syrian.
Send them all back to Syria. They can get home on their own.
It's like when draft dodgers went to Canada. They didn't usually bring their families along, and not right away anyways, as a lot were too young to have a family. Canada didn't send them back, but then again Canada is cooler than the US.

Plus our draft dodgers were smelly hippies, not primitives who want to burn our churches and rape our women.
Don't worry so much, you'll be able to pacify them with strip bars, booze, dope and hookers.

I'm thinking more like .357
Good idea. But I wonder, would the .45 be more effective? I shot melons and found a big difference. If we only put a hole into their heads, they will still claim. But if we blow it away ....
Why do Fleeing Arabs Not Migrate to Other Arab Countries?
Why do the people of Islamic faith leave Islamic countries of their origin and migrate to Christian countries? Why not go to other Islamic countries to live?

When you're a refugee your priority is survival ---- not "do they have my religion in country X".
A given citizen of Syria --- or anywhere --- isn't automatically a religious person.

Think about it for a moment --- if you had to emigrate somewhere to survive, would the place's main religion even be a consideration? You go wherever you CAN go. Your first priority is food and shelter, and your second priority is a means to sustain continued food and shelter. Religion is something you can take with you -- it's not like you need to hook up to a grid.

In what way is this post "funny"?
Ever been a refugee?
Why do Fleeing Arabs Not Migrate to Other Arab Countries?
Why do the people of Islamic faith leave Islamic countries of their origin and migrate to Christian countries? Why not go to other Islamic countries to live?

When you're a refugee your priority is survival ---- not "do they have my religion in country X".
A given citizen of Syria --- or anywhere --- isn't automatically a religious person.

Think about it for a moment --- if you had to emigrate somewhere to survive, would the place's main religion even be a consideration? You go wherever you CAN go. Your first priority is food and shelter, and your second priority is a means to sustain continued food and shelter. Religion is something you can take with you -- it's not like you need to hook up to a grid.
Aren't they assuming food.and shelter will be waiting for them? I know some leaders have the humanitarian view, and I've felt awful watching them drown trying to find a better life, but I really hope their children don't grow up feeling lost in a foreign society. Having to learn a second language and automatically becoming a second or third class citizen (we all hope prejudice doesn't effect us - but be real) , I wonder what the long term will be like for those countries.

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