Why do Democrats want


Lakhota's my *****
Jun 4, 2011
another Tax deduction?

I mean the SALT deduction is super important to them. I wonder why that is? Why another tax deduction for the rich (The rich pay more in state and local taxes) so why are they so bent on giving even more money to the rich?

I tell democrats all the time, it's the deductions that allow rich people to get away paying little tax......and yet they fight to get MORE deductions.

According to the Tax Policy Center, a full repeal of the SALT cap would lead to almost 70% of the benefits going to people with annual incomes above $500,000.

Plus I thought Democrats love to pay taxes and always complain they're not high enough, so they want MORE deductions?
another Tax deduction?

I mean the SALT deduction is super important to them. I wonder why that is? Why another tax deduction for the rich (The rich pay more in state and local taxes) so why are they so bent on giving even more money to the rich?

I tell democrats all the time, it's the deductions that allow rich people to get away paying little tax......and yet they fight to get MORE deductions.

According to the Tax Policy Center, a full repeal of the SALT cap would lead to almost 70% of the benefits going to people with annual incomes above $500,000.

Plus I thought Democrats love to pay taxes and always complain they're not high enough, so they want MORE deductions?
The people hit hardest by the SALT are those who give heavily to Democrat campaigns. They talk tax the rich but when it comes to actually enforcing that, well what they actually mean is tax the Republican rich.
The people hit hardest by the SALT are those who give heavily to Democrat campaigns. They talk tax the rich but when it comes to actually enforcing that, well what they actually mean is tax the Republican rich.
another Tax deduction?

I mean the SALT deduction is super important to them. I wonder why that is? Why another tax deduction for the rich (The rich pay more in state and local taxes) so why are they so bent on giving even more money to the rich?

I tell democrats all the time, it's the deductions that allow rich people to get away paying little tax......and yet they fight to get MORE deductions.

According to the Tax Policy Center, a full repeal of the SALT cap would lead to almost 70% of the benefits going to people with annual incomes above $500,000.

Plus I thought Democrats love to pay taxes and always complain they're not high enough, so they want MORE deductions?

The SALT deduction shifts the costs of insane socialist programs in California and New York to midwestern "red states."

Salt is welfare for the blue states.
another Tax deduction?

I mean the SALT deduction is super important to them. I wonder why that is? Why another tax deduction for the rich (The rich pay more in state and local taxes) so why are they so bent on giving even more money to the rich?

I tell democrats all the time, it's the deductions that allow rich people to get away paying little tax......and yet they fight to get MORE deductions.

According to the Tax Policy Center, a full repeal of the SALT cap would lead to almost 70% of the benefits going to people with annual incomes above $500,000.

Plus I thought Democrats love to pay taxes and always complain they're not high enough, so they want MORE deductions?
The corrupt Democrat Politicians exploit the hate and ignorance of the dumb cultist Democrat Voters.
another Tax deduction?

I mean the SALT deduction is super important to them. I wonder why that is? Why another tax deduction for the rich (The rich pay more in state and local taxes) so why are they so bent on giving even more money to the rich?

I tell democrats all the time, it's the deductions that allow rich people to get away paying little tax......and yet they fight to get MORE deductions.

According to the Tax Policy Center, a full repeal of the SALT cap would lead to almost 70% of the benefits going to people with annual incomes above $500,000.

Plus I thought Democrats love to pay taxes and always complain they're not high enough, so they want MORE deductions?
People want more tax deductions for themselves but want those who make more money not to have any with the presumption it will be redistributed back to them, which is a false presumption.

It's not rocket science.
People want more tax deductions for themselves but want those who make more money not to have any with the presumption it will be redistributed back to them, which is a false presumption.

It's not rocket science.
another Tax deduction?

I mean the SALT deduction is super important to them. I wonder why that is? Why another tax deduction for the rich (The rich pay more in state and local taxes) so why are they so bent on giving even more money to the rich?

I tell democrats all the time, it's the deductions that allow rich people to get away paying little tax......and yet they fight to get MORE deductions.

According to the Tax Policy Center, a full repeal of the SALT cap would lead to almost 70% of the benefits going to people with annual incomes above $500,000.

Plus I thought Democrats love to pay taxes and always complain they're not high enough, so they want MORE deductions?

Trump raised taxes on the rich in blue states and those rich communists hate him for it.
This was one of the best things Trump did......it exposed how full of shit tax loving democrats are.......
Democrats don't actually want to tax the rich. If they did, it would piss off all those big donors to their campaigns. They just like to throw around that idea as a way to make it look like all the financial problems of the country are the result of those rich people not paying their fair share.

There have been times in the past where dems had every opportunity to raise taxes. Even now, they can do it. All they have to do is find whatever weak spot Manchin and sinema have to coerce them to vote the right way. Get them on board and they can pass any law they want. But, they won't, they tiptoe around it, to keep the rhetoric going.

Here's an idea, if the dems truly believe that the rich should pay higher taxes, then why don't they lead by example. All the wealthy ones should forfeit all tax deductions, and not take advantage of any of the loopholes so they themselves can pay their fair share. I doubt that will happen though, because they all use the same loopholes and deductions that everyone else does, and they don't want that to change.
Yep.......But I thought they were ok with paying their fair share?

Yea….they lie.

SALT deductions pushes more federal tax burden on low tax states. Left wingers pretend to not know this.

Anyone with thr least bit of cognitive acumen can see how by removing SALT deductions, Trump was forcing the rich to pay their fair share.

Those who WANT the deduction restored are either rich themselves, or really fucking stupid.
Yea….they lie.

SALT deductions pushes more federal tax burden on low tax states. Left wingers pretend to not know this.

Anyone with thr least bit of cognitive acumen can see how by removing SALT deductions, Trump was forcing the rich to pay their fair share.

Those who WANT the deduction restored are either rich themselves, or really fucking stupid.
Well what it does is, it no longer allows the democrats to jack up state/local taxes then have the feds bail them out......so now their citizens really have to pay the state/local taxes.......but I thought those blue states love taxes....turns out they are full of shit.
Well what it does is, it no longer allows the democrats to jack up state/local taxes then have the feds bail them out......so now their citizens really have to pay the state/local taxes.......but I thought those blue states love taxes....turns out they are full of shit.

I have discussed this wih many left wing cucks. The blank stares on their stupid faces are priceless.

They are dumb as fuck.
The SALT deduction shifts the costs of insane socialist programs in California and New York to midwestern "red states."

Salt is welfare for the blue states.
LOL You dumb jerk, the blue states carry the red states. Of the top 15 states receiving aid from the Federal government, 11 are red states.
I have discussed this wih many left wing cucks. The blank stares on their stupid faces are priceless.

They are dumb as fuck.
Yep and it's delicious........One thing I want permanent is this.........because this is the thing that pisses them off....it exposed them for the frauds they are.
Tell you what. Let us go back to the tax structure under that very successful Republican President, Dwight Eisenhower. I think that is a very good idea, after all, with that tax structure we built the Interstate System and many other major infrastructure projects.
Yep and it's delicious........One thing I want permanent is this.........because this is the thing that pisses them off....it exposed them for the frauds they are.
It is fun to point out their false logic and hypocrisy.

When they ignore it, or gladly embrace it…they just show how they are WILLING SHEEP.

It is strange.

Should there be a limit on SALT deductions and why or why not?

Can any of you guys articulate your opinion on this issue?

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