Why do Democrat politicians and some GOP also FORGET... ALL Corporations PAY TAXES


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Watching Senator Manchin talking about the $1.5 trillion budget he like most of all politicians and millions of uninformed Americans think that corporations don't pay any taxes!
And the facts are ALL corporations with employees pay taxes that are included with all other income the federal government receives.
For proof... Every single employee that works for one of those filthy evil corporations has a contribution to FICA of 6.2% of the money paid to them paid by the filthy corporation in taxes to the government.

So the statement that evil corporations don't pay any taxes is a LIE.

In 2019, the federal government collected more than $900 billion in FICA payroll taxes

Half of that or $450 billion paid by ALL employers including those evil corporations that didn't pay any taxes.
Half of $900 billion or $450 billion is the employees' share.
First, corporations do not pay any corporate tax — individuals do. That is because companies pass on their costs. Some of the tax is paid by consumers, who pay higher prices. Company employees pay some of the tax through lower wages.
What is it called when a company doesn't pay taxes?

Tax evasion is an illegal activity in which a person or entity deliberately avoids paying a true tax liability. ... To willfully fail to pay taxes is a federal offense under the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tax code.

55 Corporations Paid $0 in Federal Taxes on 2020 Profits​

At least 55 of the largest corporations in America paid no federal corporate income taxes in their most recent fiscal year despite enjoying substantial pretax profits in the United States. This continues a decades-long trend of corporate tax avoidance by the biggest U.S. corporations, and it appears to be the product of long-standing tax breaks preserved or expanded by the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) as well as the CARES Act tax breaks enacted in the spring of 2020.

The tax-avoiding companies represent various industries and collectively enjoyed almost $40.5 billion in U.S. pretax income in 2020, according to their annual financial reports. The statutory federal tax rate for corporate profits is 21 percent. The 55 corporations would have paid a collective total of $8.5 billion for the year had they paid that rate on their 2020 income. Instead, they received $3.5 billion in tax rebates.

Their total corporate tax breaks for 2020, including $8.5 billion in tax avoidance and $3.5 billion in rebates, comes to $12 billion.
Watching Senator Manchin talking about the $1.5 trillion budget he like most of all politicians and millions of uninformed Americans think that corporations don't pay any taxes!
And the facts are ALL corporations with employees pay taxes that are included with all other income the federal government receives.
For proof... Every single employee that works for one of those filthy evil corporations has a contribution to FICA of 6.2% of the money paid to them paid by the filthy corporation in taxes to the government.

So the statement that evil corporations don't pay any taxes is a LIE.

In 2019, the federal government collected more than $900 billion in FICA payroll taxes

Half of that or $450 billion paid by ALL employers including those evil corporations that didn't pay any taxes.
Half of $900 billion or $450 billion is the employees' share.

FICA payroll taxes aren't paid by employers, they're paid by the workers. And since corporations pay their workers the least amount possible, those taxes aren't much.
FICA payroll taxes aren't paid by employers, they're paid by the workers. And since corporations pay their workers the least amount possible, those taxes aren't much.
Do you know how wrong you are? YOU are 100% wrong!
And you are 100% wrong about these taxes aren't much!
The current tax rate for social security is 6.2% for the employer
and 6.2% for the employee, or 12.4% total.
The current rate for Medicare is 1.45% for the employer and 1.45% for the employee, or 2.9% total.
DragonDummy! Look at the attached. what is the 2nd largest contributor to Federal Revenue...dummy?
36% comes from Payroll taxes which the facts are half paid by employers one $450 Billion!
FACTS Dummydragon!
In 2019, the federal government collected more than $900 billion in FICA payroll taxes

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It's all just to make "average Joe lunchbox" feel like the government is "going after big business". It's an attempt to placate the average American worker and nothing else. It's all hollow sentiment.

Yes businesses pay taxes and such. It's only the ultra wealthy owners that try to pay as little as possible. But I don't blame them at all honestly, if I could afford an army of tax attorneys to keep me from paying taxes I would in a heartbeat. No one wants to pay taxes.

My wife knows companies pay out in taxes. She is a HR manager and a benefits manager for a company that has 6 facilities in 4 states and works at the same facility as the owners, ceo, cfo, etc and is involved in most everything to do with the company. She knows what they do and don't do.
First, corporations do not pay any corporate tax — individuals do. That is because companies pass on their costs. Some of the tax is paid by consumers, who pay higher prices. Company employees pay some of the tax through lower wages.

What does this chart say? Corporate taxes contributed 7%!
It's all just to make "average Joe lunchbox" feel like the government is "going after big business". It's an attempt to placate the average American worker and nothing else. It's all hollow sentiment.

Yes businesses pay taxes and such. It's only the ultra wealthy owners that try to pay as little as possible. But I don't blame them at all honestly, if I could afford an army of tax attorneys to keep me from paying taxes I would in a heartbeat. No one wants to pay taxes.

My wife knows companies pay out in taxes. She is a HR manager and a benefits manager for a company that has 6 facilities in 4 states and works at the same facility as the owners, ceo, cfo, etc and is involved in most everything to do with the company. She knows what they do and don't do.
Your comment is 100% supported by the FACTS!
Yes wealthy people do as any person would do...hire experts to help reduce taxes and remember this quote:

#4 "Any one may so arrange his affairs that his taxes shall be as low as possible; he is not bound to choose that pattern which will best pay the Treasury; there is not even a patriotic duty to increase one's taxes. " By Judge Learned Hand:
Gregory v. Helvering, 69 F.2d 809, 810 (2d Cir. 1934)
Watching Senator Manchin talking about the $1.5 trillion budget he like most of all politicians and millions of uninformed Americans think that corporations don't pay any taxes!
And the facts are ALL corporations with employees pay taxes that are included with all other income the federal government receives.
For proof... Every single employee that works for one of those filthy evil corporations has a contribution to FICA of 6.2% of the money paid to them paid by the filthy corporation in taxes to the government.

So the statement that evil corporations don't pay any taxes is a LIE.

In 2019, the federal government collected more than $900 billion in FICA payroll taxes

Half of that or $450 billion paid by ALL employers including those evil corporations that didn't pay any taxes.
Half of $900 billion or $450 billion is the employees' share.
Wow, that post is really rich. So the claim, that corporations don't pay taxes is false because they pay half of their employees FICA tax, Well guess who pays the other half, the damn employees. How many damn times have we heard Republicans complain about all the people that don't pay taxes. Or complain about the huge portion of taxes that the wealthy pay. But those people they claim don't pay taxes do pay their share of the FICA tax, and it starts at dollar one, with no deductions. And that portion of the taxes the right is always screaming about the wealthy paying, it doesn't even count the FICA tax. And then there are all those illegal aliens that the right scream don't pay taxes. They pay the FICA tax, to the tune of about nine billion dollars a year. And unlike "Americans", they pay that and completely realize they are never getting squat in return. Meanwhile, Americans act like their contributions are some kind of retirement account and refuse to understand the concept of "social insurance".

So thank you so much for that post. I will bookmark it for anytime one of your right wing buddies starts spouting off about all the people that don't pay taxes, or all the illegal aliens that don't pay taxes. I mean quite honestly, you just stepped into a big pile of shit.

What does this chart say? Corporate taxes contributed 7%!
View attachment 548290
Which is damn pitiful. Talk about not paying their fair share, hell, they ain't even contributing enough to be considered a good tip. Matter of fact, when I was waiting tables I would have thrown seven percent back at someone and hit them in the back of the head with it as they walked out the door. And yes, I did just that more than once. 1950, corporate income taxes accounted for 26.5% of total revenue, and that percentage remained above 25% until 1959, when the government turned down the screws on fiscal policy and ran a huge budget surplus despite the recession of 1957/58. Dumbass Republicans. It was above 20% throughout the sixties, until we landed on the moon, it was 19.6%.

But a decade later Ronald Reagan entered the picture, and he pretty much bent over the American worker and gave it to them straight up the ass, with no vaseline. And except for a brief period during the Clinton administration, where that fiscal policy was the exact opposite of Eisenhower's back in the 50's, those workers have been getting hosed ever since. Here is the thing, plot GDP growth rate over corporate taxes share of revenue and see what the hell you get. The less they pay, as a percentage, the less we grow. I mean this shit ain't rocket science. In 1960 4% GDP growth would have been considered a catastrophic failure, today, hell it's a resounding winner. I would double the corporate tax immediately, close the damn loopholes, eliminate the depletion allowance for the oil industry, and the forestry industry. And I would fully tax all income from offshore accounts without allowing for a deduction for foreign taxes. Like I said, this ain't rocket science. The numbers don't lie. History is a lesson. And the lesson we should have learned a long time ago is that corporations should pay at least the percentage of total taxes that the garnish from the total economy. The magic number is 17.5%, and we have known that for a long damn time. Past time we moved on that number and got this economy on a solid foundation.

Do you know how wrong you are? YOU are 100% wrong!
And you are 100% wrong about these taxes aren't much!
The current tax rate for social security is 6.2% for the employer
and 6.2% for the employee, or 12.4% total.
The current rate for Medicare is 1.45% for the employer and 1.45% for the employee, or 2.9% total.
DragonDummy! Look at the attached. what is the 2nd largest contributor to Federal Revenue...dummy?
36% comes from Payroll taxes which the facts are half paid by employers one $450 Billion!
FACTS Dummydragon!
In 2019, the federal government collected more than $900 billion in FICA payroll taxes

View attachment 548286
And damn, you are stupid enough to actually post numbers. I don't give two shits about the half paid by employers, which is overstated because you have ignored the self-employed that pay 100% of their FICA tax. So let me get this straight, seven percent of the government's revenue comes from corporate income taxes, and 36% comes from payroll taxes. If that don't tell you the workers are getting screwed I don't know what would.
Watching Senator Manchin talking about the $1.5 trillion budget he like most of all politicians and millions of uninformed Americans think that corporations don't pay any taxes!
And the facts are ALL corporations with employees pay taxes that are included with all other income the federal government receives.
For proof... Every single employee that works for one of those filthy evil corporations has a contribution to FICA of 6.2% of the money paid to them paid by the filthy corporation in taxes to the government.

So the statement that evil corporations don't pay any taxes is a LIE.

In 2019, the federal government collected more than $900 billion in FICA payroll taxes

Half of that or $450 billion paid by ALL employers including those evil corporations that didn't pay any taxes.
Half of $900 billion or $450 billion is the employees' share.
These are alternative facts.
Which is damn pitiful. Talk about not paying their fair share, hell, they ain't even contributing enough to be considered a good tip. Matter of fact, when I was waiting tables I would have thrown seven percent back at someone and hit them in the back of the head with it as they walked out the door. And yes, I did just that more than once. 1950, corporate income taxes accounted for 26.5% of total revenue, and that percentage remained above 25% until 1959, when the government turned down the screws on fiscal policy and ran a huge budget surplus despite the recession of 1957/58. Dumbass Republicans. It was above 20% throughout the sixties, until we landed on the moon, it was 19.6%.

But a decade later Ronald Reagan entered the picture, and he pretty much bent over the American worker and gave it to them straight up the ass, with no vaseline. And except for a brief period during the Clinton administration, where that fiscal policy was the exact opposite of Eisenhower's back in the 50's, those workers have been getting hosed ever since. Here is the thing, plot GDP growth rate over corporate taxes share of revenue and see what the hell you get. The less they pay, as a percentage, the less we grow. I mean this shit ain't rocket science. In 1960 4% GDP growth would have been considered a catastrophic failure, today, hell it's a resounding winner. I would double the corporate tax immediately, close the damn loopholes, eliminate the depletion allowance for the oil industry, and the forestry industry. And I would fully tax all income from offshore accounts without allowing for a deduction for foreign taxes. Like I said, this ain't rocket science. The numbers don't lie. History is a lesson. And the lesson we should have learned a long time ago is that corporations should pay at least the percentage of total taxes that the garnish from the total economy. The magic number is 17.5%, and we have known that for a long damn time. Past time we moved on that number and got this economy on a solid foundation.

Well you did some substantiation. Good for you!
But like the BIASED MSM you shared a part of the story.
Dividends! Heard of them?

Dividend payouts to hit $1.4 trillion in 2021, nearing pre-pandemic levels, research shows​

BUT you evidently didn't know there was double-taxation ONLY on dividends did you?

Double Taxation of Corporate Income in the United States and the OECD​

  • The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act lowered the top integrated tax rate on corporate income distributed as dividends from 56.33 percent in 2017 to 47.47 percent in 2020; the OECD average is 41.6 percent.
  • Joe Biden’s proposal to increase the corporate income tax rate and to tax long-term capital gains and qualified dividends at ordinary income rates would increase the top integrated tax rate on distributed dividends to 62.73 percent, highest in the OECD.
  • On average, OECD countries tax corporate income distributed as dividends at 41.6 percent and capital gains derived from corporate income[1] at 37.9 percent.
  • Double taxation of corporate income can lead to such economic distortions as reduced savings and investment, a bias towards certain business forms, and debt financing over equity financing.

So again... you evidently aren't aware of double taxation.
A) The evil corporations are taxed FIRST by IRS on net revenue before EBITDA? EBITDA stands for Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization again meaning the net revenue after expenses and before taxes, etc and that is what is taxed by the IRS...
Then what is left over is distributed as "dividends... WHICH
B) Are taxed as ordinary income to the recipient ! HENCE double taxation to the dividend recipient.
But people who are so against evil corporations don't seem to understand that concept... like you!
Wow, that post is really rich. So the claim, that corporations don't pay taxes is false because they pay half of their employees FICA tax, Well guess who pays the other half, the damn employees. How many damn times have we heard Republicans complain about all the people that don't pay taxes. Or complain about the huge portion of taxes that the wealthy pay. But those people they claim don't pay taxes do pay their share of the FICA tax, and it starts at dollar one, with no deductions. And that portion of the taxes the right is always screaming about the wealthy paying, it doesn't even count the FICA tax. And then there are all those illegal aliens that the right scream don't pay taxes. They pay the FICA tax, to the tune of about nine billion dollars a year. And unlike "Americans", they pay that and completely realize they are never getting squat in return. Meanwhile, Americans act like their contributions are some kind of retirement account and refuse to understand the concept of "social insurance".

So thank you so much for that post. I will bookmark it for anytime one of your right wing buddies starts spouting off about all the people that don't pay taxes, or all the illegal aliens that don't pay taxes. I mean quite honestly, you just stepped into a big pile of shit.
So out of this pile of shit... I understand YOU for the first time comprehend that corporations PAY taxes.
But you and the other ignorant BIASED MSM evidently never knew that.
Now as far as GOP complaining about "all the people that don't pay taxes"! DO YOU HAVE ANY substantiation for that statement? ZERO. Because the GOP knows that the fact is the majority of the federal income tax is paid by the top 10% of tax payers and the bottom pay NO INCOME tax. And that's the point!
I've never heard ONE GOP complain that the bottom half pay NO income taxes. What the vast majority of GOP know that Dumb Democrats don't is that A) the bottom pay no taxes.. B) The employers pay FICA which is a tax payment and even you didn't know this!
Where did you get the figure illegals paid "FICA at $9 billion a year"?
So out of this pile of shit... I understand YOU for the first time comprehend that corporations PAY taxes.
But you and the other ignorant BIASED MSM evidently never knew that.
Now as far as GOP complaining about "all the people that don't pay taxes"! DO YOU HAVE ANY substantiation for that statement? ZERO. Because the GOP knows that the fact is the majority of the federal income tax is paid by the top 10% of tax payers and the bottom pay NO INCOME tax. And that's the point!
I've never heard ONE GOP complain that the bottom half pay NO income taxes. What the vast majority of GOP know that Dumb Democrats don't is that A) the bottom pay no taxes.. B) The employers pay FICA which is a tax payment and even you didn't know this!
Where did you get the figure illegals paid "FICA at $9 billion a year"?
The Bipartisan Policy Center reports that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) estimates more than $9 billion is paid each year by undocumented immigrants. They help keep the struggling Social Security system afloat while receiving hardly any benefits from it.

And why the fuck are you talking about income taxes? Guess what, many corporations pay NO CORPORATE INCOME TAXES. I don't give two shits about them paying their share of the FICA and Medicare tax. And from your numbers the sorry assholes only pay seven percent of the total revenues of the US government. Hell, second quarter 2021, corporate profits were 2.44 TRILLION Dollars while GDP was 22.72 trillion. Those profits, JUST THE PROFITS, represented over ten percent of total GDP, and they can't pay more than seven percent? WTF, that is some sick shit.

Well you did some substantiation. Good for you!
But like the BIASED MSM you shared a part of the story.
Dividends! Heard of them?

Dividend payouts to hit $1.4 trillion in 2021, nearing pre-pandemic levels, research shows​

BUT you evidently didn't know there was double-taxation ONLY on dividends did you?

Double Taxation of Corporate Income in the United States and the OECD​

  • The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act lowered the top integrated tax rate on corporate income distributed as dividends from 56.33 percent in 2017 to 47.47 percent in 2020; the OECD average is 41.6 percent.
  • Joe Biden’s proposal to increase the corporate income tax rate and to tax long-term capital gains and qualified dividends at ordinary income rates would increase the top integrated tax rate on distributed dividends to 62.73 percent, highest in the OECD.
  • On average, OECD countries tax corporate income distributed as dividends at 41.6 percent and capital gains derived from corporate income[1] at 37.9 percent.
  • Double taxation of corporate income can lead to such economic distortions as reduced savings and investment, a bias towards certain business forms, and debt financing over equity financing.

So again... you evidently aren't aware of double taxation.
A) The evil corporations are taxed FIRST by IRS on net revenue before EBITDA? EBITDA stands for Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization again meaning the net revenue after expenses and before taxes, etc and that is what is taxed by the IRS...
Then what is left over is distributed as "dividends... WHICH
B) Are taxed as ordinary income to the recipient ! HENCE double taxation to the dividend recipient.
But people who are so against evil corporations don't seem to understand that concept... like you! a
Double taxation is HORSESHIT. Hell, we all suffer from double taxation. I get my paycheck, it was taxed. I go spend the money at the store, damn, it is taxed again. And then the store makes a profit off that money, and holy shit, it is taxed yet again. Only a sheer FOOL would make the claim that only dividends are double taxed. You fools are SUCKERS, and the powers that be have been conning your asses for years.

And do tell me, why the hell should UNEARNED, you got that, UNEARNED income be taxed lower than earned income? How the hell does that make sense. Why should a doctor pay a higher tax rate on the money he makes doctoring, than the money his ass makes playing in the stock market? That make any sense to you? Why would you encourage him to "speculate" instead of do what he was trained to do?
Double taxation is HORSESHIT. Hell, we all suffer from double taxation. I get my paycheck, it was taxed. I go spend the money at the store, damn, it is taxed again. And then the store makes a profit off that money, and holy shit, it is taxed yet again. Only a sheer FOOL would make the claim that only dividends are double taxed. You fools are SUCKERS, and the powers that be have been conning your asses for years.

And do tell me, why the hell should UNEARNED, you got that, UNEARNED income be taxed lower than earned income? How the hell does that make sense. Why should a doctor pay a higher tax rate on the money he makes doctoring, than the money his ass makes playing in the stock market? That make any sense to you? Why would you encourage him to "speculate" instead of do what he was trained to do?
Right there you are wrong! You are not double taxed on your entire income when you go to the store.
Just on the amount you spent. So for a simple example: six pack beer (figure you be beer drinker) $6.00.
Tax in your state maybe 8% BUT it is NOT Federal tax... state tax!
Understand the difference or is that too complicated for you?
The Bipartisan Policy Center reports that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) estimates more than $9 billion is paid each year by undocumented immigrants. They help keep the struggling Social Security system afloat while receiving hardly any benefits from it.

And why the fuck are you talking about income taxes? Guess what, many corporations pay NO CORPORATE INCOME TAXES. I don't give two shits about them paying their share of the FICA and Medicare tax. And from your numbers the sorry assholes only pay seven percent of the total revenues of the US government. Hell, second quarter 2021, corporate profits were 2.44 TRILLION Dollars while GDP was 22.72 trillion. Those profits, JUST THE PROFITS, represented over ten percent of total GDP, and they can't pay more than seven percent? WTF, that is some sick shit.

Why are you against making a profit? Without profits this is what you could look forward to.
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