Why didn't Obama replenish the N95 mask national supply that was depleted after the H1N1 outbreak of 2009 ?

But of course the left and their media will never do any significant reporting on this.
(hint to our board libs: Trump was not president in 2009, nor 2010, nor 2011, nor 2012, nor 2013, nor 2014, nor 2015, nor 2016)

"the H1N1 influenza outbreak in 2009, which triggered a nationwide shortage of masks and caused a 2- to 3-year backlog orders for the N95 variety, the stockpile distributed about three-quarters of its inventory and didn’t build back the supply."

In have an idea. Why don't you lying assfucks show me where Congress funded them and Obama said no.

Furthermore, your fat asssed orange buddy has been President for 3/4 of a complete 4 year term. At what point is anything is his fault? He was briefed. We had a Pandemic office in the NSC. What the fuck happened to it?
The primary responsibility for PPE, ventilators and other medical equipment belongs to the states and local government

new york failed to maintain m95 masks and other necessary supplies and now coumo is doing CYA

at the same time the federal government should have replenished its stocks also

so there is blame to go around including Dr Fauci
A State cannot muster the resources that the federal government can to deal with any disaster that might occur for several reasons. First being states can not create money. The federal government has the power to create whatever funds are needed in a disaster. Secondly, the federal government can move supplies and other resources between states as the need arises. Last, for every state to maintain and equivalent to the CDC, FEMA, and other parts of the federal government sufficient to handle any disaster would be wasteful and cost prohibited.

Hospitals with the help of local and state government need to be ready to handle the more common disasters such as fires, floods, storms, explosions, train and plane accidents, etc, not a pandemics the size of which the nation has not seen in a hundreds years.
What you say is true up to a point

states can do little during an emergency

but they have had about 10 years since the previous chinese pandemic and that is time enough to stockpile needed supplies and equipment

but states like new york said why bother?

uncle sugar will take care of us when the time comes
Of course, the states could stock pile if the feds said they needed to do so but that has never been the case. The states stockpile only enough to last till the feds to get there. Just as a tornado or hurricane does not hit every state, epidemics, can be selected which makes it bit wasteful for every state to stockpile for what is very unlikely to occur their state. This is the first pandemic that hit a number of states in a hundred years. For every state to build a stockpile would be wasteful.

Another point to keep in mind is that the CDC employs over 10,000 people of which about 2500 are epidemiologist. Most states employ between 0 and 3 epidemiologist. Most state have no plans for a pandemic because that is something the federal government plans and they inform the states as what their part should be.

States should plan on what is likely to effect their state and federal government should plan on events that are not likely to hit any specific state but likely to hit somewhere in the nation.
Of course, the states could stock pile if the feds said they needed to do so but that has never been the case. The states stockpile only enough to last till the feds to get there.

not so

Its always been the states and local government with primary responsibility for the health of their citizens

the states like new york and california chose to be unprepared
They have primary responsibility of delivering healthcare to their citizens. That does not mean buying billions of dollars of supplies that they are not likely to need but others states will need. Centrally purchasing supplies and distributing where needed can be done far cheaper than every state doing it. It would be a huge duplication of cost and effort.
why not? if it is their responsibility, it's their responsibility. I love it, the push the blame from the true idiots that didn't place orders in February to help their own. It wasn't trump's nor obammy's. it isn't a president's position to provide local healthcare. it is mayors and governors. but hey, keep your tongue tight against your demofks dick.
It's responsibility of the local medical community to provide medical care for routine problems and emergencies not epidemics, with no known treatments or prevention requiring resources that would be impossible for them to provide. This is were the federal government's responsible comes into play. Unlike local healthcare facilities, the federal government has unlimited resources in a national emergency. They spend billions dollars on research, planning, and acquiring resources to deal with national emergencies that may or may not ever come to pass. They have the ability to shift resources to where they are most needed, to force if necessary the production of needed equipment and supplies.
then their administrations should be fired. everyone. when they heard of this problem they should have immediately put in orders with their distributors. That isn't a trump responsibility. he's there if there are issues and only if there are issues to relax the supplies. dude, please your constant convering up for the slackers. McFly
It is the responsibility of federal government to provide help to the states in a national emergency. This is why we spend 18 billion a year on FEMA and about 8 billion on the CDC. It would be incredibility stupid for thousands of hospital to spend tens of million of dollars each on equipment and supplies that they would most probably never use. The federal goverment only needs to stock pile some what will be finally needed because supplies and equipment can moved from place to place as needed.
With the welfare beggar mentality that grips this country its not surprising libs in big blue cities would shirk their duty to provide for the health of their citizens

but it really is their responsibilty whether you admit it or not

we know that NIH and the CDC did not spend their billions wisely since the last pandemic 10 years ago
So your solution is elimination the federal agencies that help states in an emergency so that each state would have to build their equivalent of the CDC, FEMA, and warehouse all supplies for whatever emergency might arise?
If the choice is only extremes - i.e. no FEMA or only FEMA with no state and local responsibility that is your world not mine

but consider this: if you put all your faith in the feds and they are asleep at the wheel such as NIH and CDC was this time you are pretty much screwed.

you will wreck the economy and the nations health at the same time
The only way to avoid wrecking the economy when a virus like covid 19 hits is to get ahead of the game which means ordering test kits before the first known US infection, not two months later and having response teams investigating the first and every infection, testing, tracking, and quarantining. If that doesn't happen then the country will be faced with mitigation and that means serious economic consequences.

Stopping an epidemic is not rock science. It takes advanced planning, adequate resources, and a leadership that understands the importance of a rapid response. Almost 1 month after we learned about Covid 19, the White House formed a response task force to determine the proper response and a division of responsibilities between the states and the various parts of the federal government.
I know libs are trying to make this trump’s katrina but it wont fly outside of lib la la land
Sorry, but it already is.

If Trump was President during Katrina.... " Its a thunderstorm. Low risk." "A shower, It will rain & then leave."

As for after the storm. look at Puertoi Rico. A total fuck up.

Trump can 't even get testing to where it needs to be. Now he says we don't need it.
For confirmed trump haters sure

but everyone else knows his staff is doing a good job
The Trump administration has been a day late and a dollar short in just about everything they have done or should have done. Starting with the 2018 firing of the Pandemic Response Team, cutting funds from the budget used by the CDC to track international epidemics which congress restored, the administration has shown they had no interest whatsoever in preparing for a pandemic. For 3 years the administration failed to bring the supply of N95 respirators even up to a minimum level for fighting a regional epidemic much less a pandemic. Even after there was no doubt that the nation faced a pandemic and the virus was already in the US, the administration still failed to act. In fact, they didn't order respirators or other supplies until the middle of March. Almost everything that possibly could go wrong with the creation, distribution, and regulation of the test kits went wrong.

So what did the administration do during the two months when the virus could have been stopped. Committees were organized to determine what to do, a Chinese travel ban that was not well enforced and riddled with loopholes was put in place in January. For 8 weeks, the president and other members of his staff, carried the message to the public that we were just dealing with the flu. After 10 weeks, when the whole world was aware that American had an epidemic to deal with did the president decide to respond. However, by then there were active cases in 4 states and it was estimated that there were exposures to the virus in a dozen more. America was becoming a text book case in how not to handle a nationwide epidemic.
Everything you say is a half truth or an outright lie

if you get all your info from the lib news media that may explain your misinformation

for instance trump did not fire the pandemic team

what he did was reorganize the effort and consolidate their positions

the pandemic team never ceased to exist though they seem to have been watching more porn than preparing for the next Chinese disease
No, Trump didn't call the members of the team into his office and fire them. It doesn't happen like that. It was done through John Bolton in early 2018. There were 19 members of the team. Some of the them left the agency and the remainder were reassigned to other duties. That sounds more like an elimination of function than a reorganization.

If there was a functioning team responsible for planning and preparedness for a pandemic, you would expect that they would have acted when on Jan 8th the WHO informed the US that a pandemic was on it's way. At that time the government had a critical shortage of reagents needed for the test kit, PPEs for workers, and supplies need to administer the tests, yet nothing was ordered. The CDC threw together only enough kits to test a small number of patients. Enough supplies to test patients in large numbers were not ordered till March.

Another tip off of unpreparedness of the administration for covid 19 was the formation of a committee on Jan 30 to formulate a response to Covid 19 if needed. In early February the US had two known cases and cases were popping up in a dozen countries. Yet the Trump administration was questioning whether we were dealing with just the common flu. By late February, South Korea had over a hundred thousand test kits and the CDC had produced about 100 capable of testing 300 to 400 people which they distributed equally to all states. It was then discovered that the test kits were flawed and producing inaccurate results. Washington state had over 25 cases and no working test kits which made it almost impossible to do contact tracing and resulting quarantines. By the time the state had any working test kits, there were an estimated 1,000 active cases.

In early March Trump sent Pence on a mission to several states to assure them that all was well. In Washington, Pence assure the state that the test kits were on their way which they were not. In Florida, Pence delivered Trump's message that Cruise travel was safe. A little over a week later the government advised Americans not take any cruises.

While the Trump administration was trying to figure out what needed to done and who should do it, South Korea was doing what the US should have been doing, testing, tracing contacts, and quarantining. In 3 weeks South Korea had brought the epidemic under control reducing the number new cases per day by 90%. During the same time period cases in the US increased from 53 to 154,000 and the US had entered the mitigation phase in which there was no chance of eliminating the virus.

If the US had been prepared in early February, there is a good chance that the virus could have been brought under control in March, thousands of lives could have been saved, and there would have been no need for shutting the country down.
People act like the CDC and NIH don't do anything all year, as if infections across the globe are ignored by them.

Trump created the coronavirus task force run by Vice President Mike Pence. Their sole purpose is to address this pandemic. But the Trump-haters pretend that just because the team that Obama created, at the end of his presidency, was merged as part of the reorganization, that nothing is in place to perform all the required duties.

The pandemic response team is nothing but a red herring people keep tossing out there. The people doing that cannot tell us what the team was supposed to do that no one else in government is not already doing.

The Truth About the Charge That Trump ‘Eliminated’ White House Pandemic Office Before Coronavirus
Trump is fucking up big time & everyone is supposed to remain silent?

When that fat fucker quits lying to the American people, then people will get behind him.
Typical, you rant away calling Trump a liar and a failure, and you cannot provide any supporting evidence.

Trump citing optimistic outlooks, is not an example of him lying.

Was Fauci and Birx lying when they claimed 2 million people might die? Were they lying in January and February when they said the virus was not a threat, and not something we should worry about? Were they lying when they claimed the CDC would be able to test people with the virus?

I would have loved to be a fly on the wall in February and March, when the CDC told Trump

  1. No - we cannot perform enough COVID-19 tests, because we have an FDA rule preventing us from doing that
  2. No - we don’t have enough PPE in the stockpile, because we never restocked any of it after the SARS and H1N1 outbreak
  3. No- we don’t have enough ventilators, we haven’t had enough ventilators, even though we were told about it almost two decades ago.
  4. Oh, but we spent $15 billion telling taxpayers how to eat better, $90 million on taxpayer grants to Chinese researchers, and $106 million on a really nice visitor center decorated with waterfalls and Japanese gardens and a $200,000 fitness center with saunas and zero-gravity chairs.
Fauci was under Trump's thumb. He had to carefully choose his words not to make Trump look as bad as he is.
That is kook conspiracy crap right there.

Fauci has always said what he wanted. He's been on POD casts, Cable and broadcast TV news shows, interviewed by bloggers and print media, and never did he read from prepared notes written for him by Trump.
on Jan 8th the WHO informed the US that a pandemic was on it's way.
A pandemic that china said and WHO believed WAS NOT spread person to person
That's not correct. The communication from the China Ministry of Health to the WHO said they did not have evidence at that time of human to human transmission. Human to human transmission was confirmed by China a few days latter.
Its close enough to the preferred chinese coverup for government work

but what else could chinese puppets at WHO say?

taiwan had already told WHO about person to person transmission

but the official position of WHO is that Taiwan does not exist

because thats how communist china wants it to be
Well if conspiracy theories floats your boat, then your welcome to them.
on Jan 8th the WHO informed the US that a pandemic was on it's way.
A pandemic that china said and WHO believed WAS NOT spread person to person
Lying piece of shit., They said there was not evidence of human to human spread. Not that there could not be.

Face it, your orange hero screwed the pooch & cost the lives of thousands of Americans,. I bet you are so proud of that.
so did they say there was human to human contact?
On Dec 31st the WHO was notified by China of an epidemic but they had no evidence of human to human transmission
On Jan 3nd data on human to human transmission was leaked as was the genome needed to to build test kits.
On Jan 11th the Chinese government officially release the date on the virus.
In early January, US intelligence community was warning President Donald Trump about an impending pandemic
On Jan 20th, China announced that they could confirm human to human transmission and the CDC confirmed it on Jan 30th. However, this was common knowledge weeks before. In fact, South Korea was working on a test kit in early January. The question that needs to be answered is what was the CDC doing in January? Since the CDC supplied only 100 test kits to the states in February, which were found to be faulty, the answer seems to be not much.
Fauci was under Trump's thumb. He had to carefully choose his words not to make Trump look as bad as he is.
That is kook conspiracy crap right there.

Fauci has always said what he wanted. He's been on POD casts, Cable and broadcast TV news shows, interviewed by bloggers and print media, and never did he read from prepared notes written for him by Trump.
You believe that bullshit. Trump fires enveryone who says anything bad about him. You know it. You can't believe much that comes out of any person speaking for this administration.

Fauci said one thing Sunday & your fat assed orange buddy is out to dump him.
Trump is fucking up big time & everyone is supposed to remain silent?

When that fat fucker quits lying to the American people, then people will get behind him.
Typical, you rant away calling Trump a liar and a failure, and you cannot provide any supporting evidence.

Trump citing optimistic outlooks, is not an example of him lying.

Was Fauci and Birx lying when they claimed 2 million people might die? Were they lying in January and February when they said the virus was not a threat, and not something we should worry about? Were they lying when they claimed the CDC would be able to test people with the virus?

I would have loved to be a fly on the wall in February and March, when the CDC told Trump

  1. No - we cannot perform enough COVID-19 tests, because we have an FDA rule preventing us from doing that
  2. No - we don’t have enough PPE in the stockpile, because we never restocked any of it after the SARS and H1N1 outbreak
  3. No- we don’t have enough ventilators, we haven’t had enough ventilators, even though we were told about it almost two decades ago.
  4. Oh, but we spent $15 billion telling taxpayers how to eat better, $90 million on taxpayer grants to Chinese researchers, and $106 million on a really nice visitor center decorated with waterfalls and Japanese gardens and a $200,000 fitness center with saunas and zero-gravity chairs.
1-2 million people could die if nothing was done. When stuff started to get done, those estimates changed.

Trump has lied. To claim he didn't is you just being an ass.

You can blame all these people for not doing this or that which would include Trump.

But we knew something was up in November,. Trump did next to nothing until mid March.

He is still lying & blaming others. He even claimed that he inherited a faulty coronavirus test.
But of course the left and their media will never do any significant reporting on this.
(hint to our board libs: Trump was not president in 2009, nor 2010, nor 2011, nor 2012, nor 2013, nor 2014, nor 2015, nor 2016)

"the H1N1 influenza outbreak in 2009, which triggered a nationwide shortage of masks and caused a 2- to 3-year backlog orders for the N95 variety, the stockpile distributed about three-quarters of its inventory and didn’t build back the supply."

In have an idea. Why don't you lying assfucks show me where Congress funded them and Obama said no.

Furthermore, your fat asssed orange buddy has been President for 3/4 of a complete 4 year term. At what point is anything is his fault? He was briefed. We had a Pandemic office in the NSC. What the fuck happened to it?
The primary responsibility for PPE, ventilators and other medical equipment belongs to the states and local government

new york failed to maintain m95 masks and other necessary supplies and now coumo is doing CYA

at the same time the federal government should have replenished its stocks also

so there is blame to go around including Dr Fauci
A State cannot muster the resources that the federal government can to deal with any disaster that might occur for several reasons. First being states can not create money. The federal government has the power to create whatever funds are needed in a disaster. Secondly, the federal government can move supplies and other resources between states as the need arises. Last, for every state to maintain and equivalent to the CDC, FEMA, and other parts of the federal government sufficient to handle any disaster would be wasteful and cost prohibited.

Hospitals with the help of local and state government need to be ready to handle the more common disasters such as fires, floods, storms, explosions, train and plane accidents, etc, not a pandemics the size of which the nation has not seen in a hundreds years.
What you say is true up to a point

states can do little during an emergency

but they have had about 10 years since the previous chinese pandemic and that is time enough to stockpile needed supplies and equipment

but states like new york said why bother?

uncle sugar will take care of us when the time comes
Of course, the states could stock pile if the feds said they needed to do so but that has never been the case. The states stockpile only enough to last till the feds to get there. Just as a tornado or hurricane does not hit every state, epidemics, can be selected which makes it bit wasteful for every state to stockpile for what is very unlikely to occur their state. This is the first pandemic that hit a number of states in a hundred years. For every state to build a stockpile would be wasteful.

Another point to keep in mind is that the CDC employs over 10,000 people of which about 2500 are epidemiologist. Most states employ between 0 and 3 epidemiologist. Most state have no plans for a pandemic because that is something the federal government plans and they inform the states as what their part should be.

States should plan on what is likely to effect their state and federal government should plan on events that are not likely to hit any specific state but likely to hit somewhere in the nation.
Of course, the states could stock pile if the feds said they needed to do so but that has never been the case. The states stockpile only enough to last till the feds to get there.

not so

Its always been the states and local government with primary responsibility for the health of their citizens

the states like new york and california chose to be unprepared
They have primary responsibility of delivering healthcare to their citizens. That does not mean buying billions of dollars of supplies that they are not likely to need but others states will need. Centrally purchasing supplies and distributing where needed can be done far cheaper than every state doing it. It would be a huge duplication of cost and effort.
why not? if it is their responsibility, it's their responsibility. I love it, the push the blame from the true idiots that didn't place orders in February to help their own. It wasn't trump's nor obammy's. it isn't a president's position to provide local healthcare. it is mayors and governors. but hey, keep your tongue tight against your demofks dick.
It's responsibility of the local medical community to provide medical care for routine problems and emergencies not epidemics, with no known treatments or prevention requiring resources that would be impossible for them to provide. This is were the federal government's responsible comes into play. Unlike local healthcare facilities, the federal government has unlimited resources in a national emergency. They spend billions dollars on research, planning, and acquiring resources to deal with national emergencies that may or may not ever come to pass. They have the ability to shift resources to where they are most needed, to force if necessary the production of needed equipment and supplies.
then their administrations should be fired. everyone. when they heard of this problem they should have immediately put in orders with their distributors. That isn't a trump responsibility. he's there if there are issues and only if there are issues to relax the supplies. dude, please your constant convering up for the slackers. McFly
It is the responsibility of federal government to provide help to the states in a national emergency. This is why we spend 18 billion a year on FEMA and about 8 billion on the CDC. It would be incredibility stupid for thousands of hospital to spend tens of million of dollars each on equipment and supplies that they would most probably never use. The federal goverment only needs to stock pile some what will be finally needed because supplies and equipment can moved from place to place as needed.
With the welfare beggar mentality that grips this country its not surprising libs in big blue cities would shirk their duty to provide for the health of their citizens

but it really is their responsibilty whether you admit it or not

we know that NIH and the CDC did not spend their billions wisely since the last pandemic 10 years ago
So your solution is elimination the federal agencies that help states in an emergency so that each state would have to build their equivalent of the CDC, FEMA, and warehouse all supplies for whatever emergency might arise?
If the choice is only extremes - i.e. no FEMA or only FEMA with no state and local responsibility that is your world not mine

but consider this: if you put all your faith in the feds and they are asleep at the wheel such as NIH and CDC was this time you are pretty much screwed.

you will wreck the economy and the nations health at the same time
The only way to avoid wrecking the economy when a virus like covid 19 hits is to get ahead of the game which means ordering test kits before the first known US infection, not two months later and having response teams investigating the first and every infection, testing, tracking, and quarantining. If that doesn't happen then the country will be faced with mitigation and that means serious economic consequences.

Stopping an epidemic is not rock science. It takes advanced planning, adequate resources, and a leadership that understands the importance of a rapid response. Almost 1 month after we learned about Covid 19, the White House formed a response task force to determine the proper response and a division of responsibilities between the states and the various parts of the federal government.
I know libs are trying to make this trump’s katrina but it wont fly outside of lib la la land
Sorry, but it already is.

If Trump was President during Katrina.... " Its a thunderstorm. Low risk." "A shower, It will rain & then leave."

As for after the storm. look at Puertoi Rico. A total fuck up.

Trump can 't even get testing to where it needs to be. Now he says we don't need it.
For confirmed trump haters sure

but everyone else knows his staff is doing a good job
The Trump administration has been a day late and a dollar short in just about everything they have done or should have done. Starting with the 2018 firing of the Pandemic Response Team, cutting funds from the budget used by the CDC to track international epidemics which congress restored, the administration has shown they had no interest whatsoever in preparing for a pandemic. For 3 years the administration failed to bring the supply of N95 respirators even up to a minimum level for fighting a regional epidemic much less a pandemic. Even after there was no doubt that the nation faced a pandemic and the virus was already in the US, the administration still failed to act. In fact, they didn't order respirators or other supplies until the middle of March. Almost everything that possibly could go wrong with the creation, distribution, and regulation of the test kits went wrong.

So what did the administration do during the two months when the virus could have been stopped. Committees were organized to determine what to do, a Chinese travel ban that was not well enforced and riddled with loopholes was put in place in January. For 8 weeks, the president and other members of his staff, carried the message to the public that we were just dealing with the flu. After 10 weeks, when the whole world was aware that American had an epidemic to deal with did the president decide to respond. However, by then there were active cases in 4 states and it was estimated that there were exposures to the virus in a dozen more. America was becoming a text book case in how not to handle a nationwide epidemic.
Everything you say is a half truth or an outright lie

if you get all your info from the lib news media that may explain your misinformation

for instance trump did not fire the pandemic team

what he did was reorganize the effort and consolidate their positions

the pandemic team never ceased to exist though they seem to have been watching more porn than preparing for the next Chinese disease
No, Trump didn't call the members of the team into his office and fire them. It doesn't happen like that. It was done through John Bolton in early 2018. There were 19 members of the team. Some of the them left the agency and the remainder were reassigned to other duties. That sounds more like an elimination of function than a reorganization.

If there was a functioning team responsible for planning and preparedness for a pandemic, you would expect that they would have acted when on Jan 8th the WHO informed the US that a pandemic was on it's way. At that time the government had a critical shortage of reagents needed for the test kit, PPEs for workers, and supplies need to administer the tests, yet nothing was ordered. The CDC threw together only enough kits to test a small number of patients. Enough supplies to test patients in large numbers were not ordered till March.

Another tip off of unpreparedness of the administration for covid 19 was the formation of a committee on Jan 30 to formulate a response to Covid 19 if needed. In early February the US had two known cases and cases were popping up in a dozen countries. Yet the Trump administration was questioning whether we were dealing with just the common flu. By late February, South Korea had over a hundred thousand test kits and the CDC had produced about 100 capable of testing 300 to 400 people which they distributed equally to all states. It was then discovered that the test kits were flawed and producing inaccurate results. Washington state had over 25 cases and no working test kits which made it almost impossible to do contact tracing and resulting quarantines. By the time the state had any working test kits, there were an estimated 1,000 active cases.

In early March Trump sent Pence on a mission to several states to assure them that all was well. In Washington, Pence assure the state that the test kits were on their way which they were not. In Florida, Pence delivered Trump's message that Cruise travel was safe. A little over a week later the government advised Americans not take any cruises.

While the Trump administration was trying to figure out what needed to done and who should do it, South Korea was doing what the US should have been doing, testing, tracing contacts, and quarantining. In 3 weeks South Korea had brought the epidemic under control reducing the number new cases per day by 90%. During the same time period cases in the US increased from 53 to 154,000 and the US had entered the mitigation phase in which there was no chance of eliminating the virus.

If the US had been prepared in early February, there is a good chance that the virus could have been brought under control in March, thousands of lives could have been saved, and there would have been no need for shutting the country down.
People act like the CDC and NIH don't do anything all year, as if infections across the globe are ignored by them.

Trump created the coronavirus task force run by Vice President Mike Pence. Their sole purpose is to address this pandemic. But the Trump-haters pretend that just because the team that Obama created, at the end of his presidency, was merged as part of the reorganization, that nothing is in place to perform all the required duties.

The pandemic response team is nothing but a red herring people keep tossing out there. The people doing that cannot tell us what the team was supposed to do that no one else in government is not already doing.

The Truth About the Charge That Trump ‘Eliminated’ White House Pandemic Office Before Coronavirus
The person in charge left & they scattered some to other areas. So they was no designated group to this of problem.

You had a group looking only at these issues and Trump & his cronies said we did not need that & broke it up./
on Jan 8th the WHO informed the US that a pandemic was on it's way.
A pandemic that china said and WHO believed WAS NOT spread person to person
Lying piece of shit., They said there was not evidence of human to human spread. Not that there could not be.

Face it, your orange hero screwed the pooch & cost the lives of thousands of Americans,. I bet you are so proud of that.
so did they say there was human to human contact?
On Dec 31st the WHO was notified by China of an epidemic but they had no evidence of human to human transmission
On Jan 3nd data on human to human transmission was leaked as was the genome needed to to build test kits.
On Jan 11th the Chinese government officially release the date on the virus.
In early January, US intelligence community was warning President Donald Trump about an impending pandemic
On Jan 20th, China announced that they could confirm human to human transmission and the CDC confirmed it on Jan 30th. However, this was common knowledge weeks before. In fact, South Korea was working on a test kit in early January. The question that needs to be answered is what was the CDC doing in January? Since the CDC supplied only 100 test kits to the states in February, which were found to be faulty, the answer seems to be not much.
You missed a few things there.

1) the World Health Organization was telling the world that the Chinese government told them on January 14th that covid-19 could not be transmitted from human-to-human

2) From January 20th until January 26th dr. Fauci was going on TV, radio, newspapers and podcasts telling the United States that we should not worry about covid-19 and it was a very low risk to the United States

3) Five days later, on Jan 31, President Trump banned flights from China declared a national public health emergency and instituted quarantine procedures for all incoming travelers to the United States we tested positive for symptoms of the virus

The CDC and the FDA both failed us, in regards to covid-19 test kits. For one thing the FDA had regulations in place that forbid private Labs from doing any tests of the virus. In their hubris the CDC figured that they, and they alone, could do alllllllllll the testing allllllll by themselves for 330 million American citizens. B

They should have had a rule fall in place as soon as President Trump declared National Public Health Emergency, the FDA rule should immediately kicked in a regulation which allowed outside labs to perform testing.

A pandemic like the one we have, the only way we were going to be able to meet the demands for testing and tracking of a virus like this was to have the help of private Laboratories. But the CDC and the FDA let us down because their rules and their regulations prevented proper response from even being possible
The person in charge left & they scattered some to other areas. So they was no designated group to this of problem.

You had a group looking only at these issues and Trump & his cronies said we did not need that & broke it up./
That's only limited speculation on your part.

You still cannot tell us what your lauded pandemic team was supposed to do, that is not, or has not already been done by the coronavirus task force.

You just toss out this stupid pandemic team as a red herring, with only a flimsy speculative opinion of what you think it might have done. Your whole premise is that gee golly wow, they may have done something or other, but you just don't know.
But of course the left and their media will never do any significant reporting on this.
(hint to our board libs: Trump was not president in 2009, nor 2010, nor 2011, nor 2012, nor 2013, nor 2014, nor 2015, nor 2016)

"the H1N1 influenza outbreak in 2009, which triggered a nationwide shortage of masks and caused a 2- to 3-year backlog orders for the N95 variety, the stockpile distributed about three-quarters of its inventory and didn’t build back the supply."

In have an idea. Why don't you lying assfucks show me where Congress funded them and Obama said no.

Furthermore, your fat asssed orange buddy has been President for 3/4 of a complete 4 year term. At what point is anything is his fault? He was briefed. We had a Pandemic office in the NSC. What the fuck happened to it?
The primary responsibility for PPE, ventilators and other medical equipment belongs to the states and local government

new york failed to maintain m95 masks and other necessary supplies and now coumo is doing CYA

at the same time the federal government should have replenished its stocks also

so there is blame to go around including Dr Fauci
A State cannot muster the resources that the federal government can to deal with any disaster that might occur for several reasons. First being states can not create money. The federal government has the power to create whatever funds are needed in a disaster. Secondly, the federal government can move supplies and other resources between states as the need arises. Last, for every state to maintain and equivalent to the CDC, FEMA, and other parts of the federal government sufficient to handle any disaster would be wasteful and cost prohibited.

Hospitals with the help of local and state government need to be ready to handle the more common disasters such as fires, floods, storms, explosions, train and plane accidents, etc, not a pandemics the size of which the nation has not seen in a hundreds years.
What you say is true up to a point

states can do little during an emergency

but they have had about 10 years since the previous chinese pandemic and that is time enough to stockpile needed supplies and equipment

but states like new york said why bother?

uncle sugar will take care of us when the time comes
Of course, the states could stock pile if the feds said they needed to do so but that has never been the case. The states stockpile only enough to last till the feds to get there. Just as a tornado or hurricane does not hit every state, epidemics, can be selected which makes it bit wasteful for every state to stockpile for what is very unlikely to occur their state. This is the first pandemic that hit a number of states in a hundred years. For every state to build a stockpile would be wasteful.

Another point to keep in mind is that the CDC employs over 10,000 people of which about 2500 are epidemiologist. Most states employ between 0 and 3 epidemiologist. Most state have no plans for a pandemic because that is something the federal government plans and they inform the states as what their part should be.

States should plan on what is likely to effect their state and federal government should plan on events that are not likely to hit any specific state but likely to hit somewhere in the nation.
Of course, the states could stock pile if the feds said they needed to do so but that has never been the case. The states stockpile only enough to last till the feds to get there.

not so

Its always been the states and local government with primary responsibility for the health of their citizens

the states like new york and california chose to be unprepared
They have primary responsibility of delivering healthcare to their citizens. That does not mean buying billions of dollars of supplies that they are not likely to need but others states will need. Centrally purchasing supplies and distributing where needed can be done far cheaper than every state doing it. It would be a huge duplication of cost and effort.
why not? if it is their responsibility, it's their responsibility. I love it, the push the blame from the true idiots that didn't place orders in February to help their own. It wasn't trump's nor obammy's. it isn't a president's position to provide local healthcare. it is mayors and governors. but hey, keep your tongue tight against your demofks dick.
It's responsibility of the local medical community to provide medical care for routine problems and emergencies not epidemics, with no known treatments or prevention requiring resources that would be impossible for them to provide. This is were the federal government's responsible comes into play. Unlike local healthcare facilities, the federal government has unlimited resources in a national emergency. They spend billions dollars on research, planning, and acquiring resources to deal with national emergencies that may or may not ever come to pass. They have the ability to shift resources to where they are most needed, to force if necessary the production of needed equipment and supplies.
then their administrations should be fired. everyone. when they heard of this problem they should have immediately put in orders with their distributors. That isn't a trump responsibility. he's there if there are issues and only if there are issues to relax the supplies. dude, please your constant convering up for the slackers. McFly
It is the responsibility of federal government to provide help to the states in a national emergency. This is why we spend 18 billion a year on FEMA and about 8 billion on the CDC. It would be incredibility stupid for thousands of hospital to spend tens of million of dollars each on equipment and supplies that they would most probably never use. The federal goverment only needs to stock pile some what will be finally needed because supplies and equipment can moved from place to place as needed.
With the welfare beggar mentality that grips this country its not surprising libs in big blue cities would shirk their duty to provide for the health of their citizens

but it really is their responsibilty whether you admit it or not

we know that NIH and the CDC did not spend their billions wisely since the last pandemic 10 years ago
So your solution is elimination the federal agencies that help states in an emergency so that each state would have to build their equivalent of the CDC, FEMA, and warehouse all supplies for whatever emergency might arise?
If the choice is only extremes - i.e. no FEMA or only FEMA with no state and local responsibility that is your world not mine

but consider this: if you put all your faith in the feds and they are asleep at the wheel such as NIH and CDC was this time you are pretty much screwed.

you will wreck the economy and the nations health at the same time
The only way to avoid wrecking the economy when a virus like covid 19 hits is to get ahead of the game which means ordering test kits before the first known US infection, not two months later and having response teams investigating the first and every infection, testing, tracking, and quarantining. If that doesn't happen then the country will be faced with mitigation and that means serious economic consequences.

Stopping an epidemic is not rock science. It takes advanced planning, adequate resources, and a leadership that understands the importance of a rapid response. Almost 1 month after we learned about Covid 19, the White House formed a response task force to determine the proper response and a division of responsibilities between the states and the various parts of the federal government.
I know libs are trying to make this trump’s katrina but it wont fly outside of lib la la land
Sorry, but it already is.

If Trump was President during Katrina.... " Its a thunderstorm. Low risk." "A shower, It will rain & then leave."

As for after the storm. look at Puertoi Rico. A total fuck up.

Trump can 't even get testing to where it needs to be. Now he says we don't need it.
For confirmed trump haters sure

but everyone else knows his staff is doing a good job
The Trump administration has been a day late and a dollar short in just about everything they have done or should have done. Starting with the 2018 firing of the Pandemic Response Team, cutting funds from the budget used by the CDC to track international epidemics which congress restored, the administration has shown they had no interest whatsoever in preparing for a pandemic. For 3 years the administration failed to bring the supply of N95 respirators even up to a minimum level for fighting a regional epidemic much less a pandemic. Even after there was no doubt that the nation faced a pandemic and the virus was already in the US, the administration still failed to act. In fact, they didn't order respirators or other supplies until the middle of March. Almost everything that possibly could go wrong with the creation, distribution, and regulation of the test kits went wrong.

So what did the administration do during the two months when the virus could have been stopped. Committees were organized to determine what to do, a Chinese travel ban that was not well enforced and riddled with loopholes was put in place in January. For 8 weeks, the president and other members of his staff, carried the message to the public that we were just dealing with the flu. After 10 weeks, when the whole world was aware that American had an epidemic to deal with did the president decide to respond. However, by then there were active cases in 4 states and it was estimated that there were exposures to the virus in a dozen more. America was becoming a text book case in how not to handle a nationwide epidemic.
Everything you say is a half truth or an outright lie

if you get all your info from the lib news media that may explain your misinformation

for instance trump did not fire the pandemic team

what he did was reorganize the effort and consolidate their positions

the pandemic team never ceased to exist though they seem to have been watching more porn than preparing for the next Chinese disease
No, Trump didn't call the members of the team into his office and fire them. It doesn't happen like that. It was done through John Bolton in early 2018. There were 19 members of the team. Some of the them left the agency and the remainder were reassigned to other duties. That sounds more like an elimination of function than a reorganization.

If there was a functioning team responsible for planning and preparedness for a pandemic, you would expect that they would have acted when on Jan 8th the WHO informed the US that a pandemic was on it's way. At that time the government had a critical shortage of reagents needed for the test kit, PPEs for workers, and supplies need to administer the tests, yet nothing was ordered. The CDC threw together only enough kits to test a small number of patients. Enough supplies to test patients in large numbers were not ordered till March.

Another tip off of unpreparedness of the administration for covid 19 was the formation of a committee on Jan 30 to formulate a response to Covid 19 if needed. In early February the US had two known cases and cases were popping up in a dozen countries. Yet the Trump administration was questioning whether we were dealing with just the common flu. By late February, South Korea had over a hundred thousand test kits and the CDC had produced about 100 capable of testing 300 to 400 people which they distributed equally to all states. It was then discovered that the test kits were flawed and producing inaccurate results. Washington state had over 25 cases and no working test kits which made it almost impossible to do contact tracing and resulting quarantines. By the time the state had any working test kits, there were an estimated 1,000 active cases.

In early March Trump sent Pence on a mission to several states to assure them that all was well. In Washington, Pence assure the state that the test kits were on their way which they were not. In Florida, Pence delivered Trump's message that Cruise travel was safe. A little over a week later the government advised Americans not take any cruises.

While the Trump administration was trying to figure out what needed to done and who should do it, South Korea was doing what the US should have been doing, testing, tracing contacts, and quarantining. In 3 weeks South Korea had brought the epidemic under control reducing the number new cases per day by 90%. During the same time period cases in the US increased from 53 to 154,000 and the US had entered the mitigation phase in which there was no chance of eliminating the virus.

If the US had been prepared in early February, there is a good chance that the virus could have been brought under control in March, thousands of lives could have been saved, and there would have been no need for shutting the country down.
People act like the CDC and NIH don't do anything all year, as if infections across the globe are ignored by them.

Trump created the coronavirus task force run by Vice President Mike Pence. Their sole purpose is to address this pandemic. But the Trump-haters pretend that just because the team that Obama created, at the end of his presidency, was merged as part of the reorganization, that nothing is in place to perform all the required duties.

The pandemic response team is nothing but a red herring people keep tossing out there. The people doing that cannot tell us what the team was supposed to do that no one else in government is not already doing.

The Truth About the Charge That Trump ‘Eliminated’ White House Pandemic Office Before Coronavirus
The person in charge left & they scattered some to other areas. So they was no designated group to this of problem.

You had a group looking only at these issues and Trump & his cronies said we did not need that & broke it up./
what the fk did that mean?
But of course the left and their media will never do any significant reporting on this.
(hint to our board libs: Trump was not president in 2009, nor 2010, nor 2011, nor 2012, nor 2013, nor 2014, nor 2015, nor 2016)

"the H1N1 influenza outbreak in 2009, which triggered a nationwide shortage of masks and caused a 2- to 3-year backlog orders for the N95 variety, the stockpile distributed about three-quarters of its inventory and didn’t build back the supply."

In have an idea. Why don't you lying assfucks show me where Congress funded them and Obama said no.

Furthermore, your fat asssed orange buddy has been President for 3/4 of a complete 4 year term. At what point is anything is his fault? He was briefed. We had a Pandemic office in the NSC. What the fuck happened to it?
The primary responsibility for PPE, ventilators and other medical equipment belongs to the states and local government

new york failed to maintain m95 masks and other necessary supplies and now coumo is doing CYA

at the same time the federal government should have replenished its stocks also

so there is blame to go around including Dr Fauci
A State cannot muster the resources that the federal government can to deal with any disaster that might occur for several reasons. First being states can not create money. The federal government has the power to create whatever funds are needed in a disaster. Secondly, the federal government can move supplies and other resources between states as the need arises. Last, for every state to maintain and equivalent to the CDC, FEMA, and other parts of the federal government sufficient to handle any disaster would be wasteful and cost prohibited.

Hospitals with the help of local and state government need to be ready to handle the more common disasters such as fires, floods, storms, explosions, train and plane accidents, etc, not a pandemics the size of which the nation has not seen in a hundreds years.
What you say is true up to a point

states can do little during an emergency

but they have had about 10 years since the previous chinese pandemic and that is time enough to stockpile needed supplies and equipment

but states like new york said why bother?

uncle sugar will take care of us when the time comes
Of course, the states could stock pile if the feds said they needed to do so but that has never been the case. The states stockpile only enough to last till the feds to get there. Just as a tornado or hurricane does not hit every state, epidemics, can be selected which makes it bit wasteful for every state to stockpile for what is very unlikely to occur their state. This is the first pandemic that hit a number of states in a hundred years. For every state to build a stockpile would be wasteful.

Another point to keep in mind is that the CDC employs over 10,000 people of which about 2500 are epidemiologist. Most states employ between 0 and 3 epidemiologist. Most state have no plans for a pandemic because that is something the federal government plans and they inform the states as what their part should be.

States should plan on what is likely to effect their state and federal government should plan on events that are not likely to hit any specific state but likely to hit somewhere in the nation.
Of course, the states could stock pile if the feds said they needed to do so but that has never been the case. The states stockpile only enough to last till the feds to get there.

not so

Its always been the states and local government with primary responsibility for the health of their citizens

the states like new york and california chose to be unprepared
They have primary responsibility of delivering healthcare to their citizens. That does not mean buying billions of dollars of supplies that they are not likely to need but others states will need. Centrally purchasing supplies and distributing where needed can be done far cheaper than every state doing it. It would be a huge duplication of cost and effort.
why not? if it is their responsibility, it's their responsibility. I love it, the push the blame from the true idiots that didn't place orders in February to help their own. It wasn't trump's nor obammy's. it isn't a president's position to provide local healthcare. it is mayors and governors. but hey, keep your tongue tight against your demofks dick.
It's responsibility of the local medical community to provide medical care for routine problems and emergencies not epidemics, with no known treatments or prevention requiring resources that would be impossible for them to provide. This is were the federal government's responsible comes into play. Unlike local healthcare facilities, the federal government has unlimited resources in a national emergency. They spend billions dollars on research, planning, and acquiring resources to deal with national emergencies that may or may not ever come to pass. They have the ability to shift resources to where they are most needed, to force if necessary the production of needed equipment and supplies.
then their administrations should be fired. everyone. when they heard of this problem they should have immediately put in orders with their distributors. That isn't a trump responsibility. he's there if there are issues and only if there are issues to relax the supplies. dude, please your constant convering up for the slackers. McFly
It is the responsibility of federal government to provide help to the states in a national emergency. This is why we spend 18 billion a year on FEMA and about 8 billion on the CDC. It would be incredibility stupid for thousands of hospital to spend tens of million of dollars each on equipment and supplies that they would most probably never use. The federal goverment only needs to stock pile some what will be finally needed because supplies and equipment can moved from place to place as needed.
With the welfare beggar mentality that grips this country its not surprising libs in big blue cities would shirk their duty to provide for the health of their citizens

but it really is their responsibilty whether you admit it or not

we know that NIH and the CDC did not spend their billions wisely since the last pandemic 10 years ago
So your solution is elimination the federal agencies that help states in an emergency so that each state would have to build their equivalent of the CDC, FEMA, and warehouse all supplies for whatever emergency might arise?
If the choice is only extremes - i.e. no FEMA or only FEMA with no state and local responsibility that is your world not mine

but consider this: if you put all your faith in the feds and they are asleep at the wheel such as NIH and CDC was this time you are pretty much screwed.

you will wreck the economy and the nations health at the same time
The only way to avoid wrecking the economy when a virus like covid 19 hits is to get ahead of the game which means ordering test kits before the first known US infection, not two months later and having response teams investigating the first and every infection, testing, tracking, and quarantining. If that doesn't happen then the country will be faced with mitigation and that means serious economic consequences.

Stopping an epidemic is not rock science. It takes advanced planning, adequate resources, and a leadership that understands the importance of a rapid response. Almost 1 month after we learned about Covid 19, the White House formed a response task force to determine the proper response and a division of responsibilities between the states and the various parts of the federal government.
I know libs are trying to make this trump’s katrina but it wont fly outside of lib la la land
Sorry, but it already is.

If Trump was President during Katrina.... " Its a thunderstorm. Low risk." "A shower, It will rain & then leave."

As for after the storm. look at Puertoi Rico. A total fuck up.

Trump can 't even get testing to where it needs to be. Now he says we don't need it.
For confirmed trump haters sure

but everyone else knows his staff is doing a good job
The Trump administration has been a day late and a dollar short in just about everything they have done or should have done. Starting with the 2018 firing of the Pandemic Response Team, cutting funds from the budget used by the CDC to track international epidemics which congress restored, the administration has shown they had no interest whatsoever in preparing for a pandemic. For 3 years the administration failed to bring the supply of N95 respirators even up to a minimum level for fighting a regional epidemic much less a pandemic. Even after there was no doubt that the nation faced a pandemic and the virus was already in the US, the administration still failed to act. In fact, they didn't order respirators or other supplies until the middle of March. Almost everything that possibly could go wrong with the creation, distribution, and regulation of the test kits went wrong.

So what did the administration do during the two months when the virus could have been stopped. Committees were organized to determine what to do, a Chinese travel ban that was not well enforced and riddled with loopholes was put in place in January. For 8 weeks, the president and other members of his staff, carried the message to the public that we were just dealing with the flu. After 10 weeks, when the whole world was aware that American had an epidemic to deal with did the president decide to respond. However, by then there were active cases in 4 states and it was estimated that there were exposures to the virus in a dozen more. America was becoming a text book case in how not to handle a nationwide epidemic.
Everything you say is a half truth or an outright lie

if you get all your info from the lib news media that may explain your misinformation

for instance trump did not fire the pandemic team

what he did was reorganize the effort and consolidate their positions

the pandemic team never ceased to exist though they seem to have been watching more porn than preparing for the next Chinese disease
No, Trump didn't call the members of the team into his office and fire them. It doesn't happen like that. It was done through John Bolton in early 2018. There were 19 members of the team. Some of the them left the agency and the remainder were reassigned to other duties. That sounds more like an elimination of function than a reorganization.

If there was a functioning team responsible for planning and preparedness for a pandemic, you would expect that they would have acted when on Jan 8th the WHO informed the US that a pandemic was on it's way. At that time the government had a critical shortage of reagents needed for the test kit, PPEs for workers, and supplies need to administer the tests, yet nothing was ordered. The CDC threw together only enough kits to test a small number of patients. Enough supplies to test patients in large numbers were not ordered till March.

Another tip off of unpreparedness of the administration for covid 19 was the formation of a committee on Jan 30 to formulate a response to Covid 19 if needed. In early February the US had two known cases and cases were popping up in a dozen countries. Yet the Trump administration was questioning whether we were dealing with just the common flu. By late February, South Korea had over a hundred thousand test kits and the CDC had produced about 100 capable of testing 300 to 400 people which they distributed equally to all states. It was then discovered that the test kits were flawed and producing inaccurate results. Washington state had over 25 cases and no working test kits which made it almost impossible to do contact tracing and resulting quarantines. By the time the state had any working test kits, there were an estimated 1,000 active cases.

In early March Trump sent Pence on a mission to several states to assure them that all was well. In Washington, Pence assure the state that the test kits were on their way which they were not. In Florida, Pence delivered Trump's message that Cruise travel was safe. A little over a week later the government advised Americans not take any cruises.

While the Trump administration was trying to figure out what needed to done and who should do it, South Korea was doing what the US should have been doing, testing, tracing contacts, and quarantining. In 3 weeks South Korea had brought the epidemic under control reducing the number new cases per day by 90%. During the same time period cases in the US increased from 53 to 154,000 and the US had entered the mitigation phase in which there was no chance of eliminating the virus.

If the US had been prepared in early February, there is a good chance that the virus could have been brought under control in March, thousands of lives could have been saved, and there would have been no need for shutting the country down.
People act like the CDC and NIH don't do anything all year, as if infections across the globe are ignored by them.

Trump created thehttps://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jan/20/coronavirus-spreads-to-beijing-as-china-confirms-new-cases by Vice President Mike Pence. Their sole purpose is to address this pandemic. But the Trump-haters pretend that just because the team that Obama created, at the end of his presidency, was merged as part of the reorganization, that nothing is in place to perform all the required duties.

The pandemic response team is nothing but a red herring people keep tossing out there. The people doing that cannot tell us what the team was supposed to do that no one else in government is not already doing.

The Truth About the Charge That Trump ‘Eliminated’ White House Pandemic Office Before Coronavirus
It seems far more likely that this reorganization was to eliminate a function that Trump considered of no value. However, if we assume that the work of preparing for a pandemic continued, one would expect that there would actually be some evidence of that. The CDC's lack of reagents to build the test kits, lack off PPEs to protect staff, lack of supplies to administer the test, and lack of regulations that allow local labs to process tests are indicative of a total lack of preparedness.

The first major outbreak occurred in a nursing home in Kirkland Washington. On Feb 27th the state reported the outbreak to the CDC. It took over 2 days before anyone from the CDC showed up and they had no test kits. A couple days later a few test kits arrived but not enough to test all the patients, or any of the staff or any of the hundreds of people that had contact with those infected. Due to lack test kits and lack test processing, it took 10 days just get all the nursing home tested, about 100 people plus staff. The lack of tests made contract tracing and quarantining nearly impossible. By the time a sufficient number of test kits arrived and testing was being done, the virus had spread throughout the community.

If the Trump administration was prepared for the epidemic, they were completely incompetent in dealing with it. In an epidemic, you have days not weeks or months to respond, if you're going to have any hope of irradiating the virus, you have to move fast and have the needed resources in place. That of course, did not happen.
Last edited:
But of course the left and their media will never do any significant reporting on this.
(hint to our board libs: Trump was not president in 2009, nor 2010, nor 2011, nor 2012, nor 2013, nor 2014, nor 2015, nor 2016)

"the H1N1 influenza outbreak in 2009, which triggered a nationwide shortage of masks and caused a 2- to 3-year backlog orders for the N95 variety, the stockpile distributed about three-quarters of its inventory and didn’t build back the supply."

Blacks don't save...everyone knows that.
But of course the left and their media will never do any significant reporting on this.
(hint to our board libs: Trump was not president in 2009, nor 2010, nor 2011, nor 2012, nor 2013, nor 2014, nor 2015, nor 2016)

"the H1N1 influenza outbreak in 2009, which triggered a nationwide shortage of masks and caused a 2- to 3-year backlog orders for the N95 variety, the stockpile distributed about three-quarters of its inventory and didn’t build back the supply."

In have an idea. Why don't you lying assfucks show me where Congress funded them and Obama said no.

Furthermore, your fat asssed orange buddy has been President for 3/4 of a complete 4 year term. At what point is anything is his fault? He was briefed. We had a Pandemic office in the NSC. What the fuck happened to it?
The primary responsibility for PPE, ventilators and other medical equipment belongs to the states and local government

new york failed to maintain m95 masks and other necessary supplies and now coumo is doing CYA

at the same time the federal government should have replenished its stocks also

so there is blame to go around including Dr Fauci
A State cannot muster the resources that the federal government can to deal with any disaster that might occur for several reasons. First being states can not create money. The federal government has the power to create whatever funds are needed in a disaster. Secondly, the federal government can move supplies and other resources between states as the need arises. Last, for every state to maintain and equivalent to the CDC, FEMA, and other parts of the federal government sufficient to handle any disaster would be wasteful and cost prohibited.

Hospitals with the help of local and state government need to be ready to handle the more common disasters such as fires, floods, storms, explosions, train and plane accidents, etc, not a pandemics the size of which the nation has not seen in a hundreds years.
What you say is true up to a point

states can do little during an emergency

but they have had about 10 years since the previous chinese pandemic and that is time enough to stockpile needed supplies and equipment

but states like new york said why bother?

uncle sugar will take care of us when the time comes
Of course, the states could stock pile if the feds said they needed to do so but that has never been the case. The states stockpile only enough to last till the feds to get there. Just as a tornado or hurricane does not hit every state, epidemics, can be selected which makes it bit wasteful for every state to stockpile for what is very unlikely to occur their state. This is the first pandemic that hit a number of states in a hundred years. For every state to build a stockpile would be wasteful.

Another point to keep in mind is that the CDC employs over 10,000 people of which about 2500 are epidemiologist. Most states employ between 0 and 3 epidemiologist. Most state have no plans for a pandemic because that is something the federal government plans and they inform the states as what their part should be.

States should plan on what is likely to effect their state and federal government should plan on events that are not likely to hit any specific state but likely to hit somewhere in the nation.
Of course, the states could stock pile if the feds said they needed to do so but that has never been the case. The states stockpile only enough to last till the feds to get there.

not so

Its always been the states and local government with primary responsibility for the health of their citizens

the states like new york and california chose to be unprepared
They have primary responsibility of delivering healthcare to their citizens. That does not mean buying billions of dollars of supplies that they are not likely to need but others states will need. Centrally purchasing supplies and distributing where needed can be done far cheaper than every state doing it. It would be a huge duplication of cost and effort.
why not? if it is their responsibility, it's their responsibility. I love it, the push the blame from the true idiots that didn't place orders in February to help their own. It wasn't trump's nor obammy's. it isn't a president's position to provide local healthcare. it is mayors and governors. but hey, keep your tongue tight against your demofks dick.
It's responsibility of the local medical community to provide medical care for routine problems and emergencies not epidemics, with no known treatments or prevention requiring resources that would be impossible for them to provide. This is were the federal government's responsible comes into play. Unlike local healthcare facilities, the federal government has unlimited resources in a national emergency. They spend billions dollars on research, planning, and acquiring resources to deal with national emergencies that may or may not ever come to pass. They have the ability to shift resources to where they are most needed, to force if necessary the production of needed equipment and supplies.
then their administrations should be fired. everyone. when they heard of this problem they should have immediately put in orders with their distributors. That isn't a trump responsibility. he's there if there are issues and only if there are issues to relax the supplies. dude, please your constant convering up for the slackers. McFly
It is the responsibility of federal government to provide help to the states in a national emergency. This is why we spend 18 billion a year on FEMA and about 8 billion on the CDC. It would be incredibility stupid for thousands of hospital to spend tens of million of dollars each on equipment and supplies that they would most probably never use. The federal goverment only needs to stock pile some what will be finally needed because supplies and equipment can moved from place to place as needed.
With the welfare beggar mentality that grips this country its not surprising libs in big blue cities would shirk their duty to provide for the health of their citizens

but it really is their responsibilty whether you admit it or not

we know that NIH and the CDC did not spend their billions wisely since the last pandemic 10 years ago
So your solution is elimination the federal agencies that help states in an emergency so that each state would have to build their equivalent of the CDC, FEMA, and warehouse all supplies for whatever emergency might arise?
If the choice is only extremes - i.e. no FEMA or only FEMA with no state and local responsibility that is your world not mine

but consider this: if you put all your faith in the feds and they are asleep at the wheel such as NIH and CDC was this time you are pretty much screwed.

you will wreck the economy and the nations health at the same time
The only way to avoid wrecking the economy when a virus like covid 19 hits is to get ahead of the game which means ordering test kits before the first known US infection, not two months later and having response teams investigating the first and every infection, testing, tracking, and quarantining. If that doesn't happen then the country will be faced with mitigation and that means serious economic consequences.

Stopping an epidemic is not rock science. It takes advanced planning, adequate resources, and a leadership that understands the importance of a rapid response. Almost 1 month after we learned about Covid 19, the White House formed a response task force to determine the proper response and a division of responsibilities between the states and the various parts of the federal government.
I know libs are trying to make this trump’s katrina but it wont fly outside of lib la la land
Sorry, but it already is.

If Trump was President during Katrina.... " Its a thunderstorm. Low risk." "A shower, It will rain & then leave."

As for after the storm. look at Puertoi Rico. A total fuck up.

Trump can 't even get testing to where it needs to be. Now he says we don't need it.
For confirmed trump haters sure

but everyone else knows his staff is doing a good job
The Trump administration has been a day late and a dollar short in just about everything they have done or should have done. Starting with the 2018 firing of the Pandemic Response Team, cutting funds from the budget used by the CDC to track international epidemics which congress restored, the administration has shown they had no interest whatsoever in preparing for a pandemic. For 3 years the administration failed to bring the supply of N95 respirators even up to a minimum level for fighting a regional epidemic much less a pandemic. Even after there was no doubt that the nation faced a pandemic and the virus was already in the US, the administration still failed to act. In fact, they didn't order respirators or other supplies until the middle of March. Almost everything that possibly could go wrong with the creation, distribution, and regulation of the test kits went wrong.

So what did the administration do during the two months when the virus could have been stopped. Committees were organized to determine what to do, a Chinese travel ban that was not well enforced and riddled with loopholes was put in place in January. For 8 weeks, the president and other members of his staff, carried the message to the public that we were just dealing with the flu. After 10 weeks, when the whole world was aware that American had an epidemic to deal with did the president decide to respond. However, by then there were active cases in 4 states and it was estimated that there were exposures to the virus in a dozen more. America was becoming a text book case in how not to handle a nationwide epidemic.
Everything you say is a half truth or an outright lie

if you get all your info from the lib news media that may explain your misinformation

for instance trump did not fire the pandemic team

what he did was reorganize the effort and consolidate their positions

the pandemic team never ceased to exist though they seem to have been watching more porn than preparing for the next Chinese disease
No, Trump didn't call the members of the team into his office and fire them. It doesn't happen like that. It was done through John Bolton in early 2018. There were 19 members of the team. Some of the them left the agency and the remainder were reassigned to other duties. That sounds more like an elimination of function than a reorganization.

If there was a functioning team responsible for planning and preparedness for a pandemic, you would expect that they would have acted when on Jan 8th the WHO informed the US that a pandemic was on it's way. At that time the government had a critical shortage of reagents needed for the test kit, PPEs for workers, and supplies need to administer the tests, yet nothing was ordered. The CDC threw together only enough kits to test a small number of patients. Enough supplies to test patients in large numbers were not ordered till March.

Another tip off of unpreparedness of the administration for covid 19 was the formation of a committee on Jan 30 to formulate a response to Covid 19 if needed. In early February the US had two known cases and cases were popping up in a dozen countries. Yet the Trump administration was questioning whether we were dealing with just the common flu. By late February, South Korea had over a hundred thousand test kits and the CDC had produced about 100 capable of testing 300 to 400 people which they distributed equally to all states. It was then discovered that the test kits were flawed and producing inaccurate results. Washington state had over 25 cases and no working test kits which made it almost impossible to do contact tracing and resulting quarantines. By the time the state had any working test kits, there were an estimated 1,000 active cases.

In early March Trump sent Pence on a mission to several states to assure them that all was well. In Washington, Pence assure the state that the test kits were on their way which they were not. In Florida, Pence delivered Trump's message that Cruise travel was safe. A little over a week later the government advised Americans not take any cruises.

While the Trump administration was trying to figure out what needed to done and who should do it, South Korea was doing what the US should have been doing, testing, tracing contacts, and quarantining. In 3 weeks South Korea had brought the epidemic under control reducing the number new cases per day by 90%. During the same time period cases in the US increased from 53 to 154,000 and the US had entered the mitigation phase in which there was no chance of eliminating the virus.

If the US had been prepared in early February, there is a good chance that the virus could have been brought under control in March, thousands of lives could have been saved, and there would have been no need for shutting the country down.
People act like the CDC and NIH don't do anything all year, as if infections across the globe are ignored by them.

Trump created thehttps://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jan/20/coronavirus-spreads-to-beijing-as-china-confirms-new-cases by Vice President Mike Pence. Their sole purpose is to address this pandemic. But the Trump-haters pretend that just because the team that Obama created, at the end of his presidency, was merged as part of the reorganization, that nothing is in place to perform all the required duties.

The pandemic response team is nothing but a red herring people keep tossing out there. The people doing that cannot tell us what the team was supposed to do that no one else in government is not already doing.

The Truth About the Charge That Trump ‘Eliminated’ White House Pandemic Office Before Coronavirus
It seems far more likely that this reorganization was to eliminate a function that Trump considered of no value. However, if we assume that the work of preparing for a pandemic continued, one would expect that there would actually be some evidence of that. The CDC's lack of reagents to build the test kits, lack off PPEs to protect staff, lack of supplies to administer the test, and lack of regulations that allow local labs to process tests are indicative of a total lack of preparedness.

The first major outbreak occurred in a nursing home in Kirkland Washington. On Feb 27th the state reported the outbreak to the CDC. It took over 2 days before anyone from the CDC showed up and they had no test kits. A couple days later a few test kits arrived but not enough to test all the patients, or any of the staff or any of the hundreds of people that had contact with those infected. Due to lack test kits and lack test processing, it took 10 days just get all the nursing home tested, about 100 people plus staff. The lack of tests made contract tracing and quarantining nearly impossible. By the time a sufficient number of test kits arrived and testing was being done, the virus had spread throughout the community.

If the Trump administration was prepared for the epidemic, they were completely incompetent in dealing with it. In an epidemic, you have days not weeks or months to respond, if you're going to have any hope of irradiating the virus, you have to move fast and have the needed resources in place. That of course, did not happen.
it could be you have no fking idea.
It doesn't matter which president we pick. We can with the benefit of hindsight find thousands of things to "Why didn't they do" them about.
You're right, but the fact is the buck does stops with this president. He certainly knew or at least his administration was well aware of the fact, that there was no plan to deal with a nationwide epidermic. Resources were totally inadequate. For 6 weeks after China made the world aware of the epidemic, little was done in the US except blocking travel from China and assuring the American people that Cornavirus was no big deal. In late February, the president's goal was to downplayed the seriousness of the deadly outbreak, now in the US saying the risk to Americans is still “very low” and that people can relax because Mike Pence has been put in charge of the administration’s response to the virus. Pence's real mission was to convince the states that the federal government had all the resources needed to fight the virus which of course they didn't. Pence carried the president's message to Florida that cruise travel was safe. Only days later the CDC told all Americans to avoid cruise travel and a week later the president declared a national emergency. The US response to the virus in the critical months of January and February is best described as a cluster fuck in which no one seems to have any idea how to proceed.
Hopefully someday we will elect a president that will see the future as well as you see things in hindsight. It's not going to be 2020, because neither Trump nor Biden have that ability.

A president greatest responsibility is to protect the nation from natural or man made disasters. It doesn't take a psychic to realize that a major epidemic will hit the country. It has never been a question of if but rather when. Trump was warned multiple times and he choose to ignore it. Now both Trump and the nation will pay the price.

Isn't it strange how everything President Trump did and is still doing is good for American school children, and he was right about society going on and living as normal as possible, while many Democrats chose to lay down and play dead, which sent their victims to move to Republican states who followed science that indicated it was better for all aspects for an astonishingly large percentage benefitted in which we lost only 1 in a million to Covid, while 500+ kids in the states they left committed suicide due to the hell not getting to interact with kids their own age was just too much. Democrats are dangerous to the health of human children who have the misery of living in the basement for extended periods of time.
But of course the left and their media will never do any significant reporting on this.
(hint to our board libs: Trump was not president in 2009, nor 2010, nor 2011, nor 2012, nor 2013, nor 2014, nor 2015, nor 2016)

"the H1N1 influenza outbreak in 2009, which triggered a nationwide shortage of masks and caused a 2- to 3-year backlog orders for the N95 variety, the stockpile distributed about three-quarters of its inventory and didn’t build back the supply."

The Obama administration was not solely responsible for the current shortage of masks. In the intervening years, the stockpile went unreplenished as the Trump administration failed to heed indications that dramatic shortages could occur.

A series of cost-cutting decisions made by the Trump administration in preceding years gutted the nation’s infectious disease defense infrastructure eliminating most of the pandemic response team. A WHO report in 2017 cited the US for lack of preparation for a pandemic which was ignored as well as a report by Homeland Security in 2019 which cited the lack of resources to address a major epidermic in the US. The Trump administration is criticized for not being proactive but the fact is it lacked both resources and planning needed to just be reactive.

Meanwhile Obama and governors like Cuomo failed to fund replenishment of their emergency medical supplies after they were depleted..

Fact check: Did Obama administration deplete N95 mask stockpile? (usatoday.com)
It doesn't matter which president we pick. We can with the benefit of hindsight find thousands of things to "Why didn't they do" them about.
You're right, but the fact is the buck does stops with this president. He certainly knew or at least his administration was well aware of the fact, that there was no plan to deal with a nationwide epidermic. Resources were totally inadequate. For 6 weeks after China made the world aware of the epidemic, little was done in the US except blocking travel from China and assuring the American people that Cornavirus was no big deal. In late February, the president's goal was to downplayed the seriousness of the deadly outbreak, now in the US saying the risk to Americans is still “very low” and that people can relax because Mike Pence has been put in charge of the administration’s response to the virus. Pence's real mission was to convince the states that the federal government had all the resources needed to fight the virus which of course they didn't. Pence carried the president's message to Florida that cruise travel was safe. Only days later the CDC told all Americans to avoid cruise travel and a week later the president declared a national emergency. The US response to the virus in the critical months of January and February is best described as a cluster fuck in which no one seems to have any idea how to proceed.
Hopefully someday we will elect a president that will see the future as well as you see things in hindsight. It's not going to be 2020, because neither Trump nor Biden have that ability.

A president greatest responsibility is to protect the nation from natural or man made disasters. It doesn't take a psychic to realize that a major epidemic will hit the country. It has never been a question of if but rather when. Trump was warned multiple times and he choose to ignore it. Now both Trump and the nation will pay the price.

Isn't it strange how everything President Trump did and is still doing is good for American school children, and he was right about society going on and living as normal as possible, while many Democrats chose to lay down and play dead, which sent their victims to move to Republican states who followed science that indicated it was better for all aspects for an astonishingly large percentage benefitted in which we lost only 1 in a million to Covid, while 500+ kids in the states they left committed suicide due to the hell not getting to interact with kids their own age was just too much. Democrats are dangerous to the health of human children who have the misery of living in the basement for extended periods of time.

...and that's when they are not forcing little children to take sex change hormones

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